timeout = isset($config['timeout']) ? $config['timeout'] : 1.0; $this->profile = isset($config['profile']) ? $config['profile'] : null; $this->client = isset($config['client']) ? $config['client'] // internal use only : \Aws\default_http_handler(); } /** * Loads instance profile credentials. * * @return PromiseInterface */ public function __invoke() { return Promise\coroutine(function () { if (!$this->profile) { $this->profile = (yield $this->request(self::CRED_PATH)); } $json = (yield $this->request(self::CRED_PATH . $this->profile)); $result = $this->decodeResult($json); yield new Credentials( $result['AccessKeyId'], $result['SecretAccessKey'], $result['Token'], strtotime($result['Expiration']) ); }); } /** * @param string $url * @return PromiseInterface Returns a promise that is fulfilled with the * body of the response as a string. */ private function request($url) { $disabled = getenv(self::ENV_DISABLE) ?: false; if (strcasecmp($disabled, 'true') === 0) { throw new CredentialsException( $this->createErrorMessage('EC2 metadata server access disabled') ); } $fn = $this->client; $request = new Request('GET', self::SERVER_URI . $url); return $fn($request, ['timeout' => $this->timeout]) ->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) { return (string) $response->getBody(); })->otherwise(function (array $reason) { $reason = $reason['exception']; $msg = $reason->getMessage(); throw new CredentialsException( $this->createErrorMessage($msg) ); }); } private function createErrorMessage($previous) { return "Error retrieving credentials from the instance profile " . "metadata server. ({$previous})"; } private function decodeResult($response) { $result = json_decode($response, true); if ($result['Code'] !== 'Success') { throw new CredentialsException('Unexpected instance profile ' . 'response code: ' . $result['Code']); } return $result; } }