= 1){ $moderationList = getArray('moderation_list','','moderation ASC'); foreach ($moderationList as $mod) { if($sm['user']['admin'] == 1){ $modPermission[$mod['moderation']] = 'Yes'; } else { $modVal = getData('moderators_permission','setting_val','WHERE setting = "'.$mod['moderation'].'" AND id = "'.$sm['user']['moderator'].'"'); $modPermission[$mod['moderation']] = $modVal; } } } $sm['moderator'] = $modPermission; $time = time(); $logged = true; $ip = getUserIpAddr(); if($sm['user']['ip'] != $ip){ $mysqli->query("UPDATE users set ip = '".$ip."' where id = '".$checkIp."'"); } if($sm['user']['last_access'] < $time || $sm['user']['last_access'] == 0){ $mysqli->query("UPDATE users set last_access = '".$time."' where id = '".$checkIp."'"); } } else { $rand = rand(0,1012451); $rand2 = rand(0,1012451); $rand3 = rand(0,1012451); $salt = base64_encode($rand); $pswd = crypt($sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestDefaultPswd'],$salt); $lang = getData('languages','id','WHERE id = '.$_SESSION['lang']); if($lang == 'noData'){ $lang = $sm['plugins']['settings']['defaultLang']; } $name = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestDefaultName'].' '.$rand; $username = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestDefaultName'].$rand.$rand2; $username = str_replace(' ', '', $username); $siteEmail = explode('@',$sm['plugins']['settings']['siteEmail']); $email = $username.'@'.$siteEmail[1]; $age = 29; $birthday = date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, 06, 10)).' 15, 1990'; if($_GET['page'] == $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestCustomOneUrl']){ $gender = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestCustomOneGender']; $looking = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestCustomOneLooking']; } else if($_GET['page'] == $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestCustomTwoUrl']){ $gender = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestCustomTwoGender']; $looking = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestCustomTwoLooking']; } else { $gender = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestDefaultGender']; $looking = $sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestDefaultLooking']; } $ip = getUserIpAddr(); if(!empty($sm['plugins']['ipstack']['key'])){ $location = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://api.ipstack.com/'.$ip.'?access_key='.$sm['plugins']['ipstack']['key'])); $city = $location->city; $country = $location->country_name; $lat = $location->latitude; $lng = $location->longitude; } else { $city = 'Los Angeles'; $country = 'United States'; $lat = '-56.1250444'; $lng = '-34.8872424'; } $date = date('m/d/Y', time()); $dID = 0; $bio = $sm['lang'][322]['text']." ".$name.", ".$age." ".$sm['lang'][323]['text']." ".$city." ".$country; $query = "INSERT INTO users (name,email,pass,age,birthday,gender,city,country,lat,lng,looking,lang,join_date,bio,s_gender,s_age,credits,online_day,password,ip,last_access,username,join_date_time,app_id) VALUES ('".$name."', '".$email."','".$pswd."','".$age."','".$birthday."','".$gender."','".$city."','".$country."','".$lat."','".$lng."','".$looking."','".$lang."','".$date."','".$bio."','".$looking."','18,29,1',0,0,'".$sm['plugins']['autoRegister']['guestDefaultPswd']."','".$ip."','".time()."','".$username."','".time()."','".$dID."')"; if ($mysqli->query($query) === TRUE) { $last_id = $mysqli->insert_id; $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO users_videocall (u_id) VALUES ('".$last_id."')"); //free premium $free_premium = 0; $allG = count(siteGenders($lang)); $allG = $allG + 1; if($sm['plugins']['rewards']['freePremiumGender'] == $gender || $sm['plugins']['rewards']['freePremiumGender'] == $allG){ $free_premium = $sm['plugins']['rewards']['freePremium']; } $time = time(); $extra = 86400 * $free_premium; $premium = $time + $extra; $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO users_premium (uid,premium) VALUES ('".$last_id."','".$premium."')"); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO users_notifications (uid) VALUES ('".$last_id."')"); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO users_extended (uid,field1) VALUES ('".$last_id."','".$sm['lang'][224]['text']."')"); $_SESSION['user'] = $last_id; getUserInfo($last_id); checkUserPremium($_SESSION['user']); $sm['user_notifications'] = userNotifications($_SESSION['user']); $sm['lang'] = siteLang($sm['user']['lang']); $sm['alang'] = appLang($sm['user']['lang']); $sm['elang'] = emailLang($sm['user']['lang']); $sm['seoLang'] = seoLang($sm['user']['lang']); $sm['landingLang'] = landingLang($sm['user']['lang'],$landingTheme,$_SESSION['landingPreset']); $sm['genders'] = siteGenders($sm['user']['lang']); $modPermission = array(); if($sm['user']['admin'] >= 1){ $moderationList = getArray('moderation_list','','moderation ASC'); foreach ($moderationList as $mod) { if($sm['user']['admin'] == 1){ $modPermission[$mod['moderation']] = 'Yes'; } else { $modVal = getData('moderators_permission','setting_val','WHERE setting = "'.