// initial state import {createSlice} from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; import {act} from "react-dom/test-utils"; const initialState = { title: "", description: "", is_show_breadcrumb: false, meta_title: "", meta_description: "", meta_tags: "", meta_image: "", sections: [], sections_data: { hero_section: { layout: "1", title: "Creativity In Our Blood Line", sub_title: "We deliver best problem solving solution for our client and provide finest finishing product in present and upcoming future.", action_text: "Get a Quote", background_image_url: "/static/hero_bg.jpeg", action_url: "https://google.com", social_links: { title: "Follow Us", links: [ { title: "Facebook", url: "https://facebook.com" }, { title: "Twitter", url: "https://twitter.com" }, { title: "Instagram", url: "https://instagram.com" } ] }, email_address: "mahadicreation@gmail.com", phone_number: "01722285902", photography_slider: [ { title: "Wedding", imageUrl: "/static/wedding.jpeg", href: "/service/service-details" }, { title: "Fashion", imageUrl: "/static/fashion.jpeg", href: "/service/service-details" }, { title: "Commercial", imageUrl: "/static/commercial.jpeg", href: "/service/service-details" }, { title: "Landscape", imageUrl: "/static/landscape.jpeg", href: "/service/service-details" } ] }, our_fun_fact_section: { layout: "1", title: "Our fun fact", sub_title: "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis.", background_color: "linear-gradient(267.18deg, #161616 0%, #080808 100%)", fun_facts: [ { title: "Global Happy Clients", value: "40K" }, { title: "Project Completed", value: "50K" }, { title: "Team Members", value: "245" }, { title: "Digital products", value: "550" } ] }, service_section: { layout: "1", title: "Services we can help you with", sub_title: "What Can We Do", action_text: "See All Services", action_url: "#", services: [] }, portfolio_section: { layout: "1", title: "Portfolio to explore", sub_title: "Latest Projects", portfolios: [], }, award_section: { title: "We get multiple awards", sub_title: "Our Awards", items: [ { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] }, { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] }, { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] }, { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] }, { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] }, { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] }, { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] }, { year: 2019, title: "Google awards", list_item: ["Website of the day", "Mobile excellence"] } ] }, video_section: { layout: "1", title: "Our agile process is the ability to adapt and respond to change. 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Our team applies its wide-ranging experience to determining. Through our years of experience, we've also learned that while each channel.", photos: [ "/storage/pages/5TQUCyH6qAyEHyjd31J3BIEEyBgpgXzwBvcUUsJw.jpg", "/storage/pages/OtkldinvaxOaXIUTfXcSkyu5hPFatPnu9NMtKvFh.jpg", "/storage/pages/FnGfSsgABe4ruPpsoSZJBrfdwGO6SVgTNglLdWRV.jpg" ], title: "About Us", sub_title: "We are a UK-based photography agency", action_text: "Learn More", action_url: "#", about_image: "/static/about_img_5.jpeg" }, why_choose_us: { title: "Highly experienced people with us", sub_title: "Why Choose Us", description: "This is the main factor that sets us apart from our competition and allows us to deliver a specialist business consultancy service. Our team applies its wide-ranging experience to determining. Through our years of experience, we've also learned that while each channel.", image: "/storage/pages/W36HeJlhRELdASQcXhtyoO4EYd6cc7VNizphjWsO.jpg" }, faq_section: { layout: "2", title: "Some pre questions and answers", sub_title: "FAQ's", categories: [ { name: "Service related", url: "#" }, { name: "Pricing", url: "#" }, { name: "Project delivery", url: "#" }, { name: "Documentation", url: "#" } ], faqs: [ { questions: "Do you design illustration website?", answers: "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesent voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui." }, { questions: "Do you provide design source files after finishing work?", answers: "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesent voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui." }, { questions: "How to provide project details and payments?", answers: "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesent voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui." }, { questions: "Can you tell me please how to contact for the project?", answers: "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesent voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui." }, { questions: "Do you make custom logos, icons, etc.?", answers: "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesent voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui." } ] }, photo_gallery_section: {}, working_progress_section: {}, banner_section: {}, resume_section: {}, } } const pageSlice = createSlice({ name: "pages", initialState, reducers: { updatePageTitle(state, action){ state.title = action.payload }, updatePageDescription(state, action){ state.description = action.payload }, updatePageMetaTitle(state, action){ state.meta_title = action.payload }, updatePageMetaDescription(state, action){ state.meta_description = action.payload }, updatePageMetaTags(state, action){ state.meta_tags = action.payload }, updatePageMetaImage(state, action){ state.meta_image = action.payload }, updatePageBreadcrumb(state, action){ state.is_show_breadcrumb = action.payload; }, updatePageSection(state, action){ state.sections = action.payload }, updatePageSectionsData(state, action){ state.sections_data = action.payload }, updatePageHeroSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.hero_section = action.payload }, updatePageFunFactSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.our_fun_fact_section = action.payload }, updatePageServiceSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.service_section = action.payload }, updatePagePortfolioSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.portfolio_section = action.payload }, updatePageAwardSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.award_section = action.payload }, updatePageVideoSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.video_section = action.payload }, updatePageTeamSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.our_team_section = action.payload }, updatePageBlogSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.our_blog = action.payload }, updatePageMovingTextSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.moving_text_section = action.payload }, updatePagePartnerSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.partner_section = action.payload }, updatePageCTASection(state, action){ state.sections_data.cta_section = action.payload }, updatePagePricingSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.pricing_section = action.payload }, updatePageContactSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.contact_section = action.payload }, updatePageCaseStudySection(state, action){ state.sections_data.case_study_section = action.payload }, updatePageAboutSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.about_section = action.payload }, updatePageWhyChooseUsSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.why_choose_us = action.payload }, updatePageSectionFaqPage(state, action){ state.sections_data.faq_section = action.payload }, updatePageTestimonialSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.testimonial_section = action.payload }, updatePagePhotoGallerySection(state, action){ state.sections_data.photo_gallery_section = action.payload }, updatePageWorkingProgressSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.working_progress_section = action.payload }, updatePageBannerSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.banner_section = action.payload }, updatePageResumeSection(state, action){ state.sections_data.resume_section = action.payload }, } }) export default pageSlice.reducer; export const {updatePageDescription, updatePageSection, updatePageTitle, updatePageMetaTags, updatePageMetaDescription, updatePageMetaImage, updatePageMetaTitle, updatePageSectionsData, updatePageBreadcrumb, updatePageWhyChooseUsSection, updatePageCaseStudySection, updatePageFunFactSection, updatePageMovingTextSection, updatePageCTASection, updatePageContactSection, updatePagePartnerSection, updatePagePricingSection, updatePagePortfolioSection, updatePageServiceSection, updatePageTeamSection, updatePageVideoSection, updatePageSectionFaqPage, updatePageBlogSection, updatePageAwardSection, updatePageAboutSection, updatePageHeroSection, updatePageWorkingProgressSection, updatePagePhotoGallerySection, updatePageResumeSection, updatePageBannerSection, updatePageTestimonialSection} = pageSlice.actions