import * as jsxRuntime from "react/jsx-runtime"; import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server"; import { createInertiaApp } from "@inertiajs/react"; import createServer from "@inertiajs/react/server"; const Fragment = jsxRuntime.Fragment; const jsx = jsxRuntime.jsx; const jsxs = jsxRuntime.jsxs; async function resolvePageComponent(path, pages) { const page = pages[path]; if (typeof page === "undefined") { throw new Error(`Page not found: ${path}`); } return typeof page === "function" ? page() : page; } function t(t4, r2) { for (var n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++) { var e2 = r2[n2]; e2.enumerable = e2.enumerable || false, e2.configurable = true, "value" in e2 && (e2.writable = true), Object.defineProperty(t4, "symbol" == typeof (o2 = function(t5, r3) { if ("object" != typeof t5 || null === t5) return t5; var n3 = t5[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== n3) { var e3 = n3.call(t5, "string"); if ("object" != typeof e3) return e3; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return String(t5); }(e2.key)) ? o2 : String(o2), e2); } var o2; } function r(r2, n2, e2) { return n2 && t(r2.prototype, n2), e2 && t(r2, e2), Object.defineProperty(r2, "prototype", { writable: false }), r2; } function n() { return n = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(t4) { for (var r2 = 1; r2 < arguments.length; r2++) { var n2 = arguments[r2]; for (var e2 in n2) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n2, e2) && (t4[e2] = n2[e2]); } return t4; }, n.apply(this, arguments); } function e(t4) { return e = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(t5) { return t5.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t5); }, e(t4); } function o(t4, r2) { return o = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(t5, r3) { return t5.__proto__ = r3, t5; }, o(t4, r2); } function i() { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return true; try { return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() { })), true; } catch (t4) { return false; } } function u(t4, r2, n2) { return u = i() ? Reflect.construct.bind() : function(t5, r3, n3) { var e2 = [null]; e2.push.apply(e2, r3); var i2 = new (Function.bind.apply(t5, e2))(); return n3 && o(i2, n3.prototype), i2; }, u.apply(null, arguments); } function f(t4) { var r2 = "function" == typeof Map ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0; return f = function(t5) { if (null === t5 || -1 === Function.toString.call(t5).indexOf("[native code]")) return t5; if ("function" != typeof t5) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); if (void 0 !== r2) { if (r2.has(t5)) return r2.get(t5); r2.set(t5, n2); } function n2() { return u(t5, arguments, e(this).constructor); } return n2.prototype = Object.create(t5.prototype, { constructor: { value: n2, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }), o(n2, t5); }, f(t4); } var a = String.prototype.replace, c = /%20/g, l = { default: "RFC3986", formatters: { RFC1738: function(t4) { return a.call(t4, c, "+"); }, RFC3986: function(t4) { return String(t4); } }, RFC1738: "RFC1738", RFC3986: "RFC3986" }, s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, v = Array.isArray, p = function() { for (var t4 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; ++r2) t4.push("%" + ((r2 < 16 ? "0" : "") + r2.toString(16)).toUpperCase()); return t4; }(), y = function(t4, r2) { for (var n2 = r2 && r2.