if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined' && module.exports === exports){ module.exports = 'ngFx'; } (function(angular, TweenMax, TimelineMax){ 'use strict;' /*! * ngFx.js is a concatenation of: * angular-animate.js and TweenMax.js */ /*! * ngFx.js is a concatenation of: * angular-animate.js and TweenMax.js */ /*! * Copyright 2015 Scott Moss * * * A simple, beautiful animation library for angular * http://hendrixer.github.io * * By @Hendrixer * * Licensed under the MIT license. * */ angular.module('fx.transitions', [ 'fx.transitions.slides', 'fx.transitions.scales', 'fx.transitions.rotations', 'fx.transitions.specials', 'fx.transitions.view' ] ); angular.module('ngFx', ['fx.animations', 'fx.transitions']); angular.module('fx.animations', [ 'fx.animations.fades', 'fx.animations.bounces', 'fx.animations.zooms', 'fx.animations.rotations', 'fx.animations.tada', 'fx.animations.pulse' ]); // angular.module('fx.animations.create', ['fx.animations.assist']) // .factory('Flip3d', ['$window', function ($window){ // return function (effect){ // var axis = effect.axis; // var flipType = 'fx-flip'+axis; // this.addClass = function(el, className, done){ // var wrapper = angular.element(el.children()[0]); // var myDone = function(){ // return done(); // }; // if(className === flipType){ // effect.transform.ease = $window.Bounce.easeOut; // effect.transform.onComplete = myDone; // TweenMax.to(wrapper, effect.duration, effect.transform); // } else { // done(); // } // }; // this.removeClass = function(el, className, done){ // var wrapper = angular.element(el.children()[0]); // var myDone = function(){ // return done(); // }; // if(className === flipType){ // effect.reset.ease = $window.Bounce.easeOut; // effect.reset.onComplete = myDone; // TweenMax.to(wrapper, effect.duration, effect.reset); // } else { // done(); // } // }; // }; // }]); angular.module('fx.animations.assist', []) .factory('Assist', ['$filter', '$window', '$timeout', '$rootScope', function ($filter, $window, $timeout, $rootScope){ return { emit: function(element, animation, motion){ $rootScope.$broadcast(animation +':'+motion); }, parseClassList: function(element, option){ var ease, list = element[0].classList, results = {trigger: false, duration: 0.3, ease: $window.Back}; angular.forEach(list, function (className){ if(className.slice(0,9) === 'fx-easing'){ ease = className.slice(10); results.ease = $window[$filter('cap')(ease)] || $window.Elastic; } if(className === 'fx-trigger'){ results.trigger = true; } if(className.slice(0,8) === 'fx-speed'){ results.duration = parseInt(className.slice(9))/1000; } }); return option ? {ease: results.ease, speed: results.duration} : results; }, addTimer: function(options, element, end){ var self = this; var time = options.stagger ? (options.duration * 3) * 1000 : options.duration * 1000; var timer = $timeout(function(){ if(options.trigger){ self.emit(element, options.animation, options.motion); } end(); }, time); element.data(options.timeoutKey, timer); }, removeTimer: function(element, timeoutKey, timer){ $timeout.cancel(timer); element.removeData(timeoutKey); }, timeoutKey: '$$fxTimer' }; }]) .filter('cap', [function(){ return function (input){ return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1); }; }]); var timeoutKey = '$$fxtimer'; angular.module('fx.transitions.assist', []) .factory('TransAssist', ["$timeout", function ($timeout) { function addTimer (el, time, done) { var timer = $timeout(function () { done(); }, (time*1000) + 50); el.data(timeoutKey, timer); } function removeTimer (el) { var timer = el.data(timeoutKey); if (timer) { el.css('z-index', '-1'); $timeout.cancel(timer); el.removeData(timeoutKey); } } return { addTimer: addTimer, removeTimer: removeTimer }; }]); angular.module('fx.transitions.create', ['fx.transitions.assist', 'fx.animations.assist']) .factory('SlideTransition', ['TransAssist', 'Assist', function (TransAssist, Assist) { var slide; return function (effect) { if (effect.from) { this.enter = function (el, done) { var customs; cssMixin(el); customs = Assist.parseClassList(el, true); effect.from.ease = customs.ease.easeInOut; effect.duration = customs.speed; TransAssist.addTimer(el, effect.duration, done); slide = new TimelineMax(); slide.from(el, effect.duration, effect.from); return function (cancel) { if(cancel) { TransAssist.removeTimer(el); } }; }; } else if (!effect.from && effect.to) { this.leave = function (el, done) { var customs; cssMixin(el); customs = Assist.parseClassList(el, true); effect.to.ease = customs.ease.easeInOut; effect.duration = customs.speed; TransAssist.addTimer(el, effect.duration, done); slide = new TimelineMax(); slide.to(el, effect.duration, effect.to); return function (cancel) { if(cancel) { TransAssist.removeTimer(el); } }; // el.css('position', 'absolute'); // el.css('z-index', '9999'); // slide = new TimelineMax({onComplete: finish(done)}); // slide.from(el, effect.duration, effect.from) // .to(el, effect.duration, effect.to); // el.css('z-index', '9999'); // var page = new TimelineMax({onComplete: finish(done)}); // page.to(el, {transform: 'rotateZ(0deg)'}) // .to(el, 0.2, {transform: 'rotateZ(10deg)'}) // .to(el, 0.2, {transform: 'rotateZ(17deg)'}) // .to(el, 0.4, {transform: 'rotateZ(15deg)'}) // .to(el, 0.2, {transform: 'translateY(100%) rotateZ(17deg)'}); }; } }; }]) .factory('RotationTransition', ['TransAssist', 'Assist','$compile', function (TransAssist, Assist, $compile) { var rotate; return function (effect) { this[effect.when] = function (el, done) { var customs, wrapper; wrapper = $compile('
