toArray(); } if (! $maxDepth) { return is_object($var) ? get_class($var) : (is_array($var) ? 'Array(' . count($var) . ')' : $var); } if (is_array($var)) { $return = []; foreach ($var as $k => $v) { $return[$k] = self::export($v, $maxDepth - 1); } return $return; } if (! $isObj) { return $var; } $return = new stdClass(); if ($var instanceof DateTimeInterface) { $return->__CLASS__ = get_class($var); $return->date = $var->format('c'); $return->timezone = $var->getTimezone()->getName(); return $return; } $return->__CLASS__ = ClassUtils::getClass($var); if ($var instanceof Proxy) { $return->__IS_PROXY__ = true; $return->__PROXY_INITIALIZED__ = $var->__isInitialized(); } if ($var instanceof ArrayObject || $var instanceof ArrayIterator) { $return->__STORAGE__ = self::export($var->getArrayCopy(), $maxDepth - 1); } return self::fillReturnWithClassAttributes($var, $return, $maxDepth); } /** * Fill the $return variable with class attributes * Based on obj2array function from {@see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.get-object-vars.php#47075} * * @param object $var * @param int $maxDepth * * @return mixed */ private static function fillReturnWithClassAttributes($var, stdClass $return, $maxDepth) { $clone = (array) $var; foreach (array_keys($clone) as $key) { $aux = explode("\0", $key); $name = end($aux); if ($aux[0] === '') { $name .= ':' . ($aux[1] === '*' ? 'protected' : $aux[1] . ':private'); } $return->$name = self::export($clone[$key], $maxDepth - 1); } return $return; } /** * Returns a string representation of an object. * * @param object $obj * * @return string */ public static function toString($obj) { return method_exists($obj, '__toString') ? (string) $obj : get_class($obj) . '@' . spl_object_hash($obj); } }