/** * TinyMCE version 6.4.2 (2023-04-26) */ (function () { 'use strict'; var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.ModelManager'); const hasProto = (v, constructor, predicate) => { var _a; if (predicate(v, constructor.prototype)) { return true; } else { return ((_a = v.constructor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === constructor.name; } }; const typeOf = x => { const t = typeof x; if (x === null) { return 'null'; } else if (t === 'object' && Array.isArray(x)) { return 'array'; } else if (t === 'object' && hasProto(x, String, (o, proto) => proto.isPrototypeOf(o))) { return 'string'; } else { return t; } }; const isType$1 = type => value => typeOf(value) === type; const isSimpleType = type => value => typeof value === type; const eq$2 = t => a => t === a; const isString = isType$1('string'); const isObject = isType$1('object'); const isArray = isType$1('array'); const isNull = eq$2(null); const isBoolean = isSimpleType('boolean'); const isUndefined = eq$2(undefined); const isNullable = a => a === null || a === undefined; const isNonNullable = a => !isNullable(a); const isFunction = isSimpleType('function'); const isNumber = isSimpleType('number'); const noop = () => { }; const compose = (fa, fb) => { return (...args) => { return fa(fb.apply(null, args)); }; }; const compose1 = (fbc, fab) => a => fbc(fab(a)); const constant = value => { return () => { return value; }; }; const identity = x => { return x; }; const tripleEquals = (a, b) => { return a === b; }; function curry(fn, ...initialArgs) { return (...restArgs) => { const all = initialArgs.concat(restArgs); return fn.apply(null, all); }; } const not = f => t => !f(t); const die = msg => { return () => { throw new Error(msg); }; }; const apply = f => { return f(); }; const never = constant(false); const always = constant(true); class Optional { constructor(tag, value) { this.tag = tag; this.value = value; } static some(value) { return new Optional(true, value); } static none() { return Optional.singletonNone; } fold(onNone, onSome) { if (this.tag) { return onSome(this.value); } else { return onNone(); } } isSome() { return this.tag; } isNone() { return !this.tag; } map(mapper) { if (this.tag) { return Optional.some(mapper(this.value)); } else { return Optional.none(); } } bind(binder) { if (this.tag) { return binder(this.value); } else { return Optional.none(); } } exists(predicate) { return this.tag && predicate(this.value); } forall(predicate) { return !this.tag || predicate(this.value); } filter(predicate) { if (!this.tag || predicate(this.value)) { return this; } else { return Optional.none(); } } getOr(replacement) { return this.tag ? this.value : replacement; } or(replacement) { return this.tag ? this : replacement; } getOrThunk(thunk) { return this.tag ? this.value : thunk(); } orThunk(thunk) { return this.tag ? this : thunk(); } getOrDie(message) { if (!this.tag) { throw new Error(message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : 'Called getOrDie on None'); } else { return this.value; } } static from(value) { return isNonNullable(value) ? Optional.some(value) : Optional.none(); } getOrNull() { return this.tag ? this.value : null; } getOrUndefined() { return this.value; } each(worker) { if (this.tag) { worker(this.value); } } toArray() { return this.tag ? [this.value] : []; } toString() { return this.tag ? `some(${ this.value })` : 'none()'; } } Optional.singletonNone = new Optional(false); const nativeSlice = Array.prototype.slice; const nativeIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; const nativePush = Array.prototype.push; const rawIndexOf = (ts, t) => nativeIndexOf.call(ts, t); const contains$2 = (xs, x) => rawIndexOf(xs, x) > -1; const exists = (xs, pred) => { for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i)) { return true; } } return false; }; const range$1 = (num, f) => { const r = []; for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { r.push(f(i)); } return r; }; const map$1 = (xs, f) => { const len = xs.length; const r = new Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; r[i] = f(x, i); } return r; }; const each$2 = (xs, f) => { for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; f(x, i); } }; const eachr = (xs, f) => { for (let i = xs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const x = xs[i]; f(x, i); } }; const partition = (xs, pred) => { const pass = []; const fail = []; for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; const arr = pred(x, i) ? pass : fail; arr.push(x); } return { pass, fail }; }; const filter$2 = (xs, pred) => { const r = []; for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i)) { r.push(x); } } return r; }; const foldr = (xs, f, acc) => { eachr(xs, (x, i) => { acc = f(acc, x, i); }); return acc; }; const foldl = (xs, f, acc) => { each$2(xs, (x, i) => { acc = f(acc, x, i); }); return acc; }; const findUntil = (xs, pred, until) => { for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i)) { return Optional.some(x); } else if (until(x, i)) { break; } } return Optional.none(); }; const find$1 = (xs, pred) => { return findUntil(xs, pred, never); }; const findIndex = (xs, pred) => { for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i)) { return Optional.some(i); } } return Optional.none(); }; const flatten = xs => { const r = []; for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) { if (!isArray(xs[i])) { throw new Error('Arr.flatten item ' + i + ' was not an array, input: ' + xs); } nativePush.apply(r, xs[i]); } return r; }; const bind$2 = (xs, f) => flatten(map$1(xs, f)); const forall = (xs, pred) => { for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) { const x = xs[i]; if (pred(x, i) !== true) { return false; } } return true; }; const reverse = xs => { const r = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0); r.reverse(); return r; }; const mapToObject = (xs, f) => { const r = {}; for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) { const x = xs[i]; r[String(x)] = f(x, i); } return r; }; const sort$1 = (xs, comparator) => { const copy = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0); copy.sort(comparator); return copy; }; const get$d = (xs, i) => i >= 0 && i < xs.length ? Optional.some(xs[i]) : Optional.none(); const head = xs => get$d(xs, 0); const last$2 = xs => get$d(xs, xs.length - 1); const findMap = (arr, f) => { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { const r = f(arr[i], i); if (r.isSome()) { return r; } } return Optional.none(); }; const keys = Object.keys; const hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty; const each$1 = (obj, f) => { const props = keys(obj); for (let k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) { const i = props[k]; const x = obj[i]; f(x, i); } }; const map = (obj, f) => { return tupleMap(obj, (x, i) => ({ k: i, v: f(x, i) })); }; const tupleMap = (obj, f) => { const r = {}; each$1(obj, (x, i) => { const tuple = f(x, i); r[tuple.k] = tuple.v; }); return r; }; const objAcc = r => (x, i) => { r[i] = x; }; const internalFilter = (obj, pred, onTrue, onFalse) => { each$1(obj, (x, i) => { (pred(x, i) ? onTrue : onFalse)(x, i); }); }; const filter$1 = (obj, pred) => { const t = {}; internalFilter(obj, pred, objAcc(t), noop); return t; }; const mapToArray = (obj, f) => { const r = []; each$1(obj, (value, name) => { r.push(f(value, name)); }); return r; }; const values = obj => { return mapToArray(obj, identity); }; const get$c = (obj, key) => { return has$1(obj, key) ? Optional.from(obj[key]) : Optional.none(); }; const has$1 = (obj, key) => hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); const hasNonNullableKey = (obj, key) => has$1(obj, key) && obj[key] !== undefined && obj[key] !== null; const isEmpty = r => { for (const x in r) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(r, x)) { return false; } } return true; }; const Global = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : Function('return this;')(); const path = (parts, scope) => { let o = scope !== undefined && scope !== null ? scope : Global; for (let i = 0; i < parts.length && o !== undefined && o !== null; ++i) { o = o[parts[i]]; } return o; }; const resolve$2 = (p, scope) => { const parts = p.split('.'); return path(parts, scope); }; const unsafe = (name, scope) => { return resolve$2(name, scope); }; const getOrDie = (name, scope) => { const actual = unsafe(name, scope); if (actual === undefined || actual === null) { throw new Error(name + ' not available on this browser'); } return actual; }; const getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; const sandHTMLElement = scope => { return getOrDie('HTMLElement', scope); }; const isPrototypeOf = x => { const scope = resolve$2('ownerDocument.defaultView', x); return isObject(x) && (sandHTMLElement(scope).prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || /^HTML\w*Element$/.test(getPrototypeOf(x).constructor.name)); }; const COMMENT = 8; const DOCUMENT = 9; const DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11; const ELEMENT = 1; const TEXT = 3; const name = element => { const r = element.dom.nodeName; return r.toLowerCase(); }; const type = element => element.dom.nodeType; const isType = t => element => type(element) === t; const isComment = element => type(element) === COMMENT || name(element) === '#comment'; const isHTMLElement = element => isElement(element) && isPrototypeOf(element.dom); const isElement = isType(ELEMENT); const isText = isType(TEXT); const isDocument = isType(DOCUMENT); const isDocumentFragment = isType(DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT); const isTag = tag => e => isElement(e) && name(e) === tag; const rawSet = (dom, key, value) => { if (isString(value) || isBoolean(value) || isNumber(value)) { dom.setAttribute(key, value + ''); } else { console.error('Invalid call to Attribute.set. Key ', key, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom); throw new Error('Attribute value was not simple'); } }; const set$2 = (element, key, value) => { rawSet(element.dom, key, value); }; const setAll$1 = (element, attrs) => { const dom = element.dom; each$1(attrs, (v, k) => { rawSet(dom, k, v); }); }; const setOptions = (element, attrs) => { each$1(attrs, (v, k) => { v.fold(() => { remove$7(element, k); }, value => { rawSet(element.dom, k, value); }); }); }; const get$b = (element, key) => { const v = element.dom.getAttribute(key); return v === null ? undefined : v; }; const getOpt = (element, key) => Optional.from(get$b(element, key)); const remove$7 = (element, key) => { element.dom.removeAttribute(key); }; const clone$2 = element => foldl(element.dom.attributes, (acc, attr) => { acc[attr.name] = attr.value; return acc; }, {}); const fromHtml$1 = (html, scope) => { const doc = scope || document; const div = doc.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; if (!div.hasChildNodes() || div.childNodes.length > 1) { const message = 'HTML does not have a single root node'; console.error(message, html); throw new Error(message); } return fromDom$1(div.childNodes[0]); }; const fromTag = (tag, scope) => { const doc = scope || document; const node = doc.createElement(tag); return fromDom$1(node); }; const fromText = (text, scope) => { const doc = scope || document; const node = doc.createTextNode(text); return fromDom$1(node); }; const fromDom$1 = node => { if (node === null || node === undefined) { throw new Error('Node cannot be null or undefined'); } return { dom: node }; }; const fromPoint$1 = (docElm, x, y) => Optional.from(docElm.dom.elementFromPoint(x, y)).map(fromDom$1); const SugarElement = { fromHtml: fromHtml$1, fromTag, fromText, fromDom: fromDom$1, fromPoint: fromPoint$1 }; const is$2 = (element, selector) => { const dom = element.dom; if (dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT) { return false; } else { const elem = dom; if (elem.matches !== undefined) { return elem.matches(selector); } else if (elem.msMatchesSelector !== undefined) { return elem.msMatchesSelector(selector); } else if (elem.webkitMatchesSelector !== undefined) { return elem.webkitMatchesSelector(selector); } else if (elem.mozMatchesSelector !== undefined) { return elem.mozMatchesSelector(selector); } else { throw new Error('Browser lacks native selectors'); } } }; const bypassSelector = dom => dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || dom.childElementCount === 0; const all$1 = (selector, scope) => { const base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom; return bypassSelector(base) ? [] : map$1(base.querySelectorAll(selector), SugarElement.fromDom); }; const one = (selector, scope) => { const base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom; return bypassSelector(base) ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(base.querySelector(selector)).map(SugarElement.fromDom); }; const eq$1 = (e1, e2) => e1.dom === e2.dom; const contains$1 = (e1, e2) => { const d1 = e1.dom; const d2 = e2.dom; return d1 === d2 ? false : d1.contains(d2); }; const is$1 = is$2; const owner = element => SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.ownerDocument); const documentOrOwner = dos => isDocument(dos) ? dos : owner(dos); const documentElement = element => SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.documentElement); const defaultView = element => SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.defaultView); const parent = element => Optional.from(element.dom.parentNode).map(SugarElement.fromDom); const parentElement = element => Optional.from(element.dom.parentElement).map(SugarElement.fromDom); const parents = (element, isRoot) => { const stop = isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never; let dom = element.dom; const ret = []; while (dom.parentNode !== null && dom.parentNode !== undefined) { const rawParent = dom.parentNode; const p = SugarElement.fromDom(rawParent); ret.push(p); if (stop(p) === true) { break; } else { dom = rawParent; } } return ret; }; const prevSibling = element => Optional.from(element.dom.previousSibling).map(SugarElement.fromDom); const nextSibling = element => Optional.from(element.dom.nextSibling).map(SugarElement.fromDom); const children$2 = element => map$1(element.dom.childNodes, SugarElement.fromDom); const child$2 = (element, index) => { const cs = element.dom.childNodes; return Optional.from(cs[index]).map(SugarElement.fromDom); }; const firstChild = element => child$2(element, 0); const before$3 = (marker, element) => { const parent$1 = parent(marker); parent$1.each(v => { v.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, marker.dom); }); }; const after$5 = (marker, element) => { const sibling = nextSibling(marker); sibling.fold(() => { const parent$1 = parent(marker); parent$1.each(v => { append$1(v, element); }); }, v => { before$3(v, element); }); }; const prepend = (parent, element) => { const firstChild$1 = firstChild(parent); firstChild$1.fold(() => { append$1(parent, element); }, v => { parent.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, v.dom); }); }; const append$1 = (parent, element) => { parent.dom.appendChild(element.dom); }; const appendAt = (parent, element, index) => { child$2(parent, index).fold(() => { append$1(parent, element); }, v => { before$3(v, element); }); }; const wrap = (element, wrapper) => { before$3(element, wrapper); append$1(wrapper, element); }; const after$4 = (marker, elements) => { each$2(elements, (x, i) => { const e = i === 0 ? marker : elements[i - 1]; after$5(e, x); }); }; const append = (parent, elements) => { each$2(elements, x => { append$1(parent, x); }); }; const empty = element => { element.dom.textContent = ''; each$2(children$2(element), rogue => { remove$6(rogue); }); }; const remove$6 = element => { const dom = element.dom; if (dom.parentNode !== null) { dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom); } }; const unwrap = wrapper => { const children = children$2(wrapper); if (children.length > 0) { after$4(wrapper, children); } remove$6(wrapper); }; const clone$1 = (original, isDeep) => SugarElement.fromDom(original.dom.cloneNode(isDeep)); const shallow = original => clone$1(original, false); const deep = original => clone$1(original, true); const shallowAs = (original, tag) => { const nu = SugarElement.fromTag(tag); const attributes = clone$2(original); setAll$1(nu, attributes); return nu; }; const copy$2 = (original, tag) => { const nu = shallowAs(original, tag); const cloneChildren = children$2(deep(original)); append(nu, cloneChildren); return nu; }; const mutate$1 = (original, tag) => { const nu = shallowAs(original, tag); after$5(original, nu); const children = children$2(original); append(nu, children); remove$6(original); return nu; }; const validSectionList = [ 'tfoot', 'thead', 'tbody', 'colgroup' ]; const isValidSection = parentName => contains$2(validSectionList, parentName); const grid = (rows, columns) => ({ rows, columns }); const address = (row, column) => ({ row, column }); const detail = (element, rowspan, colspan) => ({ element, rowspan, colspan }); const detailnew = (element, rowspan, colspan, isNew) => ({ element, rowspan, colspan, isNew }); const extended = (element, rowspan, colspan, row, column, isLocked) => ({ element, rowspan, colspan, row, column, isLocked }); const rowdetail = (element, cells, section) => ({ element, cells, section }); const rowdetailnew = (element, cells, section, isNew) => ({ element, cells, section, isNew }); const elementnew = (element, isNew, isLocked) => ({ element, isNew, isLocked }); const rowcells = (element, cells, section, isNew) => ({ element, cells, section, isNew }); const bounds = (startRow, startCol, finishRow, finishCol) => ({ startRow, startCol, finishRow, finishCol }); const columnext = (element, colspan, column) => ({ element, colspan, column }); const colgroup = (element, columns) => ({ element, columns }); const isShadowRoot = dos => isDocumentFragment(dos) && isNonNullable(dos.dom.host); const supported = isFunction(Element.prototype.attachShadow) && isFunction(Node.prototype.getRootNode); const isSupported$1 = constant(supported); const getRootNode = supported ? e => SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.getRootNode()) : documentOrOwner; const getShadowRoot = e => { const r = getRootNode(e); return isShadowRoot(r) ? Optional.some(r) : Optional.none(); }; const getShadowHost = e => SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.host); const getOriginalEventTarget = event => { if (isSupported$1() && isNonNullable(event.target)) { const el = SugarElement.fromDom(event.target); if (isElement(el) && isOpenShadowHost(el)) { if (event.composed && event.composedPath) { const composedPath = event.composedPath(); if (composedPath) { return head(composedPath); } } } } return Optional.from(event.target); }; const isOpenShadowHost = element => isNonNullable(element.dom.shadowRoot); const inBody = element => { const dom = isText(element) ? element.dom.parentNode : element.dom; if (dom === undefined || dom === null || dom.ownerDocument === null) { return false; } const doc = dom.ownerDocument; return getShadowRoot(SugarElement.fromDom(dom)).fold(() => doc.body.contains(dom), compose1(inBody, getShadowHost)); }; const body$1 = () => getBody$1(SugarElement.fromDom(document)); const getBody$1 = doc => { const b = doc.dom.body; if (b === null || b === undefined) { throw new Error('Body is not available yet'); } return SugarElement.fromDom(b); }; const ancestors$4 = (scope, predicate, isRoot) => filter$2(parents(scope, isRoot), predicate); const children$1 = (scope, predicate) => filter$2(children$2(scope), predicate); const descendants$1 = (scope, predicate) => { let result = []; each$2(children$2(scope), x => { if (predicate(x)) { result = result.concat([x]); } result = result.concat(descendants$1(x, predicate)); }); return result; }; const ancestors$3 = (scope, selector, isRoot) => ancestors$4(scope, e => is$2(e, selector), isRoot); const children = (scope, selector) => children$1(scope, e => is$2(e, selector)); const descendants = (scope, selector) => all$1(selector, scope); var ClosestOrAncestor = (is, ancestor, scope, a, isRoot) => { if (is(scope, a)) { return Optional.some(scope); } else if (isFunction(isRoot) && isRoot(scope)) { return Optional.none(); } else { return ancestor(scope, a, isRoot); } }; const ancestor$2 = (scope, predicate, isRoot) => { let element = scope.dom; const stop = isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never; while (element.parentNode) { element = element.parentNode; const el = SugarElement.fromDom(element); if (predicate(el)) { return Optional.some(el); } else if (stop(el)) { break; } } return Optional.none(); }; const closest$2 = (scope, predicate, isRoot) => { const is = (s, test) => test(s); return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor$2, scope, predicate, isRoot); }; const child$1 = (scope, predicate) => { const pred = node => predicate(SugarElement.fromDom(node)); const result = find$1(scope.dom.childNodes, pred); return result.map(SugarElement.fromDom); }; const descendant$1 = (scope, predicate) => { const descend = node => { for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { const child = SugarElement.fromDom(node.childNodes[i]); if (predicate(child)) { return Optional.some(child); } const res = descend(node.childNodes[i]); if (res.isSome()) { return res; } } return Optional.none(); }; return descend(scope.dom); }; const ancestor$1 = (scope, selector, isRoot) => ancestor$2(scope, e => is$2(e, selector), isRoot); const child = (scope, selector) => child$1(scope, e => is$2(e, selector)); const descendant = (scope, selector) => one(selector, scope); const closest$1 = (scope, selector, isRoot) => { const is = (element, selector) => is$2(element, selector); return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor$1, scope, selector, isRoot); }; const is = (lhs, rhs, comparator = tripleEquals) => lhs.exists(left => comparator(left, rhs)); const cat = arr => { const r = []; const push = x => { r.push(x); }; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i].each(push); } return r; }; const bindFrom = (a, f) => a !== undefined && a !== null ? f(a) : Optional.none(); const someIf = (b, a) => b ? Optional.some(a) : Optional.none(); const checkRange = (str, substr, start) => substr === '' || str.length >= substr.length && str.substr(start, start + substr.length) === substr; const contains = (str, substr, start = 0, end) => { const idx = str.indexOf(substr, start); if (idx !== -1) { return isUndefined(end) ? true : idx + substr.length <= end; } else { return false; } }; const startsWith = (str, prefix) => { return checkRange(str, prefix, 0); }; const endsWith = (str, suffix) => { return checkRange(str, suffix, str.length - suffix.length); }; const blank = r => s => s.replace(r, ''); const trim = blank(/^\s+|\s+$/g); const isNotEmpty = s => s.length > 0; const toFloat = value => { const num = parseFloat(value); return isNaN(num) ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(num); }; const isSupported = dom => dom.style !== undefined && isFunction(dom.style.getPropertyValue); const internalSet = (dom, property, value) => { if (!isString(value)) { console.error('Invalid call to CSS.set. Property ', property, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom); throw new Error('CSS value must be a string: ' + value); } if (isSupported(dom)) { dom.style.setProperty(property, value); } }; const internalRemove = (dom, property) => { if (isSupported(dom)) { dom.style.removeProperty(property); } }; const set$1 = (element, property, value) => { const dom = element.dom; internalSet(dom, property, value); }; const setAll = (element, css) => { const dom = element.dom; each$1(css, (v, k) => { internalSet(dom, k, v); }); }; const get$a = (element, property) => { const dom = element.dom; const styles = window.getComputedStyle(dom); const r = styles.getPropertyValue(property); return r === '' && !inBody(element) ? getUnsafeProperty(dom, property) : r; }; const getUnsafeProperty = (dom, property) => isSupported(dom) ? dom.style.getPropertyValue(property) : ''; const getRaw$2 = (element, property) => { const dom = element.dom; const raw = getUnsafeProperty(dom, property); return Optional.from(raw).filter(r => r.length > 0); }; const remove$5 = (element, property) => { const dom = element.dom; internalRemove(dom, property); if (is(getOpt(element, 'style').map(trim), '')) { remove$7(element, 'style'); } }; const copy$1 = (source, target) => { const sourceDom = source.dom; const targetDom = target.dom; if (isSupported(sourceDom) && isSupported(targetDom)) { targetDom.style.cssText = sourceDom.style.cssText; } }; const getAttrValue = (cell, name, fallback = 0) => getOpt(cell, name).map(value => parseInt(value, 10)).getOr(fallback); const getSpan = (cell, type) => getAttrValue(cell, type, 1); const hasColspan = cellOrCol => { if (isTag('col')(cellOrCol)) { return getAttrValue(cellOrCol, 'span', 1) > 1; } else { return getSpan(cellOrCol, 'colspan') > 1; } }; const hasRowspan = cell => getSpan(cell, 'rowspan') > 1; const getCssValue = (element, property) => parseInt(get$a(element, property), 10); const minWidth = constant(10); const minHeight = constant(10); const firstLayer = (scope, selector) => { return filterFirstLayer(scope, selector, always); }; const filterFirstLayer = (scope, selector, predicate) => { return bind$2(children$2(scope), x => { if (is$2(x, selector)) { return predicate(x) ? [x] : []; } else { return filterFirstLayer(x, selector, predicate); } }); }; const lookup = (tags, element, isRoot = never) => { if (isRoot(element)) { return Optional.none(); } if (contains$2(tags, name(element))) { return Optional.some(element); } const isRootOrUpperTable = elm => is$2(elm, 'table') || isRoot(elm); return ancestor$1(element, tags.join(','), isRootOrUpperTable); }; const cell = (element, isRoot) => lookup([ 'td', 'th' ], element, isRoot); const cells$1 = ancestor => firstLayer(ancestor, 'th,td'); const columns$1 = ancestor => { if (is$2(ancestor, 'colgroup')) { return children(ancestor, 'col'); } else { return bind$2(columnGroups(ancestor), columnGroup => children(columnGroup, 'col')); } }; const table = (element, isRoot) => closest$1(element, 'table', isRoot); const rows$1 = ancestor => firstLayer(ancestor, 'tr'); const columnGroups = ancestor => table(ancestor).fold(constant([]), table => children(table, 'colgroup')); const fromRowsOrColGroups = (elems, getSection) => map$1(elems, row => { if (name(row) === 'colgroup') { const cells = map$1(columns$1(row), column => { const colspan = getAttrValue(column, 'span', 1); return detail(column, 1, colspan); }); return rowdetail(row, cells, 'colgroup'); } else { const cells = map$1(cells$1(row), cell => { const rowspan = getAttrValue(cell, 'rowspan', 1); const colspan = getAttrValue(cell, 'colspan', 1); return detail(cell, rowspan, colspan); }); return rowdetail(row, cells, getSection(row)); } }); const getParentSection = group => parent(group).map(parent => { const parentName = name(parent); return isValidSection(parentName) ? parentName : 'tbody'; }).getOr('tbody'); const fromTable$1 = table => { const rows = rows$1(table); const columnGroups$1 = columnGroups(table); const elems = [ ...columnGroups$1, ...rows ]; return fromRowsOrColGroups(elems, getParentSection); }; const fromPastedRows = (elems, section) => fromRowsOrColGroups(elems, () => section); const cached = f => { let called = false; let r; return (...args) => { if (!called) { called = true; r = f.apply(null, args); } return r; }; }; const DeviceType = (os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch) => { const isiPad = os.isiOS() && /ipad/i.test(userAgent) === true; const isiPhone = os.isiOS() && !isiPad; const isMobile = os.isiOS() || os.isAndroid(); const isTouch = isMobile || mediaMatch('(pointer:coarse)'); const isTablet = isiPad || !isiPhone && isMobile && mediaMatch('(min-device-width:768px)'); const isPhone = isiPhone || isMobile && !isTablet; const iOSwebview = browser.isSafari() && os.isiOS() && /safari/i.test(userAgent) === false; const isDesktop = !isPhone && !isTablet && !iOSwebview; return { isiPad: constant(isiPad), isiPhone: constant(isiPhone), isTablet: constant(isTablet), isPhone: constant(isPhone), isTouch: constant(isTouch), isAndroid: os.isAndroid, isiOS: os.isiOS, isWebView: constant(iOSwebview), isDesktop: constant(isDesktop) }; }; const firstMatch = (regexes, s) => { for (let i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) { const x = regexes[i]; if (x.test(s)) { return x; } } return undefined; }; const find = (regexes, agent) => { const r = firstMatch(regexes, agent); if (!r) { return { major: 0, minor: 0 }; } const group = i => { return Number(agent.replace(r, '$' + i)); }; return nu$2(group(1), group(2)); }; const detect$5 = (versionRegexes, agent) => { const cleanedAgent = String(agent).toLowerCase(); if (versionRegexes.length === 0) { return unknown$2(); } return find(versionRegexes, cleanedAgent); }; const unknown$2 = () => { return nu$2(0, 0); }; const nu$2 = (major, minor) => { return { major, minor }; }; const Version = { nu: nu$2, detect: detect$5, unknown: unknown$2 }; const detectBrowser$1 = (browsers, userAgentData) => { return findMap(userAgentData.brands, uaBrand => { const lcBrand = uaBrand.brand.toLowerCase(); return find$1(browsers, browser => { var _a; return lcBrand === ((_a = browser.brand) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase()); }).map(info => ({ current: info.name, version: Version.nu(parseInt(uaBrand.version, 10), 0) })); }); }; const detect$4 = (candidates, userAgent) => { const agent = String(userAgent).toLowerCase(); return find$1(candidates, candidate => { return candidate.search(agent); }); }; const detectBrowser = (browsers, userAgent) => { return detect$4(browsers, userAgent).map(browser => { const version = Version.detect(browser.versionRegexes, userAgent); return { current: browser.name, version }; }); }; const detectOs = (oses, userAgent) => { return detect$4(oses, userAgent).map(os => { const version = Version.detect(os.versionRegexes, userAgent); return { current: os.name, version }; }); }; const normalVersionRegex = /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/; const checkContains = target => { return uastring => { return contains(uastring, target); }; }; const browsers = [ { name: 'Edge', versionRegexes: [/.