configData = configItem(); //collect stripe data in config array $this->configItem = getArrayItem($this->configData, 'payments.gateway_configuration.mollie', []); // Get mollie payment gateway object $this->mollie = new \Mollie\Api\MollieApiClient(); // Check if mollie config item exists if (!empty($this->configItem)) { // Check if mollie enabled if ($this->configItem['enable'] == true) { // Check if mollie is used in test mode or production mode if ($this->configItem['testMode'] == true) { $this->mollie->setApiKey($this->configItem['testApiKey']); } else { $this->mollie->setApiKey($this->configItem['liveApiKey']); } } } } /** * Process Mollies Payment Request * * @param array $request * * request to molie checkout *---------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function processMollieRequest($request) { try { $orderId = $request['order_id']; $payment = $this->mollie->payments->create([ "amount" => [ "currency" => $this->configItem['currency'], "value" => number_format($request['amounts'][$this->configItem['currency']], 2) // You must send the correct number of decimals, thus we enforce the use of strings ], "description" => "Order #{$orderId}", "redirectUrl" => getAppUrl($this->configItem['callbackUrl']) . "?order_id={$orderId}&amount=" . $request['amounts'][$this->configItem['currency']] . "&paymentOption=mollie", "webhookUrl" => getAppUrl($this->configItem['callbackUrl']) . "?paymentOption=mollie-webhook", "metadata" => [ "order_id" => $orderId, ], ]); return [ 'message' => 'success', 'checkoutUrl' => $payment->getCheckoutUrl() ]; } catch (\Mollie\Api\Exceptions\ApiException $e) { //if payment failed set failed message $errorMessage['message'] = 'failed'; //set error message if payment failed $errorMessage['errorMessage'] = htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()); //return error message array return (array) $errorMessage; } } /** * Prepare mobile webhook data * * @param array $request * * request to molie checkout *---------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function prepareMollieWebhookData($inputData) { try { $payment = $this->mollie->payments->get($inputData["id"]); $orderId = $payment->metadata->order_id; $webhookData = [ 'raw_data' => $payment ]; if ($payment->isPaid() && !$payment->hasRefunds() && !$payment->hasChargebacks()) { /* * The payment is paid and isn't refunded or charged back. * At this point you'd probably want to start the process of delivering the product to the customer. */ $webhookData['status'] = 'paid'; } elseif ($payment->isOpen()) { /* * The payment is open. */ $webhookData['status'] = 'open'; } elseif ($payment->isPending()) { /* * The payment is pending. */ $webhookData['status'] = 'pending'; } elseif ($payment->isFailed()) { /* * The payment has failed. */ $webhookData['status'] = 'failed'; } elseif ($payment->isExpired()) { /* * The payment is expired. */ $webhookData['status'] = 'expired'; } elseif ($payment->isCanceled()) { /* * The payment has been canceled. */ $webhookData['status'] = 'canceled'; } elseif ($payment->hasRefunds()) { /* * The payment has been (partially) refunded. * The status of the payment is still "paid" */ $webhookData['status'] = 'refund'; } elseif ($payment->hasChargebacks()) { /* * The payment has been (partially) charged back. * The status of the payment is still "paid" */ $webhookData['status'] = 'chargeback'; } return $webhookData; } catch (\Mollie\Api\Exceptions\ApiException $e) { $webhookData['message'] = htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()); return $webhookData; } } }