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}, e2 = 0; e2 < t4.length; ++e2) void 0 !== t4[e2] && (n2[e2] = t4[e2]); return n2; }, d = { arrayToObject: y, assign: function(t4, r2) { return Object.keys(r2).reduce(function(t5, n2) { return t5[n2] = r2[n2], t5; }, t4); }, combine: function(t4, r2) { return [].concat(t4, r2); }, compact: function(t4) { for (var r2 = [{ obj: { o: t4 }, prop: "o" }], n2 = [], e2 = 0; e2 < r2.length; ++e2) for (var o2 = r2[e2], i2 = o2.obj[o2.prop], u2 = Object.keys(i2), f2 = 0; f2 < u2.length; ++f2) { var a2 = u2[f2], c2 = i2[a2]; "object" == typeof c2 && null !== c2 && -1 === n2.indexOf(c2) && (r2.push({ obj: i2, prop: a2 }), n2.push(c2)); } return function(t5) { for (; t5.length > 1; ) { var r3 = t5.pop(), n3 = r3.obj[r3.prop]; if (v(n3)) { for (var e3 = [], o3 = 0; o3 < n3.length; ++o3) void 0 !== n3[o3] && e3.push(n3[o3]); r3.obj[r3.prop] = e3; } } }(r2), t4; }, decode: function(t4, r2, n2) { var e2 = t4.replace(/\+/g, " "); if ("iso-8859-1" === n2) return e2.replace(/%[0-9a-f]{2}/gi, unescape); try { return decodeURIComponent(e2); } catch (t5) { return e2; } }, encode: function(t4, r2, n2, e2, o2) { if (0 === t4.length) return t4; var i2 = t4; if ("symbol" == typeof t4 ? i2 = Symbol.prototype.toString.call(t4) : "string" != typeof t4 && (i2 = String(t4)), "iso-8859-1" === n2) return escape(i2).replace(/%u[0-9a-f]{4}/gi, function(t5) { return "%26%23" + parseInt(t5.slice(2), 16) + "%3B"; }); for (var u2 = "", f2 = 0; f2 < i2.length; ++f2) { var a2 = i2.charCodeAt(f2); 45 === a2 || 46 === a2 || 95 === a2 || 126 === a2 || a2 >= 48 && a2 <= 57 || a2 >= 65 && a2 <= 90 || a2 >= 97 && a2 <= 122 || o2 === l.RFC1738 && (40 === a2 || 41 === a2) ? u2 += i2.charAt(f2) : a2 < 128 ? u2 += p[a2] : a2 < 2048 ? u2 += p[192 | a2 >> 6] + p[128 | 63 & a2] : a2 < 55296 || a2 >= 57344 ? u2 += p[224 | a2 >> 12] + p[128 | a2 >> 6 & 63] + p[128 | 63 & a2] : (a2 = 65536 + ((1023 & a2) << 10 | 1023 & i2.charCodeAt(f2 += 1)), u2 += p[240 | a2 >> 18] + p[128 | a2 >> 12 & 63] + p[128 | a2 >> 6 & 63] + p[128 | 63 & a2]); } return u2; }, isBuffer: function(t4) { return !(!t4 || "object" != typeof t4 || !(t4.constructor && t4.constructor.isBuffer && t4.constructor.isBuffer(t4))); }, isRegExp: function(t4) { return "[object RegExp]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t4); }, maybeMap: function(t4, r2) { if (v(t4)) { for (var n2 = [], e2 = 0; e2 < t4.length; e2 += 1) n2.push(r2(t4[e2])); return n2; } return r2(t4); }, merge: function t2(r2, n2, e2) { if (!n2) return r2; if ("object" != typeof n2) { if (v(r2)) r2.push(n2); else { if (!r2 || "object" != typeof r2) return [r2, n2]; (e2 && (e2.plainObjects || e2.allowPrototypes) || !s.call(Object.prototype, n2)) && (r2[n2] = true); } return r2; } if (!r2 || "object" != typeof r2) return [r2].concat(n2); var o2 = r2; return v(r2) && !v(n2) && (o2 = y(r2, e2)), v(r2) && v(n2) ? (n2.forEach(function(n3, o3) { if (s.call(r2, o3)) { var i2 = r2[o3]; i2 && "object" == typeof i2 && n3 && "object" == typeof n3 ? r2[o3] = t2(i2, n3, e2) : r2.push(n3); } else r2[o3] = n3; }), r2) : Object.keys(n2).reduce(function(r3, o3) { var i2 = n2[o3]; return r3[o3] = s.call(r3, o3) ? t2(r3[o3], i2, e2) : i2, r3; }, o2); } }, b = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, h = { brackets: function(t4) { return t4 + "[]"; }, comma: "comma", indices: function(t4, r2) { return t4 + "[" + r2 + "]"; }, repeat: function(t4) { return t4; } }, m = Array.isArray, g = String.prototype.split, j = Array.prototype.push, w = function(t4, r2) { j.apply(t4, m(r2) ? r2 : [r2]); }, O = Date.prototype.toISOString, E = l.default, R = { addQueryPrefix: false, allowDots: false, charset: "utf-8", charsetSentinel: false, delimiter: "&", encode: true, encoder: d.encode, encodeValuesOnly: false, format: E, formatter: l.formatters[E], indices: false, serializeDate: function(t4) { return O.call(t4); }, skipNulls: false, strictNullHandling: false }, S = function t3(r2, n2, e2, o2, i2, u2, f2, a2, c2, l2, s2, v2, p2, y2) { var b2, h2 = r2; if ("function" == typeof f2 ? h2 = f2(n2, h2) : h2 instanceof Date ? h2 = l2(h2) : "comma" === e2 && m(h2) && (h2 = d.maybeMap(h2, function(t4) { return t4 instanceof Date ? l2(t4) : t4; })), null === h2) { if (o2) return u2 && !p2 ? u2(n2, R.encoder, y2, "key", s2) : n2; h2 = ""; } if ("string" == typeof (b2 = h2) || "number" == typeof b2 || "boolean" == typeof b2 || "symbol" == typeof b2 || "bigint" == typeof b2 || d.isBuffer(h2)) { if (u2) { var j2 = p2 ? n2 : u2(n2, R.encoder, y2, "key", s2); if ("comma" === e2 && p2) { for (var O2 = g.call(String(h2), ","), E2 = "", S2 = 0; S2 < O2.length; ++S2) E2 += (0 === S2 ? "" : ",") + v2(u2(O2[S2], R.encoder, y2, "value", s2)); return [v2(j2) + "=" + E2]; } return [v2(j2) + "=" + v2(u2(h2, R.encoder, y2, "value", s2))]; } return [v2(n2) + "=" + v2(String(h2))]; } var k2, x2 = []; if (void 0 === h2) return x2; if ("comma" === e2 && m(h2)) k2 = [{ value: h2.length > 0 ? h2.join(",") || null : void 0 }]; else if (m(f2)) k2 = f2; else { var C2 = Object.keys(h2); k2 = a2 ? C2.sort(a2) : C2; } for (var T2 = 0; T2 < k2.length; ++T2) { var N2 = k2[T2], F2 = "object" == typeof N2 && void 0 !== N2.value ? N2.value : h2[N2]; if (!i2 || null !== F2) { var D2 = m(h2) ? "function" == typeof e2 ? e2(n2, N2) : n2 : n2 + (c2 ? "." + N2 : "[" + N2 + "]"); w(x2, t3(F2, D2, e2, o2, i2, u2, f2, a2, c2, l2, s2, v2, p2, y2)); } } return x2; }, k = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, x = Array.isArray, C = { allowDots: false, allowPrototypes: false, arrayLimit: 20, charset: "utf-8", charsetSentinel: false, comma: false, decoder: d.decode, delimiter: "&", depth: 5, ignoreQueryPrefix: false, interpretNumericEntities: false, parameterLimit: 1e3, parseArrays: true, plainObjects: false, strictNullHandling: false }, T = function(t4) { return t4.replace(/(\d+);/g, function(t5, r2) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(r2, 10)); }); }, N = function(t4, r2) { return t4 && "string" == typeof t4 && r2.comma && t4.indexOf(",") > -1 ? t4.split(",") : t4; }, F = function(t4, r2, n2, e2) { if (t4) { var o2 = n2.allowDots ? t4.replace(/\.([^.[]+)/g, "[$1]") : t4, i2 = /(\[[^[\]]*])/g, u2 = n2.depth > 0 && /(\[[^[\]]*])/.exec(o2), f2 = u2 ? o2.slice(0, u2.index) : o2, a2 = []; if (f2) { if (!n2.plainObjects && k.call(Object.prototype, f2) && !n2.allowPrototypes) return; a2.push(f2); } for (var c2 = 0; n2.depth > 0 && null !== (u2 = i2.exec(o2)) && c2 < n2.depth; ) { if (c2 += 1, !n2.plainObjects && k.call(Object.prototype, u2[1].slice(1, -1)) && !n2.allowPrototypes) return; a2.push(u2[1]); } return u2 && a2.push("[" + o2.slice(u2.index) + "]"), function(t5, r3, n3, e3) { for (var o3 = e3 ? r3 : N(r3, n3), i3 = t5.length - 1; i3 >= 0; --i3) { var u3, f3 = t5[i3]; if ("[]" === f3 && n3.parseArrays) u3 = [].concat(o3); else { u3 = n3.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}; var a3 = "[" === f3.charAt(0) && "]" === f3.charAt(f3.length - 1) ? f3.slice(1, -1) : f3, c3 = parseInt(a3, 10); n3.parseArrays || "" !== a3 ? !isNaN(c3) && f3 !== a3 && String(c3) === a3 && c3 >= 0 && n3.parseArrays && c3 <= n3.arrayLimit ? (u3 = [])[c3] = o3 : "__proto__" !== a3 && (u3[a3] = o3) : u3 = { 0: o3 }; } o3 = u3; } return o3; }(a2, r2, n2, e2); } }, D = function(t4, r2) { var n2 = function(t5) { if (!t5) return C; if (null != t5.decoder && "function" != typeof t5.decoder) throw new TypeError("Decoder has to be a function."); if (void 0 !== t5.charset && "utf-8" !== t5.charset && "iso-8859-1" !== t5.charset) throw new TypeError("The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined"); return { allowDots: void 0 === t5.allowDots ? C.allowDots : !!t5.allowDots, allowPrototypes: "boolean" == typeof t5.allowPrototypes ? t5.allowPrototypes : C.allowPrototypes, arrayLimit: "number" == typeof t5.arrayLimit ? t5.arrayLimit : C.arrayLimit, charset: void 0 === t5.charset ? C.charset : t5.charset, charsetSentinel: "boolean" == typeof t5.charsetSentinel ? t5.charsetSentinel : C.charsetSentinel, comma: "boolean" == typeof t5.comma ? t5.comma : C.comma, decoder: "function" == typeof t5.decoder ? t5.decoder : C.decoder, delimiter: "string" == typeof t5.delimiter || d.isRegExp(t5.delimiter) ? t5.delimiter : C.delimiter, depth: "number" == typeof t5.depth || false === t5.depth ? +t5.depth : C.depth, ignoreQueryPrefix: true === t5.ignoreQueryPrefix, interpretNumericEntities: "boolean" == typeof t5.interpretNumericEntities ? t5.interpretNumericEntities : C.interpretNumericEntities, parameterLimit: "number" == typeof t5.parameterLimit ? t5.parameterLimit : C.parameterLimit, parseArrays: false !== t5.parseArrays, plainObjects: "boolean" == typeof t5.plainObjects ? t5.plainObjects : C.plainObjects, strictNullHandling: "boolean" == typeof t5.strictNullHandling ? t5.strictNullHandling : C.strictNullHandling }; }(r2); if ("" === t4 || null == t4) return n2.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}; for (var e2 = "string" == typeof t4 ? function(t5, r3) { var n3, e3 = {}, o3 = (r3.ignoreQueryPrefix ? t5.replace(/^\?