*?edge\/ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/], search: uastring => { return contains(uastring, 'edge/') && contains(uastring, 'chrome') && contains(uastring, 'safari') && contains(uastring, 'applewebkit'); } }, { name: 'Chromium', brand: 'Chromium', versionRegexes: [ /.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/, normalVersionRegex ], search: uastring => { return contains(uastring, 'chrome') && !contains(uastring, 'chromeframe'); } }, { name: 'IE', versionRegexes: [ /.*?msie\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/, /.*?rv:([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/ ], search: uastring => { return contains(uastring, 'msie') || contains(uastring, 'trident'); } }, { name: 'Opera', versionRegexes: [ normalVersionRegex, /.*?opera\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/ ], search: checkContains('opera') }, { name: 'Firefox', versionRegexes: [/.*?firefox\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/], search: checkContains('firefox') }, { name: 'Safari', versionRegexes: [ normalVersionRegex, /.*?cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/ ], search: uastring => { return (contains(uastring, 'safari') || contains(uastring, 'mobile/')) && contains(uastring, 'applewebkit'); } } ]; const oses = [ { name: 'Windows', search: checkContains('win'), versionRegexes: [/.*?windows\ nt\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/] }, { name: 'iOS', search: uastring => { return contains(uastring, 'iphone') || contains(uastring, 'ipad'); }, versionRegexes: [ /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/, /.*cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/, /.*cpu iphone os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/ ] }, { name: 'Android', search: checkContains('android'), versionRegexes: [/.*?android\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/] }, { name: 'macOS', search: checkContains('mac os x'), versionRegexes: [/.*?mac\ os\ x\ ?([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/] }, { name: 'Linux', search: checkContains('linux'), versionRegexes: [] }, { name: 'Solaris', search: checkContains('sunos'), versionRegexes: [] }, { name: 'FreeBSD', search: checkContains('freebsd'), versionRegexes: [] }, { name: 'ChromeOS', search: checkContains('cros'), versionRegexes: [/.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/] } ]; const PlatformInfo = { browsers: constant(browsers), oses: constant(oses) }; const edge = 'Edge'; const chromium = 'Chromium'; const ie = 'IE'; const opera = 'Opera'; const firefox = 'Firefox'; const safari = 'Safari'; const unknown$1 = () => { return nu$1({ current: undefined, version: Version.unknown() }); }; const nu$1 = info => { const current = info.current; const version = info.version; const isBrowser = name => () => current === name; return { current, version, isEdge: isBrowser(edge), isChromium: isBrowser(chromium), isIE: isBrowser(ie), isOpera: isBrowser(opera), isFirefox: isBrowser(firefox), isSafari: isBrowser(safari) }; }; const Browser = { unknown: unknown$1, nu: nu$1, edge: constant(edge), chromium: constant(chromium), ie: constant(ie), opera: constant(opera), firefox: constant(firefox), safari: constant(safari) }; const windows = 'Windows'; const ios = 'iOS'; const android = 'Android'; const linux = 'Linux'; const macos = 'macOS'; const solaris = 'Solaris'; const freebsd = 'FreeBSD'; const chromeos = 'ChromeOS'; const unknown = () => { return nu({ current: undefined, version: Version.unknown() }); }; const nu = info => { const current = info.current; const version = info.version; const isOS = name => () => current === name; return { current, version, isWindows: isOS(windows), isiOS: isOS(ios), isAndroid: isOS(android), isMacOS: isOS(macos), isLinux: isOS(linux), isSolaris: isOS(solaris), isFreeBSD: isOS(freebsd), isChromeOS: isOS(chromeos) }; }; const OperatingSystem = { unknown, nu, windows: constant(windows), ios: constant(ios), android: constant(android), linux: constant(linux), macos: constant(macos), solaris: constant(solaris), freebsd: constant(freebsd), chromeos: constant(chromeos) }; const detect$3 = (userAgent, userAgentDataOpt, mediaMatch) => { const browsers = PlatformInfo.browsers(); const oses = PlatformInfo.oses(); const browser = userAgentDataOpt.bind(userAgentData => detectBrowser$1(browsers, userAgentData)).orThunk(() => detectBrowser(browsers, userAgent)).fold(Browser.unknown, Browser.nu); const os = detectOs(oses, userAgent).fold(OperatingSystem.unknown, OperatingSystem.nu); const deviceType = DeviceType(os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch); return { browser, os, deviceType }; }; const PlatformDetection = { detect: detect$3 }; const mediaMatch = query => window.matchMedia(query).matches; let platform = cached(() => PlatformDetection.detect(navigator.userAgent, Optional.from(navigator.userAgentData), mediaMatch)); const detect$2 = () => platform(); const Dimension = (name, getOffset) => { const set = (element, h) => { if (!isNumber(h) && !h.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { throw new Error(name + '.set accepts only positive integer values. Value was ' + h); } const dom = element.dom; if (isSupported(dom)) { dom.style[name] = h + 'px'; } }; const get = element => { const r = getOffset(element); if (r <= 0 || r === null) { const css = get$a(element, name); return parseFloat(css) || 0; } return r; }; const getOuter = get; const aggregate = (element, properties) => foldl(properties, (acc, property) => { const val = get$a(element, property); const value = val === undefined ? 0 : parseInt(val, 10); return isNaN(value) ? acc : acc + value; }, 0); const max = (element, value, properties) => { const cumulativeInclusions = aggregate(element, properties); const absoluteMax = value > cumulativeInclusions ? value - cumulativeInclusions : 0; return absoluteMax; }; return { set, get, getOuter, aggregate, max }; }; const toNumber = (px, fallback) => toFloat(px).getOr(fallback); const getProp = (element, name, fallback) => toNumber(get$a(element, name), fallback); const calcContentBoxSize = (element, size, upper, lower) => { const paddingUpper = getProp(element, `padding-${ upper }`, 0); const paddingLower = getProp(element, `padding-${ lower }`, 0); const borderUpper = getProp(element, `border-${ upper }-width`, 0); const borderLower = getProp(element, `border-${ lower }-width`, 0); return size - paddingUpper - paddingLower - borderUpper - borderLower; }; const getCalculatedWidth = (element, boxSizing) => { const dom = element.dom; const width = dom.getBoundingClientRect().width || dom.offsetWidth; return boxSizing === 'border-box' ? width : calcContentBoxSize(element, width, 'left', 'right'); }; const getHeight$1 = element => getProp(element, 'height', element.dom.offsetHeight); const getWidth = element => getProp(element, 'width', element.dom.offsetWidth); const getInnerWidth = element => getCalculatedWidth(element, 'content-box'); const api$2 = Dimension('width', element => element.dom.offsetWidth); const get$9 = element => api$2.get(element); const getOuter$2 = element => api$2.getOuter(element); const getInner = getInnerWidth; const getRuntime$1 = getWidth; const addCells = (gridRow, index, cells) => { const existingCells = gridRow.cells; const before = existingCells.slice(0, index); const after = existingCells.slice(index); const newCells = before.concat(cells).concat(after); return setCells(gridRow, newCells); }; const addCell = (gridRow, index, cell) => addCells(gridRow, index, [cell]); const mutateCell = (gridRow, index, cell) => { const cells = gridRow.cells; cells[index] = cell; }; const setCells = (gridRow, cells) => rowcells(gridRow.element, cells, gridRow.section, gridRow.isNew); const mapCells = (gridRow, f) => { const cells = gridRow.cells; const r = map$1(cells, f); return rowcells(gridRow.element, r, gridRow.section, gridRow.isNew); }; const getCell = (gridRow, index) => gridRow.cells[index]; const getCellElement = (gridRow, index) => getCell(gridRow, index).element; const cellLength = gridRow => gridRow.cells.length; const extractGridDetails = grid => { const result = partition(grid, row => row.section === 'colgroup'); return { rows: result.fail, cols: result.pass }; }; const clone = (gridRow, cloneRow, cloneCell) => { const newCells = map$1(gridRow.cells, cloneCell); return rowcells(cloneRow(gridRow.element), newCells, gridRow.section, true); }; const LOCKED_COL_ATTR = 'data-snooker-locked-cols'; const getLockedColumnsFromTable = table => getOpt(table, LOCKED_COL_ATTR).bind(lockedColStr => Optional.from(lockedColStr.match(/\d+/g))).map(lockedCols => mapToObject(lockedCols, always)); const getLockedColumnsFromGrid = grid => { const locked = foldl(extractGridDetails(grid).rows, (acc, row) => { each$2(row.cells, (cell, idx) => { if (cell.isLocked) { acc[idx] = true; } }); return acc; }, {}); const lockedArr = mapToArray(locked, (_val, key) => parseInt(key, 10)); return sort$1(lockedArr); }; const key = (row, column) => { return row + ',' + column; }; const getAt = (warehouse, row, column) => Optional.from(warehouse.access[key(row, column)]); const findItem = (warehouse, item, comparator) => { const filtered = filterItems(warehouse, detail => { return comparator(item, detail.element); }); return filtered.length > 0 ? Optional.some(filtered[0]) : Optional.none(); }; const filterItems = (warehouse, predicate) => { const all = bind$2(warehouse.all, r => { return r.cells; }); return filter$2(all, predicate); }; const generateColumns = rowData => { const columnsGroup = {}; let index = 0; each$2(rowData.cells, column => { const colspan = column.colspan; range$1(colspan, columnIndex => { const colIndex = index + columnIndex; columnsGroup[colIndex] = columnext(column.element, colspan, colIndex); }); index += colspan; }); return columnsGroup; }; const generate$1 = list => { const access = {}; const cells = []; const tableOpt = head(list).map(rowData => rowData.element).bind(table); const lockedColumns = tableOpt.bind(getLockedColumnsFromTable).getOr({}); let maxRows = 0; let maxColumns = 0; let rowCount = 0; const { pass: colgroupRows, fail: rows } = partition(list, rowData => rowData.section === 'colgroup'); each$2(rows, rowData => { const currentRow = []; each$2(rowData.cells, rowCell => { let start = 0; while (access[key(rowCount, start)] !== undefined) { start++; } const isLocked = hasNonNullableKey(lockedColumns, start.toString()); const current = extended(rowCell.element, rowCell.rowspan, rowCell.colspan, rowCount, start, isLocked); for (let occupiedColumnPosition = 0; occupiedColumnPosition < rowCell.colspan; occupiedColumnPosition++) { for (let occupiedRowPosition = 0; occupiedRowPosition < rowCell.rowspan; occupiedRowPosition++) { const rowPosition = rowCount + occupiedRowPosition; const columnPosition = start + occupiedColumnPosition; const newpos = key(rowPosition, columnPosition); access[newpos] = current; maxColumns = Math.max(maxColumns, columnPosition + 1); } } currentRow.push(current); }); maxRows++; cells.push(rowdetail(rowData.element, currentRow, rowData.section)); rowCount++; }); const {columns, colgroups} = last$2(colgroupRows).map(rowData => { const columns = generateColumns(rowData); const colgroup$1 = colgroup(rowData.element, values(columns)); return { colgroups: [colgroup$1], columns }; }).getOrThunk(() => ({ colgroups: [], columns: {} })); const grid$1 = grid(maxRows, maxColumns); return { grid: grid$1, access, all: cells, columns, colgroups }; }; const fromTable = table => { const list = fromTable$1(table); return generate$1(list); }; const justCells = warehouse => bind$2(warehouse.all, w => w.cells); const justColumns = warehouse => values(warehouse.columns); const hasColumns = warehouse => keys(warehouse.columns).length > 0; const getColumnAt = (warehouse, columnIndex) => Optional.from(warehouse.columns[columnIndex]); const Warehouse = { fromTable, generate: generate$1, getAt, findItem, filterItems, justCells, justColumns, hasColumns, getColumnAt }; const columns = (warehouse, isValidCell = always) => { const grid = warehouse.grid; const cols = range$1(grid.columns, identity); const rowsArr = range$1(grid.rows, identity); return map$1(cols, col => { const getBlock = () => bind$2(rowsArr, r => Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, r, col).filter(detail => detail.column === col).toArray()); const isValid = detail => detail.colspan === 1 && isValidCell(detail.element); const getFallback = () => Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, 0, col); return decide(getBlock, isValid, getFallback); }); }; const decide = (getBlock, isValid, getFallback) => { const inBlock = getBlock(); const validInBlock = find$1(inBlock, isValid); const detailOption = validInBlock.orThunk(() => Optional.from(inBlock[0]).orThunk(getFallback)); return detailOption.map(detail => detail.element); }; const rows = warehouse => { const grid = warehouse.grid; const rowsArr = range$1(grid.rows, identity); const cols = range$1(grid.columns, identity); return map$1(rowsArr, row => { const getBlock = () => bind$2(cols, c => Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, row, c).filter(detail => detail.row === row).fold(constant([]), detail => [detail])); const isSingle = detail => detail.rowspan === 1; const getFallback = () => Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, row, 0); return decide(getBlock, isSingle, getFallback); }); }; const deduce = (xs, index) => { if (index < 0 || index >= xs.length - 1) { return Optional.none(); } const current = xs[index].fold(() => { const rest = reverse(xs.slice(0, index)); return findMap(rest, (a, i) => a.map(aa => ({ value: aa, delta: i + 1 }))); }, c => Optional.some({ value: c, delta: 0 })); const next = xs[index + 1].fold(() => { const rest = xs.slice(index + 1); return findMap(rest, (a, i) => a.map(aa => ({ value: aa, delta: i + 1 }))); }, n => Optional.some({ value: n, delta: 1 })); return current.bind(c => next.map(n => { const extras = n.delta + c.delta; return Math.abs(n.value - c.value) / extras; })); }; const onDirection = (isLtr, isRtl) => element => getDirection(element) === 'rtl' ? isRtl : isLtr; const getDirection = element => get$a(element, 'direction') === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; const api$1 = Dimension('height', element => { const dom = element.dom; return inBody(element) ? dom.getBoundingClientRect().height : dom.offsetHeight; }); const get$8 = element => api$1.get(element); const getOuter$1 = element => api$1.getOuter(element); const getRuntime = getHeight$1; const r = (left, top) => { const translate = (x, y) => r(left + x, top + y); return { left, top, translate }; }; const SugarPosition = r; const boxPosition = dom => { const box = dom.getBoundingClientRect(); return SugarPosition(box.left, box.top); }; const firstDefinedOrZero = (a, b) => { if (a !== undefined) { return a; } else { return b !== undefined ? b : 0; } }; const absolute = element => { const doc = element.dom.ownerDocument; const body = doc.body; const win = doc.defaultView; const html = doc.documentElement; if (body === element.dom) { return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop); } const scrollTop = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageYOffset, html.scrollTop); const scrollLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageXOffset, html.scrollLeft); const clientTop = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientTop, body.clientTop); const clientLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientLeft, body.clientLeft); return viewport(element).translate(scrollLeft - clientLeft, scrollTop - clientTop); }; const viewport = element => { const dom = element.dom; const doc = dom.ownerDocument; const body = doc.body; if (body === dom) { return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop); } if (!inBody(element)) { return SugarPosition(0, 0); } return boxPosition(dom); }; const rowInfo = (row, y) => ({ row, y }); const colInfo = (col, x) => ({ col, x }); const rtlEdge = cell => { const pos = absolute(cell); return pos.left + getOuter$2(cell); }; const ltrEdge = cell => { return absolute(cell).left; }; const getLeftEdge = (index, cell) => { return colInfo(index, ltrEdge(cell)); }; const getRightEdge = (index, cell) => { return colInfo(index, rtlEdge(cell)); }; const getTop$1 = cell => { return absolute(cell).top; }; const getTopEdge = (index, cell) => { return rowInfo(index, getTop$1(cell)); }; const getBottomEdge = (index, cell) => { return rowInfo(index, getTop$1(cell) + getOuter$1(cell)); }; const findPositions = (getInnerEdge, getOuterEdge, array) => { if (array.length === 0) { return []; } const lines = map$1(array.slice(1), (cellOption, index) => { return cellOption.map(cell => { return getInnerEdge(index, cell); }); }); const lastLine = array[array.length - 1].map(cell => { return getOuterEdge(array.length - 1, cell); }); return lines.concat([lastLine]); }; const negate = step => { return -step; }; const height = { delta: identity, positions: optElements => findPositions(getTopEdge, getBottomEdge, optElements), edge: getTop$1 }; const ltr$1 = { delta: identity, edge: ltrEdge, positions: optElements => findPositions(getLeftEdge, getRightEdge, optElements) }; const rtl$1 = { delta: negate, edge: rtlEdge, positions: optElements => findPositions(getRightEdge, getLeftEdge, optElements) }; const detect$1 = onDirection(ltr$1, rtl$1); const width = { delta: (amount, table) => detect$1(table).delta(amount, table), positions: (cols, table) => detect$1(table).positions(cols, table), edge: cell => detect$1(cell).edge(cell) }; const units = { unsupportedLength: [ 'em', 'ex', 'cap', 'ch', 'ic', 'rem', 'lh', 'rlh', 'vw', 'vh', 'vi', 'vb', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'cm', 'mm', 'Q', 'in', 'pc', 'pt', 'px' ], fixed: [ 'px', 'pt' ], relative: ['%'], empty: [''] }; const pattern = (() => { const decimalDigits = '[0-9]+'; const signedInteger = '[+-]?' + decimalDigits; const exponentPart = '[eE]' + signedInteger; const dot = '\\.'; const opt = input => `(?:${ input })?`; const unsignedDecimalLiteral = [ 'Infinity', decimalDigits + dot + opt(decimalDigits) + opt(exponentPart), dot + decimalDigits + opt(exponentPart), decimalDigits + opt(exponentPart) ].join('|'); const float = `[+-]?(?:${ unsignedDecimalLiteral })`; return new RegExp(`^(${ float })(.*)$`); })(); const isUnit = (unit, accepted) => exists(accepted, acc => exists(units[acc], check => unit === check)); const parse = (input, accepted) => { const match = Optional.from(pattern.exec(input)); return match.bind(array => { const value = Number(array[1]); const unitRaw = array[2]; if (isUnit(unitRaw, accepted)) { return Optional.some({ value, unit: unitRaw }); } else { return Optional.none(); } }); }; const rPercentageBasedSizeRegex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)%/; const rPixelBasedSizeRegex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)px|em/; const isCol$2 = isTag('col'); const getPercentSize = (elm, outerGetter, innerGetter) => { const relativeParent = parentElement(elm).getOrThunk(() => getBody$1(owner(elm))); return outerGetter(elm) / innerGetter(relativeParent) * 100; }; const setPixelWidth = (cell, amount) => { set$1(cell, 'width', amount + 'px'); }; const setPercentageWidth = (cell, amount) => { set$1(cell, 'width', amount + '%'); }; const setHeight = (cell, amount) => { set$1(cell, 'height', amount + 'px'); }; const getHeightValue = cell => getRuntime(cell) + 'px'; const convert = (cell, number, getter, setter) => { const newSize = table(cell).map(table => { const total = getter(table); return Math.floor(number / 100 * total); }).getOr(number); setter(cell, newSize); return newSize; }; const normalizePixelSize = (value, cell, getter, setter) => { const number = parseFloat(value); return endsWith(value, '%') && name(cell) !== 'table' ? convert(cell, number, getter, setter) : number; }; const getTotalHeight = cell => { const value = getHeightValue(cell); if (!value) { return get$8(cell); } return normalizePixelSize(value, cell, get$8, setHeight); }; const get$7 = (cell, type, f) => { const v = f(cell); const span = getSpan(cell, type); return v / span; }; const getRaw$1 = (element, prop) => { return getRaw$2(element, prop).orThunk(() => { return getOpt(element, prop).map(val => val + 'px'); }); }; const getRawWidth$1 = element => getRaw$1(element, 'width'); const getRawHeight = element => getRaw$1(element, 'height'); const getPercentageWidth = cell => getPercentSize(cell, get$9, getInner); const getPixelWidth$1 = cell => isCol$2(cell) ? get$9(cell) : getRuntime$1(cell); const getHeight = cell => { return get$7(cell, 'rowspan', getTotalHeight); }; const getGenericWidth = cell => { const width = getRawWidth$1(cell); return width.bind(w => parse(w, [ 'fixed', 'relative', 'empty' ])); }; const setGenericWidth = (cell, amount, unit) => { set$1(cell, 'width', amount + unit); }; const getPixelTableWidth = table => get$9(table) + 'px'; const getPercentTableWidth = table => getPercentSize(table, get$9, getInner) + '%'; const isPercentSizing$1 = table => getRawWidth$1(table).exists(size => rPercentageBasedSizeRegex.test(size)); const isPixelSizing$1 = table => getRawWidth$1(table).exists(size => rPixelBasedSizeRegex.test(size)); const isNoneSizing$1 = table => getRawWidth$1(table).isNone(); const percentageBasedSizeRegex = constant(rPercentageBasedSizeRegex); const isCol$1 = isTag('col'); const getRawW = cell => { return getRawWidth$1(cell).getOrThunk(() => getPixelWidth$1(cell) + 'px'); }; const getRawH = cell => { return getRawHeight(cell).getOrThunk(() => getHeight(cell) + 'px'); }; const justCols = warehouse => map$1(Warehouse.justColumns(warehouse), column => Optional.from(column.element)); const isValidColumn = cell => { const browser = detect$2().browser; const supportsColWidths = browser.isChromium() || browser.isFirefox(); return isCol$1(cell) ? supportsColWidths : true; }; const getDimension = (cellOpt, index, backups, filter, getter, fallback) => cellOpt.filter(filter).fold(() => fallback(deduce(backups, index)), cell => getter(cell)); const getWidthFrom = (warehouse, table, getWidth, fallback) => { const columnCells = columns(warehouse); const columns$1 = Warehouse.hasColumns(warehouse) ? justCols(warehouse) : columnCells; const backups = [Optional.some(width.edge(table))].concat(map$1(width.positions(columnCells, table), pos => pos.map(p => p.x))); const colFilter = not(hasColspan); return map$1(columns$1, (cellOption, c) => { return getDimension(cellOption, c, backups, colFilter, column => { if (isValidColumn(column)) { return getWidth(column); } else { const cell = bindFrom(columnCells[c], identity); return getDimension(cell, c, backups, colFilter, cell => fallback(Optional.some(get$9(cell))), fallback); } }, fallback); }); }; const getDeduced = deduced => { return deduced.map(d => { return d + 'px'; }).getOr(''); }; const getRawWidths = (warehouse, table) => { return getWidthFrom(warehouse, table, getRawW, getDeduced); }; const getPercentageWidths = (warehouse, table, tableSize) => { return getWidthFrom(warehouse, table, getPercentageWidth, deduced => { return deduced.fold(() => { return tableSize.minCellWidth(); }, cellWidth => { return cellWidth / tableSize.pixelWidth() * 100; }); }); }; const getPixelWidths = (warehouse, table, tableSize) => { return getWidthFrom(warehouse, table, getPixelWidth$1, deduced => { return deduced.getOrThunk(tableSize.minCellWidth); }); }; const getHeightFrom = (warehouse, table, direction, getHeight, fallback) => { const rows$1 = rows(warehouse); const backups = [Optional.some(direction.edge(table))].concat(map$1(direction.positions(rows$1, table), pos => pos.map(p => p.y))); return map$1(rows$1, (cellOption, c) => { return getDimension(cellOption, c, backups, not(hasRowspan), getHeight, fallback); }); }; const getPixelHeights = (warehouse, table, direction) => { return getHeightFrom(warehouse, table, direction, getHeight, deduced => { return deduced.getOrThunk(minHeight); }); }; const getRawHeights = (warehouse, table, direction) => { return getHeightFrom(warehouse, table, direction, getRawH, getDeduced); }; const widthLookup = (table, getter) => () => { if (inBody(table)) { return getter(table); } else { return parseFloat(getRaw$2(table, 'width').getOr('0')); } }; const noneSize = table => { const getWidth = widthLookup(table, get$9); const zero = constant(0); const getWidths = (warehouse, tableSize) => getPixelWidths(warehouse, table, tableSize); return { width: getWidth, pixelWidth: getWidth, getWidths, getCellDelta: zero, singleColumnWidth: constant([0]), minCellWidth: zero, setElementWidth: noop, adjustTableWidth: noop, isRelative: true, label: 'none' }; }; const percentageSize = table => { const getFloatWidth = widthLookup(table, elem => parseFloat(getPercentTableWidth(elem))); const getWidth = widthLookup(table, get$9); const getCellDelta = delta => delta / getWidth() * 100; const singleColumnWidth = (w, _delta) => [100 - w]; const minCellWidth = () => minWidth() / getWidth() * 100; const adjustTableWidth = delta => { const currentWidth = getFloatWidth(); const change = delta / 100 * currentWidth; const newWidth = currentWidth + change; setPercentageWidth(table, newWidth); }; const getWidths = (warehouse, tableSize) => getPercentageWidths(warehouse, table, tableSize); return { width: getFloatWidth, pixelWidth: getWidth, getWidths, getCellDelta, singleColumnWidth, minCellWidth, setElementWidth: setPercentageWidth, adjustTableWidth, isRelative: true, label: 'percent' }; }; const pixelSize = table => { const getWidth = widthLookup(table, get$9); const getCellDelta = identity; const singleColumnWidth = (w, delta) => { const newNext = Math.max(minWidth(), w + delta); return [newNext - w]; }; const adjustTableWidth = delta => { const newWidth = getWidth() + delta; setPixelWidth(table, newWidth); }; const getWidths = (warehouse, tableSize) => getPixelWidths(warehouse, table, tableSize); return { width: getWidth, pixelWidth: getWidth, getWidths, getCellDelta, singleColumnWidth, minCellWidth: minWidth, setElementWidth: setPixelWidth, adjustTableWidth, isRelative: false, label: 'pixel' }; }; const chooseSize = (element, width) => { const percentMatch = percentageBasedSizeRegex().exec(width); if (percentMatch !== null) { return percentageSize(element); } else { return pixelSize(element); } }; const getTableSize = table => { const width = getRawWidth$1(table); return width.fold(() => noneSize(table), w => chooseSize(table, w)); }; const TableSize = { getTableSize, pixelSize, percentageSize, noneSize }; const statsStruct = (minRow, minCol, maxRow, maxCol, allCells, selectedCells) => ({ minRow, minCol, maxRow, maxCol, allCells, selectedCells }); const findSelectedStats = (house, isSelected) => { const totalColumns = house.grid.columns; const totalRows = house.grid.rows; let minRow = totalRows; let minCol = totalColumns; let maxRow = 0; let maxCol = 0; const allCells = []; const selectedCells = []; each$1(house.access, detail => { allCells.push(detail); if (isSelected(detail)) { selectedCells.push(detail); const startRow = detail.row; const endRow = startRow + detail.rowspan - 1; const startCol = detail.column; const endCol = startCol + detail.colspan - 1; if (startRow < minRow) { minRow = startRow; } else if (endRow > maxRow) { maxRow = endRow; } if (startCol < minCol) { minCol = startCol; } else if (endCol > maxCol) { maxCol = endCol; } } }); return statsStruct(minRow, minCol, maxRow, maxCol, allCells, selectedCells); }; const makeCell = (list, seenSelected, rowIndex) => { const row = list[rowIndex].element; const td = SugarElement.fromTag('td'); append$1(td, SugarElement.fromTag('br')); const f = seenSelected ? append$1 : prepend; f(row, td); }; const fillInGaps = (list, house, stats, isSelected) => { const rows = filter$2(list, row => row.section !== 'colgroup'); const totalColumns = house.grid.columns; const totalRows = house.grid.rows; for (let i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) { let seenSelected = false; for (let j = 0; j < totalColumns; j++) { if (!