编辑当前文件:/home/qrafawbu/rentandbuyrealty.com/ProZigzagbus Web Admin 1.2/merpago/index.php
query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_payment_list` where id=11")->fetch_assoc(); $kk = explode(',',$kb['attributes']); $endpoint = 'https://api.mercadopago.com/checkout/preferences'; $data = array( 'back_urls' => new stdClass(), // You can replace with your specific back_urls data 'differential_pricing' => null, 'expires' => false, 'items' => array( array( 'title' => 'Dummy Title', 'description' => 'Dummy description', 'picture_url' => 'http://www.myapp.com/myimage.jpg', 'category_id' => 'car_electronics', 'quantity' => 1, 'currency_id' => 'BRL', 'unit_price' => intval($_GET['amt']) ) ), 'marketplace_fee' => null, 'metadata' => null, 'payer' => array( 'phone' => array('number' => null), 'identification' => new stdClass(), // You can replace with your specific identification data 'address' => array('street_number' => null) ), 'payment_methods' => array( 'excluded_payment_methods' => array(new stdClass()), // You can replace with your specific excluded_payment_methods data 'excluded_payment_types' => array(new stdClass()), // You can replace with your specific excluded_payment_types data 'installments' => null, 'default_installments' => null ), 'back_urls'=>array( 'success'=>'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/merpago/success.php', 'failure'=>'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/merpago/fail.php', 'pending'=>'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/merpago/pending.php' ), 'redirect_urls'=>array( 'success'=>'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/merpago/success.php', 'failure'=>'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/merpago/fail.php', 'pending'=>'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/merpago/pending.php' ), 'shipments' => array( 'local_pickup' => false, 'default_shipping_method' => null, 'free_methods' => array(array('id' => null)), 'cost' => null, 'free_shipping' => false, 'receiver_address' => array('street_number' => null) ), ); $jsonData = json_encode($data); $ch = curl_init($endpoint); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonData); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer '.$kk[0] )); $response = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($ch); } curl_close($ch); $db = json_decode($response,true); if($kk[1] == 0) { $url = $db['sandbox_init_point']; } else { $url = $db['init_point']; } ?>