/, "") : t5).split(r3.delimiter, Infinity === r3.parameterLimit ? void 0 : r3.parameterLimit), i3 = -1, u3 = r3.charset; if (r3.charsetSentinel) for (n3 = 0; n3 < o3.length; ++n3) 0 === o3[n3].indexOf("utf8=") && ("utf8=%E2%9C%93" === o3[n3] ? u3 = "utf-8" : "utf8=%26%2310003%3B" === o3[n3] && (u3 = "iso-8859-1"), i3 = n3, n3 = o3.length); for (n3 = 0; n3 < o3.length; ++n3) if (n3 !== i3) { var f3, a3, c2 = o3[n3], l2 = c2.indexOf("]="), s2 = -1 === l2 ? c2.indexOf("=") : l2 + 1; -1 === s2 ? (f3 = r3.decoder(c2, C.decoder, u3, "key"), a3 = r3.strictNullHandling ? null : "") : (f3 = r3.decoder(c2.slice(0, s2), C.decoder, u3, "key"), a3 = d.maybeMap(N(c2.slice(s2 + 1), r3), function(t6) { return r3.decoder(t6, C.decoder, u3, "value"); })), a3 && r3.interpretNumericEntities && "iso-8859-1" === u3 && (a3 = T(a3)), c2.indexOf("[]=") > -1 && (a3 = x(a3) ? [a3] : a3), e3[f3] = k.call(e3, f3) ? d.combine(e3[f3], a3) : a3; } return e3; }(t4, n2) : t4, o2 = n2.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}, i2 = Object.keys(e2), u2 = 0; u2 < i2.length; ++u2) { var f2 = i2[u2], a2 = F(f2, e2[f2], n2, "string" == typeof t4); o2 = d.merge(o2, a2, n2); } return d.compact(o2); }, P = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function t4(t5, r2, n3) { var e2, o2; this.name = t5, this.definition = r2, this.bindings = null != (e2 = r2.bindings) ? e2 : {}, this.wheres = null != (o2 = r2.wheres) ? o2 : {}, this.config = n3; } var n2 = t4.prototype; return n2.matchesUrl = function(t5) { var r2 = this; if (!this.definition.methods.includes("GET")) return false; var n3 = this.template.replace(/(\/?){([^}?]*)(\??)}/g, function(t6, n4, e3, o3) { var i3, u3 = "(?<" + e3 + ">" + ((null == (i3 = r2.wheres[e3]) ? void 0 : i3.replace(/(^\^)|(\$$)/g, "")) || "[^/?]+") + ")"; return o3 ? "(" + n4 + u3 + ")?" : "" + n4 + u3; }).replace(/^\w+:\/\//, ""), e2 = t5.replace(/^\w+:\/\//, "").split("?"), o2 = e2[0], i2 = e2[1], u2 = new RegExp("^" + n3 + "/?$").exec(o2); if (u2) { for (var f2 in u2.groups) u2.groups[f2] = "string" == typeof u2.groups[f2] ? decodeURIComponent(u2.groups[f2]) : u2.groups[f2]; return { params: u2.groups, query: D(i2) }; } return false; }, n2.compile = function(t5) { var r2 = this, n3 = this.parameterSegments; return n3.length ? this.template.replace(/{([^}?]+)(\??)}/g, function(e2, o2, i2) { var u2, f2, a2; if (!i2 && [null, void 0].includes(t5[o2])) throw new Error("Ziggy error: '" + o2 + "' parameter is required for route '" + r2.name + "'."); if (n3[n3.length - 1].name === o2 && ".*" === r2.wheres[o2]) return encodeURIComponent(null != (a2 = t5[o2]) ? a2 : "").replace(/%2F/g, "/"); if (r2.wheres[o2] && !new RegExp("^" + (i2 ? "(" + r2.wheres[o2] + ")?" : r2.wheres[o2]) + "$").test(null != (u2 = t5[o2]) ? u2 : "")) throw new Error("Ziggy error: '" + o2 + "' parameter does not match required format '" + r2.wheres[o2] + "' for route '" + r2.name + "'."); return encodeURIComponent(null != (f2 = t5[o2]) ? f2 : ""); }).replace(this.origin + "//", this.origin + "/").replace(/\/+$/, "") : this.template; }, r(t4, [{ key: "template", get: function() { return (this.origin + "/" + this.definition.uri).replace(/\/+$/, ""); } }, { key: "origin", get: function() { return this.config.absolute ? this.definition.domain ? "" + this.config.url.match(/^\w+:\/\//)[0] + this.definition.domain + (this.config.port ? ":" + this.config.port : "") : this.config.url : ""; } }, { key: "parameterSegments", get: function() { var t5, r2; return null != (t5 = null == (r2 = this.template.match(/{[^}?]