编辑当前文件:/home/qrafawbu/rentandbuyrealty.com/ProZigzagbus Web Admin 1.2/Payfast/index.php
query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_payment_list` where id=12")->fetch_assoc(); $kk = explode(',',$kb['attributes']); $mode = $kk[2]; function generateSignature($data, $passPhrase = null) { // Create parameter string $pfOutput = ''; foreach( $data as $key => $val ) { if($val !== '') { $pfOutput .= $key .'='. urlencode( trim( $val ) ) .'&'; } } // Remove last ampersand $getString = substr( $pfOutput, 0, -1 ); if( $passPhrase !== null ) { $getString .= '&passphrase='. urlencode( trim( $passPhrase ) ); } return md5( $getString ); } $payment_id = uniqid(); // Construct variables $cartTotal = $_GET['amt']; // This amount needs to be sourced from your application $passphrase = 'jt7NOE43FZPn'; $data = array( // Merchant details 'merchant_id' => $kk[1], 'merchant_key' => $kk[0], 'return_url' => 'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/Payfast/success.php?payment_id='.$payment_id.'&status=success', 'cancel_url' => 'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/Payfast/cancle.php?payment_id='.$payment_id.'&status=failed', 'notify_url' => 'https://prozigzagbus.cscodetech.cloud/Payfast/success.php?payment_id='.$payment_id.'&status=success', // Buyer details 'name_first' => 'First Name', 'name_last' => 'Last Name', 'email_address'=> 'test@test.com', // Transaction details 'm_payment_id' => $payment_id, //Unique payment ID to pass through to notify_url 'amount' => number_format( sprintf( '%.2f', $cartTotal ), 2, '.', '' ), 'item_name' => 'Order#123', 'custom_int1'=>2 ); $signature = generateSignature($data, $passphrase); $data['signature'] = $signature; // If in testing mode make use of either sandbox.payfast.co.za or www.payfast.co.za if($mode == 0) { $testingMode = true; } else { $testingMode = false; } $pfHost = $testingMode ? 'sandbox.payfast.co.za' : 'www.payfast.co.za'; $htmlForm = '
'; foreach($data as $name=> $value) { $htmlForm .= '
'; } echo $htmlForm; ?>