*/ public array $options; /** * Create a new SelectPrompt instance. * * @param array
$options */ public function __construct( public string $label, array|Collection $options, public int|string|null $default = null, public int $scroll = 5, public mixed $validate = null, public string $hint = '', public bool|string $required = true, ) { if ($this->required === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument [required] must be true or a string.'); } $this->options = $options instanceof Collection ? $options->all() : $options; if ($this->default) { if (array_is_list($this->options)) { $this->initializeScrolling(array_search($this->default, $this->options) ?: 0); } else { $this->initializeScrolling(array_search($this->default, array_keys($this->options)) ?: 0); } $this->scrollToHighlighted(count($this->options)); } else { $this->initializeScrolling(0); } $this->on('key', fn ($key) => match ($key) { Key::UP, Key::UP_ARROW, Key::LEFT, Key::LEFT_ARROW, Key::SHIFT_TAB, Key::CTRL_P, Key::CTRL_B, 'k', 'h' => $this->highlightPrevious(count($this->options)), Key::DOWN, Key::DOWN_ARROW, Key::RIGHT, Key::RIGHT_ARROW, Key::TAB, Key::CTRL_N, Key::CTRL_F, 'j', 'l' => $this->highlightNext(count($this->options)), Key::oneOf([Key::HOME, Key::CTRL_A], $key) => $this->highlight(0), Key::oneOf([Key::END, Key::CTRL_E], $key) => $this->highlight(count($this->options) - 1), Key::ENTER => $this->submit(), default => null, }); } /** * Get the selected value. */ public function value(): int|string|null { if (static::$interactive === false) { return $this->default; } if (array_is_list($this->options)) { return $this->options[$this->highlighted] ?? null; } else { return array_keys($this->options)[$this->highlighted]; } } /** * Get the selected label. */ public function label(): ?string { if (array_is_list($this->options)) { return $this->options[$this->highlighted] ?? null; } else { return $this->options[array_keys($this->options)[$this->highlighted]] ?? null; } } /** * The currently visible options. * * @return array
*/ public function visible(): array { return array_slice($this->options, $this->firstVisible, $this->scroll, preserve_keys: true); } /** * Determine whether the given value is invalid when the prompt is required. */ protected function isInvalidWhenRequired(mixed $value): bool { return $value === null; } }