_rules as $name => $_) { $this->_data[$name] = []; } $this->setLength($length); $this->_sampler = new Math\Sampler\Random(); return; } /** * The random and uniform algorithm. * * @param \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule $rule Rule to start. * @param int $n Size. * @return string */ public function uniform(Compiler\Llk\Rule $rule = null, $n = -1) { if (null === $rule && -1 === $n) { $rule = $this->_rules[$this->_rootRuleName]; $n = $this->getLength(); } $data = &$this->_data[$rule->getName()][$n]; $computed = $data['n']; if (0 === $n || 0 === $computed) { return null; } if ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Choice) { $children = $rule->getChildren(); $stat = []; foreach ($children as $c => $child) { $stat[$c] = $this->_data[$child][$n]['n']; } $i = $this->_sampler->getInteger(1, $computed); for ($e = 0, $b = $stat[$e], $max = count($stat) - 1; $e < $max && $i > $b; $b += $stat[++$e]); return $this->uniform($this->_rules[$children[$e]], $n); } elseif ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation) { $children = $rule->getChildren(); $out = null; $Γ = $data['Γ']; $γ = $Γ[$this->_sampler->getInteger(0, count($Γ) - 1)]; foreach ($children as $i => $child) { $out .= $this->uniform($this->_rules[$child], $γ[$i]); } return $out; } elseif ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition) { $out = null; $stat = &$data['xy']; $child = $this->_rules[$rule->getChildren()]; $b = 0; $i = $this->_sampler->getInteger(1, $computed); foreach ($stat as $α => $st) { if ($i <= $b += $st['n']) { break; } } $Γ = &$st['Γ']; $γ = &$Γ[$this->_sampler->getInteger(0, count($Γ) - 1)]; for ($j = 0; $j < $α; ++$j) { $out .= $this->uniform($child, $γ[$j]); } return $out; } elseif ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token) { return $this->generateToken($rule); } return null; } /** * Recursive method applied to our problematic. * * @param \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule $rule Rule to start. * @param int $n Size. * @return int */ public function count(Compiler\Llk\Rule $rule = null, $n = -1) { if (null === $rule || -1 === $n) { return 0; } $ruleName = $rule->getName(); if (isset($this->_data[$ruleName][$n])) { return $this->_data[$ruleName][$n]['n']; } $this->_data[$ruleName][$n] = ['n' => 0]; $out = &$this->_data[$ruleName][$n]['n']; $rule = $this->_rules[$ruleName]; if ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Choice) { foreach ($rule->getChildren() as $child) { $out += $this->count($this->_rules[$child], $n); } } elseif ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation) { $children = $rule->getChildren(); $Γ = new Math\Combinatorics\Combination\Gamma( count($children), $n ); $this->_data[$ruleName][$n]['Γ'] = []; $handle = &$this->_data[$ruleName][$n]['Γ']; foreach ($Γ as $γ) { $oout = 1; foreach ($γ as $α => $_γ) { $oout *= $this->count($this->_rules[$children[$α]], $_γ); } if (0 !== $oout) { $handle[] = $γ; } $out += $oout; } } elseif ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition) { $this->_data[$ruleName][$n]['xy'] = []; $handle = &$this->_data[$ruleName][$n]['xy']; $child = $this->_rules[$rule->getChildren()]; $x = $rule->getMin(); $y = $rule->getMax(); if (-1 === $y) { $y = $n; } else { $y = min($n, $y); } if (0 === $x && $x === $y) { $out = 1; } else { for ($α = $x; $α <= $y; ++$α) { $ut = 0; $handle[$α] = ['n' => 0, 'Γ' => []]; $Γ = new Math\Combinatorics\Combination\Gamma($α, $n); foreach ($Γ as $γ) { $oout = 1; foreach ($γ as $β => $_γ) { $oout *= $this->count($child, $_γ); } if (0 !== $oout) { $handle[$α]['Γ'][] = $γ; } $ut += $oout; } $handle[$α]['n'] = $ut; $out += $ut; } } } elseif ($rule instanceof Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token) { $out = Math\Util::δ($n, 1); } return $out; } /** * Set upper-bound, the maximum data length. * * @param int $length Length. * @return int * @throws \Hoa\Compiler\Exception */ public function setLength($length) { if (0 >= $length) { throw new Exception( 'Length must be greater than 0, given %d.', 0, $length ); } $old = $this->_length; $this->_length = $length; $this->count( $this->_compiler->getRule($this->_rootRuleName), $length ); return $old; } /** * Get upper-bound. * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return $this->_length; } }