')(el.scope()); cssMixin(el); css3D(wrapper, el); angular.element(wrapper).append(el[0].outerHTML); customs = Assist.parseClassList(el, true); effect.from.ease = customs.ease.easeOut; effect.duration = customs.duration; TransAssist.addTimer(el, effect.duration, done); rotate = new TimelineMax(); rotate.from(el, 1, effect.from) .to(el, 1, effect.to); return function (cancel) { if(cancel) { TransAssist.removeTimer(el); } }; }; }; }]); function cssMixin (el, z) { el.css('position', 'absolute'); if (z && z === 'leave') { el.css('z-index', '9999px'); } else { el.css('z-index', '1000px'); } } function css3D (parent, view) { var preservve = { 'position': 'relative', width: '100%', height: '100%', '-webkit-perspective': '500px', '-moz-perspective': '500px', '-o-perspective': '500px', 'perspective': '500px' }; var trans = { overflow: 'hidden', '-webkit-backface-visibility': 'hidden', '-moz-backface-visibility': 'hidden', 'backface-visibility': 'hidden', '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', '-moz-transform': 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', 'transform': 'translate3d(0, 0, 0),', ' -webkit-transform-style': 'preserve-3d', '-moz-transform-style': 'preserve-3d', 'transform-style': 'preserve-3d' }; parent.css(preservve); view.css(trans); } // function calcTime (duration, perc) { // return (duration * (perc/100)); // } angular.module('fx.transitions.view', []) .directive('fxAnimate', ["$injector", function($injector) { return { // priority: 1000, link: function($scope, $ele) { var $state, $route; function addAnimations(animations, ele) { angular.forEach(animations, function(animation, type) { if (type === 'ease') { animation = 'fx-easing-' + animation; } if (type === 'speed') { animation = 'fx-speed-' + animation; } ele.addClass(animation); }); } if ($injector.has('$state')) { $state = $injector.get('$state'); } if ($injector.has('$route')) { $route = $injector.get('$route'); } var animations; if ($state && $state.current.animation && $route && $route.current){ if ($route.current.$$route && $route.current.$$route.animation){ throw new Error('You can only add animations on either $state or $route'); } } if ($state) { animations = $state.current.animation; } if ($route && $route.current) { animations = $route.current.$$route.animation; } addAnimations(animations, $ele); } }; }]); angular.module('fx.transitions.rotations', ['fx.transitions.create']) .animation('.rotate-out-right', ['RotationTransition', function (RotationTransition) { var effect = { from: {transform: 'rotateY(15deg)', opacity: '.8'}, to: {transform: 'scale(0.8) translateZ(-200px)', opacity: '0'}, when: 'leave', duration: 0.5 }; return new RotationTransition(effect); }]); angular.module('fx.transitions.scales', ['fx.transitions.create']) .animation('.shrink-in', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: {opacity: '0', transform: 'translateZ(0) scale(1.2)'}, duration: 0.5 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.shrink-out', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: {opacity: '0', transform: 'translateZ(0) scale(.8)'}, duration: 0.5 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.grow-in', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: {opacity: '0', transform: 'translateZ(0) scale(.8)'}, duration: 0.5 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.grow-out', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: {opacity: '0', transform: 'translateZ(0) scale(1.2)'}, duration: 0.5 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]); angular.module('fx.transitions.slides', ['fx.transitions.create']) .animation('.slide-in-left', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-left', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-in-right', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-right', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-in-down', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-down', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-in-up', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-up', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-in-left-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-left-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-in-right-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-right-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateX(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-in-down-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-down-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-in-up-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { from: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]) .animation('.slide-out-up-fade', ['SlideTransition', function (SlideTransition) { var effect = { to: { opacity: '0.3', transform: 'translateZ(0) translateY(-100%)'}, duration: 2 }; return new SlideTransition(effect); }]); angular.module('fx.transitions.specials', []) .animation('.fx-fall-out', function () { // var effect = { // from: {} // }; return { leave: function (el, done) { el.css('z-index', '9999'); var page = new TimelineMax({onComplete: done}); page.to(el, {transform: 'rotateZ(0deg)'}) .to(el, 0.1, {transform: 'rotateZ(10deg)'}) .to(el, 0.3, {transform: 'rotateZ(17deg)'}) .to(el, 0.5, {transform: 'rotateZ(15deg)'}) .to(el, 0.2, {transform: 'translateY(100%) rotateZ(17deg)'}); } }; // return new SlideTransition(effect); }); angular.module('fx.animations.pulse', ['fx.animations.assist']) .animation('.fx-pulse', ['Assist', function(Assist){ return { animate: function(element, className, to, from, done){ var effect = [ { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1,1,1)' }}, { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.05, 1.05, 1.05)' }}, { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)' }} ]; var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'addClass'; options.animation = 'pulse'; var eachTime = (options.duration / effect.length); Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); var pulse = new TimelineMax(); angular.forEach(effect, function(step, pos){ step.easing = options.ease.easeInOut; pulse = pulse.to(element, eachTime, step.effect); }); } }; }]); angular.module('fx.animations.tada', ['fx.animations.assist']) .animation('.fx-tada', ['Assist', function(Assist){ return { animate: function(element, classname, done){ var effect = [ // 0 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1,1,1)' } }, // 10 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(.9, .9, .9) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)' } }, // 20 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(.9, .9, .9) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)' } }, // 30 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 3deg)' } }, // 40 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)' } }, // 50 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 3deg)' } }, // 60 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)' } }, // 70 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 3deg)' } }, // 80 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)' } }, // 90 { effect: { transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 3deg)' } }, // 100 { effect: { transform: ' scale3d(1, 1, 1)' } } ]; var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'addClass'; options.animation = 'tada'; var eachTime = (options.duration / effect.length); Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); var tada = new TimelineMax(); angular.forEach(effect, function(step, pos){ step.easing = options.ease.easeInOut; tada = tada.to(element, eachTime, step.effect); }); } }; }]); /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Using Angular's '.animate', all fade animations are created with javaScript. @BounceAnimation Constructor function that returns a new animation object that has all required methods for ngAnimate ex: this.enter(), this.leave(), etc @effect The actual animation that will be applied to the element, staggered first: the style to applied to the element 1/4 through the animtion mid: style to be applied to to the element 2/4 through the animation third: style to be applied to the element 3/4 through the animation end: style to be applied to the element when it's complete animation: the name of the animtion for the eventing system ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ angular.module('fx.animations.bounces', ['fx.animations.bounces.factory']) .animation('.fx-bounce-normal', ['BounceAnimation', function (BounceAnimation){ var effect = { first: {opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(.3)'}, mid: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1.05)'}, third: {transform: 'scale(.9)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)'}, animation: 'bounce-normal' }; return new BounceAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-bounce-down', ['BounceAnimation', function (BounceAnimation){ var effect = { first: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-2000px)'}, mid: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(30px)'}, third: {transform: 'translateY(-10px)'}, end: {transform: 'translateY(0)'}, animation: 'bounce-down' }; return new BounceAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-bounce-left', ['BounceAnimation', function (BounceAnimation){ var effect = { first: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-2000px)'}, mid: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(30px)'}, third: {transform: 'translateX(-10px)'}, end: {transform: 'translateX(0)'}, animation: 'bounce-left' }; return new BounceAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-bounce-up', ['BounceAnimation', function (BounceAnimation) { var effect = { first: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(2000px)'}, mid: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(-30px)'}, third: {transform: 'translateY(10px)'}, end: {transform: 'translateY(0)'}, animation: 'bounce-up' }; return new BounceAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-bounce-right', ['BounceAnimation', function (BounceAnimation) { var effect = { first: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(2000px)'}, mid: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(-30px)'}, third: {transform: 'translateX(10px)'}, end: {transform: 'translateX(0)'}, animation: 'bounce-right' }; return new BounceAnimation(effect); }]); angular.module('fx.animations.bounces.factory', ['fx.animations.assist']) .factory('BounceAnimation', ['$timeout', '$window', 'Assist', function ($timeout, $window, Assist){ return function (effect){ var start = effect.first, mid = effect.mid, third = effect.third, end = effect.end, fx_type = effect.animation, startTime = 0.1; this.enter = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; options.stagger = true; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); var enter = new TimelineMax(); enter.to(element, 0.01, start); enter.to(element, options.duration, mid); enter.to(element, options.duration, third); enter.to(element, options.duration, end); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(Assist.timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.leave = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'leave'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; options.stagger = true; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); var leave = new TimelineMax(); leave.to(element, startTime, end); leave.to(element, options.duration, third); leave.to(element, options.duration, mid); leave.to(element, options.duration, start); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.move = this.enter; this.addClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); var bac = new TimelineMax(); bac.to(element, startTime, end); bac.to(element, options.duration, third); bac.to(element, options.duration, mid); bac.to(element, options.duration, start); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; this.removeClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'leave'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; var rc = new TimelineMax(); rc.to(element, startTime, start); rc.to(element, options.duration, mid); rc.to(element, options.duration, third); rc.to(element, options.duration, end); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; }; }]) /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Using Angular's '.animate', all fade animations are created with javaScript. @FadeAnimation Constructor function that returns a new animation object that has all required methods for ngAnimate ex: this.enter(), this.leave(), etc @effect The actual animation that will be applied to the element enter: style to be applied when angular triggers the enter event leave: style to be applied when angular triggers the leave event inverse: style to be appiled to offset the enter event animation: the name of the animtion for the eventing system ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ angular.module('fx.animations.fades', ['fx.animations.fades.factory']) .animation('.fx-fade-normal', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1}, leave: {opacity: 0}, animation: 'fade-normal' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-down', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-20px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(20px)'}, animation: 'fade-down' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-down-big', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-2000px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(2000px)'}, animation: 'fade-down-big' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-left', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-20px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(20px)'}, animation: 'fade-left' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-left-big', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-2000px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(2000px)'}, animation: 'fade-left-big' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-right', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform:'translateX(20px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-20px)'}, animation: 'fade-right' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-right-big', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform:'translateX(2000px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-2000px)'}, animation: 'fade-right-big' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-up', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform:'translateY(20px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-20px)'}, animation: 'fade-up' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-up-big', ['FadeAnimation', function (FadeAnimation){ var effect = { enter: {opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)'}, leave: {opacity: 0, transform:'translateY(2000px)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-2000px)'}, animation: 'fade-up-big' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-fade-overlay', ['FadeAnimation', function(FadeAnimation) { var effect = { enter: {opacity: 0.7}, leave: {opacity: 0}, inverse: {opacity: 0}, animation: 'fade-overlay' }; return new FadeAnimation(effect); }]); angular.module('fx.animations.fades.factory', ['fx.animations.assist']) .factory('FadeAnimation', ['$timeout', '$window', 'Assist', function ($timeout, $window, Assist){ return function (effect){ var inEffect = effect.enter, outEffect = effect.leave, outEffectLeave = effect.inverse || effect.leave, fx_type = effect.animation; this.enter = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); inEffect.ease = options.ease.easeOut; TweenMax.set(element, outEffect); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, inEffect); return function (canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(canceled){ if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.leave = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'leave'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); outEffectLeave.ease = options.ease.easeIn; TweenMax.set(element, inEffect); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, outEffectLeave); return function (canceled){ var timer = element.data(Assist.timeoutKey); if(canceled){ if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.move = this.enter; this.addClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, outEffectLeave); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; this.removeClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'leave'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; TweenMax.set(element, outEffect); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, inEffect); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; }; }]); /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Using Angular's '.animate', all fade animations are created with javaScript. @RotateAnimation Constructor function that returns a new animation object that has all required methods for ngAnimate ex: this.enter(), this.leave(), etc @effect The actual animation that will be applied to the element, staggered first: the style to applied to the element 1/4 through the animtion mid: style to be applied to to the element 2/4 through the animation third: style to be applied to the element 3/4 through the animation end: style to be applied to the element when it's complete animation: the name of the animtion for the eventing system ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ angular.module('fx.animations.rotations', ['fx.animations.rotations.factory']) .animation('.fx-rotate-counterclock', ['RotateAnimation', function(RotateAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'center center', transform: 'rotate(-200deg)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transformOrigin: 'center center', transform: 'rotate(0)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'center center', transform: 'rotate(200deg)'}, animation: 'rotate-counterclock' }; return new RotateAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-rotate-clock', ['RotateAnimation', function(RotateAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'center center', transform: 'rotate(200deg)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transformOrigin: 'center center', transform: 'rotate(0)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'center center', transform: 'rotate(-200deg)'}, animation: 'rotate-clock' }; return new RotateAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-rotate-clock-left', ['RotateAnimation', function(RotateAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'left bottom', transform: 'rotate(-90deg)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transformOrigin: 'left bottom', transform: 'rotate(0)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'left bottom', transform: 'rotate(90deg)'}, animation: 'rotate-clock-left' }; return new RotateAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-rotate-counterclock-right', ['RotateAnimation', function(RotateAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'right bottom', transform: 'rotate(90deg)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transformOrigin: 'right bottom', transform: 'rotate(0)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'right bottom', transform: 'rotate(-90deg)'}, animation: 'rotate-counterclock-right' }; return new RotateAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-rotate-counterclock-up', ['RotateAnimation', function(RotateAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'left bottom', transform: 'rotate(90deg)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transformOrigin: 'left bottom', transform: 'rotate(0)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'left bottom', transform: 'rotate(-90deg)'}, animation: 'rotate-counterclock-up' }; return new RotateAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-rotate-clock-up', ['RotateAnimation', function(RotateAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'right bottom', transform: 'rotate(-90deg)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transformOrigin: 'right bottom', transform: 'rotate(0)'}, inverse: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: 'right bottom', transform: 'rotate(90deg)'}, animation: 'rotate-clock-up' }; return new RotateAnimation(effect); }]); angular.module('fx.animations.rotations.factory', ['fx.animations.assist']) .factory('RotateAnimation', ['$timeout', '$window', 'Assist', function ($timeout, $window, Assist){ return function (effect){ var start = effect.start, end = effect.end, leaveEnd = effect.inverse, fx_type = effect.animation; this.enter = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; end.ease = options.ease.easeOut; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, start); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, end); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(Assist.timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.leave = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'leave'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; leaveEnd.ease = options.ease.easeIn; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, end); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, leaveEnd); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.move = this.enter; this.addClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, end); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, start); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; this.removeClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, start); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, end); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; }; }]) /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Using Angular's '.animate', all fade animations are created with javaScript. @RotateAnimation Constructor function that returns a new animation object that has all required methods for ngAnimate ex: this.enter(), this.leave(), etc @effect The actual animation that will be applied to the element, staggered first: the style to applied to the element 1/4 through the animtion mid: style to be applied to to the element 2/4 through the animation third: style to be applied to the element 3/4 through the animation end: style to be applied to the element when it's complete animation: the name of the animtion for the eventing system ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ angular.module('fx.animations.zooms', ['fx.animations.zooms.factory']) .animation('.fx-zoom-normal', ['ZoomAnimation', function (ZoomAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(.3)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)'}, animation: 'zoom-normal' }; return new ZoomAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-zoom-down', ['ZoomAnimation', function (ZoomAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(.1) translateY(-2000px)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1) translateY(0)'}, animation: 'zoom-down' }; return new ZoomAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-zoom-up', ['ZoomAnimation', function (ZoomAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transform: "scale(.1) translateY(2000px)"}, end: {opacity: 1, transform: "scale(1) translateY(0)"}, animation: 'zoom-up' }; return new ZoomAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-zoom-right', ['ZoomAnimation', function (ZoomAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(.1) translateX(2000px)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1) translateX(0)'}, animation: 'zoom-right' }; return new ZoomAnimation(effect); }]) .animation('.fx-zoom-left', ['ZoomAnimation', function (ZoomAnimation){ var effect = { start: {opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(.1) translateX(-2000px)'}, end: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1) translateX(0)'}, animation: 'zoom-left' }; return new ZoomAnimation(effect); }]); angular.module('fx.animations.zooms.factory', ['fx.animations.assist']) .factory('ZoomAnimation', ['$timeout', '$window', 'Assist', function ($timeout, $window, Assist){ return function (effect){ var start = effect.start, end = effect.end, fx_type = effect.animation; this.enter = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; end.ease = options.ease.easeOut; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, start); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, end); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(Assist.timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.leave = function(element, done){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'leave'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; start.ease = options.ease.easeIn; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, end); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, start); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; }; this.move = this.enter; this.removeClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className === 'ng-hide'){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'leave'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, start); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, end); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; this.addClass = function(element, className, done){ if(className === 'ng-hide'){ var options = Assist.parseClassList(element); options.motion = 'enter'; options.animation = fx_type; options.timeoutKey = Assist.timeoutKey; Assist.addTimer(options, element, done); TweenMax.set(element, end); TweenMax.to(element, options.duration, start); return function (canceled){ if(canceled){ var timer = element.data(timeoutKey); if(timer){ Assist.removeTimer(element, Assist.timeoutKey, timer); } } }; } else { done(); } }; }; }]) }(angular, TweenMax, TimelineMax));