编辑当前文件:/home/qrafawbu/rentandbuyrealty.com/ProZigzagbus Web Admin 1.2/inc/Cruddata.php
login($username, $password, "admin"); if ($count == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($count == 1) { $_SESSION["busname"] = $username; $_SESSION["stype"] = $stype; $_SESSION["sel_lan"] = $sel_lan; $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Login Successfully!", "message" => "welcome admin!!", "action" => "dashboard.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Please Use Valid Data!!", "message" => "Invalid Data!!", "action" => "index.php", ]; } } } else { $count = $h->login($username, $password, "tbl_bus_operator"); if ($count == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($count == 1) { $_SESSION["busname"] = $username; $_SESSION["stype"] = $stype; $_SESSION["sel_lan"] = $sel_lan; $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Login Successfully!", "message" => "welcome Bus Operator!!", "action" => "dashboard.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Please Use Valid Data!!", "message" => "Invalid Data!!", "action" => "index.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'book_ticket') { $uid = $_POST['uid']; $probus_id = $_POST['bus_id']; $operator_id = $_POST['operator_id']; $seatlist = $_POST['seatlist']; $slist = explode(',', $_POST['seatlist']); $book_date = $_POST['book_date']; $pickup_id = $_POST['pickup_id']; $drop_id = $_POST['drop_id']; $tax = $_POST['tax']; $tax_amt = $_POST['tax_amt']; $cou_amt = $_POST['cou_amt']; $wall_amt = $_POST['wall_amt']; $subtotal = $_POST['subtotal']; $total = $_POST['total']; $total_seat = $_POST['total_seat']; $payment_method_id = $_POST['payment_method_id']; $transaction_id = $_POST['transaction_id']; $user_type = $_POST['user_type']; $commission = $_POST['commission']; $comm_per = $_POST['comm_per']; $ope_commission = $_POST['ope_commission']; $boarding_city = $_POST['boarding_city']; $drop_city = $_POST['drop_city']; $ticket_price = $_POST['ticket_price']; $probus_picktime = $_POST['bus_picktime']; $probus_droptime = $_POST['bus_droptime']; $Difference_pick_drop = $_POST['Difference_pick_drop']; $sub_pick_time = $_POST['sub_pick_time']; $sub_pick_place = $_POST['sub_pick_place']; $sub_pick_address = $_POST['sub_pick_address']; $sub_pick_mobile = $_POST['sub_pick_mobile']; $sub_drop_time = $_POST['sub_drop_time']; $sub_drop_place = $_POST['sub_drop_place']; $sub_drop_address = $_POST['sub_drop_address']; $probus_board_date = $_POST['bus_board_date']; $probus_drop_date = $_POST['bus_drop_date']; $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $ccode = $_POST['ccode']; $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $check_seat = $h->queryfire("select * from tbl_book_pessenger where seat_no IN('" . $seatlist . "') and book_date='" . $book_date . "'")->num_rows; if ($check_seat != 0) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Choosen Seat Booked Please Select Another One!!", "message" => "Seat Validation!!", "action" => "book_ticket.php", ]; } else { $table = "tbl_book"; $field_values = [ "mobile", "ccode", "email", "name", "bus_drop_date", "bus_board_date", "sub_drop_address", "sub_drop_place", "sub_drop_time", "sub_pick_mobile", "sub_pick_address", "sub_pick_place", "uid", "bus_id", "operator_id", "book_date", "pickup_id", "drop_id", "tax", "tax_amt", "cou_amt", "wall_amt", "subtotal", "total", "total_seat", "payment_method_id", "Difference_pick_drop", "bus_picktime", "ticket_price", "boarding_city", "drop_city", "transaction_id", "user_type", "commission", "comm_per", "ope_commission", "bus_droptime", "sub_pick_time", ]; $data_values = [ $mobile, $ccode, $email, $name, $probus_drop_date, $probus_board_date, $sub_drop_address, $sub_drop_place, $sub_drop_time, $sub_pick_mobile, $sub_pick_address, $sub_pick_place, $uid, $probus_id, $operator_id, $book_date, $pickup_id, $drop_id, $tax, $tax_amt, $cou_amt, $wall_amt, $subtotal, $total, $total_seat, $payment_method_id, $Difference_pick_drop, $probus_picktime, $ticket_price, $boarding_city, $drop_city, $transaction_id, $user_type, $commission, $comm_per, $ope_commission, $probus_droptime, $sub_pick_time, ]; $book_id = $h->insertDataId($field_values, $data_values, $table); $pname = $_POST['pname']; $age = $_POST['page']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($slist); $i++) { $name = $h->real_string($pname[$i]); $age = $age[$i]; $seat_no = $slist[$i]; $genders = $gender[$i]; $table = "tbl_book_pessenger"; $field_values = ["book_id", "bus_id", "name", "gender", "seat_no", "age", "book_date"]; $data_values = ["$book_id", "$probus_id", "$name", "$genders", "$seat_no", "$age", "$book_date"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); } if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Book Ticket Successfully!!", "message" => "Ticket Section!!", "action" => "book_ticket.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_cash") { $rcash = $_POST['rcash']; $message = $_POST['message']; $store_id = $_POST['store_id']; $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $table = "tbl_cash"; $field_values = ["operator_id", "Remark", "amt", "receive_date"]; $data_values = ["$store_id", "$message", "$rcash", "$timestamp"]; $checks = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($checks == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($checks == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Add Cash Successfully!!", "message" => "Cash section!", "action" => "list_bus_operator.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'add_driver') { $driver_name = $h->real_string($_POST['driver_name']); $email = $h->real_string($_POST['email']); $password = $h->real_string($_POST['password']); $mobile = $h->real_string($_POST['mobile']); $status = $_POST['status']; $operator_id = $sdata["id"]; $check_mail = $h->queryfire("Select * from tbl_driver where email='" . $email . "'")->num_rows; if ($check_mail) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Email Address Already Used!!", "message" => "Same Email Detected!!", "action" => "add_driver.php", ]; } else { $table = "tbl_driver"; $field_values = ["driver_name", "email", "password", "mobile", "status", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$driver_name", "$email", "$password", "$mobile", "$status", "$operator_id"]; $checks = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($checks == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($checks == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Add Driver Successfully!!", "message" => "Driver section!", "action" => "add_driver.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_driver') { $driver_name = $h->real_string($_POST['driver_name']); $email = $h->real_string($_POST['email']); $password = $h->real_string($_POST['password']); $mobile = $h->real_string($_POST['mobile']); $operator_id = $sdata["id"]; $status = $_POST['status']; $id = $_POST['id']; $check_mail = $h->queryfire("Select * from tbl_driver where email='" . $email . "' and id!=" . $id . "")->num_rows; if ($check_mail) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Email Address Already Used!!", "message" => "Same Email Detected!!", "action" => "add_driver.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } else { $table = "tbl_driver"; $field = ['driver_name' => $driver_name, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'status' => $status]; $where = "where id=" . $id . " and operator_id=" . $operator_id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Driver Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Driver section!", "action" => "list_driver.