(i < stats.minRow || i > stats.maxRow || j < stats.minCol || j > stats.maxCol)) { const needCell = Warehouse.getAt(house, i, j).filter(isSelected).isNone(); if (needCell) { makeCell(rows, seenSelected, i); } else { seenSelected = true; } } } } }; const clean = (replica, stats, house, widthDelta) => { each$1(house.columns, col => { if (col.column < stats.minCol || col.column > stats.maxCol) { remove$6(col.element); } }); const emptyRows = filter$2(firstLayer(replica, 'tr'), row => row.dom.childElementCount === 0); each$2(emptyRows, remove$6); if (stats.minCol === stats.maxCol || stats.minRow === stats.maxRow) { each$2(firstLayer(replica, 'th,td'), cell => { remove$7(cell, 'rowspan'); remove$7(cell, 'colspan'); }); } remove$7(replica, LOCKED_COL_ATTR); remove$7(replica, 'data-snooker-col-series'); const tableSize = TableSize.getTableSize(replica); tableSize.adjustTableWidth(widthDelta); }; const getTableWidthDelta = (table, warehouse, tableSize, stats) => { if (stats.minCol === 0 && warehouse.grid.columns === stats.maxCol + 1) { return 0; } const colWidths = getPixelWidths(warehouse, table, tableSize); const allColsWidth = foldl(colWidths, (acc, width) => acc + width, 0); const selectedColsWidth = foldl(colWidths.slice(stats.minCol, stats.maxCol + 1), (acc, width) => acc + width, 0); const newWidth = selectedColsWidth / allColsWidth * tableSize.pixelWidth(); const delta = newWidth - tableSize.pixelWidth(); return tableSize.getCellDelta(delta); }; const extract$1 = (table, selectedSelector) => { const isSelected = detail => is$2(detail.element, selectedSelector); const replica = deep(table); const list = fromTable$1(replica); const tableSize = TableSize.getTableSize(table); const replicaHouse = Warehouse.generate(list); const replicaStats = findSelectedStats(replicaHouse, isSelected); const selector = 'th:not(' + selectedSelector + ')' + ',td:not(' + selectedSelector + ')'; const unselectedCells = filterFirstLayer(replica, 'th,td', cell => is$2(cell, selector)); each$2(unselectedCells, remove$6); fillInGaps(list, replicaHouse, replicaStats, isSelected); const house = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const widthDelta = getTableWidthDelta(table, house, tableSize, replicaStats); clean(replica, replicaStats, replicaHouse, widthDelta); return replica; }; const nbsp = '\xA0'; const NodeValue = (is, name) => { const get = element => { if (!is(element)) { throw new Error('Can only get ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node'); } return getOption(element).getOr(''); }; const getOption = element => is(element) ? Optional.from(element.dom.nodeValue) : Optional.none(); const set = (element, value) => { if (!is(element)) { throw new Error('Can only set raw ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node'); } element.dom.nodeValue = value; }; return { get, getOption, set }; }; const api = NodeValue(isText, 'text'); const get$6 = element => api.get(element); const getOption = element => api.getOption(element); const set = (element, value) => api.set(element, value); const getEnd = element => name(element) === 'img' ? 1 : getOption(element).fold(() => children$2(element).length, v => v.length); const isTextNodeWithCursorPosition = el => getOption(el).filter(text => text.trim().length !== 0 || text.indexOf(nbsp) > -1).isSome(); const isContentEditableFalse = elem => isHTMLElement(elem) && get$b(elem, 'contenteditable') === 'false'; const elementsWithCursorPosition = [ 'img', 'br' ]; const isCursorPosition = elem => { const hasCursorPosition = isTextNodeWithCursorPosition(elem); return hasCursorPosition || contains$2(elementsWithCursorPosition, name(elem)) || isContentEditableFalse(elem); }; const first = element => descendant$1(element, isCursorPosition); const last$1 = element => descendantRtl(element, isCursorPosition); const descendantRtl = (scope, predicate) => { const descend = element => { const children = children$2(element); for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = children[i]; if (predicate(child)) { return Optional.some(child); } const res = descend(child); if (res.isSome()) { return res; } } return Optional.none(); }; return descend(scope); }; const transferableAttributes = { scope: [ 'row', 'col' ] }; const createCell = doc => () => { const td = SugarElement.fromTag('td', doc.dom); append$1(td, SugarElement.fromTag('br', doc.dom)); return td; }; const createCol = doc => () => { return SugarElement.fromTag('col', doc.dom); }; const createColgroup = doc => () => { return SugarElement.fromTag('colgroup', doc.dom); }; const createRow$1 = doc => () => { return SugarElement.fromTag('tr', doc.dom); }; const replace$1 = (cell, tag, attrs) => { const replica = copy$2(cell, tag); each$1(attrs, (v, k) => { if (v === null) { remove$7(replica, k); } else { set$2(replica, k, v); } }); return replica; }; const pasteReplace = cell => { return cell; }; const cloneFormats = (oldCell, newCell, formats) => { const first$1 = first(oldCell); return first$1.map(firstText => { const formatSelector = formats.join(','); const parents = ancestors$3(firstText, formatSelector, element => { return eq$1(element, oldCell); }); return foldr(parents, (last, parent) => { const clonedFormat = shallow(parent); append$1(last, clonedFormat); return clonedFormat; }, newCell); }).getOr(newCell); }; const cloneAppropriateAttributes = (original, clone) => { each$1(transferableAttributes, (validAttributes, attributeName) => getOpt(original, attributeName).filter(attribute => contains$2(validAttributes, attribute)).each(attribute => set$2(clone, attributeName, attribute))); }; const cellOperations = (mutate, doc, formatsToClone) => { const cloneCss = (prev, clone) => { copy$1(prev.element, clone); remove$5(clone, 'height'); if (prev.colspan !== 1) { remove$5(clone, 'width'); } }; const newCell = prev => { const td = SugarElement.fromTag(name(prev.element), doc.dom); const formats = formatsToClone.getOr([ 'strong', 'em', 'b', 'i', 'span', 'font', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p', 'div' ]); const lastNode = formats.length > 0 ? cloneFormats(prev.element, td, formats) : td; append$1(lastNode, SugarElement.fromTag('br')); cloneCss(prev, td); cloneAppropriateAttributes(prev.element, td); mutate(prev.element, td); return td; }; const newCol = prev => { const col = SugarElement.fromTag(name(prev.element), doc.dom); cloneCss(prev, col); mutate(prev.element, col); return col; }; return { col: newCol, colgroup: createColgroup(doc), row: createRow$1(doc), cell: newCell, replace: replace$1, colGap: createCol(doc), gap: createCell(doc) }; }; const paste$1 = doc => { return { col: createCol(doc), colgroup: createColgroup(doc), row: createRow$1(doc), cell: createCell(doc), replace: pasteReplace, colGap: createCol(doc), gap: createCell(doc) }; }; const fromHtml = (html, scope) => { const doc = scope || document; const div = doc.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; return children$2(SugarElement.fromDom(div)); }; const fromDom = nodes => map$1(nodes, SugarElement.fromDom); const closest = target => closest$1(target, '[contenteditable]'); const isEditable$1 = (element, assumeEditable = false) => { if (inBody(element)) { return element.dom.isContentEditable; } else { return closest(element).fold(constant(assumeEditable), editable => getRaw(editable) === 'true'); } }; const getRaw = element => element.dom.contentEditable; const getBody = editor => SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()); const getIsRoot = editor => element => eq$1(element, getBody(editor)); const removeDataStyle = table => { remove$7(table, 'data-mce-style'); const removeStyleAttribute = element => remove$7(element, 'data-mce-style'); each$2(cells$1(table), removeStyleAttribute); each$2(columns$1(table), removeStyleAttribute); each$2(rows$1(table), removeStyleAttribute); }; const getSelectionStart = editor => SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart()); const getPixelWidth = elm => elm.getBoundingClientRect().width; const getPixelHeight = elm => elm.getBoundingClientRect().height; const getRawWidth = (editor, elm) => { const raw = editor.dom.getStyle(elm, 'width') || editor.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'width'); return Optional.from(raw).filter(isNotEmpty); }; const isPercentage$1 = value => /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)%$/.test(value); const isPixel = value => /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)px$/.test(value); const isInEditableContext$1 = cell => closest$2(cell, isTag('table')).exists(isEditable$1); const inSelection = (bounds, detail) => { const leftEdge = detail.column; const rightEdge = detail.column + detail.colspan - 1; const topEdge = detail.row; const bottomEdge = detail.row + detail.rowspan - 1; return leftEdge <= bounds.finishCol && rightEdge >= bounds.startCol && (topEdge <= bounds.finishRow && bottomEdge >= bounds.startRow); }; const isWithin = (bounds, detail) => { return detail.column >= bounds.startCol && detail.column + detail.colspan - 1 <= bounds.finishCol && detail.row >= bounds.startRow && detail.row + detail.rowspan - 1 <= bounds.finishRow; }; const isRectangular = (warehouse, bounds) => { let isRect = true; const detailIsWithin = curry(isWithin, bounds); for (let i = bounds.startRow; i <= bounds.finishRow; i++) { for (let j = bounds.startCol; j <= bounds.finishCol; j++) { isRect = isRect && Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, i, j).exists(detailIsWithin); } } return isRect ? Optional.some(bounds) : Optional.none(); }; const getBounds = (detailA, detailB) => { return bounds(Math.min(detailA.row, detailB.row), Math.min(detailA.column, detailB.column), Math.max(detailA.row + detailA.rowspan - 1, detailB.row + detailB.rowspan - 1), Math.max(detailA.column + detailA.colspan - 1, detailB.column + detailB.colspan - 1)); }; const getAnyBox = (warehouse, startCell, finishCell) => { const startCoords = Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, startCell, eq$1); const finishCoords = Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, finishCell, eq$1); return startCoords.bind(sc => { return finishCoords.map(fc => { return getBounds(sc, fc); }); }); }; const getBox$1 = (warehouse, startCell, finishCell) => { return getAnyBox(warehouse, startCell, finishCell).bind(bounds => { return isRectangular(warehouse, bounds); }); }; const moveBy$1 = (warehouse, cell, row, column) => { return Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, cell, eq$1).bind(detail => { const startRow = row > 0 ? detail.row + detail.rowspan - 1 : detail.row; const startCol = column > 0 ? detail.column + detail.colspan - 1 : detail.column; const dest = Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, startRow + row, startCol + column); return dest.map(d => { return d.element; }); }); }; const intercepts$1 = (warehouse, start, finish) => { return getAnyBox(warehouse, start, finish).map(bounds => { const inside = Warehouse.filterItems(warehouse, curry(inSelection, bounds)); return map$1(inside, detail => { return detail.element; }); }); }; const parentCell = (warehouse, innerCell) => { const isContainedBy = (c1, c2) => { return contains$1(c2, c1); }; return Warehouse.findItem(warehouse, innerCell, isContainedBy).map(detail => { return detail.element; }); }; const moveBy = (cell, deltaRow, deltaColumn) => { return table(cell).bind(table => { const warehouse = getWarehouse(table); return moveBy$1(warehouse, cell, deltaRow, deltaColumn); }); }; const intercepts = (table, first, last) => { const warehouse = getWarehouse(table); return intercepts$1(warehouse, first, last); }; const nestedIntercepts = (table, first, firstTable, last, lastTable) => { const warehouse = getWarehouse(table); const optStartCell = eq$1(table, firstTable) ? Optional.some(first) : parentCell(warehouse, first); const optLastCell = eq$1(table, lastTable) ? Optional.some(last) : parentCell(warehouse, last); return optStartCell.bind(startCell => optLastCell.bind(lastCell => intercepts$1(warehouse, startCell, lastCell))); }; const getBox = (table, first, last) => { const warehouse = getWarehouse(table); return getBox$1(warehouse, first, last); }; const getWarehouse = Warehouse.fromTable; var TagBoundaries = [ 'body', 'p', 'div', 'article', 'aside', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'header', 'nav', 'section', 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'caption', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'address' ]; var DomUniverse = () => { const clone = element => { return SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.cloneNode(false)); }; const document = element => documentOrOwner(element).dom; const isBoundary = element => { if (!isElement(element)) { return false; } if (name(element) === 'body') { return true; } return contains$2(TagBoundaries, name(element)); }; const isEmptyTag = element => { if (!isElement(element)) { return false; } return contains$2([ 'br', 'img', 'hr', 'input' ], name(element)); }; const isNonEditable = element => isElement(element) && get$b(element, 'contenteditable') === 'false'; const comparePosition = (element, other) => { return element.dom.compareDocumentPosition(other.dom); }; const copyAttributesTo = (source, destination) => { const as = clone$2(source); setAll$1(destination, as); }; const isSpecial = element => { const tag = name(element); return contains$2([ 'script', 'noscript', 'iframe', 'noframes', 'noembed', 'title', 'style', 'textarea', 'xmp' ], tag); }; const getLanguage = element => isElement(element) ? getOpt(element, 'lang') : Optional.none(); return { up: constant({ selector: ancestor$1, closest: closest$1, predicate: ancestor$2, all: parents }), down: constant({ selector: descendants, predicate: descendants$1 }), styles: constant({ get: get$a, getRaw: getRaw$2, set: set$1, remove: remove$5 }), attrs: constant({ get: get$b, set: set$2, remove: remove$7, copyTo: copyAttributesTo }), insert: constant({ before: before$3, after: after$5, afterAll: after$4, append: append$1, appendAll: append, prepend: prepend, wrap: wrap }), remove: constant({ unwrap: unwrap, remove: remove$6 }), create: constant({ nu: SugarElement.fromTag, clone, text: SugarElement.fromText }), query: constant({ comparePosition, prevSibling: prevSibling, nextSibling: nextSibling }), property: constant({ children: children$2, name: name, parent: parent, document, isText: isText, isComment: isComment, isElement: isElement, isSpecial, getLanguage, getText: get$6, setText: set, isBoundary, isEmptyTag, isNonEditable }), eq: eq$1, is: is$1 }; }; const all = (universe, look, elements, f) => { const head = elements[0]; const tail = elements.slice(1); return f(universe, look, head, tail); }; const oneAll = (universe, look, elements) => { return elements.length > 0 ? all(universe, look, elements, unsafeOne) : Optional.none(); }; const unsafeOne = (universe, look, head, tail) => { const start = look(universe, head); return foldr(tail, (b, a) => { const current = look(universe, a); return commonElement(universe, b, current); }, start); }; const commonElement = (universe, start, end) => { return start.bind(s => { return end.filter(curry(universe.eq, s)); }); }; const eq = (universe, item) => { return curry(universe.eq, item); }; const ancestors$2 = (universe, start, end, isRoot = never) => { const ps1 = [start].concat(universe.up().all(start)); const ps2 = [end].concat(universe.up().all(end)); const prune = path => { const index = findIndex(path, isRoot); return index.fold(() => { return path; }, ind => { return path.slice(0, ind + 1); }); }; const pruned1 = prune(ps1); const pruned2 = prune(ps2); const shared = find$1(pruned1, x => { return exists(pruned2, eq(universe, x)); }); return { firstpath: pruned1, secondpath: pruned2, shared }; }; const sharedOne$1 = oneAll; const ancestors$1 = ancestors$2; const universe$3 = DomUniverse(); const sharedOne = (look, elements) => { return sharedOne$1(universe$3, (_universe, element) => { return look(element); }, elements); }; const ancestors = (start, finish, isRoot) => { return ancestors$1(universe$3, start, finish, isRoot); }; const lookupTable = container => { return ancestor$1(container, 'table'); }; const identify = (start, finish, isRoot) => { const getIsRoot = rootTable => { return element => { return isRoot !== undefined && isRoot(element) || eq$1(element, rootTable); }; }; if (eq$1(start, finish)) { return Optional.some({ boxes: Optional.some([start]), start, finish }); } else { return lookupTable(start).bind(startTable => { return lookupTable(finish).bind(finishTable => { if (eq$1(startTable, finishTable)) { return Optional.some({ boxes: intercepts(startTable, start, finish), start, finish }); } else if (contains$1(startTable, finishTable)) { const ancestorCells = ancestors$3(finish, 'td,th', getIsRoot(startTable)); const finishCell = ancestorCells.length > 0 ? ancestorCells[ancestorCells.length - 1] : finish; return Optional.some({ boxes: nestedIntercepts(startTable, start, startTable, finish, finishTable), start, finish: finishCell }); } else if (contains$1(finishTable, startTable)) { const ancestorCells = ancestors$3(start, 'td,th', getIsRoot(finishTable)); const startCell = ancestorCells.length > 0 ? ancestorCells[ancestorCells.length - 1] : start; return Optional.some({ boxes: nestedIntercepts(finishTable, start, startTable, finish, finishTable), start, finish: startCell }); } else { return ancestors(start, finish).shared.bind(lca => { return closest$1(lca, 'table', isRoot).bind(lcaTable => { const finishAncestorCells = ancestors$3(finish, 'td,th', getIsRoot(lcaTable)); const finishCell = finishAncestorCells.length > 0 ? finishAncestorCells[finishAncestorCells.length - 1] : finish; const startAncestorCells = ancestors$3(start, 'td,th', getIsRoot(lcaTable)); const startCell = startAncestorCells.length > 0 ? startAncestorCells[startAncestorCells.length - 1] : start; return Optional.some({ boxes: nestedIntercepts(lcaTable, start, startTable, finish, finishTable), start: startCell, finish: finishCell }); }); }); } }); }); } }; const retrieve$1 = (container, selector) => { const sels = descendants(container, selector); return sels.length > 0 ? Optional.some(sels) : Optional.none(); }; const getLast = (boxes, lastSelectedSelector) => { return find$1(boxes, box => { return is$2(box, lastSelectedSelector); }); }; const getEdges = (container, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector) => { return descendant(container, firstSelectedSelector).bind(first => { return descendant(container, lastSelectedSelector).bind(last => { return sharedOne(lookupTable, [ first, last ]).map(table => { return { first, last, table }; }); }); }); }; const expandTo = (finish, firstSelectedSelector) => { return ancestor$1(finish, 'table').bind(table => { return descendant(table, firstSelectedSelector).bind(start => { return identify(start, finish).bind(identified => { return identified.boxes.map(boxes => { return { boxes, start: identified.start, finish: identified.finish }; }); }); }); }); }; const shiftSelection = (boxes, deltaRow, deltaColumn, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector) => { return getLast(boxes, lastSelectedSelector).bind(last => { return moveBy(last, deltaRow, deltaColumn).bind(finish => { return expandTo(finish, firstSelectedSelector); }); }); }; const retrieve = (container, selector) => { return retrieve$1(container, selector); }; const retrieveBox = (container, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector) => { return getEdges(container, firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector).bind(edges => { const isRoot = ancestor => { return eq$1(container, ancestor); }; const sectionSelector = 'thead,tfoot,tbody,table'; const firstAncestor = ancestor$1(edges.first, sectionSelector, isRoot); const lastAncestor = ancestor$1(edges.last, sectionSelector, isRoot); return firstAncestor.bind(fA => { return lastAncestor.bind(lA => { return eq$1(fA, lA) ? getBox(edges.table, edges.first, edges.last) : Optional.none(); }); }); }); }; const selection = identity; const unmergable = selectedCells => { const hasSpan = (elem, type) => getOpt(elem, type).exists(span => parseInt(span, 10) > 1); const hasRowOrColSpan = elem => hasSpan(elem, 'rowspan') || hasSpan(elem, 'colspan'); return selectedCells.length > 0 && forall(selectedCells, hasRowOrColSpan) ? Optional.some(selectedCells) : Optional.none(); }; const mergable = (table, selectedCells, ephemera) => { if (selectedCells.length <= 1) { return Optional.none(); } else { return retrieveBox(table, ephemera.firstSelectedSelector, ephemera.lastSelectedSelector).map(bounds => ({ bounds, cells: selectedCells })); } }; const strSelected = 'data-mce-selected'; const strSelectedSelector = 'td[' + strSelected + '],th[' + strSelected + ']'; const strAttributeSelector = '[' + strSelected + ']'; const strFirstSelected = 'data-mce-first-selected'; const strFirstSelectedSelector = 'td[' + strFirstSelected + '],th[' + strFirstSelected + ']'; const strLastSelected = 'data-mce-last-selected'; const strLastSelectedSelector = 'td[' + strLastSelected + '],th[' + strLastSelected + ']'; const attributeSelector = strAttributeSelector; const ephemera = { selected: strSelected, selectedSelector: strSelectedSelector, firstSelected: strFirstSelected, firstSelectedSelector: strFirstSelectedSelector, lastSelected: strLastSelected, lastSelectedSelector: strLastSelectedSelector }; const forMenu = (selectedCells, table, cell) => ({ element: cell, mergable: mergable(table, selectedCells, ephemera), unmergable: unmergable(selectedCells), selection: selection(selectedCells) }); const paste = (element, clipboard, generators) => ({ element, clipboard, generators }); const pasteRows = (selectedCells, _cell, clipboard, generators) => ({ selection: selection(selectedCells), clipboard, generators }); const getSelectionCellFallback = element => table(element).bind(table => retrieve(table, ephemera.firstSelectedSelector)).fold(constant(element), cells => cells[0]); const getSelectionFromSelector = selector => (initCell, isRoot) => { const cellName = name(initCell); const cell = cellName === 'col' || cellName === 'colgroup' ? getSelectionCellFallback(initCell) : initCell; return closest$1(cell, selector, isRoot); }; const getSelectionCellOrCaption = getSelectionFromSelector('th,td,caption'); const getSelectionCell = getSelectionFromSelector('th,td'); const getCellsFromSelection = editor => fromDom(editor.model.table.getSelectedCells()); const getCellsFromFakeSelection = editor => filter$2(getCellsFromSelection(editor), cell => is$2(cell, ephemera.selectedSelector)); const extractSelected = cells => { return table(cells[0]).map(table => { const replica = extract$1(table, attributeSelector); removeDataStyle(replica); return [replica]; }); }; const serializeElements = (editor, elements) => map$1(elements, elm => editor.selection.serializer.serialize(elm.dom, {})).join(''); const getTextContent = elements => map$1(elements, element => element.dom.innerText).join(''); const registerEvents = (editor, actions) => { editor.on('BeforeGetContent', e => { const multiCellContext = cells => { e.preventDefault(); extractSelected(cells).each(elements => { e.content = e.format === 'text' ? getTextContent(elements) : serializeElements(editor, elements); }); }; if (e.selection === true) { const cells = getCellsFromFakeSelection(editor); if (cells.length >= 1) { multiCellContext(cells); } } }); editor.on('BeforeSetContent', e => { if (e.selection === true && e.paste === true) { const selectedCells = getCellsFromSelection(editor); head(selectedCells).each(cell => { table(cell).each(table => { const elements = filter$2(fromHtml(e.content), content => { return name(content) !== 'meta'; }); const isTable = isTag('table'); if (elements.length === 1 && isTable(elements[0])) { e.preventDefault(); const doc = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); const generators = paste$1(doc); const targets = paste(cell, elements[0], generators); actions.pasteCells(table, targets).each(() => { editor.focus(); }); } }); }); } }); }; const point = (element, offset) => ({ element, offset }); const scan$1 = (universe, element, direction) => { if (universe.property().isText(element) && universe.property().getText(element).trim().length === 0 || universe.property().isComment(element)) { return direction(element).bind(elem => { return scan$1(universe, elem, direction).orThunk(() => { return Optional.some(elem); }); }); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const toEnd = (universe, element) => { if (universe.property().isText(element)) { return universe.property().getText(element).length; } const children = universe.property().children(element); return children.length; }; const freefallRtl$2 = (universe, element) => { const candidate = scan$1(universe, element, universe.query().prevSibling).getOr(element); if (universe.property().isText(candidate)) { return point(candidate, toEnd(universe, candidate)); } const children = universe.property().children(candidate); return children.length > 0 ? freefallRtl$2(universe, children[children.length - 1]) : point(candidate, toEnd(universe, candidate)); }; const freefallRtl$1 = freefallRtl$2; const universe$2 = DomUniverse(); const freefallRtl = element => { return freefallRtl$1(universe$2, element); }; const halve = (main, other) => { if (!hasColspan(main)) { const width = getGenericWidth(main); width.each(w => { const newWidth = w.value / 2; setGenericWidth(main, newWidth, w.unit); setGenericWidth(other, newWidth, w.unit); }); } }; const zero = array => map$1(array, constant(0)); const surround = (sizes, startIndex, endIndex, results, f) => f(sizes.slice(0, startIndex)).concat(results).concat(f(sizes.slice(endIndex))); const clampDeltaHelper = predicate => (sizes, index, delta, minCellSize) => { if (!predicate(delta)) { return delta; } else { const newSize = Math.max(minCellSize, sizes[index] - Math.abs(delta)); const diff = Math.abs(newSize - sizes[index]); return delta >= 0 ? diff : -diff; } }; const clampNegativeDelta = clampDeltaHelper(delta => delta < 0); const clampDelta = clampDeltaHelper(always); const resizeTable = () => { const calcFixedDeltas = (sizes, index, next, delta, minCellSize) => { const clampedDelta = clampNegativeDelta(sizes, index, delta, minCellSize); return surround(sizes, index, next + 1, [ clampedDelta, 0 ], zero); }; const calcRelativeDeltas = (sizes, index, delta, minCellSize) => { const ratio = (100 + delta) / 100; const newThis = Math.max(minCellSize, (sizes[index] + delta) / ratio); return map$1(sizes, (size, idx) => { const newSize = idx === index ? newThis : size / ratio; return newSize - size; }); }; const calcLeftEdgeDeltas = (sizes, index, next, delta, minCellSize, isRelative) => { if (isRelative) { return calcRelativeDeltas(sizes, index, delta, minCellSize); } else { return calcFixedDeltas(sizes, index, next, delta, minCellSize); } }; const calcMiddleDeltas = (sizes, _prev, index, next, delta, minCellSize, isRelative) => calcLeftEdgeDeltas(sizes, index, next, delta, minCellSize, isRelative); const resizeTable = (resizer, delta) => resizer(delta); const calcRightEdgeDeltas = (sizes, _prev, index, delta, minCellSize, isRelative) => { if (isRelative) { return calcRelativeDeltas(sizes, index, delta, minCellSize); } else { const clampedDelta = clampNegativeDelta(sizes, index, delta, minCellSize); return zero(sizes.slice(0, index)).concat([clampedDelta]); } }; const calcRedestributedWidths = (sizes, totalWidth, pixelDelta, isRelative) => { if (isRelative) { const tableWidth = totalWidth + pixelDelta; const ratio = tableWidth / totalWidth; const newSizes = map$1(sizes, size => size / ratio); return { delta: ratio * 100 - 100, newSizes }; } else { return { delta: pixelDelta, newSizes: sizes }; } }; return { resizeTable, clampTableDelta: clampNegativeDelta, calcLeftEdgeDeltas, calcMiddleDeltas, calcRightEdgeDeltas, calcRedestributedWidths }; }; const preserveTable = () => { const calcLeftEdgeDeltas = (sizes, index, next, delta, minCellSize) => { const idx = delta >= 0 ? next : index; const clampedDelta = clampDelta(sizes, idx, delta, minCellSize); return surround(sizes, index, next + 1, [ clampedDelta, -clampedDelta ], zero); }; const calcMiddleDeltas = (sizes, _prev, index, next, delta, minCellSize) => calcLeftEdgeDeltas(sizes, index, next, delta, minCellSize); const resizeTable = (resizer, delta, isLastColumn) => { if (isLastColumn) { resizer(delta); } }; const calcRightEdgeDeltas = (sizes, _prev, _index, delta, _minCellSize, isRelative) => { if (isRelative) { return zero(sizes); } else { const diff = delta / sizes.length; return map$1(sizes, constant(diff)); } }; const clampTableDelta = (sizes, index, delta, minCellSize, isLastColumn) => { if (isLastColumn) { if (delta >= 0) { return delta; } else { const maxDelta = foldl(sizes, (a, b) => a + b - minCellSize, 0); return Math.max(-maxDelta, delta); } } else { return clampNegativeDelta(sizes, index, delta, minCellSize); } }; const calcRedestributedWidths = (sizes, _totalWidth, _pixelDelta, _isRelative) => ({ delta: 0, newSizes: sizes }); return { resizeTable, clampTableDelta, calcLeftEdgeDeltas, calcMiddleDeltas, calcRightEdgeDeltas, calcRedestributedWidths }; }; const getGridSize = table => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); return warehouse.grid; }; const isHeaderCell = isTag('th'); const isHeaderCells = cells => forall(cells, cell => isHeaderCell(cell.element)); const getRowHeaderType = (isHeaderRow, isHeaderCells) => { if (isHeaderRow && isHeaderCells) { return 'sectionCells'; } else if (isHeaderRow) { return 'section'; } else { return 'cells'; } }; const getRowType = row => { const isHeaderRow = row.section === 'thead'; const isHeaderCells = is(findCommonCellType(row.cells), 'th'); if (row.section === 'tfoot') { return { type: 'footer' }; } else if (isHeaderRow || isHeaderCells) { return { type: 'header', subType: getRowHeaderType(isHeaderRow, isHeaderCells) }; } else { return { type: 'body' }; } }; const findCommonCellType = cells => { const headerCells = filter$2(cells, cell => isHeaderCell(cell.element)); if (headerCells.length === 0) { return Optional.some('td'); } else if (headerCells.length === cells.length) { return Optional.some('th'); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const findCommonRowType = rows => { const rowTypes = map$1(rows, row => getRowType(row).type); const hasHeader = contains$2(rowTypes, 'header'); const hasFooter = contains$2(rowTypes, 'footer'); if (!hasHeader && !hasFooter) { return Optional.some('body'); } else { const hasBody = contains$2(rowTypes, 'body'); if (hasHeader && !hasBody && !hasFooter) { return Optional.some('header'); } else if (!hasHeader && !hasBody && hasFooter) { return Optional.some('footer'); } else { return Optional.none(); } } }; const findTableRowHeaderType = warehouse => findMap(warehouse.all, row => { const rowType = getRowType(row); return rowType.type === 'header' ? Optional.from(rowType.subType) : Optional.none(); }); const transformCell = (cell, comparator, substitution) => elementnew(substitution(cell.element, comparator), true, cell.isLocked); const transformRow = (row, section) => row.section !