configData = configItem(); $this->configItem = getArrayItem($this->configData, 'payments.gateway_configuration.payumoney', []); } /** * Process PayUmoney payment data * @param string $ordderData - Order ID * @param string -$instamojoPyamentId - Instamojo Payment Id * request to Instamojo checkout *---------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function processPayUmoneyRequest($request) { // Check if payment gateway is enable if ($this->configItem['enable'] == true) { if ($this->configItem['testMode'] == true) { $merchantKey = $this->configItem['merchantTestKey']; $merchantSalt = $this->configItem['merchantTestSalt']; } else { $merchantKey = $this->configItem['merchantLiveKey']; $merchantSalt = $this->configItem['merchantLiveSalt']; } $hash = hash('sha512', $merchantKey . '|' . $this->configItem['txnId'] . '|' . $request['amounts'][$this->configItem['currency']] . '|' . $request['item_name'] . '|' . $request['payer_name'] . '|' . $request['payer_email'] . '|||||' . 'BOLT_KIT_PHP7' . '||||||' . $merchantSalt); return [ 'status' => true, 'key' => $merchantKey, 'txnid' => $this->configItem['txnId'], 'hash' => $hash, 'amount' => $request['amounts'][$this->configItem['currency']], 'firstname' => $request['payer_name'], 'email' => $request['payer_email'], 'phone' => $request['payer_mobile'], 'productinfo' => $request['item_name'], 'udf5' => 'BOLT_KIT_PHP7', 'surl' => getAppUrl($this->configItem['callbackUrl']) . '?paymentOption=payumoney&order_id=' . $request['order_id'], 'furl' => getAppUrl($this->configItem['callbackUrl']), 'mode' => 'dropout' ]; } return [ 'status' => false ]; } /** * Process PayUmoney payment data * @param string $ordderData - Order ID * @param string -$instamojoPyamentId - Instamojo Payment Id * request to Instamojo checkout *---------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function preparePayUmoneyPaymentResponse($requestData) { if ($this->configItem['testMode'] == true) { $merchantKey = $this->configItem['merchantTestKey']; $merchantSalt = $this->configItem['merchantTestSalt']; } else { $merchantKey = $this->configItem['merchantLiveKey']; $merchantSalt = $this->configItem['merchantLiveSalt']; } $responseHash = $requestData['hash']; $keyString = $merchantKey . '|' . $requestData['txnid'] . '|' . $requestData['amount'] . '|' . $requestData['productinfo'] . '|' . $requestData['firstname'] . '|' . $requestData['email'] . '|||||' . $requestData['udf5'] . '|||||'; $keyArray = explode("|", $keyString); $reverseKeyArray = array_reverse($keyArray); $reverseKeyString = implode("|", $reverseKeyArray); $calcHashString = strtolower(hash('sha512', $merchantSalt . '|' . $requestData['status'] . '|' . $reverseKeyString)); // Check if status is success if ($requestData['status'] == 'success' and $responseHash == $calcHashString) { return [ 'status' => 'success', 'order_id' => $requestData['order_id'], 'txn_id' => $requestData['txnid'], 'amount' => $requestData['amount'], 'raw_Data' => $requestData ]; } else { return [ 'status' => 'failed', 'order_id' => $requestData['order_id'], 'txn_id' => $requestData['txnid'], 'amount' => $requestData['amount'], 'raw_Data' => $requestData ]; } } }