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'add_payout') { $operator_id = $sdata["id"]; $amt = $_POST['amt']; $r_type = $_POST['r_type']; $acc_number = $_POST['acc_number']; $bank_name = $_POST['bank_name']; $acc_name = $_POST['acc_name']; $ifsc_code = $_POST['ifsc_code']; $upi_id = $_POST['upi_id']; $paypal_id = $_POST['paypal_id']; $total_earn = $h->queryfire("select sum((subtotal -(cou_amt+commission)) - ((subtotal -cou_amt) * ope_commission/100)) as total_amt from tbl_book where operator_id=" . $sdata["id"] . " and book_status ='Completed'")->fetch_assoc(); $earn = empty($total_earn['total_amt']) ? 0 : number_format((float) $total_earn['total_amt'], 2, '.', ''); $total_payout = $h->queryfire("select sum(amt) as total_payout from bus_payout_setting where operator_id=" . $sdata["id"] . "")->fetch_assoc(); $payout = empty($total_payout['total_payout']) ? 0 : number_format((float) $total_payout['total_payout'], 2, '.', ''); $bs = 0; if ($earn == 0) { } else { $bs = number_format((float) $earn - $payout, 2, '.', ''); } if (floatval($amt) > floatval($set['operator_limit'])) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "401", "Result" => "false", "title" => "You can't Payout Above Your Payout Limit!", "message" => "Payout Problem!!", "action" => "add_payout.php"]; } elseif (floatval($amt) > floatval($bs)) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "401", "Result" => "false", "title" => "You can't Payout Above Your Earning!" . $bs, "message" => "Payout Problem!!", "action" => "add_payout.php"]; } else { $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $table = "bus_payout_setting"; $field_values = ["operator_id", "amt", "status", "r_date", "r_type", "acc_number", "bank_name", "acc_name", "ifsc_code", "upi_id", "paypal_id"]; $data_values = ["$operator_id", "$amt", "pending", "$timestamp", "$r_type", "$acc_number", "$bank_name", "$acc_name", "$ifsc_code", "$upi_id", "$paypal_id"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payout Request Submit Successfully!!", "message" => "Payout Submitted!!", "action" => "add_payout.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "op_com_payout") { $payout_id = $_POST["payout_id"]; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/payout/"; $url = "images/payout/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "op_payout.php", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "bus_payout_setting"; $field = ["proof" => $url, "status" => "completed"]; $where = "where id=" . $payout_id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payout Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Payout section!", "action" => "op_payout.php", ]; } } } }elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_code") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $title = $h->real_string($_POST["title"]); $table = "tbl_code"; $field_values = ["ccode", "status"]; $data_values = ["$title", "$okey"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Country Code Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Country Code section!", "action" => "list_code.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "edit_bus") { $title = $h->real_string($_POST['title']); $bno = $h->real_string($_POST['bno']); $tick_price = $h->real_string($_POST['tick_price']); $driver_direction = $h->real_string($_POST['driver_direction']); $decker = $_POST['decker']; $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $driver_id = $_POST['driver_name']; $bstatus = $_POST['bstatus']; $rate = $_POST['rate']; $totl_seat = $_POST['totl_seat']; $seat_limit = $_POST['seat_limit']; $bac = $_POST['bac']; $is_sleeper = $_POST['is_sleeper']; $facilitylist = empty($_POST['facilitylist']) ? "" : implode(',', $_POST['facilitylist']); $offday = empty($_POST['offday']) ? "" : implode(',', $_POST['offday']); $id = $_POST["id"]; if ($_FILES["bus_img"]["name"] != '') { $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/bus/"; $url = "images/bus/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["bus_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_bus.php?id=" . $id . ""]; } else { if ($decker == 1) { $rows = $_POST['rows']; $columns = $_POST['columns']; // Initialize a variable to store the seat data $seatData = ""; $berth_type = 'LOWER'; // Loop through the submitted data and process it for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $columns; $j++) { $seatData .= $_POST['lower_' . $i . '_' . $j] . ','; } $seatData .= $berth_type . '$;'; } // Remove trailing "$;" if it exists if (substr($seatData, -2) === '$;') { $seatData = substr($seatData, 0, -2); } $elements = explode("$;", $seatData); // Split the string into elements $digitCount = 0; // Initialize the count for digits foreach ($elements as $element) { // Split each element into subparts $parts = explode(",", $element); foreach ($parts as $part) { // Check if the part is numeric and doesn't contain letters, or if it's greater than 9 if (!empty($part) && $part != "LOWER" && $part != "UPPER") { $digitCount++; } } } if ($digitCount == $totl_seat) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["bus_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_bus"; $field = [ 'bus_img' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'bno' => $bno, 'bstatus' => $bstatus, 'tick_price' => $tick_price, 'driver_direction' => $driver_direction, 'decker' => $decker, 'lower_row' => $rows, 'lower_column' => $columns, 'upper_row' => "4", 'upper_column' => "4", 'rate' => $rate, 'totl_seat' => $totl_seat, 'seat_limit' => $seat_limit, 'bac' => $bac, 'is_sleeper' => $is_sleeper, 'seat_layout' => $seatData, 'bus_facility' => $facilitylist, 'offday' => $offday, 'driver_id' => $driver_id, 'operator_id' => $operator_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Update Successfully", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "list_bus.php"]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Total Seat With Added Seat Total Not Matched Check Proper!!", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php?id=" . $id . ""]; } } else { $rows = $_POST['rows']; $columns = $_POST['columns']; $rowss = $_POST['rowss']; $columnss = $_POST['columnss']; // Initialize a variable to store the seat data $seatData = ""; $seatDatas = ""; $berth_type = 'LOWER'; $berth_types = 'UPPER'; // Loop through the submitted data and process it for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $columns; $j++) { $seatData .= $_POST['lower_' . $i . '_' . $j] . ','; } $seatData .= $berth_type . '$;'; } for ($p = 0; $p < $rowss; $p++) { for ($r = 0; $r < $columnss; $r++) { $seatDatas .= $_POST['upper_' . $p . '_' . $r] . ','; } $seatDatas .