== section ? rowcells(row.element, row.cells, section, row.isNew) : row; const section = () => ({ transformRow, transformCell: (cell, comparator, substitution) => { const newCell = substitution(cell.element, comparator); const fixedCell = name(newCell) !== 'td' ? mutate$1(newCell, 'td') : newCell; return elementnew(fixedCell, cell.isNew, cell.isLocked); } }); const sectionCells = () => ({ transformRow, transformCell }); const cells = () => ({ transformRow: (row, section) => { const newSection = section === 'thead' ? 'tbody' : section; return transformRow(row, newSection); }, transformCell }); const fallback = () => ({ transformRow: identity, transformCell }); const getTableSectionType = (table, fallback) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const type = findTableRowHeaderType(warehouse).getOr(fallback); switch (type) { case 'section': return section(); case 'sectionCells': return sectionCells(); case 'cells': return cells(); } }; const TableSection = { getTableSectionType, section, sectionCells, cells, fallback }; const setIfNot = (element, property, value, ignore) => { if (value === ignore) { remove$7(element, property); } else { set$2(element, property, value); } }; const insert$1 = (table, selector, element) => { last$2(children(table, selector)).fold(() => prepend(table, element), child => after$5(child, element)); }; const generateSection = (table, sectionName) => { const section = child(table, sectionName).getOrThunk(() => { const newSection = SugarElement.fromTag(sectionName, owner(table).dom); if (sectionName === 'thead') { insert$1(table, 'caption,colgroup', newSection); } else if (sectionName === 'colgroup') { insert$1(table, 'caption', newSection); } else { append$1(table, newSection); } return newSection; }); empty(section); return section; }; const render$1 = (table, grid) => { const newRows = []; const newCells = []; const syncRows = gridSection => map$1(gridSection, row => { if (row.isNew) { newRows.push(row.element); } const tr = row.element; empty(tr); each$2(row.cells, cell => { if (cell.isNew) { newCells.push(cell.element); } setIfNot(cell.element, 'colspan', cell.colspan, 1); setIfNot(cell.element, 'rowspan', cell.rowspan, 1); append$1(tr, cell.element); }); return tr; }); const syncColGroup = gridSection => bind$2(gridSection, colGroup => map$1(colGroup.cells, col => { setIfNot(col.element, 'span', col.colspan, 1); return col.element; })); const renderSection = (gridSection, sectionName) => { const section = generateSection(table, sectionName); const sync = sectionName === 'colgroup' ? syncColGroup : syncRows; const sectionElems = sync(gridSection); append(section, sectionElems); }; const removeSection = sectionName => { child(table, sectionName).each(remove$6); }; const renderOrRemoveSection = (gridSection, sectionName) => { if (gridSection.length > 0) { renderSection(gridSection, sectionName); } else { removeSection(sectionName); } }; const headSection = []; const bodySection = []; const footSection = []; const columnGroupsSection = []; each$2(grid, row => { switch (row.section) { case 'thead': headSection.push(row); break; case 'tbody': bodySection.push(row); break; case 'tfoot': footSection.push(row); break; case 'colgroup': columnGroupsSection.push(row); break; } }); renderOrRemoveSection(columnGroupsSection, 'colgroup'); renderOrRemoveSection(headSection, 'thead'); renderOrRemoveSection(bodySection, 'tbody'); renderOrRemoveSection(footSection, 'tfoot'); return { newRows, newCells }; }; const copy = grid => map$1(grid, row => { const tr = shallow(row.element); each$2(row.cells, cell => { const clonedCell = deep(cell.element); setIfNot(clonedCell, 'colspan', cell.colspan, 1); setIfNot(clonedCell, 'rowspan', cell.rowspan, 1); append$1(tr, clonedCell); }); return tr; }); const getColumn = (grid, index) => { return map$1(grid, row => { return getCell(row, index); }); }; const getRow = (grid, index) => { return grid[index]; }; const findDiff = (xs, comp) => { if (xs.length === 0) { return 0; } const first = xs[0]; const index = findIndex(xs, x => { return !comp(first.element, x.element); }); return index.getOr(xs.length); }; const subgrid = (grid, row, column, comparator) => { const gridRow = getRow(grid, row); const isColRow = gridRow.section === 'colgroup'; const colspan = findDiff(gridRow.cells.slice(column), comparator); const rowspan = isColRow ? 1 : findDiff(getColumn(grid.slice(row), column), comparator); return { colspan, rowspan }; }; const toDetails = (grid, comparator) => { const seen = map$1(grid, row => map$1(row.cells, never)); const updateSeen = (rowIndex, columnIndex, rowspan, colspan) => { for (let row = rowIndex; row < rowIndex + rowspan; row++) { for (let column = columnIndex; column < columnIndex + colspan; column++) { seen[row][column] = true; } } }; return map$1(grid, (row, rowIndex) => { const details = bind$2(row.cells, (cell, columnIndex) => { if (seen[rowIndex][columnIndex] === false) { const result = subgrid(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, comparator); updateSeen(rowIndex, columnIndex, result.rowspan, result.colspan); return [detailnew(cell.element, result.rowspan, result.colspan, cell.isNew)]; } else { return []; } }); return rowdetailnew(row.element, details, row.section, row.isNew); }); }; const toGrid = (warehouse, generators, isNew) => { const grid = []; each$2(warehouse.colgroups, colgroup => { const colgroupCols = []; for (let columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < warehouse.grid.columns; columnIndex++) { const element = Warehouse.getColumnAt(warehouse, columnIndex).map(column => elementnew(column.element, isNew, false)).getOrThunk(() => elementnew(generators.colGap(), true, false)); colgroupCols.push(element); } grid.push(rowcells(colgroup.element, colgroupCols, 'colgroup', isNew)); }); for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < warehouse.grid.rows; rowIndex++) { const rowCells = []; for (let columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < warehouse.grid.columns; columnIndex++) { const element = Warehouse.getAt(warehouse, rowIndex, columnIndex).map(item => elementnew(item.element, isNew, item.isLocked)).getOrThunk(() => elementnew(generators.gap(), true, false)); rowCells.push(element); } const rowDetail = warehouse.all[rowIndex]; const row = rowcells(rowDetail.element, rowCells, rowDetail.section, isNew); grid.push(row); } return grid; }; const fromWarehouse = (warehouse, generators) => toGrid(warehouse, generators, false); const toDetailList = grid => toDetails(grid, eq$1); const findInWarehouse = (warehouse, element) => findMap(warehouse.all, r => find$1(r.cells, e => eq$1(element, e.element))); const extractCells = (warehouse, target, predicate) => { const details = map$1(target.selection, cell$1 => { return cell(cell$1).bind(lc => findInWarehouse(warehouse, lc)).filter(predicate); }); const cells = cat(details); return someIf(cells.length > 0, cells); }; const run = (operation, extract, adjustment, postAction, genWrappers) => (table, target, generators, behaviours) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const tableSection = Optional.from(behaviours === null || behaviours === void 0 ? void 0 : behaviours.section).getOrThunk(TableSection.fallback); const output = extract(warehouse, target).map(info => { const model = fromWarehouse(warehouse, generators); const result = operation(model, info, eq$1, genWrappers(generators), tableSection); const lockedColumns = getLockedColumnsFromGrid(result.grid); const grid = toDetailList(result.grid); return { info, grid, cursor: result.cursor, lockedColumns }; }); return output.bind(out => { const newElements = render$1(table, out.grid); const tableSizing = Optional.from(behaviours === null || behaviours === void 0 ? void 0 : behaviours.sizing).getOrThunk(() => TableSize.getTableSize(table)); const resizing = Optional.from(behaviours === null || behaviours === void 0 ? void 0 : behaviours.resize).getOrThunk(preserveTable); adjustment(table, out.grid, out.info, { sizing: tableSizing, resize: resizing, section: tableSection }); postAction(table); remove$7(table, LOCKED_COL_ATTR); if (out.lockedColumns.length > 0) { set$2(table, LOCKED_COL_ATTR, out.lockedColumns.join(',')); } return Optional.some({ cursor: out.cursor, newRows: newElements.newRows, newCells: newElements.newCells }); }); }; const onPaste = (warehouse, target) => cell(target.element).bind(cell => findInWarehouse(warehouse, cell).map(details => { const value = { ...details, generators: target.generators, clipboard: target.clipboard }; return value; })); const onPasteByEditor = (warehouse, target) => extractCells(warehouse, target, always).map(cells => ({ cells, generators: target.generators, clipboard: target.clipboard })); const onMergable = (_warehouse, target) => target.mergable; const onUnmergable = (_warehouse, target) => target.unmergable; const onCells = (warehouse, target) => extractCells(warehouse, target, always); const onUnlockedCells = (warehouse, target) => extractCells(warehouse, target, detail => !detail.isLocked); const isUnlockedTableCell = (warehouse, cell) => findInWarehouse(warehouse, cell).exists(detail => !detail.isLocked); const allUnlocked = (warehouse, cells) => forall(cells, cell => isUnlockedTableCell(warehouse, cell)); const onUnlockedMergable = (warehouse, target) => onMergable(warehouse, target).filter(mergeable => allUnlocked(warehouse, mergeable.cells)); const onUnlockedUnmergable = (warehouse, target) => onUnmergable(warehouse, target).filter(cells => allUnlocked(warehouse, cells)); const merge$2 = (grid, bounds, comparator, substitution) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; if (rows.length === 0) { return grid; } for (let i = bounds.startRow; i <= bounds.finishRow; i++) { for (let j = bounds.startCol; j <= bounds.finishCol; j++) { const row = rows[i]; const isLocked = getCell(row, j).isLocked; mutateCell(row, j, elementnew(substitution(), false, isLocked)); } } return grid; }; const unmerge = (grid, target, comparator, substitution) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; let first = true; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < cellLength(rows[0]); j++) { const row = rows[i]; const currentCell = getCell(row, j); const currentCellElm = currentCell.element; const isToReplace = comparator(currentCellElm, target); if (isToReplace && !first) { mutateCell(row, j, elementnew(substitution(), true, currentCell.isLocked)); } else if (isToReplace) { first = false; } } } return grid; }; const uniqueCells = (row, comparator) => { return foldl(row, (rest, cell) => { return exists(rest, currentCell => { return comparator(currentCell.element, cell.element); }) ? rest : rest.concat([cell]); }, []); }; const splitCols = (grid, index, comparator, substitution) => { if (index > 0 && index < grid[0].cells.length) { each$2(grid, row => { const prevCell = row.cells[index - 1]; let offset = 0; const substitute = substitution(); while (row.cells.length > index + offset && comparator(prevCell.element, row.cells[index + offset].element)) { mutateCell(row, index + offset, elementnew(substitute, true, row.cells[index + offset].isLocked)); offset++; } }); } return grid; }; const splitRows = (grid, index, comparator, substitution) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; if (index > 0 && index < rows.length) { const rowPrevCells = rows[index - 1].cells; const cells = uniqueCells(rowPrevCells, comparator); each$2(cells, cell => { let replacement = Optional.none(); for (let i = index; i < rows.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < cellLength(rows[0]); j++) { const row = rows[i]; const current = getCell(row, j); const isToReplace = comparator(current.element, cell.element); if (isToReplace) { if (replacement.isNone()) { replacement = Optional.some(substitution()); } replacement.each(sub => { mutateCell(row, j, elementnew(sub, true, current.isLocked)); }); } } } }); } return grid; }; const value$1 = value => { const applyHelper = fn => fn(value); const constHelper = constant(value); const outputHelper = () => output; const output = { tag: true, inner: value, fold: (_onError, onValue) => onValue(value), isValue: always, isError: never, map: mapper => Result.value(mapper(value)), mapError: outputHelper, bind: applyHelper, exists: applyHelper, forall: applyHelper, getOr: constHelper, or: outputHelper, getOrThunk: constHelper, orThunk: outputHelper, getOrDie: constHelper, each: fn => { fn(value); }, toOptional: () => Optional.some(value) }; return output; }; const error = error => { const outputHelper = () => output; const output = { tag: false, inner: error, fold: (onError, _onValue) => onError(error), isValue: never, isError: always, map: outputHelper, mapError: mapper => Result.error(mapper(error)), bind: outputHelper, exists: never, forall: always, getOr: identity, or: identity, getOrThunk: apply, orThunk: apply, getOrDie: die(String(error)), each: noop, toOptional: Optional.none }; return output; }; const fromOption = (optional, err) => optional.fold(() => error(err), value$1); const Result = { value: value$1, error, fromOption }; const measure = (startAddress, gridA, gridB) => { if (startAddress.row >= gridA.length || startAddress.column > cellLength(gridA[0])) { return Result.error('invalid start address out of table bounds, row: ' + startAddress.row + ', column: ' + startAddress.column); } const rowRemainder = gridA.slice(startAddress.row); const colRemainder = rowRemainder[0].cells.slice(startAddress.column); const colRequired = cellLength(gridB[0]); const rowRequired = gridB.length; return Result.value({ rowDelta: rowRemainder.length - rowRequired, colDelta: colRemainder.length - colRequired }); }; const measureWidth = (gridA, gridB) => { const colLengthA = cellLength(gridA[0]); const colLengthB = cellLength(gridB[0]); return { rowDelta: 0, colDelta: colLengthA - colLengthB }; }; const measureHeight = (gridA, gridB) => { const rowLengthA = gridA.length; const rowLengthB = gridB.length; return { rowDelta: rowLengthA - rowLengthB, colDelta: 0 }; }; const generateElements = (amount, row, generators, isLocked) => { const generator = row.section === 'colgroup' ? generators.col : generators.cell; return range$1(amount, idx => elementnew(generator(), true, isLocked(idx))); }; const rowFill = (grid, amount, generators, lockedColumns) => { const exampleRow = grid[grid.length - 1]; return grid.concat(range$1(amount, () => { const generator = exampleRow.section === 'colgroup' ? generators.colgroup : generators.row; const row = clone(exampleRow, generator, identity); const elements = generateElements(row.cells.length, row, generators, idx => has$1(lockedColumns, idx.toString())); return setCells(row, elements); })); }; const colFill = (grid, amount, generators, startIndex) => map$1(grid, row => { const newChildren = generateElements(amount, row, generators, never); return addCells(row, startIndex, newChildren); }); const lockedColFill = (grid, generators, lockedColumns) => map$1(grid, row => { return foldl(lockedColumns, (acc, colNum) => { const newChild = generateElements(1, row, generators, always)[0]; return addCell(acc, colNum, newChild); }, row); }); const tailor = (gridA, delta, generators) => { const fillCols = delta.colDelta < 0 ? colFill : identity; const fillRows = delta.rowDelta < 0 ? rowFill : identity; const lockedColumns = getLockedColumnsFromGrid(gridA); const gridWidth = cellLength(gridA[0]); const isLastColLocked = exists(lockedColumns, locked => locked === gridWidth - 1); const modifiedCols = fillCols(gridA, Math.abs(delta.colDelta), generators, isLastColLocked ? gridWidth - 1 : gridWidth); const newLockedColumns = getLockedColumnsFromGrid(modifiedCols); return fillRows(modifiedCols, Math.abs(delta.rowDelta), generators, mapToObject(newLockedColumns, always)); }; const isSpanning = (grid, row, col, comparator) => { const candidate = getCell(grid[row], col); const matching = curry(comparator, candidate.element); const currentRow = grid[row]; return grid.length > 1 && cellLength(currentRow) > 1 && (col > 0 && matching(getCellElement(currentRow, col - 1)) || col < currentRow.cells.length - 1 && matching(getCellElement(currentRow, col + 1)) || row > 0 && matching(getCellElement(grid[row - 1], col)) || row < grid.length - 1 && matching(getCellElement(grid[row + 1], col))); }; const mergeTables = (startAddress, gridA, gridBRows, generator, comparator, lockedColumns) => { const startRow = startAddress.row; const startCol = startAddress.column; const mergeHeight = gridBRows.length; const mergeWidth = cellLength(gridBRows[0]); const endRow = startRow + mergeHeight; const endCol = startCol + mergeWidth + lockedColumns.length; const lockedColumnObj = mapToObject(lockedColumns, always); for (let r = startRow; r < endRow; r++) { let skippedCol = 0; for (let c = startCol; c < endCol; c++) { if (lockedColumnObj[c]) { skippedCol++; continue; } if (isSpanning(gridA, r, c, comparator)) { unmerge(gridA, getCellElement(gridA[r], c), comparator, generator.cell); } const gridBColIndex = c - startCol - skippedCol; const newCell = getCell(gridBRows[r - startRow], gridBColIndex); const newCellElm = newCell.element; const replacement = generator.replace(newCellElm); mutateCell(gridA[r], c, elementnew(replacement, true, newCell.isLocked)); } } return gridA; }; const getValidStartAddress = (currentStartAddress, grid, lockedColumns) => { const gridColLength = cellLength(grid[0]); const adjustedRowAddress = extractGridDetails(grid).cols.length + currentStartAddress.row; const possibleColAddresses = range$1(gridColLength - currentStartAddress.column, num => num + currentStartAddress.column); const validColAddress = find$1(possibleColAddresses, num => forall(lockedColumns, col => col !== num)).getOr(gridColLength - 1); return { row: adjustedRowAddress, column: validColAddress }; }; const getLockedColumnsWithinBounds = (startAddress, rows, lockedColumns) => filter$2(lockedColumns, colNum => colNum >= startAddress.column && colNum <= cellLength(rows[0]) + startAddress.column); const merge$1 = (startAddress, gridA, gridB, generator, comparator) => { const lockedColumns = getLockedColumnsFromGrid(gridA); const validStartAddress = getValidStartAddress(startAddress, gridA, lockedColumns); const gridBRows = extractGridDetails(gridB).rows; const lockedColumnsWithinBounds = getLockedColumnsWithinBounds(validStartAddress, gridBRows, lockedColumns); const result = measure(validStartAddress, gridA, gridBRows); return result.map(diff => { const delta = { ...diff, colDelta: diff.colDelta - lockedColumnsWithinBounds.length }; const fittedGrid = tailor(gridA, delta, generator); const newLockedColumns = getLockedColumnsFromGrid(fittedGrid); const newLockedColumnsWithinBounds = getLockedColumnsWithinBounds(validStartAddress, gridBRows, newLockedColumns); return mergeTables(validStartAddress, fittedGrid, gridBRows, generator, comparator, newLockedColumnsWithinBounds); }); }; const insertCols = (index, gridA, gridB, generator, comparator) => { splitCols(gridA, index, comparator, generator.cell); const delta = measureHeight(gridB, gridA); const fittedNewGrid = tailor(gridB, delta, generator); const secondDelta = measureHeight(gridA, fittedNewGrid); const fittedOldGrid = tailor(gridA, secondDelta, generator); return map$1(fittedOldGrid, (gridRow, i) => { return addCells(gridRow, index, fittedNewGrid[i].cells); }); }; const insertRows = (index, gridA, gridB, generator, comparator) => { splitRows(gridA, index, comparator, generator.cell); const locked = getLockedColumnsFromGrid(gridA); const diff = measureWidth(gridA, gridB); const delta = { ...diff, colDelta: diff.colDelta - locked.length }; const fittedOldGrid = tailor(gridA, delta, generator); const { cols: oldCols, rows: oldRows } = extractGridDetails(fittedOldGrid); const newLocked = getLockedColumnsFromGrid(fittedOldGrid); const secondDiff = measureWidth(gridB, gridA); const secondDelta = { ...secondDiff, colDelta: secondDiff.colDelta + newLocked.length }; const fittedGridB = lockedColFill(gridB, generator, newLocked); const fittedNewGrid = tailor(fittedGridB, secondDelta, generator); return [ ...oldCols, ...oldRows.slice(0, index), ...fittedNewGrid, ...oldRows.slice(index, oldRows.length) ]; }; const cloneRow = (row, cloneCell, comparator, substitution) => clone(row, elem => substitution(elem, comparator), cloneCell); const insertRowAt = (grid, index, example, comparator, substitution) => { const {rows, cols} = extractGridDetails(grid); const before = rows.slice(0, index); const after = rows.slice(index); const newRow = cloneRow(rows[example], (ex, c) => { const withinSpan = index > 0 && index < rows.length && comparator(getCellElement(rows[index - 1], c), getCellElement(rows[index], c)); const ret = withinSpan ? getCell(rows[index], c) : elementnew(substitution(ex.element, comparator), true, ex.isLocked); return ret; }, comparator, substitution); return [ ...cols, ...before, newRow, ...after ]; }; const getElementFor = (row, column, section, withinSpan, example, comparator, substitution) => { if (section === 'colgroup' || !withinSpan) { const cell = getCell(row, example); return elementnew(substitution(cell.element, comparator), true, false); } else { return getCell(row, column); } }; const insertColumnAt = (grid, index, example, comparator, substitution) => map$1(grid, row => { const withinSpan = index > 0 && index < cellLength(row) && comparator(getCellElement(row, index - 1), getCellElement(row, index)); const sub = getElementFor(row, index, row.section, withinSpan, example, comparator, substitution); return addCell(row, index, sub); }); const deleteColumnsAt = (grid, columns) => bind$2(grid, row => { const existingCells = row.cells; const cells = foldr(columns, (acc, column) => column >= 0 && column < acc.length ? acc.slice(0, column).concat(acc.slice(column + 1)) : acc, existingCells); return cells.length > 0 ? [rowcells(row.element, cells, row.section, row.isNew)] : []; }); const deleteRowsAt = (grid, start, finish) => { const {rows, cols} = extractGridDetails(grid); return [ ...cols, ...rows.slice(0, start), ...rows.slice(finish + 1) ]; }; const notInStartRow = (grid, rowIndex, colIndex, comparator) => getCellElement(grid[rowIndex], colIndex) !== undefined && (rowIndex > 0 && comparator(getCellElement(grid[rowIndex - 1], colIndex), getCellElement(grid[rowIndex], colIndex))); const notInStartColumn = (row, index, comparator) => index > 0 && comparator(getCellElement(row, index - 1), getCellElement(row, index)); const isDuplicatedCell = (grid, rowIndex, colIndex, comparator) => notInStartRow(grid, rowIndex, colIndex, comparator) || notInStartColumn(grid[rowIndex], colIndex, comparator); const rowReplacerPredicate = (targetRow, columnHeaders) => { const entireTableIsHeader = forall(columnHeaders, identity) && isHeaderCells(targetRow.cells); return entireTableIsHeader ? always : (cell, _rowIndex, colIndex) => { const type = name(cell.element); return !(type === 'th' && columnHeaders[colIndex]); }; }; const columnReplacePredicate = (targetColumn, rowHeaders) => { const entireTableIsHeader = forall(rowHeaders, identity) && isHeaderCells(targetColumn); return entireTableIsHeader ? always : (cell, rowIndex, _colIndex) => { const type = name(cell.element); return !(type === 'th' && rowHeaders[rowIndex]); }; }; const determineScope = (applyScope, cell, newScope, isInHeader) => { const hasSpan = scope => scope === 'row' ? hasRowspan(cell) : hasColspan(cell); const getScope = scope => hasSpan(scope) ? `${ scope }group` : scope; if (applyScope) { return isHeaderCell(cell) ? getScope(newScope) : null; } else if (isInHeader && isHeaderCell(cell)) { const oppositeScope = newScope === 'row' ? 'col' : 'row'; return getScope(oppositeScope); } else { return null; } }; const rowScopeGenerator = (applyScope, columnHeaders) => (cell, rowIndex, columnIndex) => Optional.some(determineScope(applyScope, cell.element, 'col', columnHeaders[columnIndex])); const columnScopeGenerator = (applyScope, rowHeaders) => (cell, rowIndex) => Optional.some(determineScope(applyScope, cell.element, 'row', rowHeaders[rowIndex])); const replace = (cell, comparator, substitute) => elementnew(substitute(cell.element, comparator), true, cell.isLocked); const replaceIn = (grid, targets, comparator, substitute, replacer, genScope, shouldReplace) => { const isTarget = cell => { return exists(targets, target => { return comparator(cell.element, target.element); }); }; return map$1(grid, (row, rowIndex) => { return mapCells(row, (cell, colIndex) => { if (isTarget(cell)) { const newCell = shouldReplace(cell, rowIndex, colIndex) ? replacer(cell, comparator, substitute) : cell; genScope(newCell, rowIndex, colIndex).each(scope => { setOptions(newCell.element, { scope: Optional.from(scope) }); }); return newCell; } else { return cell; } }); }); }; const getColumnCells = (rows, columnIndex, comparator) => bind$2(rows, (row, i) => { return isDuplicatedCell(rows, i, columnIndex, comparator) ? [] : [getCell(row, columnIndex)]; }); const getRowCells = (rows, rowIndex, comparator) => { const targetRow = rows[rowIndex]; return bind$2(targetRow.cells, (item, i) => { return isDuplicatedCell(rows, rowIndex, i, comparator) ? [] : [item]; }); }; const replaceColumns = (grid, indexes, applyScope, comparator, substitution) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; const targets = bind$2(indexes, index => getColumnCells(rows, index, comparator)); const rowHeaders = map$1(rows, row => isHeaderCells(row.cells)); const shouldReplaceCell = columnReplacePredicate(targets, rowHeaders); const scopeGenerator = columnScopeGenerator(applyScope, rowHeaders); return replaceIn(grid, targets, comparator, substitution, replace, scopeGenerator, shouldReplaceCell); }; const replaceRows = (grid, indexes, section, applyScope, comparator, substitution, tableSection) => { const {cols, rows} = extractGridDetails(grid); const targetRow = rows[indexes[0]]; const targets = bind$2(indexes, index => getRowCells(rows, index, comparator)); const columnHeaders = map$1(targetRow.cells, (_cell, index) => isHeaderCells(getColumnCells(rows, index, comparator))); const newRows = [...rows]; each$2(indexes, index => { newRows[index] = tableSection.transformRow(rows[index], section); }); const newGrid = [ ...cols, ...newRows ]; const shouldReplaceCell = rowReplacerPredicate(targetRow, columnHeaders); const scopeGenerator = rowScopeGenerator(applyScope, columnHeaders); return replaceIn(newGrid, targets, comparator, substitution, tableSection.transformCell, scopeGenerator, shouldReplaceCell); }; const replaceCells = (grid, details, comparator, substitution) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; const targetCells = map$1(details, detail => getCell(rows[detail.row], detail.column)); return replaceIn(grid, targetCells, comparator, substitution, replace, Optional.none, always); }; const generate = cases => { if (!isArray(cases)) { throw new Error('cases must be an array'); } if (cases.length === 0) { throw new Error('there must be at least one case'); } const constructors = []; const adt = {}; each$2(cases, (acase, count) => { const keys$1 = keys(acase); if (keys$1.length !== 1) { throw new Error('one and only one name per case'); } const key = keys$1[0]; const value = acase[key]; if (adt[key] !== undefined) { throw new Error('duplicate key detected:' + key); } else if (key === 'cata') { throw new Error('cannot have a case named cata (sorry)'); } else if (!isArray(value)) { throw new Error('case arguments must be an array'); } constructors.push(key); adt[key] = (...args) => { const argLength = args.length; if (argLength !== value.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to case ' + key + '. Expected ' + value.length + ' (' + value + '), got ' + argLength); } const match = branches => { const branchKeys = keys(branches); if (constructors.length !== branchKeys.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to match. Expected: ' + constructors.join(',') + '\nActual: ' + branchKeys.join(',')); } const allReqd = forall(constructors, reqKey => { return contains$2(branchKeys, reqKey); }); if (!allReqd) { throw new Error('Not all branches were specified when using match. Specified: ' + branchKeys.join(', ') + '\nRequired: ' + constructors.join(', ')); } return branches[key].apply(null, args); }; return { fold: (...foldArgs) => { if (foldArgs.length !== cases.length) { throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to fold. Expected ' + cases.length + ', got ' + foldArgs.length); } const target = foldArgs[count]; return target.apply(null, args); }, match, log: label => { console.log(label, { constructors, constructor: key, params: args }); } }; }; }); return adt; }; const Adt = { generate }; const adt$6 = Adt.generate([ { none: [] }, { only: ['index'] }, { left: [ 'index', 'next' ] }, { middle: [ 'prev', 'index', 'next' ] }, { right: [ 'prev', 'index' ] } ]); const ColumnContext = { ...adt$6 }; const neighbours = (input, index) => { if (input.length === 0) { return ColumnContext.none(); } if (input.length === 1) { return ColumnContext.only(0); } if (index === 0) { return ColumnContext.left(0, 1); } if (index === input.length - 1) { return ColumnContext.right(index - 1, index); } if (index > 0 && index < input.length - 1) { return ColumnContext.middle(index - 1, index, index + 1); } return ColumnContext.none(); }; const determine = (input, column, step, tableSize, resize) => { const result = input.slice(0); const context = neighbours(input, column); const onNone = constant(map$1(result, constant(0))); const onOnly = index => tableSize.singleColumnWidth(result[index], step); const onLeft = (index, next) => resize.calcLeftEdgeDeltas(result, index, next, step, tableSize.minCellWidth(), tableSize.isRelative); const onMiddle = (prev, index, next) => resize.calcMiddleDeltas(result, prev, index, next, step, tableSize.minCellWidth(), tableSize.isRelative); const onRight = (prev, index) => resize.calcRightEdgeDeltas(result, prev, index, step, tableSize.minCellWidth(), tableSize.isRelative); return context.fold(onNone, onOnly, onLeft, onMiddle, onRight); }; const total = (start, end, measures) => { let r = 0; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { r += measures[i] !