model = $setting; } /** * Get setting by group */ private function getSettingByGroup($groupName): array { $settings = $this->model->where('setting_group', $groupName)->get(); $data = []; foreach ($settings as $setting) { $data[$setting->setting_key] = $setting->setting_value; } return $data; } /** * Get payment configure settings * * @return array */ public function getPaymentGatewayConfiguration(): array { return $this->getSettingByGroup('payment_gateways'); } /** * Get site settings */ public function getSiteSettings(): array { return [ 'general' => $this->getSettingByGroup('general_settings'), 'sidebar' => $this->getSettingByGroup('sidebar_settings'), 'footer' => $this->getSettingByGroup('footer_settings'), 'contact' => $this->getSettingByGroup('contact_settings'), 'subscriber' => $this->getSettingByGroup('subscribe_settings'), 'social_links' => $this->getSettingByGroup('social_settings'), 'custom_css' => $this->getSettingByGroup('custom_css'), 'html_embed_code' => $this->getSettingByGroup('embed_html'), ]; } /** * Get Smtp Configuration */ public function getSmtpConfiguration() { return [ 'MAIL_HOST' => env('MAIL_HOST'), 'MAIL_PORT' => env('MAIL_PORT'), 'MAIL_USERNAME' => env('MAIL_USERNAME'), 'MAIL_PASSWORD' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD'), 'MAIL_ENCRYPTION' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION'), 'MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS' => env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS'), ]; } /** * Update setting by group */ public function updateSettingByGroup($settingGroup, array $values = []): void { $settingKeys = array_keys($values); foreach ($settingKeys as $settingKey) { $this->model->updateOrCreate( ['setting_key' => $settingKey, 'setting_group' => $settingGroup], ['setting_value' => $values[$settingKey]] ); Cache::forget('settings:'.$settingKey); } } public function updateEnvByKey($data = []) { $path = base_path('.env'); if (file_exists($path)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->writeEnvironmentFile($key, $value); } } } private function writeEnvironmentFile($key, $value) { $path = base_path('.env'); if (file_exists($path)) { // Read the current contents of the .env file $contents = file_get_contents($path); // Check if the key exists in the .env file if (strpos($contents, $key) !== false) { // If the value contains double quotes, handle it differently if (strpos($value, '"') !== false) { $pattern = preg_quote($key.'='.env($key), '/'); $replacement = $key.'='.$value; $contents = preg_replace('/'.$pattern.'/', $replacement, $contents); } else { // If the value does not contain double quotes, replace normally $contents = preg_replace("/{$key}=(.*)/", "{$key}={$value}", $contents); } // Write the updated contents back to the .env file file_put_contents($path, $contents); } } } /** * Store theme data */ public function storeThemeData($themeData): void { $activeTheme = Setting::pull('active_theme'); $selectedTheme = ''; switch ($activeTheme) { case 'default': $selectedTheme = 'default_theme_data'; break; case 'photography_agency': $selectedTheme = 'photography_agency_theme_data'; break; case 'creative_portfolio': $selectedTheme = 'creative_portfolio_theme_data'; break; case 'digital_agency': $selectedTheme = 'digital_agency_theme_data'; break; case 'marketing_agency': $selectedTheme = 'marketing_agency_theme_data'; break; case 'showcase_portfolio': $selectedTheme = 'showcase_portfolio_theme_data'; break; case 'case_study_showcase': $selectedTheme = 'case_study_showcase_theme_data'; break; case 'freelancing_agency': $selectedTheme = 'freelancing_agency_theme_data'; break; case 'architecture_agency': $selectedTheme = 'architecture_agency_theme_data'; break; case 'creative_solution': $selectedTheme = 'creative_solution_theme_data'; break; case 'personal_portfolio': $selectedTheme = 'personal_portfolio_theme_data'; break; default: $homeData = ''; } $this->updateSettingByGroup('theme_settings', [$selectedTheme => $themeData]); } /** * Update payment gateway configure * * @param array $data * @return void */ public function updatePaymentGatewayConfigure(array $data): void { $this->updateSettingByGroup('payment_gateways', $data); } }