= $berth_types . '$;'; } // Remove trailing "$;" if it exists if (substr($seatData, -2) === '$;') { $seatData = substr($seatData, 0, -2); } if (substr($seatDatas, -2) === '$;') { $seatDatas = substr($seatDatas, 0, -2); } $mergedSeatData = $seatData . '$;' . $seatDatas; $elements = explode("$;", $mergedSeatData); // Split the string into elements $digitCount = 0; // Initialize the count for digits foreach ($elements as $element) { // Split each element into subparts $parts = explode(",", $element); foreach ($parts as $part) { // Check if the part is numeric and doesn't contain letters, or if it's greater than 9 if (!empty($part) && $part != "LOWER" && $part != "UPPER") { $digitCount++; } } } if ($digitCount == $totl_seat) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["bus_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_bus"; $field = [ 'bus_img' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'bno' => $bno, 'bstatus' => $bstatus, 'tick_price' => $tick_price, 'driver_direction' => $driver_direction, 'decker' => $decker, 'lower_row' => $rows, 'lower_column' => $columns, 'upper_row' => $rowss, 'upper_column' => $columnss, 'rate' => $rate, 'totl_seat' => $totl_seat, 'seat_limit' => $seat_limit, 'bac' => $bac, 'is_sleeper' => $is_sleeper, 'seat_layout' => $mergedSeatData, 'bus_facility' => $facilitylist, 'offday' => $offday, 'driver_id' => $driver_id, 'operator_id' => $operator_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Update Successfully", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "list_bus.php"]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Total Seat With Added Seat Total Not Matched Check Proper!!", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php?id=" . $id . ""]; } } } } else { if ($decker == 1) { $rows = $_POST['rows']; $columns = $_POST['columns']; // Initialize a variable to store the seat data $seatData = ""; $berth_type = 'LOWER'; // Loop through the submitted data and process it for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $columns; $j++) { $seatData .= $_POST['lower_' . $i . '_' . $j] . ','; } $seatData .= $berth_type . '$;'; } // Remove trailing "$;" if it exists if (substr($seatData, -2) === '$;') { $seatData = substr($seatData, 0, -2); } $elements = explode("$;", $seatData); // Split the string into elements $digitCount = 0; // Initialize the count for digits foreach ($elements as $element) { // Split each element into subparts $parts = explode(",", $element); foreach ($parts as $part) { // Check if the part is numeric and doesn't contain letters, or if it's greater than 9 if (!empty($part) && $part != "LOWER" && $part != "UPPER") { $digitCount++; } } } if ($digitCount == $totl_seat) { $table = "tbl_bus"; $field = [ 'title' => $title, 'bno' => $bno, 'bstatus' => $bstatus, 'tick_price' => $tick_price, 'driver_direction' => $driver_direction, 'decker' => $decker, 'lower_row' => $rows, 'lower_column' => $columns, 'upper_row' => "4", 'upper_column' => "4", 'rate' => $rate, 'totl_seat' => $totl_seat, 'seat_limit' => $seat_limit, 'bac' => $bac, 'is_sleeper' => $is_sleeper, 'seat_layout' => $seatData, 'bus_facility' => $facilitylist, 'offday' => $offday, 'driver_id' => $driver_id, 'operator_id' => $operator_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Update Successfully", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "list_bus.php"]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Total Seat With Added Seat Total Not Matched Check Proper!!", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php?id=" . $id . ""]; } } else { $rows = $_POST['rows']; $columns = $_POST['columns']; $rowss = $_POST['rowss']; $columnss = $_POST['columnss']; // Initialize a variable to store the seat data $seatData = ""; $seatDatas = ""; $berth_type = 'LOWER'; $berth_types = 'UPPER'; // Loop through the submitted data and process it for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $columns; $j++) { $seatData .= $_POST['lower_' . $i . '_' . $j] . ','; } $seatData .= $berth_type . '$;'; } for ($p = 0; $p < $rowss; $p++) { for ($r = 0; $r < $columnss; $r++) { $seatDatas .= $_POST['upper_' . $p . '_' . $r] . ','; } $seatDatas .= $berth_types . '$;'; } // Remove trailing "$;" if it exists if (substr($seatData, -2) === '$;') { $seatData = substr($seatData, 0, -2); } if (substr($seatDatas, -2) === '$;') { $seatDatas = substr($seatDatas, 0, -2); } $mergedSeatData = $seatData . '$;' . $seatDatas; $elements = explode("$;", $mergedSeatData); // Split the string into elements $digitCount = 0; // Initialize the count for digits foreach ($elements as $element) { // Split each element into subparts $parts = explode(",", $element); foreach ($parts as $part) { // Check if the part is numeric and doesn't contain letters, or if it's greater than 9 if (!empty($part) && $part != "LOWER" && $part != "UPPER") { $digitCount++; } } } if ($digitCount == $totl_seat) { $table = "tbl_bus"; $field = [ 'title' => $title, 'bno' => $bno, 'bstatus' => $bstatus, 'tick_price' => $tick_price, 'driver_direction' => $driver_direction, 'decker' => $decker, 'lower_row' => $rows, 'lower_column' => $columns, 'upper_row' => $rowss, 'upper_column' => $columnss, 'rate' => $rate, 'totl_seat' => $totl_seat, 'seat_limit' => $seat_limit, 'bac' => $bac, 'is_sleeper' => $is_sleeper, 'seat_layout' => $mergedSeatData, 'bus_facility' => $facilitylist, 'offday' => $offday, 'driver_id' => $driver_id, 'operator_id' => $operator_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Update Successfully", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "list_bus.php"]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Total Seat With Added Seat Total Not Matched Check Proper!!", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php?id=" . $id . ""]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_coupon") { $expire_date = $_POST["expire_date"]; $operator_id = $sdata["id"]; $status = $_POST["status"]; $coupon_code = $_POST["coupon_code"]; $min_amt = $_POST["min_amt"]; $coupon_val = $_POST["coupon_val"]; $description = $h->real_string($_POST["description"]); $title = $h->real_string($_POST["title"]); $subtitle = $h->real_string($_POST["subtitle"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/coupon/"; $url = "images/coupon/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["coupon_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_coupon.php", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["coupon_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_coupon"; $field_values = ["expire_date", "status", "title", "coupon_code", "min_amt", "coupon_val", "description", "subtitle", "coupon_img", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$expire_date", "$status", "$title", "$coupon_code", "$min_amt", "$coupon_val", "$description", "$subtitle", "$url", "$operator_id"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Coupon Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Coupon section!", "action" => "list_coupon.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_coupon") { $expire_date = $_POST["expire_date"]; $operator_id = $sdata["id"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $status = $_POST["status"]; $coupon_code = $_POST["coupon_code"]; $min_amt = $_POST["min_amt"]; $coupon_val = $_POST["coupon_val"]; $description = $h->real_string($_POST["description"]); $title = $h->real_string($_POST["title"]); $subtitle = $h->real_string($_POST["subtitle"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/coupon/"; $url = "images/coupon/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["coupon_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["coupon_img"]["name"] != "") { if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_coupon.