== undefined ? measures[i] : 0; } return r; }; const recalculateWidthForCells = (warehouse, widths) => { const all = Warehouse.justCells(warehouse); return map$1(all, cell => { const width = total(cell.column, cell.column + cell.colspan, widths); return { element: cell.element, width, colspan: cell.colspan }; }); }; const recalculateWidthForColumns = (warehouse, widths) => { const groups = Warehouse.justColumns(warehouse); return map$1(groups, (column, index) => ({ element: column.element, width: widths[index], colspan: column.colspan })); }; const recalculateHeightForCells = (warehouse, heights) => { const all = Warehouse.justCells(warehouse); return map$1(all, cell => { const height = total(cell.row, cell.row + cell.rowspan, heights); return { element: cell.element, height, rowspan: cell.rowspan }; }); }; const matchRowHeight = (warehouse, heights) => { return map$1(warehouse.all, (row, i) => { return { element: row.element, height: heights[i] }; }); }; const sumUp = newSize => foldr(newSize, (b, a) => b + a, 0); const recalculate = (warehouse, widths) => { if (Warehouse.hasColumns(warehouse)) { return recalculateWidthForColumns(warehouse, widths); } else { return recalculateWidthForCells(warehouse, widths); } }; const recalculateAndApply = (warehouse, widths, tableSize) => { const newSizes = recalculate(warehouse, widths); each$2(newSizes, cell => { tableSize.setElementWidth(cell.element, cell.width); }); }; const adjustWidth = (table, delta, index, resizing, tableSize) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const step = tableSize.getCellDelta(delta); const widths = tableSize.getWidths(warehouse, tableSize); const isLastColumn = index === warehouse.grid.columns - 1; const clampedStep = resizing.clampTableDelta(widths, index, step, tableSize.minCellWidth(), isLastColumn); const deltas = determine(widths, index, clampedStep, tableSize, resizing); const newWidths = map$1(deltas, (dx, i) => dx + widths[i]); recalculateAndApply(warehouse, newWidths, tableSize); resizing.resizeTable(tableSize.adjustTableWidth, clampedStep, isLastColumn); }; const adjustHeight = (table, delta, index, direction) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const heights = getPixelHeights(warehouse, table, direction); const newHeights = map$1(heights, (dy, i) => index === i ? Math.max(delta + dy, minHeight()) : dy); const newCellSizes = recalculateHeightForCells(warehouse, newHeights); const newRowSizes = matchRowHeight(warehouse, newHeights); each$2(newRowSizes, row => { setHeight(row.element, row.height); }); each$2(newCellSizes, cell => { setHeight(cell.element, cell.height); }); const total = sumUp(newHeights); setHeight(table, total); }; const adjustAndRedistributeWidths$1 = (_table, list, details, tableSize, resizeBehaviour) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.generate(list); const sizes = tableSize.getWidths(warehouse, tableSize); const tablePixelWidth = tableSize.pixelWidth(); const {newSizes, delta} = resizeBehaviour.calcRedestributedWidths(sizes, tablePixelWidth, details.pixelDelta, tableSize.isRelative); recalculateAndApply(warehouse, newSizes, tableSize); tableSize.adjustTableWidth(delta); }; const adjustWidthTo = (_table, list, _info, tableSize) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.generate(list); const widths = tableSize.getWidths(warehouse, tableSize); recalculateAndApply(warehouse, widths, tableSize); }; const uniqueColumns = details => { const uniqueCheck = (rest, detail) => { const columnExists = exists(rest, currentDetail => currentDetail.column === detail.column); return columnExists ? rest : rest.concat([detail]); }; return foldl(details, uniqueCheck, []).sort((detailA, detailB) => detailA.column - detailB.column); }; const isCol = isTag('col'); const isColgroup = isTag('colgroup'); const isRow$1 = element => name(element) === 'tr' || isColgroup(element); const elementToData = element => { const colspan = getAttrValue(element, 'colspan', 1); const rowspan = getAttrValue(element, 'rowspan', 1); return { element, colspan, rowspan }; }; const modification = (generators, toData = elementToData) => { const nuCell = data => isCol(data.element) ? generators.col(data) : generators.cell(data); const nuRow = data => isColgroup(data.element) ? generators.colgroup(data) : generators.row(data); const add = element => { if (isRow$1(element)) { return nuRow({ element }); } else { const cell = element; const replacement = nuCell(toData(cell)); recent = Optional.some({ item: cell, replacement }); return replacement; } }; let recent = Optional.none(); const getOrInit = (element, comparator) => { return recent.fold(() => { return add(element); }, p => { return comparator(element, p.item) ? p.replacement : add(element); }); }; return { getOrInit }; }; const transform$1 = tag => { return generators => { const list = []; const find = (element, comparator) => { return find$1(list, x => { return comparator(x.item, element); }); }; const makeNew = element => { const attrs = tag === 'td' ? { scope: null } : {}; const cell = generators.replace(element, tag, attrs); list.push({ item: element, sub: cell }); return cell; }; const replaceOrInit = (element, comparator) => { if (isRow$1(element) || isCol(element)) { return element; } else { const cell = element; return find(cell, comparator).fold(() => { return makeNew(cell); }, p => { return comparator(element, p.item) ? p.sub : makeNew(cell); }); } }; return { replaceOrInit }; }; }; const getScopeAttribute = cell => getOpt(cell, 'scope').map(attribute => attribute.substr(0, 3)); const merging = generators => { const unmerge = cell => { const scope = getScopeAttribute(cell); scope.each(attribute => set$2(cell, 'scope', attribute)); return () => { const raw = generators.cell({ element: cell, colspan: 1, rowspan: 1 }); remove$5(raw, 'width'); remove$5(cell, 'width'); scope.each(attribute => set$2(raw, 'scope', attribute)); return raw; }; }; const merge = cells => { const getScopeProperty = () => { const stringAttributes = cat(map$1(cells, getScopeAttribute)); if (stringAttributes.length === 0) { return Optional.none(); } else { const baseScope = stringAttributes[0]; const scopes = [ 'row', 'col' ]; const isMixed = exists(stringAttributes, attribute => { return attribute !== baseScope && contains$2(scopes, attribute); }); return isMixed ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(baseScope); } }; remove$5(cells[0], 'width'); getScopeProperty().fold(() => remove$7(cells[0], 'scope'), attribute => set$2(cells[0], 'scope', attribute + 'group')); return constant(cells[0]); }; return { unmerge, merge }; }; const Generators = { modification, transform: transform$1, merging }; const blockList = [ 'body', 'p', 'div', 'article', 'aside', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'header', 'nav', 'section', 'ol', 'ul', 'table', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody', 'caption', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'address' ]; const isList$1 = (universe, item) => { const tagName = universe.property().name(item); return contains$2([ 'ol', 'ul' ], tagName); }; const isBlock$1 = (universe, item) => { const tagName = universe.property().name(item); return contains$2(blockList, tagName); }; const isEmptyTag$1 = (universe, item) => { return contains$2([ 'br', 'img', 'hr', 'input' ], universe.property().name(item)); }; const universe$1 = DomUniverse(); const isBlock = element => { return isBlock$1(universe$1, element); }; const isList = element => { return isList$1(universe$1, element); }; const isEmptyTag = element => { return isEmptyTag$1(universe$1, element); }; const merge = cells => { const isBr = isTag('br'); const advancedBr = children => { return forall(children, c => { return isBr(c) || isText(c) && get$6(c).trim().length === 0; }); }; const isListItem = el => { return name(el) === 'li' || ancestor$2(el, isList).isSome(); }; const siblingIsBlock = el => { return nextSibling(el).map(rightSibling => { if (isBlock(rightSibling)) { return true; } if (isEmptyTag(rightSibling)) { return name(rightSibling) === 'img' ? false : true; } return false; }).getOr(false); }; const markCell = cell => { return last$1(cell).bind(rightEdge => { const rightSiblingIsBlock = siblingIsBlock(rightEdge); return parent(rightEdge).map(parent => { return rightSiblingIsBlock === true || isListItem(parent) || isBr(rightEdge) || isBlock(parent) && !eq$1(cell, parent) ? [] : [SugarElement.fromTag('br')]; }); }).getOr([]); }; const markContent = () => { const content = bind$2(cells, cell => { const children = children$2(cell); return advancedBr(children) ? [] : children.concat(markCell(cell)); }); return content.length === 0 ? [SugarElement.fromTag('br')] : content; }; const contents = markContent(); empty(cells[0]); append(cells[0], contents); }; const isEditable = elem => isEditable$1(elem, true); const prune = table => { const cells = cells$1(table); if (cells.length === 0) { remove$6(table); } }; const outcome = (grid, cursor) => ({ grid, cursor }); const findEditableCursorPosition = rows => findMap(rows, row => findMap(row.cells, cell => { const elem = cell.element; return someIf(isEditable(elem), elem); })); const elementFromGrid = (grid, row, column) => { var _a, _b; const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; return Optional.from((_b = (_a = rows[row]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.cells[column]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.element).filter(isEditable).orThunk(() => findEditableCursorPosition(rows)); }; const bundle = (grid, row, column) => { const cursorElement = elementFromGrid(grid, row, column); return outcome(grid, cursorElement); }; const uniqueRows = details => { const rowCompilation = (rest, detail) => { const rowExists = exists(rest, currentDetail => currentDetail.row === detail.row); return rowExists ? rest : rest.concat([detail]); }; return foldl(details, rowCompilation, []).sort((detailA, detailB) => detailA.row - detailB.row); }; const opInsertRowsBefore = (grid, details, comparator, genWrappers) => { const targetIndex = details[0].row; const rows = uniqueRows(details); const newGrid = foldr(rows, (acc, row) => { const newG = insertRowAt(acc.grid, targetIndex, row.row + acc.delta, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return { grid: newG, delta: acc.delta + 1 }; }, { grid, delta: 0 }).grid; return bundle(newGrid, targetIndex, details[0].column); }; const opInsertRowsAfter = (grid, details, comparator, genWrappers) => { const rows = uniqueRows(details); const target = rows[rows.length - 1]; const targetIndex = target.row + target.rowspan; const newGrid = foldr(rows, (newG, row) => { return insertRowAt(newG, targetIndex, row.row, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); }, grid); return bundle(newGrid, targetIndex, details[0].column); }; const opInsertColumnsBefore = (grid, extractDetail, comparator, genWrappers) => { const details = extractDetail.details; const columns = uniqueColumns(details); const targetIndex = columns[0].column; const newGrid = foldr(columns, (acc, col) => { const newG = insertColumnAt(acc.grid, targetIndex, col.column + acc.delta, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); return { grid: newG, delta: acc.delta + 1 }; }, { grid, delta: 0 }).grid; return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row, targetIndex); }; const opInsertColumnsAfter = (grid, extractDetail, comparator, genWrappers) => { const details = extractDetail.details; const target = details[details.length - 1]; const targetIndex = target.column + target.colspan; const columns = uniqueColumns(details); const newGrid = foldr(columns, (newG, col) => { return insertColumnAt(newG, targetIndex, col.column, comparator, genWrappers.getOrInit); }, grid); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row, targetIndex); }; const opMakeColumnsHeader = (initialGrid, details, comparator, genWrappers) => { const columns = uniqueColumns(details); const columnIndexes = map$1(columns, detail => detail.column); const newGrid = replaceColumns(initialGrid, columnIndexes, true, comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row, details[0].column); }; const opMakeCellsHeader = (initialGrid, details, comparator, genWrappers) => { const newGrid = replaceCells(initialGrid, details, comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row, details[0].column); }; const opUnmakeColumnsHeader = (initialGrid, details, comparator, genWrappers) => { const columns = uniqueColumns(details); const columnIndexes = map$1(columns, detail => detail.column); const newGrid = replaceColumns(initialGrid, columnIndexes, false, comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row, details[0].column); }; const opUnmakeCellsHeader = (initialGrid, details, comparator, genWrappers) => { const newGrid = replaceCells(initialGrid, details, comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row, details[0].column); }; const makeRowsSection = (section, applyScope) => (initialGrid, details, comparator, genWrappers, tableSection) => { const rows = uniqueRows(details); const rowIndexes = map$1(rows, detail => detail.row); const newGrid = replaceRows(initialGrid, rowIndexes, section, applyScope, comparator, genWrappers.replaceOrInit, tableSection); return bundle(newGrid, details[0].row, details[0].column); }; const opMakeRowsHeader = makeRowsSection('thead', true); const opMakeRowsBody = makeRowsSection('tbody', false); const opMakeRowsFooter = makeRowsSection('tfoot', false); const opEraseColumns = (grid, extractDetail, _comparator, _genWrappers) => { const columns = uniqueColumns(extractDetail.details); const newGrid = deleteColumnsAt(grid, map$1(columns, column => column.column)); const maxColIndex = newGrid.length > 0 ? newGrid[0].cells.length - 1 : 0; return bundle(newGrid, columns[0].row, Math.min(columns[0].column, maxColIndex)); }; const opEraseRows = (grid, details, _comparator, _genWrappers) => { const rows = uniqueRows(details); const newGrid = deleteRowsAt(grid, rows[0].row, rows[rows.length - 1].row); const maxRowIndex = newGrid.length > 0 ? newGrid.length - 1 : 0; return bundle(newGrid, Math.min(details[0].row, maxRowIndex), details[0].column); }; const opMergeCells = (grid, mergable, comparator, genWrappers) => { const cells = mergable.cells; merge(cells); const newGrid = merge$2(grid, mergable.bounds, comparator, genWrappers.merge(cells)); return outcome(newGrid, Optional.from(cells[0])); }; const opUnmergeCells = (grid, unmergable, comparator, genWrappers) => { const unmerge$1 = (b, cell) => unmerge(b, cell, comparator, genWrappers.unmerge(cell)); const newGrid = foldr(unmergable, unmerge$1, grid); return outcome(newGrid, Optional.from(unmergable[0])); }; const opPasteCells = (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, _genWrappers) => { const gridify = (table, generators) => { const wh = Warehouse.fromTable(table); return toGrid(wh, generators, true); }; const gridB = gridify(pasteDetails.clipboard, pasteDetails.generators); const startAddress = address(pasteDetails.row, pasteDetails.column); const mergedGrid = merge$1(startAddress, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators, comparator); return mergedGrid.fold(() => outcome(grid, Optional.some(pasteDetails.element)), newGrid => { return bundle(newGrid, pasteDetails.row, pasteDetails.column); }); }; const gridifyRows = (rows, generators, context) => { const pasteDetails = fromPastedRows(rows, context.section); const wh = Warehouse.generate(pasteDetails); return toGrid(wh, generators, true); }; const opPasteColsBefore = (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, _genWrappers) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; const index = pasteDetails.cells[0].column; const context = rows[pasteDetails.cells[0].row]; const gridB = gridifyRows(pasteDetails.clipboard, pasteDetails.generators, context); const mergedGrid = insertCols(index, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators, comparator); return bundle(mergedGrid, pasteDetails.cells[0].row, pasteDetails.cells[0].column); }; const opPasteColsAfter = (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, _genWrappers) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; const index = pasteDetails.cells[pasteDetails.cells.length - 1].column + pasteDetails.cells[pasteDetails.cells.length - 1].colspan; const context = rows[pasteDetails.cells[0].row]; const gridB = gridifyRows(pasteDetails.clipboard, pasteDetails.generators, context); const mergedGrid = insertCols(index, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators, comparator); return bundle(mergedGrid, pasteDetails.cells[0].row, pasteDetails.cells[0].column); }; const opPasteRowsBefore = (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, _genWrappers) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; const index = pasteDetails.cells[0].row; const context = rows[index]; const gridB = gridifyRows(pasteDetails.clipboard, pasteDetails.generators, context); const mergedGrid = insertRows(index, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators, comparator); return bundle(mergedGrid, pasteDetails.cells[0].row, pasteDetails.cells[0].column); }; const opPasteRowsAfter = (grid, pasteDetails, comparator, _genWrappers) => { const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; const index = pasteDetails.cells[pasteDetails.cells.length - 1].row + pasteDetails.cells[pasteDetails.cells.length - 1].rowspan; const context = rows[pasteDetails.cells[0].row]; const gridB = gridifyRows(pasteDetails.clipboard, pasteDetails.generators, context); const mergedGrid = insertRows(index, grid, gridB, pasteDetails.generators, comparator); return bundle(mergedGrid, pasteDetails.cells[0].row, pasteDetails.cells[0].column); }; const opGetColumnsType = (table, target) => { const house = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const details = onCells(house, target); return details.bind(selectedCells => { const lastSelectedCell = selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1]; const minColRange = selectedCells[0].column; const maxColRange = lastSelectedCell.column + lastSelectedCell.colspan; const selectedColumnCells = flatten(map$1(house.all, row => filter$2(row.cells, cell => cell.column >= minColRange && cell.column < maxColRange))); return findCommonCellType(selectedColumnCells); }).getOr(''); }; const opGetCellsType = (table, target) => { const house = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const details = onCells(house, target); return details.bind(findCommonCellType).getOr(''); }; const opGetRowsType = (table, target) => { const house = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const details = onCells(house, target); return details.bind(selectedCells => { const lastSelectedCell = selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1]; const minRowRange = selectedCells[0].row; const maxRowRange = lastSelectedCell.row + lastSelectedCell.rowspan; const selectedRows = house.all.slice(minRowRange, maxRowRange); return findCommonRowType(selectedRows); }).getOr(''); }; const resize = (table, list, details, behaviours) => adjustWidthTo(table, list, details, behaviours.sizing); const adjustAndRedistributeWidths = (table, list, details, behaviours) => adjustAndRedistributeWidths$1(table, list, details, behaviours.sizing, behaviours.resize); const firstColumnIsLocked = (_warehouse, details) => exists(details, detail => detail.column === 0 && detail.isLocked); const lastColumnIsLocked = (warehouse, details) => exists(details, detail => detail.column + detail.colspan >= warehouse.grid.columns && detail.isLocked); const getColumnsWidth = (warehouse, details) => { const columns$1 = columns(warehouse); const uniqueCols = uniqueColumns(details); return foldl(uniqueCols, (acc, detail) => { const column = columns$1[detail.column]; const colWidth = column.map(getOuter$2).getOr(0); return acc + colWidth; }, 0); }; const insertColumnsExtractor = before => (warehouse, target) => onCells(warehouse, target).filter(details => { const checkLocked = before ? firstColumnIsLocked : lastColumnIsLocked; return !checkLocked(warehouse, details); }).map(details => ({ details, pixelDelta: getColumnsWidth(warehouse, details) })); const eraseColumnsExtractor = (warehouse, target) => onUnlockedCells(warehouse, target).map(details => ({ details, pixelDelta: -getColumnsWidth(warehouse, details) })); const pasteColumnsExtractor = before => (warehouse, target) => onPasteByEditor(warehouse, target).filter(details => { const checkLocked = before ? firstColumnIsLocked : lastColumnIsLocked; return !checkLocked(warehouse, details.cells); }); const headerCellGenerator = Generators.transform('th'); const bodyCellGenerator = Generators.transform('td'); const insertRowsBefore = run(opInsertRowsBefore, onCells, noop, noop, Generators.modification); const insertRowsAfter = run(opInsertRowsAfter, onCells, noop, noop, Generators.modification); const insertColumnsBefore = run(opInsertColumnsBefore, insertColumnsExtractor(true), adjustAndRedistributeWidths, noop, Generators.modification); const insertColumnsAfter = run(opInsertColumnsAfter, insertColumnsExtractor(false), adjustAndRedistributeWidths, noop, Generators.modification); const eraseColumns = run(opEraseColumns, eraseColumnsExtractor, adjustAndRedistributeWidths, prune, Generators.modification); const eraseRows = run(opEraseRows, onCells, noop, prune, Generators.modification); const makeColumnsHeader = run(opMakeColumnsHeader, onUnlockedCells, noop, noop, headerCellGenerator); const unmakeColumnsHeader = run(opUnmakeColumnsHeader, onUnlockedCells, noop, noop, bodyCellGenerator); const makeRowsHeader = run(opMakeRowsHeader, onUnlockedCells, noop, noop, headerCellGenerator); const makeRowsBody = run(opMakeRowsBody, onUnlockedCells, noop, noop, bodyCellGenerator); const makeRowsFooter = run(opMakeRowsFooter, onUnlockedCells, noop, noop, bodyCellGenerator); const makeCellsHeader = run(opMakeCellsHeader, onUnlockedCells, noop, noop, headerCellGenerator); const unmakeCellsHeader = run(opUnmakeCellsHeader, onUnlockedCells, noop, noop, bodyCellGenerator); const mergeCells = run(opMergeCells, onUnlockedMergable, resize, noop, Generators.merging); const unmergeCells = run(opUnmergeCells, onUnlockedUnmergable, resize, noop, Generators.merging); const pasteCells = run(opPasteCells, onPaste, resize, noop, Generators.modification); const pasteColsBefore = run(opPasteColsBefore, pasteColumnsExtractor(true), noop, noop, Generators.modification); const pasteColsAfter = run(opPasteColsAfter, pasteColumnsExtractor(false), noop, noop, Generators.modification); const pasteRowsBefore = run(opPasteRowsBefore, onPasteByEditor, noop, noop, Generators.modification); const pasteRowsAfter = run(opPasteRowsAfter, onPasteByEditor, noop, noop, Generators.modification); const getColumnsType = opGetColumnsType; const getCellsType = opGetCellsType; const getRowsType = opGetRowsType; const fireNewRow = (editor, row) => editor.dispatch('NewRow', { node: row }); const fireNewCell = (editor, cell) => editor.dispatch('NewCell', { node: cell }); const fireTableModified = (editor, table, data) => { editor.dispatch('TableModified', { ...data, table }); }; const fireTableSelectionChange = (editor, cells, start, finish, otherCells) => { editor.dispatch('TableSelectionChange', { cells, start, finish, otherCells }); }; const fireTableSelectionClear = editor => { editor.dispatch('TableSelectionClear'); }; const fireObjectResizeStart = (editor, target, width, height, origin) => { editor.dispatch('ObjectResizeStart', { target, width, height, origin }); }; const fireObjectResized = (editor, target, width, height, origin) => { editor.dispatch('ObjectResized', { target, width, height, origin }); }; const styleModified = { structure: false, style: true }; const structureModified = { structure: true, style: false }; const styleAndStructureModified = { structure: true, style: true }; const option = name => editor => editor.options.get(name); const defaultWidth = '100%'; const getPixelForcedWidth = editor => { var _a; const dom = editor.dom; const parentBlock = (_a = dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : editor.getBody(); return getInner(SugarElement.fromDom(parentBlock)) + 'px'; }; const determineDefaultTableStyles = (editor, defaultStyles) => { if (isTableResponsiveForced(editor) || !shouldStyleWithCss(editor)) { return defaultStyles; } else if (isTablePixelsForced(editor)) { return { ...defaultStyles, width: getPixelForcedWidth(editor) }; } else { return { ...defaultStyles, width: defaultWidth }; } }; const determineDefaultTableAttributes = (editor, defaultAttributes) => { if (isTableResponsiveForced(editor) || shouldStyleWithCss(editor)) { return defaultAttributes; } else if (isTablePixelsForced(editor)) { return { ...defaultAttributes, width: getPixelForcedWidth(editor) }; } else { return { ...defaultAttributes, width: defaultWidth }; } }; const register = editor => { const registerOption = editor.options.register; registerOption('table_clone_elements', { processor: 'string[]' }); registerOption('table_use_colgroups', { processor: 'boolean', default: true }); registerOption('table_header_type', { processor: value => { const valid = contains$2([ 'section', 'cells', 'sectionCells', 'auto' ], value); return valid ? { value, valid } : { valid: false, message: 'Must be one of: section, cells, sectionCells or auto.' }; }, default: 'section' }); registerOption('table_sizing_mode', { processor: 'string', default: 'auto' }); registerOption('table_default_attributes', { processor: 'object', default: { border: '1' } }); registerOption('table_default_styles', { processor: 'object', default: { 'border-collapse': 'collapse' } }); registerOption('table_column_resizing', { processor: value => { const valid = contains$2([ 'preservetable', 'resizetable' ], value); return valid ? { value, valid } : { valid: false, message: 'Must be preservetable, or resizetable.' }; }, default: 'preservetable' }); registerOption('table_resize_bars', { processor: 'boolean', default: true }); registerOption('table_style_by_css', { processor: 'boolean', default: true }); }; const getTableCloneElements = editor => { return Optional.from(editor.options.get('table_clone_elements')); }; const hasTableObjectResizing = editor => { const objectResizing = editor.options.get('object_resizing'); return contains$2(objectResizing.split(','), 'table'); }; const getTableHeaderType = option('table_header_type'); const getTableColumnResizingBehaviour = option('table_column_resizing'); const isPreserveTableColumnResizing = editor => getTableColumnResizingBehaviour(editor) === 'preservetable'; const isResizeTableColumnResizing = editor => getTableColumnResizingBehaviour(editor) === 'resizetable'; const getTableSizingMode = option('table_sizing_mode'); const isTablePercentagesForced = editor => getTableSizingMode(editor) === 'relative'; const isTablePixelsForced = editor => getTableSizingMode(editor) === 'fixed'; const isTableResponsiveForced = editor => getTableSizingMode(editor) === 'responsive'; const hasTableResizeBars = option('table_resize_bars'); const shouldStyleWithCss = option('table_style_by_css'); const getTableDefaultAttributes = editor => { const options = editor.options; const defaultAttributes = options.get('table_default_attributes'); return options.isSet('table_default_attributes') ? defaultAttributes : determineDefaultTableAttributes(editor, defaultAttributes); }; const getTableDefaultStyles = editor => { const options = editor.options; const defaultStyles = options.get('table_default_styles'); return options.isSet('table_default_styles') ? defaultStyles : determineDefaultTableStyles(editor, defaultStyles); }; const tableUseColumnGroup = option('table_use_colgroups'); const get$5 = (editor, table) => { if (isTablePercentagesForced(editor)) { return TableSize.percentageSize(table); } else if (isTablePixelsForced(editor)) { return TableSize.pixelSize(table); } else { return TableSize.getTableSize(table); } }; const TableActions = (editor, resizeHandler, cellSelectionHandler) => { const isTableBody = editor => name(getBody(editor)) === 'table'; const lastRowGuard = table => !isTableBody(editor) || getGridSize(table).rows > 1; const lastColumnGuard = table => !isTableBody(editor) || getGridSize(table).columns > 1; const cloneFormats = getTableCloneElements(editor); const colMutationOp = isResizeTableColumnResizing(editor) ? noop : halve; const getTableSectionType = table => { switch (getTableHeaderType(editor)) { case 'section': return TableSection.section(); case 'sectionCells': return TableSection.sectionCells(); case 'cells': return TableSection.cells(); default: return TableSection.getTableSectionType(table, 'section'); } }; const setSelectionFromAction = (table, result) => result.cursor.fold(() => { const cells = cells$1(table); return head(cells).filter(inBody).map(firstCell => { cellSelectionHandler.clearSelectedCells(table.dom); const rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.selectNode(firstCell.dom); editor.selection.setRng(rng); set$2(firstCell, 'data-mce-selected', '1'); return rng; }); }, cell => { const des = freefallRtl(cell); const rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(des.element.dom, des.offset); rng.setEnd(des.element.dom, des.offset); editor.selection.setRng(rng); cellSelectionHandler.clearSelectedCells(table.dom); return Optional.some(rng); }); const execute = (operation, guard, mutate, effect) => (table, target, noEvents = false) => { removeDataStyle(table); const doc = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); const generators = cellOperations(mutate, doc, cloneFormats); const behaviours = { sizing: get$5(editor, table), resize: isResizeTableColumnResizing(editor) ? resizeTable() : preserveTable(), section: getTableSectionType(table) }; return guard(table) ? operation(table, target, generators, behaviours).bind(result => { resizeHandler.refresh(table.dom); each$2(result.newRows, row => { fireNewRow(editor, row.dom); }); each$2(result.newCells, cell => { fireNewCell(editor, cell.dom); }); const range = setSelectionFromAction(table, result); if (inBody(table)) { removeDataStyle(table); if (!noEvents) { fireTableModified(editor, table.dom, effect); } } return range.map(rng => ({ rng, effect })); }) : Optional.none(); }; const deleteRow = execute(eraseRows, lastRowGuard, noop, structureModified); const deleteColumn = execute(eraseColumns, lastColumnGuard, noop, structureModified); const insertRowsBefore$1 = execute(insertRowsBefore, always, noop, structureModified); const insertRowsAfter$1 = execute(insertRowsAfter, always, noop, structureModified); const insertColumnsBefore$1 = execute(insertColumnsBefore, always, colMutationOp, structureModified); const insertColumnsAfter$1 = execute(insertColumnsAfter, always, colMutationOp, structureModified); const mergeCells$1 = execute(mergeCells, always, noop, structureModified); const unmergeCells$1 = execute(unmergeCells, always, noop, structureModified); const pasteColsBefore$1 = execute(pasteColsBefore, always, noop, structureModified); const pasteColsAfter$1 = execute(pasteColsAfter, always, noop, structureModified); const pasteRowsBefore$1 = execute(pasteRowsBefore, always, noop, structureModified); const pasteRowsAfter$1 = execute(pasteRowsAfter, always, noop, structureModified); const pasteCells$1 = execute(pasteCells, always, noop, styleAndStructureModified); const makeCellsHeader$1 = execute(makeCellsHeader, always, noop, structureModified); const unmakeCellsHeader$1 = execute(unmakeCellsHeader, always, noop, structureModified); const makeColumnsHeader$1 = execute(makeColumnsHeader, always, noop, structureModified); const unmakeColumnsHeader$1 = execute(unmakeColumnsHeader, always, noop, structureModified); const makeRowsHeader$1 = execute(makeRowsHeader, always, noop, structureModified); const makeRowsBody$1 = execute(makeRowsBody, always, noop, structureModified); const makeRowsFooter$1 = execute(makeRowsFooter, always, noop, structureModified); const getTableCellType = getCellsType; const getTableColType = getColumnsType; const getTableRowType = getRowsType; return { deleteRow, deleteColumn, insertRowsBefore: insertRowsBefore$1, insertRowsAfter: insertRowsAfter$1, insertColumnsBefore: insertColumnsBefore$1, insertColumnsAfter: insertColumnsAfter$1, mergeCells: mergeCells$1, unmergeCells: unmergeCells$1, pasteColsBefore: pasteColsBefore$1, pasteColsAfter: pasteColsAfter$1, pasteRowsBefore: pasteRowsBefore$1, pasteRowsAfter: pasteRowsAfter$1, pasteCells: pasteCells$1, makeCellsHeader: makeCellsHeader$1, unmakeCellsHeader: unmakeCellsHeader$1, makeColumnsHeader: makeColumnsHeader$1, unmakeColumnsHeader: unmakeColumnsHeader$1, makeRowsHeader: makeRowsHeader$1, makeRowsBody: makeRowsBody$1, makeRowsFooter: makeRowsFooter$1, getTableRowType, getTableCellType, getTableColType }; }; const constrainSpan = (element, property, value) => { const currentColspan = getAttrValue(element, property, 1); if (value === 1 || currentColspan <= 1) { remove$7(element, property); } else { set$2(element, property, Math.min(value, currentColspan)); } }; const isColInRange = (minColRange, maxColRange) => cell => { const endCol = cell.column + cell.colspan - 1; const startCol = cell.column; return endCol >= minColRange && startCol < maxColRange; }; const generateColGroup = (house, minColRange, maxColRange) => { if (Warehouse.hasColumns(house)) { const colsToCopy = filter$2(Warehouse.justColumns(house), isColInRange(minColRange, maxColRange)); const copiedCols = map$1(colsToCopy, c => { const clonedCol = deep(c.element); constrainSpan(clonedCol, 'span', maxColRange - minColRange); return clonedCol; }); const fakeColgroup = SugarElement.fromTag('colgroup'); append(fakeColgroup, copiedCols); return [fakeColgroup]; } else { return []; } }; const generateRows = (house, minColRange, maxColRange) => map$1(house.all, row => { const cellsToCopy = filter$2(row.cells, isColInRange(minColRange, maxColRange)); const copiedCells = map$1(cellsToCopy, cell => { const clonedCell = deep(cell.element); constrainSpan(clonedCell, 'colspan', maxColRange - minColRange); return clonedCell; }); const fakeTR = SugarElement.fromTag('tr'); append(fakeTR, copiedCells); return fakeTR; }); const copyCols = (table, target) => { const house = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const details = onUnlockedCells(house, target); return details.map(selectedCells => { const lastSelectedCell = selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1]; const minColRange = selectedCells[0].column; const maxColRange = lastSelectedCell.column + lastSelectedCell.colspan; const fakeColGroups = generateColGroup(house, minColRange, maxColRange); const fakeRows = generateRows(house, minColRange, maxColRange); return [ ...fakeColGroups, ...fakeRows ]; }); }; const copyRows = (table, target, generators) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const details = onCells(warehouse, target); return details.bind(selectedCells => { const grid = toGrid(warehouse, generators, false); const rows = extractGridDetails(grid).rows; const slicedGrid = rows.slice(selectedCells[0].row, selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1].row + selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1].rowspan); const filteredGrid = bind$2(slicedGrid, row => { const newCells = filter$2(row.cells, cell => !cell.isLocked); return newCells.length > 0 ? [{ ...row, cells: newCells }] : []; }); const slicedDetails = toDetailList(filteredGrid); return someIf(slicedDetails.length > 0, slicedDetails); }).map(slicedDetails => copy(slicedDetails)); }; const adt$5 = Adt.generate([ { invalid: ['raw'] }, { pixels: ['value'] }, { percent: ['value'] } ]); const validateFor = (suffix, type, value) => { const rawAmount = value.substring(0, value.length - suffix.length); const amount = parseFloat(rawAmount); return rawAmount === amount.toString() ? type(amount) : adt$5.invalid(value); }; const from = value => { if (endsWith(value, '%')) { return validateFor('%', adt$5.percent, value); } if (endsWith(value, 'px')) { return validateFor('px', adt$5.pixels, value); } return adt$5.invalid(value); }; const Size = { ...adt$5, from }; const redistributeToPercent = (widths, totalWidth) => { return map$1(widths, w => { const colType = Size.from(w); return colType.fold(() => { return w; }, px => { const ratio = px / totalWidth * 100; return ratio + '%'; }, pc => { return pc + '%'; }); }); }; const redistributeToPx = (widths, totalWidth, newTotalWidth) => { const scale = newTotalWidth / totalWidth; return map$1(widths, w => { const colType = Size.from(w); return colType.fold(() => { return w; }, px => { return px * scale + 'px'; }, pc => { return pc / 100 * newTotalWidth + 'px'; }); }); }; const redistributeEmpty = (newWidthType, columns) => { const f = newWidthType.fold(() => constant(''), pixels => { const num = pixels / columns; return constant(num + 'px'); }, () => { const num = 100 / columns; return constant(num + '%'); }); return range$1(columns, f); }; const redistributeValues = (newWidthType, widths, totalWidth) => { return newWidthType.fold(() => { return widths; }, px => { return redistributeToPx(widths, totalWidth, px); }, _pc => { return redistributeToPercent(widths, totalWidth); }); }; const redistribute$1 = (widths, totalWidth, newWidth) => { const newType = Size.from(newWidth); const floats = forall(widths, s => { return s === '0px'; }) ? redistributeEmpty(newType, widths.length) : redistributeValues(newType, widths, totalWidth); return normalize(floats); }; const sum = (values, fallback) => { if (values.length === 0) { return fallback; } return foldr(values, (rest, v) => { return Size.from(v).fold(constant(0), identity, identity) + rest; }, 0); }; const roundDown = (num, unit) => { const floored = Math.floor(num); return { value: floored + unit, remainder: num - floored }; }; const add$3 = (value, amount) => { return Size.from(value).fold(constant(value), px => { return px + amount + 'px'; }, pc => { return pc + amount + '%'; }); }; const normalize = values => { if (values.length === 0) { return values; } const scan = foldr(values, (rest, value) => { const info = Size.from(value).fold(() => ({ value, remainder: 0 }), num => roundDown(num, 'px'), num => ({ value: num + '%', remainder: 0 })); return { output: [info.value].concat(rest.output), remainder: rest.remainder + info.remainder }; }, { output: [], remainder: 0 }); const r = scan.output; return r.slice(0, r.length - 1).concat([add$3(r[r.length - 1], Math.round(scan.remainder))]); }; const validate = Size.from; const redistributeToW = (newWidths, cells, unit) => { each$2(cells, cell => { const widths = newWidths.slice(cell.column, cell.colspan + cell.column); const w = sum(widths, minWidth()); set$1(cell.element, 'width', w + unit); }); }; const redistributeToColumns = (newWidths, columns, unit) => { each$2(columns, (column, index) => { const width = sum([newWidths[index]], minWidth()); set$1(column.element, 'width', width + unit); }); }; const redistributeToH = (newHeights, rows, cells, unit) => { each$2(cells, cell => { const heights = newHeights.slice(cell.row, cell.rowspan + cell.row); const h = sum(heights, minHeight()); set$1(cell.element, 'height', h + unit); }); each$2(rows, (row, i) => { set$1(row.element, 'height', newHeights[i]); }); }; const getUnit = newSize => { return validate(newSize).fold(constant('px'), constant('px'), constant('%')); }; const redistribute = (table, optWidth, optHeight) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const rows = warehouse.all; const cells = Warehouse.justCells(warehouse); const columns = Warehouse.justColumns(warehouse); optWidth.each(newWidth => { const widthUnit = getUnit(newWidth); const totalWidth = get$9(table); const oldWidths = getRawWidths(warehouse, table); const nuWidths = redistribute$1(oldWidths, totalWidth, newWidth); if (Warehouse.hasColumns(warehouse)) { redistributeToColumns(nuWidths, columns, widthUnit); } else { redistributeToW(nuWidths, cells, widthUnit); } set$1(table, 'width', newWidth); }); optHeight.each(newHeight => { const hUnit = getUnit(newHeight); const totalHeight = get$8(table); const oldHeights = getRawHeights(warehouse, table, height); const nuHeights = redistribute$1(oldHeights, totalHeight, newHeight); redistributeToH(nuHeights, rows, cells, hUnit); set$1(table, 'height', newHeight); }); }; const isPercentSizing = isPercentSizing$1; const isPixelSizing = isPixelSizing$1; const isNoneSizing = isNoneSizing$1; const cleanupLegacyAttributes = element => { remove$7(element, 'width'); }; const convertToPercentSize = table => { const newWidth = getPercentTableWidth(table); redistribute(table, Optional.some(newWidth), Optional.none()); cleanupLegacyAttributes(table); }; const convertToPixelSize = table => { const newWidth = getPixelTableWidth(table); redistribute(table, Optional.some(newWidth), Optional.none()); cleanupLegacyAttributes(table); }; const convertToNoneSize = table => { remove$5(table, 'width'); const columns = columns$1(table); const rowElements = columns.length > 0 ? columns : cells$1(table); each$2(rowElements, cell => { remove$5(cell, 'width'); cleanupLegacyAttributes(cell); }); cleanupLegacyAttributes(table); }; const DefaultRenderOptions = { styles: { 'border-collapse': 'collapse', 'width': '100%' }, attributes: { border: '1' }, colGroups: false }; const tableHeaderCell = () => SugarElement.fromTag('th'); const tableCell = () => SugarElement.fromTag('td'); const tableColumn = () => SugarElement.fromTag('col'); const createRow = (columns, rowHeaders, columnHeaders, rowIndex) => { const tr = SugarElement.fromTag('tr'); for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) { const td = rowIndex < rowHeaders || j < columnHeaders ? tableHeaderCell() : tableCell(); if (j < columnHeaders) { set$2(td, 'scope', 'row'); } if (rowIndex < rowHeaders) { set$2(td, 'scope', 'col'); } append$1(td, SugarElement.fromTag('br')); append$1(tr, td); } return tr; }; const createGroupRow = columns => { const columnGroup = SugarElement.fromTag('colgroup'); range$1(columns, () => append$1(columnGroup, tableColumn())); return columnGroup; }; const createRows = (rows, columns, rowHeaders, columnHeaders) => range$1(rows, r => createRow(columns, rowHeaders, columnHeaders, r)); const render = (rows, columns, rowHeaders, columnHeaders, headerType, renderOpts = DefaultRenderOptions) => { const table = SugarElement.fromTag('table'); const rowHeadersGoInThead = headerType !== 'cells'; setAll(table, renderOpts.styles); setAll$1(table, renderOpts.attributes); if (renderOpts.colGroups) { append$1(table, createGroupRow(columns)); } const actualRowHeaders = Math.min(rows, rowHeaders); if (rowHeadersGoInThead && rowHeaders > 0) { const thead = SugarElement.fromTag('thead'); append$1(table, thead); const theadRowHeaders = headerType === 'sectionCells' ? actualRowHeaders : 0; const theadRows = createRows(rowHeaders, columns, theadRowHeaders, columnHeaders); append(thead, theadRows); } const tbody = SugarElement.fromTag('tbody'); append$1(table, tbody); const numRows = rowHeadersGoInThead ? rows - actualRowHeaders : rows; const numRowHeaders = rowHeadersGoInThead ? 0 : rowHeaders; const tbodyRows = createRows(numRows, columns, numRowHeaders, columnHeaders); append(tbody, tbodyRows); return table; }; const get$4 = element => element.dom.innerHTML; const getOuter = element => { const container = SugarElement.fromTag('div'); const clone = SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.cloneNode(true)); append$1(container, clone); return get$4(container); }; const placeCaretInCell = (editor, cell) => { editor.selection.select(cell.dom, true); editor.selection.collapse(true); }; const selectFirstCellInTable = (editor, tableElm) => { descendant(tableElm, 'td,th').each(curry(placeCaretInCell, editor)); }; const fireEvents = (editor, table) => { each$2(descendants(table, 'tr'), row => { fireNewRow(editor, row.dom); each$2(descendants(row, 'th,td'), cell => { fireNewCell(editor, cell.dom); }); }); }; const isPercentage = width => isString(width) && width.indexOf('%') !== -1; const insert = (editor, columns, rows, colHeaders, rowHeaders) => { const defaultStyles = getTableDefaultStyles(editor); const options = { styles: defaultStyles, attributes: getTableDefaultAttributes(editor), colGroups: tableUseColumnGroup(editor) }; editor.undoManager.ignore(() => { const table = render(rows, columns, rowHeaders, colHeaders, getTableHeaderType(editor), options); set$2(table, 'data-mce-id', '__mce'); const html = getOuter(table); editor.insertContent(html); editor.addVisual(); }); return descendant(getBody(editor), 'table[data-mce-id="__mce"]').map(table => { if (isTablePixelsForced(editor)) { convertToPixelSize(table); } else if (isTableResponsiveForced(editor)) { convertToNoneSize(table); } else if (isTablePercentagesForced(editor) || isPercentage(defaultStyles.width)) { convertToPercentSize(table); } removeDataStyle(table); remove$7(table, 'data-mce-id'); fireEvents(editor, table); selectFirstCellInTable(editor, table); return table.dom; }).getOrNull(); }; const insertTable = (editor, rows, columns, options = {}) => { const checkInput = val => isNumber(val) && val > 0; if (checkInput(rows) && checkInput(columns)) { const headerRows = options.headerRows || 0; const headerColumns = options.headerColumns || 0; return insert(editor, columns, rows, headerColumns, headerRows); } else { console.error('Invalid values for mceInsertTable - rows and columns values are required to insert a table.'); return null; } }; var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.FakeClipboard'); const tableTypeBase = 'x-tinymce/dom-table-'; const tableTypeRow = tableTypeBase + 'rows'; const tableTypeColumn = tableTypeBase + 'columns'; const setData = items => { const fakeClipboardItem = global.FakeClipboardItem(items); global.write([fakeClipboardItem]); }; const getData = type => { var _a; const items = (_a = global.read()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []; return findMap(items, item => Optional.from(item.getType(type))); }; const clearData = type => { if (getData(type).isSome()) { global.clear(); } }; const setRows = rowsOpt => { rowsOpt.fold(clearRows, rows => setData({ [tableTypeRow]: rows })); }; const getRows = () => getData(tableTypeRow); const clearRows = () => clearData(tableTypeRow); const setColumns = columnsOpt => { columnsOpt.fold(clearColumns, columns => setData({ [tableTypeColumn]: columns })); }; const getColumns = () => getData(tableTypeColumn); const clearColumns = () => clearData(tableTypeColumn); const getSelectionStartCellOrCaption = editor => getSelectionCellOrCaption(getSelectionStart(editor), getIsRoot(editor)).filter(isInEditableContext$1); const getSelectionStartCell = editor => getSelectionCell(getSelectionStart(editor), getIsRoot(editor)).filter(isInEditableContext$1); const registerCommands = (editor, actions) => { const isRoot = getIsRoot(editor); const eraseTable = () => getSelectionStartCellOrCaption(editor).each(cellOrCaption => { table(cellOrCaption, isRoot).filter(not(isRoot)).each(table => { const cursor = SugarElement.fromText(''); after$5(table, cursor); remove$6(table); if (editor.dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) { editor.setContent(''); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(); } else { const rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(cursor.dom, 0); rng.setEnd(cursor.dom, 0); editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.nodeChanged(); } }); }); const setSizingMode = sizing => getSelectionStartCellOrCaption(editor).each(cellOrCaption => { const isForcedSizing = isTableResponsiveForced(editor) || isTablePixelsForced(editor) || isTablePercentagesForced(editor); if (!isForcedSizing) { table(cellOrCaption, isRoot).each(table => { if (sizing === 'relative' && !isPercentSizing(table)) { convertToPercentSize(table); } else if (sizing === 'fixed' && !isPixelSizing(table)) { convertToPixelSize(table); } else if (sizing === 'responsive' && !isNoneSizing(table)) { convertToNoneSize(table); } removeDataStyle(table); fireTableModified(editor, table.dom, structureModified); }); } }); const getTableFromCell = cell => table(cell, isRoot); const performActionOnSelection = action => getSelectionStartCell(editor).bind(cell => getTableFromCell(cell).map(table => action(table, cell))); const toggleTableClass = (_ui, clazz) => { performActionOnSelection(table => { editor.formatter.toggle('tableclass', { value: clazz }, table.dom); fireTableModified(editor, table.dom, styleModified); }); }; const toggleTableCellClass = (_ui, clazz) => { performActionOnSelection(table => { const selectedCells = getCellsFromSelection(editor); const allHaveClass = forall(selectedCells, cell => editor.formatter.match('tablecellclass', { value: clazz }, cell.dom)); const formatterAction = allHaveClass ? editor.formatter.remove : editor.formatter.apply; each$2(selectedCells, cell => formatterAction('tablecellclass', { value: clazz }, cell.dom)); fireTableModified(editor, table.dom, styleModified); }); }; const toggleCaption = () => { getSelectionStartCellOrCaption(editor).each(cellOrCaption => { table(cellOrCaption, isRoot).each(table => { child(table, 'caption').fold(() => { const caption = SugarElement.fromTag('caption'); append$1(caption, SugarElement.fromText('Caption')); appendAt(table, caption, 0); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(caption.dom, 0); }, caption => { if (isTag('caption')(cellOrCaption)) { one('td', table).each(td => editor.selection.setCursorLocation(td.dom, 0)); } remove$6(caption); }); fireTableModified(editor, table.dom, structureModified); }); }); }; const postExecute = _data => { editor.focus(); }; const actOnSelection = (execute, noEvents = false) => performActionOnSelection((table, startCell) => { const targets = forMenu(getCellsFromSelection(editor), table, startCell); execute(table, targets, noEvents).each(postExecute); }); const copyRowSelection = () => performActionOnSelection((table, startCell) => { const targets = forMenu(getCellsFromSelection(editor), table, startCell); const generators = cellOperations(noop, SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc()), Optional.none()); return copyRows(table, targets, generators); }); const copyColSelection = () => performActionOnSelection((table, startCell) => { const targets = forMenu(getCellsFromSelection(editor), table, startCell); return copyCols(table, targets); }); const pasteOnSelection = (execute, getRows) => getRows().each(rows => { const clonedRows = map$1(rows, row => deep(row)); performActionOnSelection((table, startCell) => { const generators = paste$1(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc())); const targets = pasteRows(getCellsFromSelection(editor), startCell, clonedRows, generators); execute(table, targets).each(postExecute); }); }); const actOnType = getAction => (_ui, args) => get$c(args, 'type').each(type => { actOnSelection(getAction(type), args.no_events); }); each$1({ mceTableSplitCells: () => actOnSelection(actions.unmergeCells), mceTableMergeCells: () => actOnSelection(actions.mergeCells), mceTableInsertRowBefore: () => actOnSelection(actions.insertRowsBefore), mceTableInsertRowAfter: () => actOnSelection(actions.insertRowsAfter), mceTableInsertColBefore: () => actOnSelection(actions.insertColumnsBefore), mceTableInsertColAfter: () => actOnSelection(actions.insertColumnsAfter), mceTableDeleteCol: () => actOnSelection(actions.deleteColumn), mceTableDeleteRow: () => actOnSelection(actions.deleteRow), mceTableCutCol: () => copyColSelection().each(selection => { setColumns(selection); actOnSelection(actions.deleteColumn); }), mceTableCutRow: () => copyRowSelection().each(selection => { setRows(selection); actOnSelection(actions.deleteRow); }), mceTableCopyCol: () => copyColSelection().each(selection => setColumns(selection)), mceTableCopyRow: () => copyRowSelection().each(selection => setRows(selection)), mceTablePasteColBefore: () => pasteOnSelection(actions.pasteColsBefore, getColumns), mceTablePasteColAfter: () => pasteOnSelection(actions.pasteColsAfter, getColumns), mceTablePasteRowBefore: () => pasteOnSelection(actions.pasteRowsBefore, getRows), mceTablePasteRowAfter: () => pasteOnSelection(actions.pasteRowsAfter, getRows), mceTableDelete: eraseTable, mceTableCellToggleClass: toggleTableCellClass, mceTableToggleClass: toggleTableClass, mceTableToggleCaption: toggleCaption, mceTableSizingMode: (_ui, sizing) => setSizingMode(sizing), mceTableCellType: actOnType(type => type === 'th' ? actions.makeCellsHeader : actions.unmakeCellsHeader), mceTableColType: actOnType(type => type === 'th' ? actions.makeColumnsHeader : actions.unmakeColumnsHeader), mceTableRowType: actOnType(type => { switch (type) { case 'header': return actions.makeRowsHeader; case 'footer': return actions.makeRowsFooter; default: return actions.makeRowsBody; } }) }, (func, name) => editor.addCommand(name, func)); editor.addCommand('mceInsertTable', (_ui, args) => { insertTable(editor, args.rows, args.columns, args.options); }); editor.addCommand('mceTableApplyCellStyle', (_ui, args) => { const getFormatName = style => 'tablecell' + style.toLowerCase().replace('-', ''); if (!isObject(args)) { return; } const cells = filter$2(getCellsFromSelection(editor), isInEditableContext$1); if (cells.length === 0) { return; } const validArgs = filter$1(args, (value, style) => editor.formatter.has(getFormatName(style)) && isString(value)); if (isEmpty(validArgs)) { return; } each$1(validArgs, (value, style) => { const formatName = getFormatName(style); each$2(cells, cell => { if (value === '') { editor.formatter.remove(formatName, { value: null }, cell.dom, true); } else { editor.formatter.apply(formatName, { value }, cell.dom); } }); }); getTableFromCell(cells[0]).each(table => fireTableModified(editor, table.dom, styleModified)); }); }; const registerQueryCommands = (editor, actions) => { const isRoot = getIsRoot(editor); const lookupOnSelection = action => getSelectionCell(getSelectionStart(editor)).bind(cell => table(cell, isRoot).map(table => { const targets = forMenu(getCellsFromSelection(editor), table, cell); return action(table, targets); })).getOr(''); each$1({ mceTableRowType: () => lookupOnSelection(actions.getTableRowType), mceTableCellType: () => lookupOnSelection(actions.getTableCellType), mceTableColType: () => lookupOnSelection(actions.getTableColType) }, (func, name) => editor.addQueryValueHandler(name, func)); }; const adt$4 = Adt.generate([ { before: ['element'] }, { on: [ 'element', 'offset' ] }, { after: ['element'] } ]); const cata$1 = (subject, onBefore, onOn, onAfter) => subject.fold(onBefore, onOn, onAfter); const getStart$1 = situ => situ.fold(identity, identity, identity); const before$2 = adt$4.before; const on = adt$4.on; const after$3 = adt$4.after; const Situ = { before: before$2, on, after: after$3, cata: cata$1, getStart: getStart$1 }; const create$4 = (selection, kill) => ({ selection, kill }); const Response = { create: create$4 }; const selectNode = (win, element) => { const rng = win.document.createRange(); rng.selectNode(element.dom); return rng; }; const selectNodeContents = (win, element) => { const rng = win.document.createRange(); selectNodeContentsUsing(rng, element); return rng; }; const selectNodeContentsUsing = (rng, element) => rng.selectNodeContents(element.dom); const setStart = (rng, situ) => { situ.fold(e => { rng.setStartBefore(e.dom); }, (e, o) => { rng.setStart(e.dom, o); }, e => { rng.setStartAfter(e.dom); }); }; const setFinish = (rng, situ) => { situ.fold(e => { rng.setEndBefore(e.dom); }, (e, o) => { rng.setEnd(e.dom, o); }, e => { rng.setEndAfter(e.dom); }); }; const relativeToNative = (win, startSitu, finishSitu) => { const range = win.document.createRange(); setStart(range, startSitu); setFinish(range, finishSitu); return range; }; const exactToNative = (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const rng = win.document.createRange(); rng.setStart(start.dom, soffset); rng.setEnd(finish.dom, foffset); return rng; }; const toRect = rect => ({ left: rect.left, top: rect.top, right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom, width: rect.width, height: rect.height }); const getFirstRect$1 = rng => { const rects = rng.getClientRects(); const rect = rects.length > 0 ? rects[0] : rng.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0 ? Optional.some(rect).map(toRect) : Optional.none(); }; const adt$3 = Adt.generate([ { ltr: [ 'start', 'soffset', 'finish', 'foffset' ] }, { rtl: [ 'start', 'soffset', 'finish', 'foffset' ] } ]); const fromRange = (win, type, range) => type(SugarElement.fromDom(range.startContainer), range.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(range.endContainer), range.endOffset); const getRanges = (win, selection) => selection.match({ domRange: rng => { return { ltr: constant(rng), rtl: Optional.none }; }, relative: (startSitu, finishSitu) => { return { ltr: cached(() => relativeToNative(win, startSitu, finishSitu)), rtl: cached(() => Optional.some(relativeToNative(win, finishSitu, startSitu))) }; }, exact: (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { return { ltr: cached(() => exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset)), rtl: cached(() => Optional.some(exactToNative(win, finish, foffset, start, soffset))) }; } }); const doDiagnose = (win, ranges) => { const rng = ranges.ltr(); if (rng.collapsed) { const reversed = ranges.rtl().filter(rev => rev.collapsed === false); return reversed.map(rev => adt$3.rtl(SugarElement.fromDom(rev.endContainer), rev.endOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(rev.startContainer), rev.startOffset)).getOrThunk(() => fromRange(win, adt$3.ltr, rng)); } else { return fromRange(win, adt$3.ltr, rng); } }; const diagnose = (win, selection) => { const ranges = getRanges(win, selection); return doDiagnose(win, ranges); }; const asLtrRange = (win, selection) => { const diagnosis = diagnose(win, selection); return diagnosis.match({ ltr: (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const rng = win.document.createRange(); rng.setStart(start.dom, soffset); rng.setEnd(finish.dom, foffset); return rng; }, rtl: (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const rng = win.document.createRange(); rng.setStart(finish.dom, foffset); rng.setEnd(start.dom, soffset); return rng; } }); }; adt$3.ltr; adt$3.rtl; const create$3 = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => ({ start, soffset, finish, foffset }); const SimRange = { create: create$3 }; const create$2 = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { return { start: Situ.on(start, soffset), finish: Situ.on(finish, foffset) }; }; const Situs = { create: create$2 }; const convertToRange = (win, selection) => { const rng = asLtrRange(win, selection); return SimRange.create(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer), rng.endOffset); }; const makeSitus = Situs.create; const sync = (container, isRoot, start, soffset, finish, foffset, selectRange) => { if (!