configData = configItem(); $this->configItem = getArrayItem($this->configData, 'payments.gateway_configuration.bitpay', []); $tempStorage = __DIR__ . '/../Storage/temp/'; $this->privateKeyPath = $tempStorage . 'bitpay.pri'; $this->publicKeyPath = $tempStorage . 'bitpay.pub'; $this->bitpayTokenPath = $tempStorage . 'bitpay-token.php'; // check of config item exists if (!empty($this->configItem)) { $this->password = $this->configItem['password']; $this->testMode = $this->configItem['testMode']; } } /** * Generate Keys. * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ protected function generateKeys() { /** * Create bitpay private key file. */ $bitpayPrivateKeyFile = fopen($this->privateKeyPath, "wb"); fwrite($bitpayPrivateKeyFile, ""); fclose($bitpayPrivateKeyFile); /** * Create bitpay private key file. */ $bitpayPublicKeyFile = fopen($this->publicKeyPath, "wb"); fwrite($bitpayPublicKeyFile, ""); fclose($bitpayPublicKeyFile); /** * Start by creating a PrivateKey object: */ $privateKey = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey($this->privateKeyPath); $privateKey->generate(); /** * Once we have a private key, a public * key is created from it. */ $publicKey = new \Bitpay\PublicKey($this->publicKeyPath); $publicKey->setPrivateKey($privateKey); $publicKey->generate(); /** * It's recommended that you use the EncryptedFilesystemStorage engine to persist your * keys. You can, of course, create your own as long as it implements the StorageInterface */ $storageEngine = new \Bitpay\Storage\EncryptedFilesystemStorage($this->password); $storageEngine->persist($privateKey); $storageEngine->persist($publicKey); } /** * Generate Token. * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ protected function generateToken() { /** * To load up keys that you have previously saved, you need to use the same * storage engine. You also need to tell it the location of the key you want * to load. */ $storageEngine = new \Bitpay\Storage\EncryptedFilesystemStorage($this->password); $privateKey = $storageEngine->load($this->privateKeyPath); $publicKey = $storageEngine->load($this->publicKeyPath); /** * Generate our SIN: * Currently this part is required, however future versions of the PHP SDK will * be refactor and this part may become obsolete. */ $sin = \Bitpay\SinKey::create()->setPublicKey($publicKey)->generate(); /** * Create the client: */ $client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client(); /** * The network is either livenet or testnet. You * can also create your own as long as it * implements the NetworkInterface. In this * example we will use testnet. */ if ($this->testMode == true) { $network = new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet(); } else { $network = new \Bitpay\Network\Livenet(); } /** * The adapter is what will make the calls to * BitPay and return the response from BitPay. * This can be updated or changed as long * as it implements the AdapterInterface. */ $adapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter(); /** * Now all the objects are created and we can * inject them into the client. */ $client->setPrivateKey($privateKey); $client->setPublicKey($publicKey); $client->setNetwork($network); $client->setAdapter($adapter); /** * Paste the pairing code you generated * in your merchant dashboard */ $pairingCode = $this->configItem['pairingCode']; try { $token = $client->createToken( array( 'pairingCode' => $pairingCode, 'label' => $this->configItem['pairinglabel'], 'id' => (string) $sin, ) ); } catch (\Exception $e) { /** * The code will throw an exception if anything goes wrong, if you did not * change the $pairingCode value or if you are trying to use a pairing * code that has already been used, you will get an exception. It was * decided that it makes more sense to allow your application to handle * this exception since each app is different and has different requirements. */ echo "Exception occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; echo "Pairing failed. Please check whether you're trying to pair a production pairing code on test." . PHP_EOL; $request = $client->getRequest(); $response = $client->getResponse(); /** * You can use the entire request/response to help figure out what went * wrong, but for right now, we will just var_dump them. */ echo (string) $request . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo (string) $response . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; /** * NOTE: The `(string)` is include so that the objects are converted to a * user friendly string. */ exit(1); // We do not want to continue if something went wrong } /** * You will need to persist the token somewhere, by the time you get to this * point your application has implemented an ORM such as Doctrine or you have * your own way to persist data. Such as using a framework or some other code * base such as Drupal. */ $persistThisValue = $token->getToken(); /** * Create bitpay token file. */ $content = <<
'$persistThisValue' ]; EOT; $bitpayTokenFile = fopen($this->bitpayTokenPath, "wb"); fwrite($bitpayTokenFile, $content); fclose($bitpayTokenFile); } /** * Process Bit pay request * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function processBitPayRequest($request) { // Check if private key file exists if (!file_exists($this->privateKeyPath)) { $this->generateKeys(); } // If bitpay token not exists if (!file_exists($this->bitpayTokenPath)) { $this->generateToken(); } $bitpayTokenArray = require $this->bitpayTokenPath; $bitpayToken = $bitpayTokenArray['token']; $storageEngine = new \Bitpay\Storage\EncryptedFilesystemStorage($this->password); // Password may need to be updated if you changed it $privateKey = $storageEngine->load($this->privateKeyPath); $publicKey = $storageEngine->load($this->publicKeyPath); $client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client(); /** * The network is either livenet or testnet. You * can also create your own as long as it * implements the NetworkInterface. In this * example we will use testnet. */ if ($this->testMode == true) { $network = new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet(); } else { $network = new \Bitpay\Network\Livenet(); } $adapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter(); $client->setPrivateKey($privateKey); $client->setPublicKey($publicKey); $client->setNetwork($network); $client->setAdapter($adapter); /** * The last object that must be injected is the token object. */ $token = new \Bitpay\Token(); $token->setToken($bitpayToken); /** * Token object is injected into the client */ $client->setToken($token); /** * This is where we will start to create an Invoice object, make sure to check * the InvoiceInterface for methods that you can use. */ $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice(); $buyer = new \Bitpay\Buyer(); $buyer->setEmail($request['payer_email']); // Add the buyers info to invoice $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); $amount = $request['amounts'][$this->configItem['currency']]; /** * Item is used to keep track of a few things */ $item = new \Bitpay\Item(); $item->setCode($request['item_id']) ->setDescription($request['description']) ->setPrice($amount); $redirectUrl = getAppUrl($this->configItem['callbackUrl']); // Configure the rest of the invoice $invoice->setItem($item) ->setNotificationEmail($this->configItem['notificationEmail']) ->setNotificationUrl($redirectUrl . '?paymentOption=bitpay-ipn') ->setRedirectUrl($redirectUrl . '?paymentOption=' . $request['paymentOption'] . '&orderId=' . $request['order_id'] . '&amount=' . $amount) ->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency($this->configItem['currency'])) ->setOrderId($request['order_id']); /** * Updates invoice with new information such as the invoice id and the URL where * a customer can view the invoice. */ try { $client->createInvoice($invoice); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "Exception occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; $request = $client->getRequest(); $response = $client->getResponse(); echo (string) $request . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo (string) $response . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; exit(1); // We do not want to continue if something went wrong } header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); return [ 'status' => 'success', 'invoiceUrl' => $invoice->getUrl(), 'invoiceId' => $invoice->getId() ]; } /** * Prepare bitcoin response data * @param $requestData *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function preparePaymentRequestData($requestData) { if (false === $requestData) { return [ 'status' => 'error', 'amount' => 0, 'order_id' => null, 'transaction_id' => null, 'message' => 'Could not read from the php://input stream or invalid Bitpay IPN received.' ]; } $ipn = json_decode($requestData); if (true === empty($ipn)) { return [ 'status' => 'error', 'amount' => 0, 'order_id' => null, 'transaction_id' => null, 'message' => 'Could not decode the JSON payload from BitPay.' ]; } if (true === empty($ipn->id)) { return [ 'status' => 'error', 'amount' => 0, 'order_id' => null, 'transaction_id' => null, 'message' => 'Invalid Bitpay payment notification message received - did not receive invoice ID.' ]; } $bitpayTokenArray = require $this->bitpayTokenPath; $bitpayToken = $bitpayTokenArray['token']; $client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client(); if ($this->testMode == true) { $network = new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet(); } else { $network = new \Bitpay\Network\Livenet(); } $adapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter(); $client->setNetwork($network); $client->setAdapter($adapter); $token = new \Bitpay\Token(); $token->setToken($bitpayToken); // UPDATE THIS VALUE $client->setToken($token); /** * This is where we will fetch the invoice object */ $invoice = $client->getInvoice($ipn->id); $invoiceId = $invoice->getId(); $invoiceStatus = $invoice->getStatus(); $invoiceExceptionStatus = $invoice->getExceptionStatus(); $invoicePrice = $invoice->getPrice(); return [ 'status' => 'success', 'amount' => $invoicePrice, 'order_id' => $invoiceId, 'transaction_id' => $invoiceId, 'message' => 'Payment Successfully.' ]; } }