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["coupon_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_coupon"; $field = [ "status" => $status, "coupon_img" => $url, "title" => $title, "coupon_code" => $coupon_code, "min_amt" => $min_amt, "coupon_val" => $coupon_val, "description" => $description, "subtitle" => $subtitle, "expire_date" => $expire_date, "operator_id" => $operator_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Coupon Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Coupon section!", "action" => "list_coupon.php", ]; } } } } else { $table = "tbl_coupon"; $field = [ "status" => $status, "title" => $title, "coupon_code" => $coupon_code, "min_amt" => $min_amt, "coupon_val" => $coupon_val, "description" => $description, "subtitle" => $subtitle, "expire_date" => $expire_date, "operator_id" => $operator_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Coupon Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Coupon section!", "action" => "list_coupon.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "edit_bus_operator") { $probus_name = $h->real_string($_POST['title']); $status = $_POST['status']; $rate = $_POST['rate']; $id = $_POST['id']; $agent_commission = $_POST['agent_commission']; $admin_commission = $_POST['admin_commission']; $email = $h->real_string($_POST['email']); $password = $h->real_string($_POST['password']); $address = $h->real_string($_POST['address']); $lats = $_POST['lats']; $longs = $_POST['longs']; $bank_name = $_POST['bank_name']; $ifsc_code = $_POST['ifsc_code']; $receipt_name = $_POST['receipt_name']; $acc_no = $_POST['acc_no']; $pay_id = $_POST['pay_id']; $upi_id = $_POST['upi_id']; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/busoperator/"; $url = "images/busoperator/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["op_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["op_img"]["name"] != "") { if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_bus_operator.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["op_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_bus_operator"; $field = [ "bus_name" => $probus_name, "op_img" => $url, "status" => $status, "rate" => $rate, "agent_commission" => $agent_commission, "admin_commission" => $admin_commission, "email" => $email, "password" => $password, "address" => $address, "lats" => $lats, "longs" => $longs, "bank_name" => $bank_name, "ifsc_code" => $ifsc_code, "receipt_name" => $receipt_name, "acc_no" => $acc_no, "pay_id" => $pay_id, "upi_id" => $upi_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Operator Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Bus Operator section!", "action" => "list_bus_operator.php", ]; } } } } else { $table = "tbl_bus_operator"; $field = [ "bus_name" => $probus_name, "status" => $status, "rate" => $rate, "agent_commission" => $agent_commission, "admin_commission" => $admin_commission, "email" => $email, "password" => $password, "address" => $address, "lats" => $lats, "longs" => $longs, "bank_name" => $bank_name, "ifsc_code" => $ifsc_code, "receipt_name" => $receipt_name, "acc_no" => $acc_no, "pay_id" => $pay_id, "upi_id" => $upi_id, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Operator Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Bus Operator section!", "action" => "list_bus_operator.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "add_bus_operator") { $probus_name = $h->real_string($_POST['title']); $status = $_POST['status']; $rate = $_POST['rate']; $agent_commission = $_POST['agent_commission']; $admin_commission = $_POST['admin_commission']; $email = $h->real_string($_POST['email']); $password = $h->real_string($_POST['password']); $address = $h->real_string($_POST['address']); $lats = $_POST['lats']; $longs = $_POST['longs']; $bank_name = $_POST['bank_name']; $ifsc_code = $_POST['ifsc_code']; $receipt_name = $_POST['receipt_name']; $acc_no = $_POST['acc_no']; $pay_id = $_POST['pay_id']; $upi_id = $_POST['upi_id']; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/busoperator/"; $url = "images/busoperator/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["op_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_bus_operator.php"]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["op_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_bus_operator"; $field_values = ["bus_name", "op_img", "status", "rate", "agent_commission", "admin_commission", "email", "password", "address", "lats", "longs", "bank_name", "ifsc_code", "receipt_name", "acc_no", "pay_id", "upi_id"]; $data_values = [ "$probus_name", "$url", "$status", "$rate", "$agent_commission", "$admin_commission", "$email", "$password", "$address", "$lats", "$longs", "$bank_name", "$ifsc_code", "$receipt_name", "$acc_no", "$pay_id", "$upi_id", ]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Operator Add Successfully", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus_operator.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "add_bus") { $title = $h->real_string($_POST['title']); $bno = $h->real_string($_POST['bno']); $tick_price = $h->real_string($_POST['tick_price']); $driver_direction = $h->real_string($_POST['driver_direction']); $decker = $_POST['decker']; $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $driver_id = $_POST['driver_id']; $bstatus = $_POST['bstatus']; $rate = $_POST['rate']; $totl_seat = $_POST['totl_seat']; $seat_limit = $_POST['seat_limit']; $bac = $_POST['bac']; $is_sleeper = $_POST['is_sleeper']; $facilitylist = empty($_POST['facilitylist']) ? "" : implode(',', $_POST['facilitylist']); $offday = empty($_POST['offday']) ? "" : implode(',', $_POST['offday']); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/bus/"; $url = "images/bus/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["bus_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_bus.php"]; } else { if ($decker == 1) { $rows = $_POST['rows']; $columns = $_POST['columns']; // Initialize a variable to store the seat data $seatData = ""; $berth_type = 'LOWER'; // Loop through the submitted data and process it for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $columns; $j++) { $seatData .= $_POST['lower_' . $i . '_' . $j] . ','; } $seatData .= $berth_type . '$;'; } // Remove trailing "$;" if it exists if (substr($seatData, -2) === '$;') { $seatData = substr($seatData, 0, -2); } $elements = explode("$;", $seatData); // Split the string into elements $digitCount = 0; // Initialize the count for digits foreach ($elements as $element) { // Split each element into subparts $parts = explode(",", $element); foreach ($parts as $part) { // Check if the part is numeric and doesn't contain letters, or if it's greater than 9 if (!empty($part) && $part != "LOWER" && $part != "UPPER") { $digitCount++; } } } if ($digitCount == $totl_seat) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["bus_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_bus"; $field_values = [ "bus_img", "title", "bno", "tick_price", "driver_direction", "decker", "lower_row", "lower_column", "upper_row", "upper_column", "bstatus", "rate", "totl_seat", "seat_limit", "bac", "is_sleeper", "seat_layout", "bus_facility", "offday", "driver_id", "operator_id", ]; $data_values = [ "$url", "$title", "$bno", "$tick_price", "$driver_direction", "$decker", "$rows", "$columns", "4", "4", "$bstatus", "$rate", "$totl_seat", "$seat_limit", "$bac", "$is_sleeper", "$seatData", "$facilitylist", "$offday", "$driver_id", "$operator_id", ]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Add Successfully", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php"]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Total Seat With Added Seat Total Not Matched Check Proper!!", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php"]; } } else { $rows = $_POST['rows']; $columns = $_POST['columns']; $rowss = $_POST['rowss']; $columnss = $_POST['columnss']; // Initialize a variable to store the seat data $seatData = ""; $seatDatas = ""; $berth_type = 'LOWER'; $berth_types = 'UPPER'; // Loop through the submitted data and process it for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $columns; $j++) { $seatData .