array( 'key' => $IAM_KEY, 'secret' => $IAM_SECRET ), 'version' => 'latest', 'region' => aws('region') ) ); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Error: " . $e->getMessage()); } } function aws($val) { global $mysqli; $config = $mysqli->query("SELECT setting_val FROM plugins_settings where plugin = 'amazon' and setting = '".$val."'"); $result = $config->fetch_object(); return $result->setting_val; } function watermark($val) { global $mysqli; $config = $mysqli->query("SELECT setting_val FROM plugins_settings where plugin = 'watermark' and setting = '".$val."'"); $result = $config->fetch_object(); return $result->setting_val; } function getPhotoType($data){ if (preg_match('/^data:image\/(\w+);base64,/', $data, $type)) { $data = substr($data, strpos($data, ',') + 1); $type = strtolower($type[1]); // jpg, png, gif if (!in_array($type, [ 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png','wav','mpeg','mp4' ])) { throw new \Exception('invalid image type'); } $data = base64_decode($data); if ($data === false) { throw new \Exception('base64_decode failed'); } else { return $type; } } else { throw new \Exception('did not match data URI with image data'); return false; } } function regImage($base64img,$uid){ global $sm; $arr = array(); $data = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $base64img)); $time = time(); $filepath = 'uploads/'.$uid.$time.'.'.getPhotoType($base64img); $thumbpath = 'uploads/thumb_'.$uid.$time.'.'.getPhotoType($base64img); $filepath = strtolower($filepath); if(strpos($filepath, '.php') !== false || strpos($filepath, '.py') !== false || strpos($filepath, '.htaccess') !== false || strpos($filepath, '.rb') !== false){ exit; } file_put_contents($filepath, $data); if (strpos($filepath, 'jpg') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'jpeg') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'png') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'JPG') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'JPEG') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'PNG') !== false) { make_thumb($filepath, $thumbpath, 200); } $purl = $sm['config']['site_url'].'assets/sources/'.$filepath; $thumburl = $sm['config']['site_url'].'assets/sources/'.$thumbpath; $arr['photo'] = $purl; $arr['thumb'] = $thumburl; echo json_encode($arr); } function uploadImage($base64img,$uid){ global $mysqli,$sm; $arr = array(); $data = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $base64img)); $time = time(); $filepath = 'uploads/'.$uid.$time.'.'.getPhotoType($base64img); $thumbpath = 'uploads/thumb_'.$uid.$time.'.'.getPhotoType($base64img); $filepath = strtolower($filepath); if(strpos($filepath, '.php') !== false || strpos($filepath, '.py') !== false || strpos($filepath, '.htaccess') !== false || strpos($filepath, '.rb') !== false){ exit; } file_put_contents($filepath, $data); if (strpos($filepath, 'jpg') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'jpeg') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'png') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'JPG') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'JPEG') !== false || strpos($filepath, 'PNG') !== false) { make_thumb($filepath, $thumbpath, 200); } $purl = $sm['config']['site_url'].'assets/sources/'.$filepath; $thumburl = $sm['config']['site_url'].'assets/sources/'.$thumbpath; $photoReview = 1; if($sm['plugins']['settings']['photoReview'] == 'Yes' && !isset($_POST['adminPanel'])){ $photoReview = 0; } $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO users_photos(u_id,photo,thumb,approved) VALUES ('$uid','$purl', '$thumburl','".$photoReview."')"); $arr['user']['photos'] = userAppPhotos($uid); echo json_encode($arr); } switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'register': regImage(secureEncode($_POST['base64']),secureEncode($_POST['uid'])); break; case 'videoRecord': $arr = array(); $data = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:video/\w+;base64,#i','', secureEncode($_POST['base64']))); $time = time(); $file = 'uploads/'.secureEncode($_POST['uid']).$time.'.webm'; $video = $sm['config']['site_url'].'assets/sources/'.$file; file_put_contents($file, $data); $mysqli->query("UPDATE videocall set r_id_video = '".$video."' where call_id = '".secureEncode($_POST['callId'])."' and r_id = '".secureEncode($_POST['uid'])."'"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE videocall set c_id_video = '".$video."' where call_id = '".secureEncode($_POST['callId'])."' and c_id = '".secureEncode($_POST['uid'])."'"); $arr['videoRecord'] = $video; $arr['called'] = secureEncode($_POST['called']); $arr['uid'] = secureEncode($_POST['uid']); echo json_encode($arr); break; case 'upload': uploadImage(secureEncode($_POST['base64']),secureEncode($_POST['uid'])); break; case 'sendChat': $uid = secureEncode($_POST['uid']); $rid = secureEncode($_POST['rid']); $base64img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $_POST['base64']); $base64img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $_POST['base64']); $data = base64_decode($base64img); $time = time(); $file = 'uploads/'.$uid.$time.'.jpg'; $photo = $sm['config']['site_url'].'/assets/sources/'.$file; file_put_contents($file, $data); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO chat (s_id,r_id,time,message,photo) VALUES ('".$uid."','".$rid."','".$time."','".$photo."' , 1)"); $event = 'chat'.$rid.$uid; $arr['type'] = 'image'; $arr['message'] = $photo; $arr['id'] = $uid; $arr['chatHeaderRight']='
'.date("H:i", $time).'
'; if(is_numeric($sm['plugins']['pusher']['id'])){ $sm['push']->trigger($sm['plugins']['pusher']['key'], $event, $arr ); } break; } function make_thumb($src, $dest, $desired_width) { $imgType = get_image_type($src); if(strpos($imgType, 'png') !== false) { $source_image = imagecreatefrompng($src); } else { $source_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); } $width = imagesx($source_image); $height = imagesy($source_image); $desired_height = floor($height * ($desired_width / $width)); $virtual_image = imagecreatetruecolor($desired_width, $desired_height); imagecopyresampled($virtual_image, $source_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $desired_width, $desired_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($virtual_image, $dest); } function get_image_type( $filename ) { $img = getimagesize( $filename ); if ( !empty( $img[2] ) ) return image_type_to_mime_type( $img[2] ); return false; } function awsThumb($url, $filename, $width = 200, $height = true) { $image = ImageCreateFromString(file_get_contents($url)); $height = $height === true ? (ImageSY($image) * $width / ImageSX($image)) : $height; $output = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($output, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, ImageSX($image), ImageSY($image)); ImageJPEG($output, $filename, 95); return $filename; }