(eq$1(start, finish) && soffset === foffset)) { return closest$1(start, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(s => { return closest$1(finish, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(f => { return detect(container, isRoot, s, f, selectRange); }); }); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const detect = (container, isRoot, start, finish, selectRange) => { if (!eq$1(start, finish)) { return identify(start, finish, isRoot).bind(cellSel => { const boxes = cellSel.boxes.getOr([]); if (boxes.length > 1) { selectRange(container, boxes, cellSel.start, cellSel.finish); return Optional.some(Response.create(Optional.some(makeSitus(start, 0, start, getEnd(start))), true)); } else { return Optional.none(); } }); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const update = (rows, columns, container, selected, annotations) => { const updateSelection = newSels => { annotations.clearBeforeUpdate(container); annotations.selectRange(container, newSels.boxes, newSels.start, newSels.finish); return newSels.boxes; }; return shiftSelection(selected, rows, columns, annotations.firstSelectedSelector, annotations.lastSelectedSelector).map(updateSelection); }; const traverse = (item, mode) => ({ item, mode }); const backtrack = (universe, item, _direction, transition = sidestep) => { return universe.property().parent(item).map(p => { return traverse(p, transition); }); }; const sidestep = (universe, item, direction, transition = advance) => { return direction.sibling(universe, item).map(p => { return traverse(p, transition); }); }; const advance = (universe, item, direction, transition = advance) => { const children = universe.property().children(item); const result = direction.first(children); return result.map(r => { return traverse(r, transition); }); }; const successors = [ { current: backtrack, next: sidestep, fallback: Optional.none() }, { current: sidestep, next: advance, fallback: Optional.some(backtrack) }, { current: advance, next: advance, fallback: Optional.some(sidestep) } ]; const go = (universe, item, mode, direction, rules = successors) => { const ruleOpt = find$1(rules, succ => { return succ.current === mode; }); return ruleOpt.bind(rule => { return rule.current(universe, item, direction, rule.next).orThunk(() => { return rule.fallback.bind(fb => { return go(universe, item, fb, direction); }); }); }); }; const left$1 = () => { const sibling = (universe, item) => { return universe.query().prevSibling(item); }; const first = children => { return children.length > 0 ? Optional.some(children[children.length - 1]) : Optional.none(); }; return { sibling, first }; }; const right$1 = () => { const sibling = (universe, item) => { return universe.query().nextSibling(item); }; const first = children => { return children.length > 0 ? Optional.some(children[0]) : Optional.none(); }; return { sibling, first }; }; const Walkers = { left: left$1, right: right$1 }; const hone = (universe, item, predicate, mode, direction, isRoot) => { const next = go(universe, item, mode, direction); return next.bind(n => { if (isRoot(n.item)) { return Optional.none(); } else { return predicate(n.item) ? Optional.some(n.item) : hone(universe, n.item, predicate, n.mode, direction, isRoot); } }); }; const left = (universe, item, predicate, isRoot) => { return hone(universe, item, predicate, sidestep, Walkers.left(), isRoot); }; const right = (universe, item, predicate, isRoot) => { return hone(universe, item, predicate, sidestep, Walkers.right(), isRoot); }; const isLeaf = universe => element => universe.property().children(element).length === 0; const before$1 = (universe, item, isRoot) => { return seekLeft$1(universe, item, isLeaf(universe), isRoot); }; const after$2 = (universe, item, isRoot) => { return seekRight$1(universe, item, isLeaf(universe), isRoot); }; const seekLeft$1 = left; const seekRight$1 = right; const universe = DomUniverse(); const before = (element, isRoot) => { return before$1(universe, element, isRoot); }; const after$1 = (element, isRoot) => { return after$2(universe, element, isRoot); }; const seekLeft = (element, predicate, isRoot) => { return seekLeft$1(universe, element, predicate, isRoot); }; const seekRight = (element, predicate, isRoot) => { return seekRight$1(universe, element, predicate, isRoot); }; const ancestor = (scope, predicate, isRoot) => ancestor$2(scope, predicate, isRoot).isSome(); const adt$2 = Adt.generate([ { none: ['message'] }, { success: [] }, { failedUp: ['cell'] }, { failedDown: ['cell'] } ]); const isOverlapping = (bridge, before, after) => { const beforeBounds = bridge.getRect(before); const afterBounds = bridge.getRect(after); return afterBounds.right > beforeBounds.left && afterBounds.left < beforeBounds.right; }; const isRow = elem => { return closest$1(elem, 'tr'); }; const verify = (bridge, before, beforeOffset, after, afterOffset, failure, isRoot) => { return closest$1(after, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(afterCell => { return closest$1(before, 'td,th', isRoot).map(beforeCell => { if (!eq$1(afterCell, beforeCell)) { return sharedOne(isRow, [ afterCell, beforeCell ]).fold(() => { return isOverlapping(bridge, beforeCell, afterCell) ? adt$2.success() : failure(beforeCell); }, _sharedRow => { return failure(beforeCell); }); } else { return eq$1(after, afterCell) && getEnd(afterCell) === afterOffset ? failure(beforeCell) : adt$2.none('in same cell'); } }); }).getOr(adt$2.none('default')); }; const cata = (subject, onNone, onSuccess, onFailedUp, onFailedDown) => { return subject.fold(onNone, onSuccess, onFailedUp, onFailedDown); }; const BeforeAfter = { ...adt$2, verify, cata }; const inParent = (parent, children, element, index) => ({ parent, children, element, index }); const indexInParent = element => parent(element).bind(parent => { const children = children$2(parent); return indexOf(children, element).map(index => inParent(parent, children, element, index)); }); const indexOf = (elements, element) => findIndex(elements, curry(eq$1, element)); const isBr = isTag('br'); const gatherer = (cand, gather, isRoot) => { return gather(cand, isRoot).bind(target => { return isText(target) && get$6(target).trim().length === 0 ? gatherer(target, gather, isRoot) : Optional.some(target); }); }; const handleBr = (isRoot, element, direction) => { return direction.traverse(element).orThunk(() => { return gatherer(element, direction.gather, isRoot); }).map(direction.relative); }; const findBr = (element, offset) => { return child$2(element, offset).filter(isBr).orThunk(() => { return child$2(element, offset - 1).filter(isBr); }); }; const handleParent = (isRoot, element, offset, direction) => { return findBr(element, offset).bind(br => { return direction.traverse(br).fold(() => { return gatherer(br, direction.gather, isRoot).map(direction.relative); }, adjacent => { return indexInParent(adjacent).map(info => { return Situ.on(info.parent, info.index); }); }); }); }; const tryBr = (isRoot, element, offset, direction) => { const target = isBr(element) ? handleBr(isRoot, element, direction) : handleParent(isRoot, element, offset, direction); return target.map(tgt => { return { start: tgt, finish: tgt }; }); }; const process = analysis => { return BeforeAfter.cata(analysis, _message => { return Optional.none(); }, () => { return Optional.none(); }, cell => { return Optional.some(point(cell, 0)); }, cell => { return Optional.some(point(cell, getEnd(cell))); }); }; const moveDown = (caret, amount) => { return { left: caret.left, top: caret.top + amount, right: caret.right, bottom: caret.bottom + amount }; }; const moveUp = (caret, amount) => { return { left: caret.left, top: caret.top - amount, right: caret.right, bottom: caret.bottom - amount }; }; const translate = (caret, xDelta, yDelta) => { return { left: caret.left + xDelta, top: caret.top + yDelta, right: caret.right + xDelta, bottom: caret.bottom + yDelta }; }; const getTop = caret => { return caret.top; }; const getBottom = caret => { return caret.bottom; }; const getPartialBox = (bridge, element, offset) => { if (offset >= 0 && offset < getEnd(element)) { return bridge.getRangedRect(element, offset, element, offset + 1); } else if (offset > 0) { return bridge.getRangedRect(element, offset - 1, element, offset); } return Optional.none(); }; const toCaret = rect => ({ left: rect.left, top: rect.top, right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom }); const getElemBox = (bridge, element) => { return Optional.some(bridge.getRect(element)); }; const getBoxAt = (bridge, element, offset) => { if (isElement(element)) { return getElemBox(bridge, element).map(toCaret); } else if (isText(element)) { return getPartialBox(bridge, element, offset).map(toCaret); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const getEntireBox = (bridge, element) => { if (isElement(element)) { return getElemBox(bridge, element).map(toCaret); } else if (isText(element)) { return bridge.getRangedRect(element, 0, element, getEnd(element)).map(toCaret); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const JUMP_SIZE = 5; const NUM_RETRIES = 100; const adt$1 = Adt.generate([ { none: [] }, { retry: ['caret'] } ]); const isOutside = (caret, box) => { return caret.left < box.left || Math.abs(box.right - caret.left) < 1 || caret.left > box.right; }; const inOutsideBlock = (bridge, element, caret) => { return closest$2(element, isBlock).fold(never, cell => { return getEntireBox(bridge, cell).exists(box => { return isOutside(caret, box); }); }); }; const adjustDown = (bridge, element, guessBox, original, caret) => { const lowerCaret = moveDown(caret, JUMP_SIZE); if (Math.abs(guessBox.bottom - original.bottom) < 1) { return adt$1.retry(lowerCaret); } else if (guessBox.top > caret.bottom) { return adt$1.retry(lowerCaret); } else if (guessBox.top === caret.bottom) { return adt$1.retry(moveDown(caret, 1)); } else { return inOutsideBlock(bridge, element, caret) ? adt$1.retry(translate(lowerCaret, JUMP_SIZE, 0)) : adt$1.none(); } }; const adjustUp = (bridge, element, guessBox, original, caret) => { const higherCaret = moveUp(caret, JUMP_SIZE); if (Math.abs(guessBox.top - original.top) < 1) { return adt$1.retry(higherCaret); } else if (guessBox.bottom < caret.top) { return adt$1.retry(higherCaret); } else if (guessBox.bottom === caret.top) { return adt$1.retry(moveUp(caret, 1)); } else { return inOutsideBlock(bridge, element, caret) ? adt$1.retry(translate(higherCaret, JUMP_SIZE, 0)) : adt$1.none(); } }; const upMovement = { point: getTop, adjuster: adjustUp, move: moveUp, gather: before }; const downMovement = { point: getBottom, adjuster: adjustDown, move: moveDown, gather: after$1 }; const isAtTable = (bridge, x, y) => { return bridge.elementFromPoint(x, y).filter(elm => { return name(elm) === 'table'; }).isSome(); }; const adjustForTable = (bridge, movement, original, caret, numRetries) => { return adjustTil(bridge, movement, original, movement.move(caret, JUMP_SIZE), numRetries); }; const adjustTil = (bridge, movement, original, caret, numRetries) => { if (numRetries === 0) { return Optional.some(caret); } if (isAtTable(bridge, caret.left, movement.point(caret))) { return adjustForTable(bridge, movement, original, caret, numRetries - 1); } return bridge.situsFromPoint(caret.left, movement.point(caret)).bind(guess => { return guess.start.fold(Optional.none, element => { return getEntireBox(bridge, element).bind(guessBox => { return movement.adjuster(bridge, element, guessBox, original, caret).fold(Optional.none, newCaret => { return adjustTil(bridge, movement, original, newCaret, numRetries - 1); }); }).orThunk(() => { return Optional.some(caret); }); }, Optional.none); }); }; const checkScroll = (movement, adjusted, bridge) => { if (movement.point(adjusted) > bridge.getInnerHeight()) { return Optional.some(movement.point(adjusted) - bridge.getInnerHeight()); } else if (movement.point(adjusted) < 0) { return Optional.some(-movement.point(adjusted)); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const retry = (movement, bridge, caret) => { const moved = movement.move(caret, JUMP_SIZE); const adjusted = adjustTil(bridge, movement, caret, moved, NUM_RETRIES).getOr(moved); return checkScroll(movement, adjusted, bridge).fold(() => { return bridge.situsFromPoint(adjusted.left, movement.point(adjusted)); }, delta => { bridge.scrollBy(0, delta); return bridge.situsFromPoint(adjusted.left, movement.point(adjusted) - delta); }); }; const Retries = { tryUp: curry(retry, upMovement), tryDown: curry(retry, downMovement), getJumpSize: constant(JUMP_SIZE) }; const MAX_RETRIES = 20; const findSpot = (bridge, isRoot, direction) => { return bridge.getSelection().bind(sel => { return tryBr(isRoot, sel.finish, sel.foffset, direction).fold(() => { return Optional.some(point(sel.finish, sel.foffset)); }, brNeighbour => { const range = bridge.fromSitus(brNeighbour); const analysis = BeforeAfter.verify(bridge, sel.finish, sel.foffset, range.finish, range.foffset, direction.failure, isRoot); return process(analysis); }); }); }; const scan = (bridge, isRoot, element, offset, direction, numRetries) => { if (numRetries === 0) { return Optional.none(); } return tryCursor(bridge, isRoot, element, offset, direction).bind(situs => { const range = bridge.fromSitus(situs); const analysis = BeforeAfter.verify(bridge, element, offset, range.finish, range.foffset, direction.failure, isRoot); return BeforeAfter.cata(analysis, () => { return Optional.none(); }, () => { return Optional.some(situs); }, cell => { if (eq$1(element, cell) && offset === 0) { return tryAgain(bridge, element, offset, moveUp, direction); } else { return scan(bridge, isRoot, cell, 0, direction, numRetries - 1); } }, cell => { if (eq$1(element, cell) && offset === getEnd(cell)) { return tryAgain(bridge, element, offset, moveDown, direction); } else { return scan(bridge, isRoot, cell, getEnd(cell), direction, numRetries - 1); } }); }); }; const tryAgain = (bridge, element, offset, move, direction) => { return getBoxAt(bridge, element, offset).bind(box => { return tryAt(bridge, direction, move(box, Retries.getJumpSize())); }); }; const tryAt = (bridge, direction, box) => { const browser = detect$2().browser; if (browser.isChromium() || browser.isSafari() || browser.isFirefox()) { return direction.retry(bridge, box); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const tryCursor = (bridge, isRoot, element, offset, direction) => { return getBoxAt(bridge, element, offset).bind(box => { return tryAt(bridge, direction, box); }); }; const handle$1 = (bridge, isRoot, direction) => { return findSpot(bridge, isRoot, direction).bind(spot => { return scan(bridge, isRoot, spot.element, spot.offset, direction, MAX_RETRIES).map(bridge.fromSitus); }); }; const inSameTable = (elem, table) => { return ancestor(elem, e => { return parent(e).exists(p => { return eq$1(p, table); }); }); }; const simulate = (bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor) => { return closest$1(initial, 'td,th', isRoot).bind(start => { return closest$1(start, 'table', isRoot).bind(table => { if (!inSameTable(anchor, table)) { return Optional.none(); } return handle$1(bridge, isRoot, direction).bind(range => { return closest$1(range.finish, 'td,th', isRoot).map(finish => { return { start, finish, range }; }); }); }); }); }; const navigate = (bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor, precheck) => { return precheck(initial, isRoot).orThunk(() => { return simulate(bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor).map(info => { const range = info.range; return Response.create(Optional.some(makeSitus(range.start, range.soffset, range.finish, range.foffset)), true); }); }); }; const firstUpCheck = (initial, isRoot) => { return closest$1(initial, 'tr', isRoot).bind(startRow => { return closest$1(startRow, 'table', isRoot).bind(table => { const rows = descendants(table, 'tr'); if (eq$1(startRow, rows[0])) { return seekLeft(table, element => { return last$1(element).isSome(); }, isRoot).map(last => { const lastOffset = getEnd(last); return Response.create(Optional.some(makeSitus(last, lastOffset, last, lastOffset)), true); }); } else { return Optional.none(); } }); }); }; const lastDownCheck = (initial, isRoot) => { return closest$1(initial, 'tr', isRoot).bind(startRow => { return closest$1(startRow, 'table', isRoot).bind(table => { const rows = descendants(table, 'tr'); if (eq$1(startRow, rows[rows.length - 1])) { return seekRight(table, element => { return first(element).isSome(); }, isRoot).map(first => { return Response.create(Optional.some(makeSitus(first, 0, first, 0)), true); }); } else { return Optional.none(); } }); }); }; const select = (bridge, container, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor, selectRange) => { return simulate(bridge, isRoot, direction, initial, anchor).bind(info => { return detect(container, isRoot, info.start, info.finish, selectRange); }); }; const Cell = initial => { let value = initial; const get = () => { return value; }; const set = v => { value = v; }; return { get, set }; }; const singleton = doRevoke => { const subject = Cell(Optional.none()); const revoke = () => subject.get().each(doRevoke); const clear = () => { revoke(); subject.set(Optional.none()); }; const isSet = () => subject.get().isSome(); const get = () => subject.get(); const set = s => { revoke(); subject.set(Optional.some(s)); }; return { clear, isSet, get, set }; }; const value = () => { const subject = singleton(noop); const on = f => subject.get().each(f); return { ...subject, on }; }; const findCell = (target, isRoot) => closest$1(target, 'td,th', isRoot); const isInEditableContext = cell => parentElement(cell).exists(isEditable$1); const MouseSelection = (bridge, container, isRoot, annotations) => { const cursor = value(); const clearstate = cursor.clear; const applySelection = event => { cursor.on(start => { annotations.clearBeforeUpdate(container); findCell(event.target, isRoot).each(finish => { identify(start, finish, isRoot).each(cellSel => { const boxes = cellSel.boxes.getOr([]); if (boxes.length === 1) { const singleCell = boxes[0]; const isNonEditableCell = getRaw(singleCell) === 'false'; const isCellClosestContentEditable = is(closest(event.target), singleCell, eq$1); if (isNonEditableCell && isCellClosestContentEditable) { annotations.selectRange(container, boxes, singleCell, singleCell); bridge.selectContents(singleCell); } } else if (boxes.length > 1) { annotations.selectRange(container, boxes, cellSel.start, cellSel.finish); bridge.selectContents(finish); } }); }); }); }; const mousedown = event => { annotations.clear(container); findCell(event.target, isRoot).filter(isInEditableContext).each(cursor.set); }; const mouseover = event => { applySelection(event); }; const mouseup = event => { applySelection(event); clearstate(); }; return { clearstate, mousedown, mouseover, mouseup }; }; const down = { traverse: nextSibling, gather: after$1, relative: Situ.before, retry: Retries.tryDown, failure: BeforeAfter.failedDown }; const up = { traverse: prevSibling, gather: before, relative: Situ.before, retry: Retries.tryUp, failure: BeforeAfter.failedUp }; const isKey = key => { return keycode => { return keycode === key; }; }; const isUp = isKey(38); const isDown = isKey(40); const isNavigation = keycode => { return keycode >= 37 && keycode <= 40; }; const ltr = { isBackward: isKey(37), isForward: isKey(39) }; const rtl = { isBackward: isKey(39), isForward: isKey(37) }; const get$3 = _DOC => { const doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document; const x = doc.body.scrollLeft || doc.documentElement.scrollLeft; const y = doc.body.scrollTop || doc.documentElement.scrollTop; return SugarPosition(x, y); }; const by = (x, y, _DOC) => { const doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document; const win = doc.defaultView; if (win) { win.scrollBy(x, y); } }; const adt = Adt.generate([ { domRange: ['rng'] }, { relative: [ 'startSitu', 'finishSitu' ] }, { exact: [ 'start', 'soffset', 'finish', 'foffset' ] } ]); const exactFromRange = simRange => adt.exact(simRange.start, simRange.soffset, simRange.finish, simRange.foffset); const getStart = selection => selection.match({ domRange: rng => SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), relative: (startSitu, _finishSitu) => Situ.getStart(startSitu), exact: (start, _soffset, _finish, _foffset) => start }); const domRange = adt.domRange; const relative = adt.relative; const exact = adt.exact; const getWin = selection => { const start = getStart(selection); return defaultView(start); }; const range = SimRange.create; const SimSelection = { domRange, relative, exact, exactFromRange, getWin, range }; const caretPositionFromPoint = (doc, x, y) => { var _a, _b; return Optional.from((_b = (_a = doc.dom).caretPositionFromPoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, x, y)).bind(pos => { if (pos.offsetNode === null) { return Optional.none(); } const r = doc.dom.createRange(); r.setStart(pos.offsetNode, pos.offset); r.collapse(); return Optional.some(r); }); }; const caretRangeFromPoint = (doc, x, y) => { var _a, _b; return Optional.from((_b = (_a = doc.dom).caretRangeFromPoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, x, y)); }; const availableSearch = (() => { if (document.caretPositionFromPoint) { return caretPositionFromPoint; } else if (document.caretRangeFromPoint) { return caretRangeFromPoint; } else { return Optional.none; } })(); const fromPoint = (win, x, y) => { const doc = SugarElement.fromDom(win.document); return availableSearch(doc, x, y).map(rng => SimRange.create(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer), rng.endOffset)); }; const beforeSpecial = (element, offset) => { const name$1 = name(element); if ('input' === name$1) { return Situ.after(element); } else if (!contains$2([ 'br', 'img' ], name$1)) { return Situ.on(element, offset); } else { return offset === 0 ? Situ.before(element) : Situ.after(element); } }; const preprocessRelative = (startSitu, finishSitu) => { const start = startSitu.fold(Situ.before, beforeSpecial, Situ.after); const finish = finishSitu.fold(Situ.before, beforeSpecial, Situ.after); return SimSelection.relative(start, finish); }; const preprocessExact = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const startSitu = beforeSpecial(start, soffset); const finishSitu = beforeSpecial(finish, foffset); return SimSelection.relative(startSitu, finishSitu); }; const makeRange = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const doc = owner(start); const rng = doc.dom.createRange(); rng.setStart(start.dom, soffset); rng.setEnd(finish.dom, foffset); return rng; }; const after = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const r = makeRange(start, soffset, finish, foffset); const same = eq$1(start, finish) && soffset === foffset; return r.collapsed && !same; }; const getNativeSelection = win => Optional.from(win.getSelection()); const doSetNativeRange = (win, rng) => { getNativeSelection(win).each(selection => { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(rng); }); }; const doSetRange = (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const rng = exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset); doSetNativeRange(win, rng); }; const setLegacyRtlRange = (win, selection, start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { selection.collapse(start.dom, soffset); selection.extend(finish.dom, foffset); }; const setRangeFromRelative = (win, relative) => diagnose(win, relative).match({ ltr: (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { doSetRange(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset); }, rtl: (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { getNativeSelection(win).each(selection => { if (selection.setBaseAndExtent) { selection.setBaseAndExtent(start.dom, soffset, finish.dom, foffset); } else if (selection.extend) { try { setLegacyRtlRange(win, selection, start, soffset, finish, foffset); } catch (e) { doSetRange(win, finish, foffset, start, soffset); } } else { doSetRange(win, finish, foffset, start, soffset); } }); } }); const setExact = (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const relative = preprocessExact(start, soffset, finish, foffset); setRangeFromRelative(win, relative); }; const setRelative = (win, startSitu, finishSitu) => { const relative = preprocessRelative(startSitu, finishSitu); setRangeFromRelative(win, relative); }; const readRange = selection => { if (selection.rangeCount > 0) { const firstRng = selection.getRangeAt(0); const lastRng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1); return Optional.some(SimRange.create(SugarElement.fromDom(firstRng.startContainer), firstRng.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(lastRng.endContainer), lastRng.endOffset)); } else { return Optional.none(); } }; const doGetExact = selection => { if (selection.anchorNode === null || selection.focusNode === null) { return readRange(selection); } else { const anchor = SugarElement.fromDom(selection.anchorNode); const focus = SugarElement.fromDom(selection.focusNode); return after(anchor, selection.anchorOffset, focus, selection.focusOffset) ? Optional.some(SimRange.create(anchor, selection.anchorOffset, focus, selection.focusOffset)) : readRange(selection); } }; const setToElement = (win, element, selectNodeContents$1 = true) => { const rngGetter = selectNodeContents$1 ? selectNodeContents : selectNode; const rng = rngGetter(win, element); doSetNativeRange(win, rng); }; const getExact = win => getNativeSelection(win).filter(sel => sel.rangeCount > 0).bind(doGetExact); const get$2 = win => getExact(win).map(range => SimSelection.exact(range.start, range.soffset, range.finish, range.foffset)); const getFirstRect = (win, selection) => { const rng = asLtrRange(win, selection); return getFirstRect$1(rng); }; const getAtPoint = (win, x, y) => fromPoint(win, x, y); const clear = win => { getNativeSelection(win).each(selection => selection.removeAllRanges()); }; const WindowBridge = win => { const elementFromPoint = (x, y) => { return SugarElement.fromPoint(SugarElement.fromDom(win.document), x, y); }; const getRect = element => { return element.dom.getBoundingClientRect(); }; const getRangedRect = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const sel = SimSelection.exact(start, soffset, finish, foffset); return getFirstRect(win, sel); }; const getSelection = () => { return get$2(win).map(exactAdt => { return convertToRange(win, exactAdt); }); }; const fromSitus = situs => { const relative = SimSelection.relative(situs.start, situs.finish); return convertToRange(win, relative); }; const situsFromPoint = (x, y) => { return getAtPoint(win, x, y).map(exact => { return Situs.create(exact.start, exact.soffset, exact.finish, exact.foffset); }); }; const clearSelection = () => { clear(win); }; const collapseSelection = (toStart = false) => { get$2(win).each(sel => sel.fold(rng => rng.collapse(toStart), (startSitu, finishSitu) => { const situ = toStart ? startSitu : finishSitu; setRelative(win, situ, situ); }, (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { const node = toStart ? start : finish; const offset = toStart ? soffset : foffset; setExact(win, node, offset, node, offset); })); }; const selectNode = element => { setToElement(win, element, false); }; const selectContents = element => { setToElement(win, element); }; const setSelection = sel => { setExact(win, sel.start, sel.soffset, sel.finish, sel.foffset); }; const setRelativeSelection = (start, finish) => { setRelative(win, start, finish); }; const getInnerHeight = () => { return win.innerHeight; }; const getScrollY = () => { const pos = get$3(SugarElement.fromDom(win.document)); return pos.top; }; const scrollBy = (x, y) => { by(x, y, SugarElement.fromDom(win.document)); }; return { elementFromPoint, getRect, getRangedRect, getSelection, fromSitus, situsFromPoint, clearSelection, collapseSelection, setSelection, setRelativeSelection, selectNode, selectContents, getInnerHeight, getScrollY, scrollBy }; }; const rc = (rows, cols) => ({ rows, cols }); const mouse = (win, container, isRoot, annotations) => { const bridge = WindowBridge(win); const handlers = MouseSelection(bridge, container, isRoot, annotations); return { clearstate: handlers.clearstate, mousedown: handlers.mousedown, mouseover: handlers.mouseover, mouseup: handlers.mouseup }; }; const isEditableNode = node => closest$2(node, isHTMLElement).exists(isEditable$1); const isEditableSelection = (start, finish) => isEditableNode(start) || isEditableNode(finish); const keyboard = (win, container, isRoot, annotations) => { const bridge = WindowBridge(win); const clearToNavigate = () => { annotations.clear(container); return Optional.none(); }; const keydown = (event, start, soffset, finish, foffset, direction) => { const realEvent = event.raw; const keycode = realEvent.which; const shiftKey = realEvent.shiftKey === true; const handler = retrieve$1(container, annotations.selectedSelector).fold(() => { if (isNavigation(keycode) && !shiftKey) { annotations.clearBeforeUpdate(container); } if (isNavigation(keycode) && shiftKey && !isEditableSelection(start, finish)) { return Optional.none; } else if (isDown(keycode) && shiftKey) { return curry(select, bridge, container, isRoot, down, finish, start, annotations.selectRange); } else if (isUp(keycode) && shiftKey) { return curry(select, bridge, container, isRoot, up, finish, start, annotations.selectRange); } else if (isDown(keycode)) { return curry(navigate, bridge, isRoot, down, finish, start, lastDownCheck); } else if (isUp(keycode)) { return curry(navigate, bridge, isRoot, up, finish, start, firstUpCheck); } else { return Optional.none; } }, selected => { const update$1 = attempts => { return () => { const navigation = findMap(attempts, delta => { return update(delta.rows, delta.cols, container, selected, annotations); }); return navigation.fold(() => { return getEdges(container, annotations.firstSelectedSelector, annotations.lastSelectedSelector).map(edges => { const relative = isDown(keycode) || direction.isForward(keycode) ? Situ.after : Situ.before; bridge.setRelativeSelection(Situ.on(edges.first, 0), relative(edges.table)); annotations.clear(container); return Response.create(Optional.none(), true); }); }, _ => { return Optional.some(Response.create(Optional.none(), true)); }); }; }; if (isNavigation(keycode) && shiftKey && !isEditableSelection(start, finish)) { return Optional.none; } else if (isDown(keycode) && shiftKey) { return update$1([rc(+1, 0)]); } else if (isUp(keycode) && shiftKey) { return update$1([rc(-1, 0)]); } else if (direction.isBackward(keycode) && shiftKey) { return update$1([ rc(0, -1), rc(-1, 0) ]); } else if (direction.isForward(keycode) && shiftKey) { return update$1([ rc(0, +1), rc(+1, 0) ]); } else if (isNavigation(keycode) && !shiftKey) { return clearToNavigate; } else { return Optional.none; } }); return handler(); }; const keyup = (event, start, soffset, finish, foffset) => { return retrieve$1(container, annotations.selectedSelector).fold(() => { const realEvent = event.raw; const keycode = realEvent.which; const shiftKey = realEvent.shiftKey === true; if (!shiftKey) { return Optional.none(); } if (isNavigation(keycode) && isEditableSelection(start, finish)) { return sync(container, isRoot, start, soffset, finish, foffset, annotations.selectRange); } else { return Optional.none(); } }, Optional.none); }; return { keydown, keyup }; }; const external = (win, container, isRoot, annotations) => { const bridge = WindowBridge(win); return (start, finish) => { annotations.clearBeforeUpdate(container); identify(start, finish, isRoot).each(cellSel => { const boxes = cellSel.boxes.getOr([]); annotations.selectRange(container, boxes, cellSel.start, cellSel.finish); bridge.selectContents(finish); bridge.collapseSelection(); }); }; }; const read = (element, attr) => { const value = get$b(element, attr); return value === undefined || value === '' ? [] : value.split(' '); }; const add$2 = (element, attr, id) => { const old = read(element, attr); const nu = old.concat([id]); set$2(element, attr, nu.join(' ')); return true; }; const remove$4 = (element, attr, id) => { const nu = filter$2(read(element, attr), v => v !