+\??}/g)) ? void 0 : r2.map(function(t6) { return { name: t6.replace(/{|\??}/g, ""), required: !/\?}$/.test(t6) }; })) ? t5 : []; } }]), t4; }(), $ = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t4) { var e2, i2; function u2(r2, e3, o2, i3) { var u3; if (void 0 === o2 && (o2 = true), (u3 = t4.call(this) || this).t = null != i3 ? i3 : "undefined" != typeof Ziggy ? Ziggy : null == globalThis ? void 0 : globalThis.Ziggy, u3.t = n({}, u3.t, { absolute: o2 }), r2) { if (!u3.t.routes[r2]) throw new Error("Ziggy error: route '" + r2 + "' is not in the route list."); u3.i = new P(r2, u3.t.routes[r2], u3.t), u3.u = u3.l(e3); } return u3; } i2 = t4, (e2 = u2).prototype = Object.create(i2.prototype), e2.prototype.constructor = e2, o(e2, i2); var f2 = u2.prototype; return f2.toString = function() { var t5 = this, r2 = Object.keys(this.u).filter(function(r3) { return !t5.i.parameterSegments.some(function(t6) { return t6.name === r3; }); }).filter(function(t6) { return "_query" !== t6; }).reduce(function(r3, e3) { var o2; return n({}, r3, ((o2 = {})[e3] = t5.u[e3], o2)); }, {}); return this.i.compile(this.u) + function(t6, r3) { var n2, e3 = t6, o2 = function(t7) { if (!t7) return R; if (null != t7.encoder && "function" != typeof t7.encoder) throw new TypeError("Encoder has to be a function."); var r4 = t7.charset || R.charset; if (void 0 !== t7.charset && "utf-8" !== t7.charset && "iso-8859-1" !== t7.charset) throw new TypeError("The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined"); var n3 = l.default; if (void 0 !== t7.format) { if (!b.call(l.formatters, t7.format)) throw new TypeError("Unknown format option provided."); n3 = t7.format; } var e4 = l.formatters[n3], o3 = R.filter; return ("function" == typeof t7.filter || m(t7.filter)) && (o3 = t7.filter), { addQueryPrefix: "boolean" == typeof t7.addQueryPrefix ? t7.addQueryPrefix : R.addQueryPrefix, allowDots: void 0 === t7.allowDots ? R.allowDots : !!t7.allowDots, charset: r4, charsetSentinel: "boolean" == typeof t7.charsetSentinel ? t7.charsetSentinel : R.charsetSentinel, delimiter: void 0 === t7.delimiter ? R.delimiter : t7.delimiter, encode: "boolean" == typeof t7.encode ? t7.encode : R.encode, encoder: "function" == typeof t7.encoder ? t7.encoder : R.encoder, encodeValuesOnly: "boolean" == typeof t7.encodeValuesOnly ? t7.encodeValuesOnly : R.encodeValuesOnly, filter: o3, format: n3, formatter: e4, serializeDate: "function" == typeof t7.serializeDate ? t7.serializeDate : R.serializeDate, skipNulls: "boolean" == typeof t7.skipNulls ? t7.skipNulls : R.skipNulls, sort: "function" == typeof t7.sort ? t7.sort : null, strictNullHandling: "boolean" == typeof t7.strictNullHandling ? t7.strictNullHandling : R.strictNullHandling }; }(r3); "function" == typeof o2.filter ? e3 = (0, o2.filter)("", e3) : m(o2.filter) && (n2 = o2.filter); var i3 = []; if ("object" != typeof e3 || null === e3) return ""; var u3 = h[r3 && r3.arrayFormat in h ? r3.arrayFormat : r3 && "indices" in r3 ? r3.indices ? "indices" : "repeat" : "indices"]; n2 || (n2 = Object.keys(e3)), o2.sort && n2.sort(o2.sort); for (var f3 = 0; f3 < n2.length; ++f3) { var a2 = n2[f3]; o2.skipNulls && null === e3[a2] || w(i3, S(e3[a2], a2, u3, o2.strictNullHandling, o2.skipNulls, o2.encode ? o2.encoder : null, o2.filter, o2.sort, o2.allowDots, o2.serializeDate, o2.format, o2.formatter, o2.encodeValuesOnly, o2.charset)); } var c2 = i3.join(o2.delimiter), s2 = true === o2.addQueryPrefix ? "?" : ""; return o2.charsetSentinel && (s2 += "iso-8859-1" === o2.charset ? "utf8=%26%2310003%3B&" : "utf8=%E2%9C%93&"), c2.length > 0 ? s2 + c2 : ""; }(n({}, r2, this.u._query), { addQueryPrefix: true, arrayFormat: "indices", encodeValuesOnly: true, skipNulls: true, encoder: function(t6, r3) { return "boolean" == typeof t6 ? Number(t6) : r3(t6); } }); }, f2.v = function(t5) { var r2 = this; t5 ? this.t.absolute && t5.startsWith("/") && (t5 = this.p().host + t5) : t5 = this.h(); var e3 = {}, o2 = Object.entries(this.t.routes).find(function(n2) { return e3 = new P(n2[0], n2[1], r2.t).matchesUrl(t5); }) || [void 0, void 0]; return n({ name: o2[0] }, e3, { route: o2[1] }); }, f2.h = function() { var t5 = this.p(), r2 = t5.pathname, n2 = t5.search; return (this.t.absolute ? t5.host + r2 : r2.replace(this.t.url.replace(/^\w*:\/\/[^/]+/, ""), "").replace(/^\/+/, "/")) + n2; }, f2.current = function(t5, r2) { var e3 = this.v(), o2 = e3.name, i3 = e3.params, u3 = e3.query, f3 = e3.route; if (!t5) return o2; var a2 = new RegExp("^" + t5.replace(/\./g, "\\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*") + "$").test(o2); if ([null, void 0].includes(r2) || !a2) return a2; var c2 = new P(o2, f3, this.t); r2 = this.l(r2, c2); var l2 = n({}, i3, u3); return !(!Object.values(r2).every(function(t6) { return !t6; }) || Object.values(l2).some(function(t6) { return void 0 !== t6; })) || Object.entries(r2).every(function(t6) { return l2[t6[0]] == t6[1]; }); }, f2.p = function() { var t5, r2, n2, e3, o2, i3, u3 = "undefined" != typeof window ? window.location : {}, f3 = u3.host, a2 = u3.pathname, c2 = u3.search; return { host: null != (t5 = null == (r2 = this.t.location) ? void 0 : r2.host) ? t5 : void 0 === f3 ? "" : f3, pathname: null != (n2 = null == (e3 = this.t.location) ? void 0 : e3.pathname) ? n2 : void 0 === a2 ? "" : a2, search: null != (o2 = null == (i3 = this.t.location) ? void 0 : i3.search) ? o2 : void 0 === c2 ? "" : c2 }; }, f2.has = function(t5) { return Object.keys(this.t.routes).includes(t5); }, f2.l = function(t5, r2) { var e3 = this; void 0 === t5 && (t5 = {}), void 0 === r2 && (r2 = this.i), null != t5 || (t5 = {}), t5 = ["string", "number"].includes(typeof t5) ? [t5] : t5; var o2 = r2.parameterSegments.filter(function(t6) { return !e3.t.defaults[t6.name]; }); if (Array.isArray(t5)) t5 = t5.reduce(function(t6, r3, e4) { var i4, u3; return n({}, t6, o2[e4] ? ((i4 = {})[o2[e4].name] = r3, i4) : "object" == typeof r3 ? r3 : ((u3 = {})[r3] = "", u3)); }, {}); else if (1 === o2.length && !t5[o2[0].name] && (t5.hasOwnProperty(Object.values(r2.bindings)[0]) || t5.hasOwnProperty("id"))) { var