configData = configItem(); } /** * @param string $ordderData - Order ID * request to Stripe checkout *---------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function processRavepayRequest($request) { //get payment request details data in try catch block try { //collect ravepay data in config array $configItem = getArrayItem($this->configData, 'payments.gateway_configuration.ravepay', []); //check test mode or product mode set ravepaykeyId or ravepaySecretkey, if (!empty($configItem)) { if ($configItem['testMode'] == true) { $ravepaySecretkey = $configItem['testSecretApiKey']; $verifyPaymentUrl = $configItem['sandboxVerifyPaymentUrl']; } else { $ravepaySecretkey = $configItem['liveSecretApiKey']; $verifyPaymentUrl = $configItem['productionVerifyPaymentUrl']; } } $data = array( 'txref' => $request['ravepayTxnRefId'], 'SECKEY' => $ravepaySecretkey, //secret key from pay button generated on rave dashboard "phonenumber" => "0902620185", "firstname" => "temi", "lastname" => "desola", ); // make request to endpoint using unirest. $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'); //get data in request body $body = Request\Body::json($data); //url to staging server. please make sure to change when in production. $url = $verifyPaymentUrl; // Make `POST` request and handle response with unirest $response = Unirest\Request::post($url, $headers, $body); if ($response->body->status == 'error') { throw new Exception($response->body->message); } //ravepay amount $ravepayAmount = (int) $request['ravepayAmount']; //check the status is success if ($response->body->data->status === "successful" && $response->body->data->chargecode === "00") { //confirm that the amount is the amount you wanted to charge if ($response->body->data->amount === $ravepayAmount) { //return transaction detail array return (array) $response; } } else { //set error message if payment failed $errorMessage['errorMessage'] = 'Payment Failed'; //return error message array return (array) $errorMessage; } //if error throw exception message } catch (Exception $e) { header("HTTP/1.0 500 Something went wrong"); //set error message if payment failed $errorMessage['errorMessage'] = $e->getMessage(); //return error message array return (array) $errorMessage; } } }