编辑当前文件:/home/qrafawbu/rentandbuyrealty.com/ProZigzagbus Web Admin 1.2/paytm/PaytmKit/pgResponse.php
Checksum matched and following are the transaction details:" . "
"; if ($_POST["STATUS"] == "TXN_SUCCESS") { echo "
Transaction status is success
" . "
"; //Process your transaction here as success transaction. //Verify amount & order id received from Payment gateway with your application's order id and amount. } else { echo "
Transaction status is failure
" . "
"; } if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST)>0 ) { foreach($_POST as $paramName => $paramValue) { echo "
" . $paramName . " = " . $paramValue; } } } else { echo "
Checksum mismatched.
"; //Process transaction as suspicious. } ?>