i3; (i3 = {})[o2[0].name] = t5, t5 = i3; } return n({}, this.m(r2), this.g(t5, r2)); }, f2.m = function(t5) { var r2 = this; return t5.parameterSegments.filter(function(t6) { return r2.t.defaults[t6.name]; }).reduce(function(t6, e3, o2) { var i3, u3 = e3.name; return n({}, t6, ((i3 = {})[u3] = r2.t.defaults[u3], i3)); }, {}); }, f2.g = function(t5, r2) { var e3 = r2.bindings, o2 = r2.parameterSegments; return Object.entries(t5).reduce(function(t6, r3) { var i3, u3, f3 = r3[0], a2 = r3[1]; if (!a2 || "object" != typeof a2 || Array.isArray(a2) || !o2.some(function(t7) { return t7.name === f3; })) return n({}, t6, ((u3 = {})[f3] = a2, u3)); if (!a2.hasOwnProperty(e3[f3])) { if (!a2.hasOwnProperty("id")) throw new Error("Ziggy error: object passed as '" + f3 + "' parameter is missing route model binding key '" + e3[f3] + "'."); e3[f3] = "id"; } return n({}, t6, ((i3 = {})[f3] = a2[e3[f3]], i3)); }, {}); }, f2.valueOf = function() { return this.toString(); }, f2.check = function(t5) { return this.has(t5); }, r(u2, [{ key: "params", get: function() { var t5 = this.v(); return n({}, t5.params, t5.query); } }]), u2; }(/* @__PURE__ */ f(String)); function A(t4, r2, n2, e2) { var o2 = new $(t4, r2, n2, e2); return t4 ? o2.toString() : o2; } const appName = "Laravel"; createServer( (page) => createInertiaApp({ page, render: ReactDOMServer.renderToString, title: (title) => `${title} - ${appName}`, resolve: (name) => resolvePageComponent(`./Pages/${name}.jsx`, /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign({ "./Pages/Auth/ConfirmPassword.jsx": () => import("./assets/ConfirmPassword-d3ba4cd5.js"), "./Pages/Auth/ForgotPassword.jsx": () => import("./assets/ForgotPassword-52fcdd0e.js"), "./Pages/Auth/Login.jsx": () => import("./assets/Login-f79bb3a9.js"), "./Pages/Auth/Register.jsx": () => import("./assets/Register-eba165a7.js"), "./Pages/Auth/ResetPassword.jsx": () => import("./assets/ResetPassword-32cb13f2.js"), "./Pages/Auth/VerifyEmail.jsx": () => import("./assets/VerifyEmail-03fc2060.js"), "./Pages/Blogs/BlogDetails.jsx": () => import("./assets/BlogDetails-210de0d6.js"), "./Pages/Blogs/Index.jsx": () => import("./assets/Index-20dc30af.js"), "./Pages/Dashboard.jsx": () => import("./assets/Dashboard-e31ea546.js"), "./Pages/PageCustomize/Home.jsx": () => import("./assets/Home-84efc262.js"), "./Pages/Profile/Edit.jsx": () => import("./assets/Edit-e2f01817.js"), "./Pages/Profile/Partials/DeleteUserForm.jsx": () => import("./assets/DeleteUserForm-79bfab6b.js"), "./Pages/Profile/Partials/UpdatePasswordForm.jsx": () => import("./assets/UpdatePasswordForm-14f44d4d.js"), "./Pages/Profile/Partials/UpdateProfileInformationForm.jsx": () => import("./assets/UpdateProfileInformationForm-03853aba.js"), "./Pages/Welcome.jsx": () => import("./assets/Welcome-5e34e172.js") })), setup: ({ App, props }) => { global.route = (name, params, absolute) => A(name, params, absolute, { ...page.props.ziggy, location: new URL(page.props.ziggy.location) }); return /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(App, { ...props }); } }) ); export { Fragment as F, jsx as a, jsxs as j };