= $_POST['lower_' . $i . '_' . $j] . ','; } $seatData .= $berth_type . '$;'; } for ($p = 0; $p < $rowss; $p++) { for ($r = 0; $r < $columnss; $r++) { $seatDatas .= $_POST['upper_' . $p . '_' . $r] . ','; } $seatDatas .= $berth_types . '$;'; } // Remove trailing "$;" if it exists if (substr($seatData, -2) === '$;') { $seatData = substr($seatData, 0, -2); } if (substr($seatDatas, -2) === '$;') { $seatDatas = substr($seatDatas, 0, -2); } $mergedSeatData = $seatData . '$;' . $seatDatas; $elements = explode("$;", $mergedSeatData); // Split the string into elements $digitCount = 0; // Initialize the count for digits foreach ($elements as $element) { // Split each element into subparts $parts = explode(",", $element); foreach ($parts as $part) { // Check if the part is numeric and doesn't contain letters, or if it's greater than 9 if (!empty($part) && $part != "LOWER" && $part != "UPPER") { $digitCount++; } } } if ($digitCount == $totl_seat) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["bus_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_bus"; $field_values = [ "bus_img", "title", "bno", "tick_price", "driver_direction", "decker", "lower_row", "lower_column", "upper_row", "upper_column", "bstatus", "rate", "totl_seat", "seat_limit", "bac", "is_sleeper", "seat_layout", "bus_facility", "offday", "driver_id", "operator_id", ]; $data_values = [ "$url", "$title", "$bno", "$tick_price", "$driver_direction", "$decker", "$rows", "$columns", "$rowss", "$columnss", "$bstatus", "$rate", "$totl_seat", "$seat_limit", "$bac", "$is_sleeper", "$mergedSeatData", "$facilitylist", "$offday", "$driver_id", "$operator_id", ]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Bus Add Successfully", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php"]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Total Seat With Added Seat Total Not Matched Check Proper!!", "message" => "Bus section!", "action" => "add_bus.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_code') { $okey = $_POST['status']; $title = $h->real_string($_POST['title']); $id = $_POST['id']; $table = "tbl_code"; $field = ['status' => $okey, 'ccode' => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Country Code Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Country Code section!", "action" => "list_code.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'add_page') { $ctitle = $h->real_string($_POST['ctitle']); $cstatus = $_POST['cstatus']; $cdesc = $h->real_string($_POST['cdesc']); $table = "tbl_page"; $field_values = ["description", "status", "title"]; $data_values = ["$cdesc", "$cstatus", "$ctitle"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Page Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Page section!", "action" => "list_page.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_page') { $id = $_POST['id']; $ctitle = $h->real_string($_POST['ctitle']); $cstatus = $_POST['cstatus']; $cdesc = $h->real_string($_POST['cdesc']); $table = "tbl_page"; $field = ['description' => $cdesc, 'status' => $cstatus, 'title' => $ctitle]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Page Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Page section!", "action" => "list_page.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_payment') { $attributes = $h->real_string($_POST['p_attr']); $ptitle = $h->real_string($_POST['ptitle']); $okey = $_POST['status']; $id = $_POST['id']; $p_show = $_POST['p_show']; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/payment/"; $url = "images/payment/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != '') { if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "edit_payment.php?id=" . $id . ""]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_payment_list"; $field = ['status' => $okey, 'img' => $url, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'subtitle' => $ptitle, 'p_show' => $p_show]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payment Gateway Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Payment Gateway section!", "action" => "paymentlist.php"]; } } } } else { $table = "tbl_payment_list"; $field = ['status' => $okey, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'subtitle' => $ptitle, 'p_show' => $p_show]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payment Gateway Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Payment Gateway section!", "action" => "paymentlist.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'add_faq') { $question = $h->real_string($_POST['question']); $answer = $h->real_string($_POST['answer']); $okey = $_POST['status']; $table = "tbl_faq"; $field_values = ["question", "answer", "status"]; $data_values = ["$question", "$answer", "$okey"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Faq Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Faq section!", "action" => "list_faq.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'add_policy') { $hour = $h->real_string($_POST['hour']); $rmat = $h->real_string($_POST['rmat']); $okey = $_POST['status']; $table = "tbl_policy"; $field_values = ["hour", "rmat"]; $data_values = ["$hour", "$rmat"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Cancellation Policy Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Policy section!", "action" => "list_policy.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_policy') { $hour = $h->real_string($_POST['hour']); $rmat = $h->real_string($_POST['rmat']); $okey = $_POST['status']; $id = $_POST['id']; $table = "tbl_policy"; $field = ['hour' => $hour, 'rmat' => $rmat]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Cancellation Policy Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Policy section!", "action" => "list_policy.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_faq') { $question = $h->real_string($_POST['question']); $answer = $h->real_string($_POST['answer']); $okey = $_POST['status']; $id = $_POST['id']; $table = "tbl_faq"; $field = ['question' => $question, 'status' => $okey, 'answer' => $answer]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Faq Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Faq section!", "action" => "list_faq.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_profile') { $dname = $_POST['username']; $dsname = $_POST['password']; $id = $_POST['id']; $table = "admin"; $field = ['username' => $dname, 'password' => $dsname]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Profile Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Profile section!", "action" => "profile.