== id); if (nu.length > 0) { set$2(element, attr, nu.join(' ')); } else { remove$7(element, attr); } return false; }; const supports = element => element.dom.classList !== undefined; const get$1 = element => read(element, 'class'); const add$1 = (element, clazz) => add$2(element, 'class', clazz); const remove$3 = (element, clazz) => remove$4(element, 'class', clazz); const add = (element, clazz) => { if (supports(element)) { element.dom.classList.add(clazz); } else { add$1(element, clazz); } }; const cleanClass = element => { const classList = supports(element) ? element.dom.classList : get$1(element); if (classList.length === 0) { remove$7(element, 'class'); } }; const remove$2 = (element, clazz) => { if (supports(element)) { const classList = element.dom.classList; classList.remove(clazz); } else { remove$3(element, clazz); } cleanClass(element); }; const has = (element, clazz) => supports(element) && element.dom.classList.contains(clazz); const remove$1 = (element, classes) => { each$2(classes, x => { remove$2(element, x); }); }; const addClass = clazz => element => { add(element, clazz); }; const removeClasses = classes => element => { remove$1(element, classes); }; const byClass = ephemera => { const addSelectionClass = addClass(ephemera.selected); const removeSelectionClasses = removeClasses([ ephemera.selected, ephemera.lastSelected, ephemera.firstSelected ]); const clear = container => { const sels = descendants(container, ephemera.selectedSelector); each$2(sels, removeSelectionClasses); }; const selectRange = (container, cells, start, finish) => { clear(container); each$2(cells, addSelectionClass); add(start, ephemera.firstSelected); add(finish, ephemera.lastSelected); }; return { clearBeforeUpdate: clear, clear, selectRange, selectedSelector: ephemera.selectedSelector, firstSelectedSelector: ephemera.firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector: ephemera.lastSelectedSelector }; }; const byAttr = (ephemera, onSelection, onClear) => { const removeSelectionAttributes = element => { remove$7(element, ephemera.selected); remove$7(element, ephemera.firstSelected); remove$7(element, ephemera.lastSelected); }; const addSelectionAttribute = element => { set$2(element, ephemera.selected, '1'); }; const clear = container => { clearBeforeUpdate(container); onClear(); }; const clearBeforeUpdate = container => { const sels = descendants(container, `${ ephemera.selectedSelector },${ ephemera.firstSelectedSelector },${ ephemera.lastSelectedSelector }`); each$2(sels, removeSelectionAttributes); }; const selectRange = (container, cells, start, finish) => { clear(container); each$2(cells, addSelectionAttribute); set$2(start, ephemera.firstSelected, '1'); set$2(finish, ephemera.lastSelected, '1'); onSelection(cells, start, finish); }; return { clearBeforeUpdate, clear, selectRange, selectedSelector: ephemera.selectedSelector, firstSelectedSelector: ephemera.firstSelectedSelector, lastSelectedSelector: ephemera.lastSelectedSelector }; }; const SelectionAnnotation = { byClass, byAttr }; const fold = (subject, onNone, onMultiple, onSingle) => { switch (subject.tag) { case 'none': return onNone(); case 'single': return onSingle(subject.element); case 'multiple': return onMultiple(subject.elements); } }; const none = () => ({ tag: 'none' }); const multiple = elements => ({ tag: 'multiple', elements }); const single = element => ({ tag: 'single', element }); const Selections = (lazyRoot, getStart, selectedSelector) => { const get = () => retrieve(lazyRoot(), selectedSelector).fold(() => getStart().fold(none, single), multiple); return { get }; }; const getUpOrLeftCells = (grid, selectedCells) => { const upGrid = grid.slice(0, selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1].row + 1); const upDetails = toDetailList(upGrid); return bind$2(upDetails, detail => { const slicedCells = detail.cells.slice(0, selectedCells[selectedCells.length - 1].column + 1); return map$1(slicedCells, cell => cell.element); }); }; const getDownOrRightCells = (grid, selectedCells) => { const downGrid = grid.slice(selectedCells[0].row + selectedCells[0].rowspan - 1, grid.length); const downDetails = toDetailList(downGrid); return bind$2(downDetails, detail => { const slicedCells = detail.cells.slice(selectedCells[0].column + selectedCells[0].colspan - 1, detail.cells.length); return map$1(slicedCells, cell => cell.element); }); }; const getOtherCells = (table, target, generators) => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const details = onCells(warehouse, target); return details.map(selectedCells => { const grid = toGrid(warehouse, generators, false); const {rows} = extractGridDetails(grid); const upOrLeftCells = getUpOrLeftCells(rows, selectedCells); const downOrRightCells = getDownOrRightCells(rows, selectedCells); return { upOrLeftCells, downOrRightCells }; }); }; const mkEvent = (target, x, y, stop, prevent, kill, raw) => ({ target, x, y, stop, prevent, kill, raw }); const fromRawEvent$1 = rawEvent => { const target = SugarElement.fromDom(getOriginalEventTarget(rawEvent).getOr(rawEvent.target)); const stop = () => rawEvent.stopPropagation(); const prevent = () => rawEvent.preventDefault(); const kill = compose(prevent, stop); return mkEvent(target, rawEvent.clientX, rawEvent.clientY, stop, prevent, kill, rawEvent); }; const handle = (filter, handler) => rawEvent => { if (filter(rawEvent)) { handler(fromRawEvent$1(rawEvent)); } }; const binder = (element, event, filter, handler, useCapture) => { const wrapped = handle(filter, handler); element.dom.addEventListener(event, wrapped, useCapture); return { unbind: curry(unbind, element, event, wrapped, useCapture) }; }; const bind$1 = (element, event, filter, handler) => binder(element, event, filter, handler, false); const unbind = (element, event, handler, useCapture) => { element.dom.removeEventListener(event, handler, useCapture); }; const filter = always; const bind = (element, event, handler) => bind$1(element, event, filter, handler); const fromRawEvent = fromRawEvent$1; const hasInternalTarget = e => !has(SugarElement.fromDom(e.target), 'ephox-snooker-resizer-bar'); const TableCellSelectionHandler = (editor, resizeHandler) => { const cellSelection = Selections(() => SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), () => getSelectionCell(getSelectionStart(editor), getIsRoot(editor)), ephemera.selectedSelector); const onSelection = (cells, start, finish) => { const tableOpt = table(start); tableOpt.each(table => { const cloneFormats = getTableCloneElements(editor); const generators = cellOperations(noop, SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc()), cloneFormats); const selectedCells = getCellsFromSelection(editor); const otherCells = getOtherCells(table, { selection: selectedCells }, generators); fireTableSelectionChange(editor, cells, start, finish, otherCells); }); }; const onClear = () => fireTableSelectionClear(editor); const annotations = SelectionAnnotation.byAttr(ephemera, onSelection, onClear); editor.on('init', _e => { const win = editor.getWin(); const body = getBody(editor); const isRoot = getIsRoot(editor); const syncSelection = () => { const sel = editor.selection; const start = SugarElement.fromDom(sel.getStart()); const end = SugarElement.fromDom(sel.getEnd()); const shared = sharedOne(table, [ start, end ]); shared.fold(() => annotations.clear(body), noop); }; const mouseHandlers = mouse(win, body, isRoot, annotations); const keyHandlers = keyboard(win, body, isRoot, annotations); const external$1 = external(win, body, isRoot, annotations); const hasShiftKey = event => event.raw.shiftKey === true; editor.on('TableSelectorChange', e => external$1(e.start, e.finish)); const handleResponse = (event, response) => { if (!hasShiftKey(event)) { return; } if (response.kill) { event.kill(); } response.selection.each(ns => { const relative = SimSelection.relative(ns.start, ns.finish); const rng = asLtrRange(win, relative); editor.selection.setRng(rng); }); }; const keyup = event => { const wrappedEvent = fromRawEvent(event); if (wrappedEvent.raw.shiftKey && isNavigation(wrappedEvent.raw.which)) { const rng = editor.selection.getRng(); const start = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer); const end = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer); keyHandlers.keyup(wrappedEvent, start, rng.startOffset, end, rng.endOffset).each(response => { handleResponse(wrappedEvent, response); }); } }; const keydown = event => { const wrappedEvent = fromRawEvent(event); resizeHandler.hide(); const rng = editor.selection.getRng(); const start = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer); const end = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer); const direction = onDirection(ltr, rtl)(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart())); keyHandlers.keydown(wrappedEvent, start, rng.startOffset, end, rng.endOffset, direction).each(response => { handleResponse(wrappedEvent, response); }); resizeHandler.show(); }; const isLeftMouse = raw => raw.button === 0; const isLeftButtonPressed = raw => { if (raw.buttons === undefined) { return true; } return (raw.buttons & 1) !== 0; }; const dragStart = _e => { mouseHandlers.clearstate(); }; const mouseDown = e => { if (isLeftMouse(e) && hasInternalTarget(e)) { mouseHandlers.mousedown(fromRawEvent(e)); } }; const mouseOver = e => { if (isLeftButtonPressed(e) && hasInternalTarget(e)) { mouseHandlers.mouseover(fromRawEvent(e)); } }; const mouseUp = e => { if (isLeftMouse(e) && hasInternalTarget(e)) { mouseHandlers.mouseup(fromRawEvent(e)); } }; const getDoubleTap = () => { const lastTarget = Cell(SugarElement.fromDom(body)); const lastTimeStamp = Cell(0); const touchEnd = t => { const target = SugarElement.fromDom(t.target); if (isTag('td')(target) || isTag('th')(target)) { const lT = lastTarget.get(); const lTS = lastTimeStamp.get(); if (eq$1(lT, target) && t.timeStamp - lTS < 300) { t.preventDefault(); external$1(target, target); } } lastTarget.set(target); lastTimeStamp.set(t.timeStamp); }; return { touchEnd }; }; const doubleTap = getDoubleTap(); editor.on('dragstart', dragStart); editor.on('mousedown', mouseDown); editor.on('mouseover', mouseOver); editor.on('mouseup', mouseUp); editor.on('touchend', doubleTap.touchEnd); editor.on('keyup', keyup); editor.on('keydown', keydown); editor.on('NodeChange', syncSelection); }); editor.on('PreInit', () => { editor.serializer.addTempAttr(ephemera.firstSelected); editor.serializer.addTempAttr(ephemera.lastSelected); }); const clearSelectedCells = container => annotations.clear(SugarElement.fromDom(container)); const getSelectedCells = () => fold(cellSelection.get(), constant([]), cells => { return map$1(cells, cell => cell.dom); }, cell => [cell.dom]); return { getSelectedCells, clearSelectedCells }; }; const Event = fields => { let handlers = []; const bind = handler => { if (handler === undefined) { throw new Error('Event bind error: undefined handler'); } handlers.push(handler); }; const unbind = handler => { handlers = filter$2(handlers, h => { return h !== handler; }); }; const trigger = (...args) => { const event = {}; each$2(fields, (name, i) => { event[name] = args[i]; }); each$2(handlers, handler => { handler(event); }); }; return { bind, unbind, trigger }; }; const create$1 = typeDefs => { const registry = map(typeDefs, event => { return { bind: event.bind, unbind: event.unbind }; }); const trigger = map(typeDefs, event => { return event.trigger; }); return { registry, trigger }; }; const last = (fn, rate) => { let timer = null; const cancel = () => { if (!isNull(timer)) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } }; const throttle = (...args) => { cancel(); timer = setTimeout(() => { timer = null; fn.apply(null, args); }, rate); }; return { cancel, throttle }; }; const sort = arr => { return arr.slice(0).sort(); }; const reqMessage = (required, keys) => { throw new Error('All required keys (' + sort(required).join(', ') + ') were not specified. Specified keys were: ' + sort(keys).join(', ') + '.'); }; const unsuppMessage = unsupported => { throw new Error('Unsupported keys for object: ' + sort(unsupported).join(', ')); }; const validateStrArr = (label, array) => { if (!isArray(array)) { throw new Error('The ' + label + ' fields must be an array. Was: ' + array + '.'); } each$2(array, a => { if (!isString(a)) { throw new Error('The value ' + a + ' in the ' + label + ' fields was not a string.'); } }); }; const invalidTypeMessage = (incorrect, type) => { throw new Error('All values need to be of type: ' + type + '. Keys (' + sort(incorrect).join(', ') + ') were not.'); }; const checkDupes = everything => { const sorted = sort(everything); const dupe = find$1(sorted, (s, i) => { return i < sorted.length - 1 && s === sorted[i + 1]; }); dupe.each(d => { throw new Error('The field: ' + d + ' occurs more than once in the combined fields: [' + sorted.join(', ') + '].'); }); }; const base = (handleUnsupported, required) => { return baseWith(handleUnsupported, required, { validate: isFunction, label: 'function' }); }; const baseWith = (handleUnsupported, required, pred) => { if (required.length === 0) { throw new Error('You must specify at least one required field.'); } validateStrArr('required', required); checkDupes(required); return obj => { const keys$1 = keys(obj); const allReqd = forall(required, req => { return contains$2(keys$1, req); }); if (!allReqd) { reqMessage(required, keys$1); } handleUnsupported(required, keys$1); const invalidKeys = filter$2(required, key => { return !pred.validate(obj[key], key); }); if (invalidKeys.length > 0) { invalidTypeMessage(invalidKeys, pred.label); } return obj; }; }; const handleExact = (required, keys) => { const unsupported = filter$2(keys, key => { return !contains$2(required, key); }); if (unsupported.length > 0) { unsuppMessage(unsupported); } }; const exactly = required => base(handleExact, required); const DragMode = exactly([ 'compare', 'extract', 'mutate', 'sink' ]); const DragSink = exactly([ 'element', 'start', 'stop', 'destroy' ]); const DragApi = exactly([ 'forceDrop', 'drop', 'move', 'delayDrop' ]); const InDrag = () => { let previous = Optional.none(); const reset = () => { previous = Optional.none(); }; const update = (mode, nu) => { const result = previous.map(old => { return mode.compare(old, nu); }); previous = Optional.some(nu); return result; }; const onEvent = (event, mode) => { const dataOption = mode.extract(event); dataOption.each(data => { const offset = update(mode, data); offset.each(d => { events.trigger.move(d); }); }); }; const events = create$1({ move: Event(['info']) }); return { onEvent, reset, events: events.registry }; }; const NoDrag = () => { const events = create$1({ move: Event(['info']) }); return { onEvent: noop, reset: noop, events: events.registry }; }; const Movement = () => { const noDragState = NoDrag(); const inDragState = InDrag(); let dragState = noDragState; const on = () => { dragState.reset(); dragState = inDragState; }; const off = () => { dragState.reset(); dragState = noDragState; }; const onEvent = (event, mode) => { dragState.onEvent(event, mode); }; const isOn = () => { return dragState === inDragState; }; return { on, off, isOn, onEvent, events: inDragState.events }; }; const setup = (mutation, mode, settings) => { let active = false; const events = create$1({ start: Event([]), stop: Event([]) }); const movement = Movement(); const drop = () => { sink.stop(); if (movement.isOn()) { movement.off(); events.trigger.stop(); } }; const throttledDrop = last(drop, 200); const go = parent => { sink.start(parent); movement.on(); events.trigger.start(); }; const mousemove = event => { throttledDrop.cancel(); movement.onEvent(event, mode); }; movement.events.move.bind(event => { mode.mutate(mutation, event.info); }); const on = () => { active = true; }; const off = () => { active = false; }; const isActive = () => active; const runIfActive = f => { return (...args) => { if (active) { f.apply(null, args); } }; }; const sink = mode.sink(DragApi({ forceDrop: drop, drop: runIfActive(drop), move: runIfActive(mousemove), delayDrop: runIfActive(throttledDrop.throttle) }), settings); const destroy = () => { sink.destroy(); }; return { element: sink.element, go, on, off, isActive, destroy, events: events.registry }; }; const css = namespace => { const dashNamespace = namespace.replace(/\./g, '-'); const resolve = str => { return dashNamespace + '-' + str; }; return { resolve }; }; const styles$1 = css('ephox-dragster'); const resolve$1 = styles$1.resolve; const Blocker = options => { const settings = { layerClass: resolve$1('blocker'), ...options }; const div = SugarElement.fromTag('div'); set$2(div, 'role', 'presentation'); setAll(div, { position: 'fixed', left: '0px', top: '0px', width: '100%', height: '100%' }); add(div, resolve$1('blocker')); add(div, settings.layerClass); const element = constant(div); const destroy = () => { remove$6(div); }; return { element, destroy }; }; const compare = (old, nu) => { return SugarPosition(nu.left - old.left, nu.top - old.top); }; const extract = event => { return Optional.some(SugarPosition(event.x, event.y)); }; const mutate = (mutation, info) => { mutation.mutate(info.left, info.top); }; const sink = (dragApi, settings) => { const blocker = Blocker(settings); const mdown = bind(blocker.element(), 'mousedown', dragApi.forceDrop); const mup = bind(blocker.element(), 'mouseup', dragApi.drop); const mmove = bind(blocker.element(), 'mousemove', dragApi.move); const mout = bind(blocker.element(), 'mouseout', dragApi.delayDrop); const destroy = () => { blocker.destroy(); mup.unbind(); mmove.unbind(); mout.unbind(); mdown.unbind(); }; const start = parent => { append$1(parent, blocker.element()); }; const stop = () => { remove$6(blocker.element()); }; return DragSink({ element: blocker.element, start, stop, destroy }); }; var MouseDrag = DragMode({ compare, extract, sink, mutate }); const transform = (mutation, settings = {}) => { var _a; const mode = (_a = settings.mode) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : MouseDrag; return setup(mutation, mode, settings); }; const styles = css('ephox-snooker'); const resolve = styles.resolve; const Mutation = () => { const events = create$1({ drag: Event([ 'xDelta', 'yDelta' ]) }); const mutate = (x, y) => { events.trigger.drag(x, y); }; return { mutate, events: events.registry }; }; const BarMutation = () => { const events = create$1({ drag: Event([ 'xDelta', 'yDelta', 'target' ]) }); let target = Optional.none(); const delegate = Mutation(); delegate.events.drag.bind(event => { target.each(t => { events.trigger.drag(event.xDelta, event.yDelta, t); }); }); const assign = t => { target = Optional.some(t); }; const get = () => { return target; }; return { assign, get, mutate: delegate.mutate, events: events.registry }; }; const col = (column, x, y, w, h) => { const bar = SugarElement.fromTag('div'); setAll(bar, { position: 'absolute', left: x - w / 2 + 'px', top: y + 'px', height: h + 'px', width: w + 'px' }); setAll$1(bar, { 'data-column': column, 'role': 'presentation' }); return bar; }; const row = (r, x, y, w, h) => { const bar = SugarElement.fromTag('div'); setAll(bar, { position: 'absolute', left: x + 'px', top: y - h / 2 + 'px', height: h + 'px', width: w + 'px' }); setAll$1(bar, { 'data-row': r, 'role': 'presentation' }); return bar; }; const resizeBar = resolve('resizer-bar'); const resizeRowBar = resolve('resizer-rows'); const resizeColBar = resolve('resizer-cols'); const BAR_THICKNESS = 7; const resizableRows = (warehouse, isResizable) => bind$2(warehouse.all, (row, i) => isResizable(row.element) ? [i] : []); const resizableColumns = (warehouse, isResizable) => { const resizableCols = []; range$1(warehouse.grid.columns, index => { const colElmOpt = Warehouse.getColumnAt(warehouse, index).map(col => col.element); if (colElmOpt.forall(isResizable)) { resizableCols.push(index); } }); return filter$2(resizableCols, colIndex => { const columnCells = Warehouse.filterItems(warehouse, cell => cell.column === colIndex); return forall(columnCells, cell => isResizable(cell.element)); }); }; const destroy = wire => { const previous = descendants(wire.parent(), '.' + resizeBar); each$2(previous, remove$6); }; const drawBar = (wire, positions, create) => { const origin = wire.origin(); each$2(positions, cpOption => { cpOption.each(cp => { const bar = create(origin, cp); add(bar, resizeBar); append$1(wire.parent(), bar); }); }); }; const refreshCol = (wire, colPositions, position, tableHeight) => { drawBar(wire, colPositions, (origin, cp) => { const colBar = col(cp.col, cp.x - origin.left, position.top - origin.top, BAR_THICKNESS, tableHeight); add(colBar, resizeColBar); return colBar; }); }; const refreshRow = (wire, rowPositions, position, tableWidth) => { drawBar(wire, rowPositions, (origin, cp) => { const rowBar = row(cp.row, position.left - origin.left, cp.y - origin.top, tableWidth, BAR_THICKNESS); add(rowBar, resizeRowBar); return rowBar; }); }; const refreshGrid = (warhouse, wire, table, rows, cols) => { const position = absolute(table); const isResizable = wire.isResizable; const rowPositions = rows.length > 0 ? height.positions(rows, table) : []; const resizableRowBars = rowPositions.length > 0 ? resizableRows(warhouse, isResizable) : []; const resizableRowPositions = filter$2(rowPositions, (_pos, i) => exists(resizableRowBars, barIndex => i === barIndex)); refreshRow(wire, resizableRowPositions, position, getOuter$2(table)); const colPositions = cols.length > 0 ? width.positions(cols, table) : []; const resizableColBars = colPositions.length > 0 ? resizableColumns(warhouse, isResizable) : []; const resizableColPositions = filter$2(colPositions, (_pos, i) => exists(resizableColBars, barIndex => i === barIndex)); refreshCol(wire, resizableColPositions, position, getOuter$1(table)); }; const refresh = (wire, table) => { destroy(wire); if (wire.isResizable(table)) { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); const rows$1 = rows(warehouse); const cols = columns(warehouse); refreshGrid(warehouse, wire, table, rows$1, cols); } }; const each = (wire, f) => { const bars = descendants(wire.parent(), '.' + resizeBar); each$2(bars, f); }; const hide = wire => { each(wire, bar => { set$1(bar, 'display', 'none'); }); }; const show = wire => { each(wire, bar => { set$1(bar, 'display', 'block'); }); }; const isRowBar = element => { return has(element, resizeRowBar); }; const isColBar = element => { return has(element, resizeColBar); }; const resizeBarDragging = resolve('resizer-bar-dragging'); const BarManager = wire => { const mutation = BarMutation(); const resizing = transform(mutation, {}); let hoverTable = Optional.none(); const getResizer = (element, type) => { return Optional.from(get$b(element, type)); }; mutation.events.drag.bind(event => { getResizer(event.target, 'data-row').each(_dataRow => { const currentRow = getCssValue(event.target, 'top'); set$1(event.target, 'top', currentRow + event.yDelta + 'px'); }); getResizer(event.target, 'data-column').each(_dataCol => { const currentCol = getCssValue(event.target, 'left'); set$1(event.target, 'left', currentCol + event.xDelta + 'px'); }); }); const getDelta = (target, dir) => { const newX = getCssValue(target, dir); const oldX = getAttrValue(target, 'data-initial-' + dir, 0); return newX - oldX; }; resizing.events.stop.bind(() => { mutation.get().each(target => { hoverTable.each(table => { getResizer(target, 'data-row').each(row => { const delta = getDelta(target, 'top'); remove$7(target, 'data-initial-top'); events.trigger.adjustHeight(table, delta, parseInt(row, 10)); }); getResizer(target, 'data-column').each(column => { const delta = getDelta(target, 'left'); remove$7(target, 'data-initial-left'); events.trigger.adjustWidth(table, delta, parseInt(column, 10)); }); refresh(wire, table); }); }); }); const handler = (target, dir) => { events.trigger.startAdjust(); mutation.assign(target); set$2(target, 'data-initial-' + dir, getCssValue(target, dir)); add(target, resizeBarDragging); set$1(target, 'opacity', '0.2'); resizing.go(wire.parent()); }; const mousedown = bind(wire.parent(), 'mousedown', event => { if (isRowBar(event.target)) { handler(event.target, 'top'); } if (isColBar(event.target)) { handler(event.target, 'left'); } }); const isRoot = e => { return eq$1(e, wire.view()); }; const findClosestEditableTable = target => closest$1(target, 'table', isRoot).filter(isEditable$1); const mouseover = bind(wire.view(), 'mouseover', event => { findClosestEditableTable(event.target).fold(() => { if (inBody(event.target)) { destroy(wire); } }, table => { if (resizing.isActive()) { hoverTable = Optional.some(table); refresh(wire, table); } }); }); const destroy$1 = () => { mousedown.unbind(); mouseover.unbind(); resizing.destroy(); destroy(wire); }; const refresh$1 = tbl => { refresh(wire, tbl); }; const events = create$1({ adjustHeight: Event([ 'table', 'delta', 'row' ]), adjustWidth: Event([ 'table', 'delta', 'column' ]), startAdjust: Event([]) }); return { destroy: destroy$1, refresh: refresh$1, on: resizing.on, off: resizing.off, hideBars: curry(hide, wire), showBars: curry(show, wire), events: events.registry }; }; const create = (wire, resizing, lazySizing) => { const hdirection = height; const vdirection = width; const manager = BarManager(wire); const events = create$1({ beforeResize: Event([ 'table', 'type' ]), afterResize: Event([ 'table', 'type' ]), startDrag: Event([]) }); manager.events.adjustHeight.bind(event => { const table = event.table; events.trigger.beforeResize(table, 'row'); const delta = hdirection.delta(event.delta, table); adjustHeight(table, delta, event.row, hdirection); events.trigger.afterResize(table, 'row'); }); manager.events.startAdjust.bind(_event => { events.trigger.startDrag(); }); manager.events.adjustWidth.bind(event => { const table = event.table; events.trigger.beforeResize(table, 'col'); const delta = vdirection.delta(event.delta, table); const tableSize = lazySizing(table); adjustWidth(table, delta, event.column, resizing, tableSize); events.trigger.afterResize(table, 'col'); }); return { on: manager.on, off: manager.off, refreshBars: manager.refresh, hideBars: manager.hideBars, showBars: manager.showBars, destroy: manager.destroy, events: events.registry }; }; const TableResize = { create }; const only = (element, isResizable) => { const parent = isDocument(element) ? documentElement(element) : element; return { parent: constant(parent), view: constant(element), origin: constant(SugarPosition(0, 0)), isResizable }; }; const detached = (editable, chrome, isResizable) => { const origin = () => absolute(chrome); return { parent: constant(chrome), view: constant(editable), origin, isResizable }; }; const body = (editable, chrome, isResizable) => { return { parent: constant(chrome), view: constant(editable), origin: constant(SugarPosition(0, 0)), isResizable }; }; const ResizeWire = { only, detached, body }; const createContainer = () => { const container = SugarElement.fromTag('div'); setAll(container, { position: 'static', height: '0', width: '0', padding: '0', margin: '0', border: '0' }); append$1(body$1(), container); return container; }; const get = (editor, isResizable) => { return editor.inline ? ResizeWire.body(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), createContainer(), isResizable) : ResizeWire.only(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc()), isResizable); }; const remove = (editor, wire) => { if (editor.inline) { remove$6(wire.parent()); } }; const isTable = node => isNonNullable(node) && node.nodeName === 'TABLE'; const barResizerPrefix = 'bar-'; const isResizable = elm => get$b(elm, 'data-mce-resize') !== 'false'; const syncPixels = table => { const warehouse = