query("SELECT count(id) as total FROM chat WHERE r_id = '".$uid."' AND seen = 0"); $total = $query->fetch_assoc(); return $total['total']; } function profilePhoto($uid,$big=0) { global $mysqli,$site_url; $uid = secureEncode($uid); $photo = $mysqli->query("SELECT photo,thumb FROM users_photos where u_id = '".$uid."' and profile = 1 order by id asc LIMIT 1"); if($photo->num_rows == 1) { $profile = $photo->fetch_object(); if($big == 1){ $profile_photo = $profile->photo; } else { $profile_photo = $profile->thumb; } } else { $profile_photo = $site_url."themes/default/images/no_user.png"; } return $profile_photo; } function pluginsData($p,$val) { global $mysqli; $config = $mysqli->query("SELECT setting_val FROM plugins_settings_values where plugin = '".$p."' and setting = '".$val."'"); $result = $config->fetch_object(); return $result->setting_val; } function getLang($id,$langid) { global $mysqli; $config = $mysqli->query("SELECT text FROM site_lang where id = '".$id."' and lang_id = '".$langid."'"); $result = $config->fetch_object(); return $result->text; } function getUserLang($id) { global $mysqli; $config = $mysqli->query("SELECT lang FROM users where id = '".$id."'"); $result = $config->fetch_object(); return $result->lang; } function pusherData($val) { global $mysqli; $config = $mysqli->query("SELECT setting_val FROM plugins_settings_values where plugin = 'pusher' and setting = '".$val."'"); $result = $config->fetch_object(); return $result->setting_val; } function secureEncode($string) { $string = trim($string); $string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES); $string = str_replace('\\r\\n', '
',$string); $string = str_replace('\\r', '
',$string); $string = str_replace('\\n\\n', '
',$string); $string = str_replace('\\n', '
',$string); $string = str_replace('\\n', '
',$string); $string = stripslashes($string); $string = str_replace('&#', '',$string); return $string; } function requestPage($page_url='',$type='',$sm='') { global $sm; if($type == 'Desktop'){ $theme = getData('settings','setting_val','WHERE setting = "desktopTheme"'); } $page = '../themes/' . $theme . '/layout/' . $page_url . '.phtml'; $page_content = ''; ob_start(); include($page); $page_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $page_content; } function getData($table,$col,$filter=''){ global $mysqli; $q = $mysqli->query("SELECT $col FROM $table $filter"); $r = $q->fetch_object(); return $r->$col; } function getNewMessages($uid1,$uid2) { global $mysqli; $result = 0; $query = $mysqli->query("SELECT count(*) as total FROM chat where r_id = '".$uid1."' and s_id = '".$uid2."' and seen = 0"); $total = $query->fetch_assoc(); if($total['total'] >= 1){ $result = $total['total']; } return $result; } function getUserFriends($uid){ global $mysqli; $friends = ''; $arr[] = $uid; $today = date('w'); $query2 = $mysqli->query("SELECT DISTINCT s_id,id FROM chat WHERE r_id = '".$uid."' and seen <= 1 ORDER BY id DESC"); if ($query2->num_rows > 0) { while($result2 = $query2->fetch_object()){ if (!in_array($result2->s_id, $arr)){ $arr[] = $result2->s_id; $friendId = $result2->s_id; $fake = getData('users','fake','where id ='.$friendId); $online_day = getData('users','online_day','where id ='.$friendId); $last_access = getData('users','last_access','where id ='.$friendId); $new = getNewMessages($uid,$friendId); $friends.='
'; if($last_access+300 >= time() || $fake == 1 && $online_day == $today){ $friends.='
'; } if($new > 0){ $friends.='
'; } $friends.='
'; } } } $query2 = $mysqli->query("SELECT DISTINCT r_id,id FROM chat WHERE s_id = '".$uid."' and notification <= 1 ORDER BY id DESC"); if ($query2->num_rows > 0) { while($result2 = $query2->fetch_object()){ if (!in_array($result2->r_id, $arr)){ $arr[] = $result2->r_id; $friendId = $result2->r_id; $fake = getData('users','fake','where id ='.$friendId); $online_day = getData('users','online_day','where id ='.$friendId); $last_access = getData('users','last_access','where id ='.$friendId); $new = getNewMessages($uid,$friendId); $friends.='
'; if($last_access+300 >= time() || $fake == 1 && $online_day == $today){ $friends.='
'; } if($new > 0){ $friends.='
'; } $friends.='
'; } } } return $friends; }