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_setting') { $webname = $h->real_string($_POST['webname']); $timezone = $_POST['timezone']; $currency = $_POST['currency']; $id = $_POST['id']; $tax = $_POST['tax']; $agent_limit = $_POST['agent_limit']; $one_key = $_POST['one_key']; $one_hash = $_POST['one_hash']; $agent_status = $_POST['agent_status']; $scredit = $_POST['scredit']; $rcredit = $_POST['rcredit']; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/website/"; $url = "images/website/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["weblogo"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["weblogo"]["name"] != '') { if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "setting.php"]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["weblogo"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_setting"; $field = [ 'timezone' => $timezone, 'agent_limit' => $agent_limit, 'agent_status' => $agent_status, 'weblogo' => $url, 'webname' => $webname, 'currency' => $currency, 'one_key' => $one_key, 'one_hash' => $one_hash, 'scredit' => $scredit, 'rcredit' => $rcredit, 'tax' => $tax, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Setting Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Setting section!", "action" => "setting.php"]; } } } } else { $table = "tbl_setting"; $field = [ 'timezone' => $timezone, 'agent_limit' => $agent_limit, 'agent_status' => $agent_status, 'webname' => $webname, 'currency' => $currency, 'one_key' => $one_key, 'one_hash' => $one_hash, 'scredit' => $scredit, 'rcredit' => $rcredit, 'tax' => $tax, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Setting Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Offer section!", "action" => "setting.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_city") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $title = $h->real_string($_POST["title"]); $table = "tbl_city"; $field_values = ["status", "title"]; $data_values = ["$okey", "$title"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "City Add Successfully!!", "message" => "City section!", "action" => "list_city.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_banner") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/banner/"; $url = "images/banner/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_banner.php", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_banner"; $field_values = ["img", "status"]; $data_values = ["$url", "$okey"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Banner Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Banner section!", "action" => "list_banner.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_facility") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $title = $h->real_string($_POST["title"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/facility/"; $url = "images/facility/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_facility.php", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_facility"; $field_values = ["img", "status", "title"]; $data_values = ["$url", "$okey", "$title"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Facility Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Facility section!", "action" => "list_facility.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "faq_delete") { $id = $_POST["id"]; $table = "tbl_faq"; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->deleteData($where, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "FAQ Delete Successfully!!", "message" => "FAQ section!", "action" => "list_faq.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_subroute") { $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $board_id = $_POST['board_id']; $rpoint = $_POST['rpoint']; $btime = $_POST['btime']; $status = $_POST['status']; // Check for duplicate values in the rpoint array $duplicateValues = array_diff_assoc($rpoint, array_unique($rpoint)); if (!empty($duplicateValues)) { // Duplicates found, return a JSON response $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Duplicate values in the Sub Route Point.", "message" => "Duplicate values in the Sub Route Point.", "action" => "add_pick_time.php", ]; } else { $check = $h->queryfire("select * from tbl_sub_route_time where board_id=" . $board_id . "")->num_rows; if ($check != 0) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Alredy Inserted Please Update Data!!", "message" => "Operation Duplicate DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_pick_time.php"]; } else { // Loop through the boarding points and times for ($i = 0; $i < count($rpoint); $i++) { $point_id = $rpoint[$i]; $ptime = $btime[$i]; $statuss = $status[$i]; // Insert each point and time into the database $table = "tbl_sub_route_time"; $field_values = ["board_id", "point_id", "ptime", "status", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$board_id", "$point_id", "$ptime", "$statuss", "$operator_id"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); } if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Pick up Sub Route Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Pick up Sub Route section!", "action" => "add_pick_time.php"]; } } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_drop_subroute") { $board_id = $_POST['board_id']; $rpoint = $_POST['rpoint']; $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $btime = $_POST['btime']; $status = $_POST['status']; // Check for duplicate values in the rpoint array $duplicateValues = array_diff_assoc($rpoint, array_unique($rpoint)); if (!empty($duplicateValues)) { // Duplicates found, return a JSON response $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Duplicate values in the Sub Route Point.", "message" => "Duplicate values in the Sub Route Point.", "action" => "add_drop_time.php", ]; } else { $check = $h->queryfire("select * from tbl_drop_sub_route where board_id=" . $board_id . "")->num_rows; if ($check != 0) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Alredy Inserted Please Update Data!!", "message" => "Operation Duplicate DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_drop_time.php"]; } else { // Loop through the boarding points and times for ($i = 0; $i < count($rpoint); $i++) { $point_id = $rpoint[$i]; $ptime = $btime[$i]; $statuss = $status[$i]; // Insert each point and time into the database $table = "tbl_drop_sub_route"; $field_values = ["board_id", "point_id", "ptime", "status", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$board_id", "$point_id", "$ptime", "$statuss", "$operator_id"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); } if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Drop Sub Route Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Drop Sub Route section!", "action" => "add_drop_time.php"]; } } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_bdpoints") { $probus_id = $_POST['bus_id']; $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $check = $h->queryfire("select * from tbl_board_drop_points where bus_id=" . $probus_id . "")->num_rows; if ($check != 0) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Alredy Inserted Please Update Data!!", "message" => "Operation Duplicate DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_board_drop.php"]; } else { $boarding_points = $_POST['bpoint']; $boarding_times = $_POST['btime']; $dropping_points = $_POST['dpoint']; $dropping_times = $_POST['dtime']; $differncetimes = $_POST['differncetime']; // Loop through the boarding points and times for ($i = 0; $i < count($boarding_points); $i++) { $boarding_point = $boarding_points[$i]; $boarding_time = $boarding_times[$i]; $dropping_point = $dropping_points[$i]; $dropping_time = $dropping_times[$i]; $differncetime = $differncetimes[$i]; // Insert each point and time into the database $table = "tbl_board_drop_points"; $field_values = ["bus_id", "bpoint", "btime", "dpoint", "dtime", "differncetime", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$probus_id", "$boarding_point", "$boarding_time", "$dropping_point", "$dropping_time", "$differncetime", "$operator_id"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); } if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Points Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Points section!", "action" => "add_board_drop.