$mod['moderation'].'" AND id = "'.$sm['user']['moderator'].'"'); $modPermission[$mod['moderation']] = $modVal; } } } $sm['moderator'] = $modPermission; $time = time(); $logged = true; if($sm['user']['ip'] != $ip){ $mysqli->query("UPDATE users set ip = '".$ip."' where id = '".$_SESSION['user']."'"); } if($sm['user']['last_access'] < $time || $sm['user']['last_access'] == 0){ $mysqli->query("UPDATE users set last_access = '".$time."' where id = '".$_SESSION['user']."'"); } } } } if(isset($_GET['page'])){ switch ($_GET['page']) { case 'index': if(isset($_GET['landing'])){ showLandingPage($_GET['landing']); exit; } else { if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } else { $_GET['page'] = 'meet'; $folder = 'meet'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); } } break; case 'fb': if($_SESSION['new_user'] == 1){ showLandingPage(); exit; } else { showLandingPage(); exit; } break; case 'profile': if ($logged === false || isset($_GET['view'])) { $pid = secureEncode($_GET['id']); getUserInfo($pid,1); $container = getPage('profileLanding'); if($sm['plugins']['htmlsecurity']['enabled'] == 'Yes'){ $container = preg_replace('/\r|\n/','',$container); } echo $container; exit; } else { $pid = secureEncode($_GET['id']); $checkUsername = checkIfExist('users','username',$pid); $checkId = checkIfExist('users','id',$pid); if($checkUsername == 0 && $checkId == 0){ header('Location:'.$sm['config']['site_url']); exit; } $new = getUserTotalConv($sm['user']['id'],$_GET['id']); $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); } break; case 'verification': if ($logged === false ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } else { $ussid = secureEncode($_GET['uid']); $mysqli->query('UPDATE users set verified = 1 where id = "'.$ussid.'"'); $pass = secureEncode($_GET['b']); welcomeMailNotification($sm['user']['name'],$sm['user']['email'],$pass); header('Location:'.$sm['config']['site_url']); exit; } break; case 'ref': setcookie( "ref", secureEncode($_GET['id']), time() + (10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60), '/', NULL, 0 ); header('Location:'.$sm['config']['site_url']); exit(); break; case 'meet': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'meet'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'feed': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'feed'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'date': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'date'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'reels': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'reels'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'live': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'live'; $page = 'live'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'popular': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'popular'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'recover': if($_GET['id'] != '' && $_GET['code'] != ''){ $check = checkRecoverCode($_GET['id'],$_GET['code']); if($check > 0){ $_SESSION['user'] = $_GET['id']; header('Location:'.$sm['config']['site_url']); } else { showLandingPage(); exit; } } else { showLandingPage(); exit; } break; case 'register': if ($logged === false ) { echo getPage('auth/auth'); exit; } else { $folder = 'meet'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); } break; case 'login': if ($logged === false ) { echo getPage('auth/auth'); exit; } else { $folder = 'meet'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); } break; case 'forget': if ($logged === false ) { echo getPage('auth/auth'); exit; } else { $folder = 'meet'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); } break; case 'fans': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'fans'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'blocked': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'blocked'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'groups': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'groups'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'visits': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'visits'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'credits-ok': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'credits'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'credits': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'credits'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'getcredits': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'buyCredits'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'withdraw': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'withdraw'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'popularity': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'popularity'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'premium': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'profile'; $page = 'premium'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'matches': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'matches'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'mylikes': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'matches'; $page = 'mylikes'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'terms': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'terms'; $page = 'terms'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'tac': echo getLandingPage('index/tac'); exit; break; case 'pp': echo getLandingPage('index/pp'); exit; break; case 'privacy': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'terms'; $page = 'privacy'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'cookies': echo getLandingPage('index/cookies'); exit; break; case 'discover': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'discover'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'live-discover': if ($logged !== true ) { showLandingPage(); exit; } $folder = 'discover'; $page = 'live-discover'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'connect': header('Location:'.$sm['config']['site_url']); break; case 'chat': if ($logged !== true ) { header('Location:'.$sm['config']['site_url']); exit; } $folder = 'chat'; $lc = getUserLC($sm['user']['id']); if(!isset($_GET['id'])){ if($lc == 0){ $sm['profile'] = ''; } else { $sm['profile'] = 'yes'; $count = getUserTodayConv($sm['user']['id']); $new = getUserTotalConv($sm['user']['id'],$lc); if($new == 0 && $count >= $sm['basic']['chat'] && $sm['user']['premium'] == 0 || $new == 0 && $count >= $sm['premium']['chat']){ $page = 'premium'; } else { $page = 'content'; } } } else { $lc = secureEncode($_GET['id']); $sm['profile'] = 'yes'; $count = getUserTodayConv($sm['user']['id']); $new = getUserTotalConv($sm['user']['id'],$_GET['id']); if($new == 0 && $count >= $sm['basic']['chat'] && $sm['user']['premium'] == 0 || $new == 0 && $count >= $sm['premium']['chat']){ $page = 'premium'; } else { $page = 'content'; } } if($sm['profile'] == ''){ $page = 'empty'; } include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'admin': if ($logged !== true || $sm['user']['admin'] == 0) { echo getAdministratorPage('login'); exit; } $p = ''; if(isset($_GET['p'])){ $p = secureEncode($_GET['p']); } if($p == ''){ $sm['content'] = getAdministratorPage('main_dashboard'); } else { $sm['content'] = getAdministratorPage($p); } echo getAdministratorPage('index'); exit; break; case 'cp': if ($logged !== true || $sm['user']['admin'] == 0) { echo getAdministratorPage('login'); exit; } $p = ''; if(isset($_GET['p'])){ $p = secureEncode($_GET['p']); } if($p == ''){ $sm['content'] = getAdministratorPage('main_dashboard'); } else { $sm['content'] = getAdministratorPage($p); } echo getAdministratorPage('index'); exit; break; case 'logout': include('assets/sources/logout.php'); exit; break; case 'debug': error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $folder = $_GET['debug_folder']; $page = $_GET['debug_page']; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); break; case 'checkPHPinfo': phpinfo(); exit; break; case 'profileLanding': $container = getPage('profileLanding'); if($sm['plugins']['htmlsecurity']['enabled'] == 'Yes'){ $container = preg_replace('/\r|\n/','',$container); } echo $container; exit; break; default: if ($logged !== true ) { header('Location:'.$sm['config']['site_url']); exit; } else { $folder = 'meet'; $page = 'content'; include('assets/sources/pages.php'); } break; } } if(isset($_GET['social'])){ switch ($_GET['social']) { case 'fb': include('assets/sources/fbconnect.php'); exit; break; case 'twitter': include('assets/sources/twitterconnect.php'); exit; break; case 'instagram': include('assets/sources/instaconnect.php'); exit; break; case 'google': include('assets/sources/googleconnect.php'); exit; break; } } function showLandingPage(){ global $sm; $landing = getLandingPage('index/content'); if($sm['plugins']['htmlsecurity']['enabled'] == 'Yes'){ $landing = preg_replace('/\r|\n/','',$landing); } echo $landing; } $container = getPage('container'); if($sm['plugins']['htmlsecurity']['enabled'] == 'Yes'){ $container = preg_replace('/\r|\n/','',$container); } echo $container; $mysqli->close();