*/ private array $children = []; public function setValue(mixed $value): static { $this->value = $value; return $this; } public function getValue(): mixed { return $this->value; } public function addChild(NodeInterface $child): static { $child->setParent($this); $this->children[] = $child; return $this; } public function removeChild(NodeInterface $child): static { foreach ($this->children as $key => $myChild) { if ($child === $myChild) { unset($this->children[$key]); } } $this->children = \array_values($this->children); $child->setParent(null); return $this; } public function removeAllChildren(): static { $this->setChildren([]); return $this; } public function getChildren(): array { return $this->children; } public function setChildren(array $children): static { foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { $child->setParent(null); } $this->children = []; foreach ($children as $child) { $this->addChild($child); } return $this; } public function setParent(?NodeInterface $parent = null): void { $this->parent = $parent; } public function getParent(): ?static { return $this->parent; } public function getAncestors(): array { $parents = []; $node = $this; while (($parent = $node->getParent()) instanceof NodeInterface) { \array_unshift($parents, $parent); $node = $parent; } return $parents; } public function getAncestorsAndSelf(): array { return \array_merge($this->getAncestors(), [$this]); } public function getNeighbors(): array { if (null === $this->parent) { return []; } $neighbors = $this->parent->getChildren(); $that = $this; return \array_values(\array_filter($neighbors, static function (NodeInterface $node) use ($that): bool { return $node !== $that; })); } public function getNeighborsAndSelf(): array { if (null === $this->parent) { return [ $this, ]; } return $this->parent->getChildren(); } public function isRoot(): bool { return null === $this->parent; } public function isChild(): bool { return null !== $this->parent; } public function isLeaf(): bool { return [] === $this->children; } public function root(): static { $node = $this; while (($parent = $node->getParent()) instanceof NodeInterface) { $node = $parent; } return $node; } /** * Return the distance from the current node to the root. * * Warning, can be expensive, since each descendant is visited */ public function getDepth(): int { if ($this->isRoot()) { return 0; } return $this->getParent()->getDepth() + 1; } /** * Return the height of the tree whose root is this node. */ public function getHeight(): int { if ($this->isLeaf()) { return 0; } $heights = []; foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { $heights[] = $child->getHeight(); } return \max($heights) + 1; } public function getSize(): int { $size = 1; foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { $size += $child->getSize(); } return $size; } public function accept(Visitor $visitor): mixed { return $visitor->visit($this); } }