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_bdpoints") { $probus_id = $_POST['hidden_bus_id']; $id = $_POST['id']; $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $exist_boarding_points = $_POST['exist_bpoint']; $exist_boarding_times = $_POST['exist_btime']; $exist_dropping_points = $_POST['exist_dpoint']; $exist_dropping_times = $_POST['exist_dtime']; $exist_differncetimes = $_POST['exist_differncetime']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($exist_boarding_points); $i++) { $boarding_point = $exist_boarding_points[$i]; $boarding_time = $exist_boarding_times[$i]; $dropping_point = $exist_dropping_points[$i]; $dropping_time = $exist_dropping_times[$i]; $differncetime = $exist_differncetimes[$i]; $idv = $id[$i]; $table = "tbl_board_drop_points"; $field = ['bpoint' => $boarding_point, 'btime' => $boarding_time, 'dpoint' => $dropping_point, 'dtime' => $dropping_time, 'differncetime' => $differncetime, 'operator_id' => $operator_id]; $where = "where id=" . $idv . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); } $new_boarding_points = $_POST['new_bpoint']; $new_boarding_times = $_POST['new_btime']; $new_dropping_points = $_POST['new_dpoint']; $new_dropping_times = $_POST['new_dtime']; $new_differncetimes = $_POST['new_differncetime']; if (is_array($new_boarding_points) && is_array($new_boarding_times) && is_array($new_dropping_points) && is_array($new_dropping_times)) { $count = count($new_boarding_points); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $boarding_point = $new_boarding_points[$i]; $boarding_time = $new_boarding_times[$i]; $dropping_point = $new_dropping_points[$i]; $dropping_time = $new_dropping_times[$i]; $differncetime = $new_differncetimes[$i]; // Insert each point and time into the database $table = "tbl_board_drop_points"; $field_values = ["bus_id", "bpoint", "btime", "dpoint", "dtime", "differncetime", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$probus_id", "$boarding_point", "$boarding_time", "$dropping_point", "$dropping_time", "$differncetime", "$operator_id"]; $checks = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); } } if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Points Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Points section!", "action" => "list_board_drop.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_points") { $title = $h->real_string($_POST['title']); $city_id = $h->real_string($_POST['city_id']); $status = $_POST['status']; $address = $h->real_string($_POST['address']); $mobile = $h->real_string($_POST['mobile']); $lats = $h->real_string($_POST['lats']); $longs = $h->real_string($_POST['longs']); $table = "tbl_points"; $field_values = ["title", "city_id", "status", "address", "mobile", "longs", "lats"]; $data_values = ["$title", "$city_id", "$status", "$address", "$mobile", "$longs", "$lats"]; $check = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Points Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Points section!", "action" => "list_drop_pick.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_subroute') { $board_id = $_POST['hidden_boarding_id']; $id = $_POST['id']; $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $exist_rpoint = $_POST['exist_rpoint']; $exist_btime = $_POST['exist_btime']; $exist_status = $_POST['exist_status']; $new_rpoint = $_POST['new_rpoint']; $new_btime = $_POST['new_btime']; $new_status = $_POST['new_status']; function hasDuplicates($array) { return count($array) !== count(array_unique($array)); } if (!empty($new_rpoint)) { // Combine both arrays into a single array $combinedRPoint = array_merge($exist_rpoint, $new_rpoint); } else { // If $new_rpoint is empty or null, just use $exist_rpoint $combinedRPoint = $exist_rpoint; } // Check for duplicates in the combined array $duplicateCombinedRPoint = hasDuplicates($combinedRPoint); if ($duplicateCombinedRPoint) { // Return a JSON response indicating that duplicates are not allowed $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", // You can use an appropriate HTTP status code "Result" => "false", "title" => "Duplicate values are not allowed for Sub Route Points.", "action" => "list_pick_time.php", ]; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($exist_rpoint); $i++) { $exist_rpoints = $exist_rpoint[$i]; $exist_btimes = $exist_btime[$i]; $exist_statuss = $exist_status[$i]; $idv = $id[$i]; $table = "tbl_sub_route_time"; $field = ['point_id' => $exist_rpoints, 'ptime' => $exist_btimes, 'status' => $exist_statuss, 'operator_id' => $operator_id]; $where = "where id=" . $idv . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); } if (is_array($new_rpoint) && is_array($new_btime) && is_array($new_status)) { $count = count($new_rpoint); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $new_rpoints = $new_rpoint[$i]; $new_btimes = $new_btime[$i]; $new_statuss = $new_status[$i]; // Insert each point and time into the database $table = "tbl_sub_route_time"; $field_values = ["board_id", "point_id", "ptime", "status", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$board_id", "$new_rpoints", "$new_btimes", "$new_statuss", "$operator_id"]; $checks = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); } } if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Sub route Pick up Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Sub route Pick up section!", "action" => "list_pick_time.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_drop_subroute') { $board_id = $_POST['hidden_boarding_id']; $id = $_POST['id']; $operator_id = $sdata['id']; $exist_rpoint = $_POST['exist_rpoint']; $exist_btime = $_POST['exist_btime']; $exist_status = $_POST['exist_status']; $new_rpoint = $_POST['new_rpoint']; $new_btime = $_POST['new_btime']; $new_status = $_POST['new_status']; function hasDuplicates($array) { return count($array) !== count(array_unique($array)); } if (!empty($new_rpoint)) { // Combine both arrays into a single array $combinedRPoint = array_merge($exist_rpoint, $new_rpoint); } else { // If $new_rpoint is empty or null, just use $exist_rpoint $combinedRPoint = $exist_rpoint; } // Check for duplicates in the combined array $duplicateCombinedRPoint = hasDuplicates($combinedRPoint); if ($duplicateCombinedRPoint) { // Return a JSON response indicating that duplicates are not allowed $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", // You can use an appropriate HTTP status code "Result" => "false", "title" => "Duplicate values are not allowed for Sub Route Points.", "action" => "list_drop_time.php", ]; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($exist_rpoint); $i++) { $exist_rpoints = $exist_rpoint[$i]; $exist_btimes = $exist_btime[$i]; $exist_statuss = $exist_status[$i]; $idv = $id[$i]; $table = "tbl_drop_sub_route"; $field = ['point_id' => $exist_rpoints, 'ptime' => $exist_btimes, 'status' => $exist_statuss, 'operator_id' => $operator_id]; $where = "where id=" . $idv . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); } if (is_array($new_rpoint) && is_array($new_btime) && is_array($new_status)) { $count = count($new_rpoint); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $new_rpoints = $new_rpoint[$i]; $new_btimes = $new_btime[$i]; $new_statuss = $new_status[$i]; // Insert each point and time into the database $table = "tbl_drop_sub_route"; $field_values = ["board_id", "point_id", "ptime", "status", "operator_id"]; $data_values = ["$board_id", "$new_rpoints", "$new_btimes", "$new_statuss", "$operator_id"]; $checks = trim($h->insertData($field_values, $data_values, $table)); } } if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Sub route Drop Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Sub route Drop section!", "action" => "list_drop_time.php"]; } } } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'edit_points') { $title = $h->real_string($_POST['title']); $city_id = $h->real_string($_POST['city_id']); $status = $_POST['status']; $id = $_POST['id']; $address = $h->real_string($_POST['address']); $mobile = $h->real_string($_POST['mobile']); $lats = $h->real_string($_POST['lats']); $longs = $h->real_string($_POST['longs']); $table = "tbl_points"; $field = ['city_id' => $city_id, 'status' => $status, 'title' => $title, 'address' => $address, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'lats' => $lats, 'longs' => $longs]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Points Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Points section!", "action" => "list_drop_pick.php"]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_city") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $title = $h->real_string($_POST["title"]); $table = "tbl_city"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "City Update Successfully!!", "message" => "City section!", "action" => "list_city.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_banner") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/banner/"; $url = "images/banner/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != "") { if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_banner.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_banner"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "img" => $url]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Banner Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Banner section!", "action" => "list_banner.php", ]; } } } } else { $table = "tbl_banner"; $field = ["status" => $okey]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Banner Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Banner section!", "action" => "list_banner.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_facility") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $title = $h->real_string($_POST["title"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/facility/"; $url = "images/facility/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != "") { if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "add_facility.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_facility"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "img" => $url, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Facility Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Facility section!", "action" => "list_facility.php", ]; } } } } else { $table = "tbl_facility"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Facility Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Facility section!", "action" => "list_facility.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "com_payout") { $payout_id = $_POST["payout_id"]; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/proof/"; $url = "images/proof/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if (end($temp) != "jpg" && end($temp) != "png" && end($temp) != "jpeg") { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed !!", "message" => "Upload Problem!!", "action" => "list_payout.php", ]; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "payout_setting"; $field = ["proof" => $url, "status" => "completed"]; $where = "where id=" . $payout_id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payout Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Payout section!", "action" => "list_payout.php", ]; } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "point_delete") { $id = $_POST["id"]; $table = "tbl_board_drop_points"; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->deleteData($where, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Point Delete Successfully!!", "message" => "Point section!", "action" => "list_board_drop.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "sub_pick_route_delete") { $id = $_POST["id"]; $table = "tbl_sub_route_time"; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->deleteData($where, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Sub route Delete Successfully!!", "message" => "Sub route section!", "action" => "list_pick_time.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "sub_drop_route_delete") { $id = $_POST["id"]; $table = "tbl_drop_sub_route"; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->deleteData($where, $table)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Sub route Delete Successfully!!", "message" => "Sub route section!", "action" => "list_drop_time.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "update_status") { $id = $_POST["id"]; $status = $_POST["status"]; $coll_type = $_POST["coll_type"]; $page_name = $_POST["page_name"]; if ($coll_type == "userstatus") { $table = "tbl_user"; $field = "status=" . $status . ""; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $table = "tbl_user"; $field = ["status" => $status]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "User Status Change Successfully!!", "message" => "User section!", "action" => "userlist.php", ]; } } } elseif ($coll_type == "verifystatus") { $table = "tbl_user"; $field = ["is_verify" => $status]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Agent Verify Status Change Successfully!!", "message" => "User section!", "action" => "userlist.php", ]; } } } elseif ($coll_type == "dark_mode") { $table = "tbl_setting"; $field = ["show_dark" => $status]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Dark Mode Status Change Successfully!!", "message" => "Dark Mode section!", "action" => $page_name, ]; } } } elseif ($coll_type == "sdark_mode") { $table = "tbl_bus_operator"; $field = ["dark_mode" => $status]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $check = trim($h->updateData($field, $table, $where)); if ($check == -1) { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Please Activate Domain First!!!", "message" => "Validation!!", "action" => "validate_domain.php"]; } else { if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Dark Mode Status Change Successfully!!", "message" => "Dark Mode section!", "action" => $page_name, ]; } } } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Option Not There!!", "message" => "Error!!", "action" => "dashboard.php", ]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Don't Try Extra Function!", "message" => "welcome admin!!", "action" => "dashboard.php"]; } } else { $returnArr = ["ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Don't Try Extra Function!", "message" => "welcome admin!!", "action" => "dashboard.php"]; } echo json_encode($returnArr); ?>