angular.module('starter.services', []) .factory('$localstorage', ['$window', function($window) { return { set: function(key, value) { $window.localStorage[key] = value; }, get: function(key, defaultValue) { return $window.localStorage[key] || defaultValue; }, setObject: function(key, value) { $window.localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(value); }, getObject: function(key) { try { return JSON.parse($window.localStorage[key] || '{}'); } catch (e) { $window.localStorage['user'] = ''; $window.location.reload(); } } } }]) .service('currentUser', function() { this.currentUser; }) .service('Navigation', function($state) { //directly binding events to this context this.goNative = function(view, direction,data) { $state.go(view,data); window.plugins.nativepagetransitions.slide({ "direction": direction }, function(msg) { console.log("success: " + msg) }, // called when the animation has finished function(msg) { alert("error: " + msg) } // called in case you pass in weird values ); }; this.goNativeFade = function(view, data) { $state.go(view, data); window.plugins.nativepagetransitions.fade({ "duration": 500 }, function(msg) { console.log("success: " + msg) }, // called when the animation has finished function(msg) { alert("error: " + msg) } // called in case you pass in weird values ); }; }) .factory('A', ['$resource', function($resource){ return { Query: $resource( site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action&query=:query', {action:'@action',query: '@query'}, {cache:true} ), RT: $resource(site_url+'requests/rt.php?action=:action&query=:query', {action:'@action',query: '@query'}, {cache:true}), Game: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action&id=:id', {action:'@action',id: '@id'}, {cache:true}), User: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action&login_email=:login_email&login_pass=:login_pass&dID=:dID', {action:'@action',login_email: '@login_email',login_pass: '@login_pass',dID: '@dID'}), Reg: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action®_name=:reg_name®_email=:reg_email®_pass=:reg_pass®_birthday=:reg_birthday®_gender=:reg_gender®_looking=:reg_looking®_photo=:reg_photo&dID=:dID', {action:'@action',reg_email: '@reg_email',reg_pass: '@reg_pass',reg_name: '@reg_name',reg_photo: '@reg_photo',reg_thumb: '@reg_thumb', reg_username: '@reg_username',reg_lat: '@reg_lat',reg_lng: '@reg_lng',reg_city: '@reg_city',reg_country: '@reg_country',dID: '@dID'}), PDS: $resource('https://www.premiumdatingscript.com/php/func.php?action=:action&id=:id', {action:'@action',id: '@id'}), Chat: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action&uid1=:uid1&uid2=:uid2', {action:'@action',uid1: '@uid1',uid2: '@uid2'}), Meet: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action&uid1=:uid1&uid2=:uid2&uid3=:uid3', {action:'@action',uid1: '@uid1',uid2: '@uid2',uid3: '@uid3'}), Device: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action&dID=:dID', {action:'@action', dID: '@dID'}), Cuser: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action&dID=:dID', {action:'@action', dID: '@dID'}), Config: $resource(site_url+'requests/api.php?action=:action', {action:'@action'}), ChatDetails: $resource(site_url+'requests/chat.php?profileID=:profileID', {profileID: '@profileID'}), }; }]) .factory('preloader', function( $q, $rootScope ) { function Preloader( imageLocations ) { this.imageLocations = imageLocations; this.imageCount = this.imageLocations.length; this.loadCount = 0; this.errorCount = 0; this.states = { PENDING: 1, LOADING: 2, RESOLVED: 3, REJECTED: 4 }; this.state = this.states.PENDING; this.deferred = $q.defer(); this.promise = this.deferred.promise; } Preloader.preloadImages = function( imageLocations ) { var preloader = new Preloader( imageLocations ); return( preloader.load() ); } Preloader.prototype = { constructor: Preloader, isInitiated: function isInitiated() { return( this.state !== this.states.PENDING ); }, isRejected: function isRejected() { return( this.state === this.states.REJECTED ); }, isResolved: function isResolved() { return( this.state === this.states.RESOLVED ); }, load: function load() { if ( this.isInitiated() ) { return( this.promise ); } this.state = this.states.LOADING; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.imageCount ; i++ ) { this.loadImageLocation( this.imageLocations[ i ] ); } return( this.promise ); }, handleImageError: function handleImageError( imageLocation ) { this.errorCount++; if ( this.isRejected() ) { return; } this.state = this.states.REJECTED; this.deferred.reject( imageLocation ); }, handleImageLoad: function handleImageLoad( imageLocation ) { this.loadCount++; if ( this.isRejected() ) { return; } this.deferred.notify({ percent: Math.ceil( this.loadCount / this.imageCount * 100 ), imageLocation: imageLocation }); if ( this.loadCount === this.imageCount ) { this.state = this.states.RESOLVED; this.deferred.resolve( this.imageLocations ); } }, loadImageLocation: function loadImageLocation( imageLocation ) { var preloader = this; var image = angular.element( new Image() ) .bind('load', function( event ) { $rootScope.$apply( function() { preloader.handleImageLoad( event.target.src ); preloader = image = event = null; } ); }) .bind('error', function( event ) { // Since the load event is asynchronous, we have to // tell AngularJS that something changed. $rootScope.$apply( function() { preloader.handleImageError( event.target.src ); // Clean up object reference to help with the // garbage collection in the closure. preloader = image = event = null; } ); }) .attr( 'src', imageLocation ) ; } }; return( Preloader ); })