Allowed values for settingName are: emailCustomer, merchantEmail, allowPartialAuth, headerEmailReceipt, footerEmailReceipt, recurringBilling, duplicateWindow, testRequest.
true/false. Used by createTransaction method.
string. Used by createTransaction method.
true/false. Used by createTransaction method.
string. Used by createTransaction method.
string. Used by createTransaction method.
true/false. Used by createTransaction method.
number. Used by createTransaction method.
true/false. Used by createTransaction method.
string. Used by getHostedProfilePage method.
string. Used by getHostedProfilePage method.
true/false. Used by getHostedProfilePage method.
string. Used by getHostedProfilePage method.
#e0e0e0. Used by getHostedProfilePage method.
liveMode/testMode liveMode: generates a transaction to the processor in the amount of 0.01 or 0.00. is immediately voided, if successful. testMode: performs field validation only, all fields are validated except unrestricted field definitions (viz. telephone number) do not generate errors. If a validation transaction is unsuccessful, the profile is not created, and the merchant receives an error.
true/false. If true, sets First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, and Zip Code as required fields in order for a payment profile to be created or updated within a hosted CIM form.
true/false. If true, sets the Card Code field as required in order for a payment profile to be created or updated within a hosted CIM form.
showBillingAddress/showNone showBillingAddress: Allow merchant to show billing address. showNone : Hide billing address and billing name.
showAll/showPayment/ShowShipping showAll: Shipping and Payment profiles are shown on the manage page, this is the default. showPayment : Only Payment profiles are shown on the manage page. showShipping : Only Shippiung profiles are shown on the manage page.
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method.
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method.
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method
JSON string. Used by sendCustomerTransactionReceipt method
showAll/showCreditCard/showBankAccount showAll: both CreditCard and BankAccount sections will be shown on Add payment page, this is the default. showCreditCard :only CreditCard payment form will be shown on Add payment page. showBankAccount :only BankAccount payment form will be shown on Add payment page.
string. Used by getHostedProfilePage method to accept button text configuration.
string. Used by getHostedPaymentPage method to accept VisaCheckout configuration.
Allowed values for settingName are: headerEmailReceipt and footerEmailReceipt
Allowed values for settingName are: hostedProfileReturnUrl, hostedProfileReturnUrlText, hostedProfilePageBorderVisible, hostedProfileIFrameCommunicatorUrl, hostedProfileHeadingBgColor, hostedProfileBillingAddressRequired, hostedProfileCardCodeRequired, hostedProfileBillingAddressOptions, hostedProfileManageOptions, hostedProfilePaymentOptions, hostedProfileSaveButtonText.
Allowed values for settingName are: hostedPaymentIFrameCommunicatorUrl, hostedPaymentButtonOptions, hostedPaymentReturnOptions, hostedPaymentOrderOptions, hostedPaymentPaymentOptions, hostedPaymentBillingAddressOptions, hostedPaymentShippingAddressOptions, hostedPaymentSecurityOptions, hostedPaymentCustomerOptions, hostedPaymentStyleOptions