/*! * VERSION: 0.1.7 * DATE: 2014-04-29 * UPDATES AND DOCS AT: http://www.greensock.com/jquery-gsap-plugin/ * * Requires TweenLite version 1.8.0 or higher and CSSPlugin. * * @license Copyright (c) 2014, GreenSock. All rights reserved. * This work is subject to the terms at http://www.greensock.com/terms_of_use.html or for * Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with your membership. * * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com */ (function($) { "use strict"; var _animate = $.fn.animate, _stop = $.fn.stop, _enabled = true, TweenLite, CSSPlugin, _warned, _copy = function(o) { var copy = {}, p; for (p in o) { copy[p] = o[p]; } return copy; }, _reserved = {overwrite:1, delay:1, useFrames:1, runBackwards:1, easeParams:1, yoyo:1, immediateRender:1, repeat:1, repeatDelay:1, autoCSS:1}, _copyCriticalReserved = function(main, sub) { for (var p in _reserved) { if (_reserved[p] && main[p] !== undefined) { sub[p] = main[p]; } } }, _createEase = function(ease) { return function(p) { return ease.getRatio(p); }; }, _easeMap = {}, _init = function() { var globals = window.GreenSockGlobals || window, version, stale, p; TweenLite = globals.TweenMax || globals.TweenLite; //we prioritize TweenMax if it's loaded so that we can accommodate special features like repeat, yoyo, repeatDelay, etc. if (TweenLite) { version = (TweenLite.version + ".0.0").split("."); //in case an old version of TweenLite is used that had a numeric version like 1.68 instead of a string like "1.6.8" stale = !(Number(version[0]) > 0 && Number(version[1]) > 7); globals = globals.com.greensock; CSSPlugin = globals.plugins.CSSPlugin; _easeMap = globals.easing.Ease.map || {}; //don't do just window.Ease or window.CSSPlugin because some other libraries like EaselJS/TweenJS use those same names and there could be a collision. } if (!TweenLite || !CSSPlugin || stale) { TweenLite = null; if (!_warned && window.console) { window.console.log("The jquery.gsap.js plugin requires the TweenMax (or at least TweenLite and CSSPlugin) JavaScript file(s)." + (stale ? " Version " + version.join(".") + " is too old." : "")); _warned = true; } return; } if ($.easing) { for (p in _easeMap) { $.easing[p] = _createEase(_easeMap[p]); } _init = false; } }; $.fn.animate = function(prop, speed, easing, callback) { prop = prop || {}; if (_init) { _init(); if (!TweenLite || !CSSPlugin) { return _animate.call(this, prop, speed, easing, callback); } } if (!_enabled || prop.skipGSAP === true || (typeof(speed) === "object" && typeof(speed.step) === "function") || prop.scrollTop != null || prop.scrollLeft != null) { //we don't support the "step" feature because it's too costly performance-wise, so fall back to the native animate() call if we sense one. Same with scrollTop and scrollLeft which are handled in a special way in jQuery. return _animate.call(this, prop, speed, easing, callback); } var config = $.speed(speed, easing, callback), vars = {ease:(_easeMap[config.easing] || ((config.easing === false) ? _easeMap.linear : _easeMap.swing))}, obj = this, specEasing = (typeof(speed) === "object") ? speed.specialEasing : null, val, p, doAnimation, specEasingVars; for (p in prop) { val = prop[p]; if (val instanceof Array && _easeMap[val[1]]) { specEasing = specEasing || {}; specEasing[p] = val[1]; val = val[0]; } if (val === "toggle" || val === "hide" || val === "show") { return _animate.call(this, prop, speed, easing, callback); } else { vars[(p.indexOf("-") === -1) ? p : $.camelCase(p)] = val; } } if (specEasing) { vars = _copy(vars); specEasingVars = []; for (p in specEasing) { val = specEasingVars[specEasingVars.length] = {}; _copyCriticalReserved(vars, val); val.ease = (_easeMap[specEasing[p]] || vars.ease); if (p.indexOf("-") !== -1) { p = $.camelCase(p); } val[p] = vars[p]; delete vars[p]; } if (specEasingVars.length === 0) { specEasingVars = null; } } doAnimation = function(next) { var varsCopy = _copy(vars), i; if (specEasingVars) { i = specEasingVars.length; while (--i > -1) { TweenLite.to(this, $.fx.off ? 0 : config.duration / 1000, specEasingVars[i]); } } varsCopy.onComplete = function() { if (next) { next(); } else if (config.old) { $(this).each(config.old); } }; TweenLite.to(this, $.fx.off ? 0 : config.duration / 1000, varsCopy); }; if (config.queue !== false) { obj.queue(config.queue, doAnimation); //note: the queued function will get called once for each element in the jQuery collection. if (config.old) { obj.queue(config.queue, function(next) { config.old(); next(); }); } } else { doAnimation.call(obj); } return obj; }; $.fn.stop = function(clearQueue, gotoEnd) { _stop.call(this, clearQueue, gotoEnd); if (TweenLite) { if (gotoEnd) { var tweens = TweenLite.getTweensOf(this), i = tweens.length, progress; while (--i > -1) { progress = tweens[i].totalTime() / tweens[i].totalDuration(); if (progress > 0 && progress < 1) { tweens[i].seek(tweens[i].totalDuration()); } } } TweenLite.killTweensOf(this); } return this; }; $.gsap = {enabled:function(value) {_enabled = value;}, version:"0.1.7"}; }(jQuery));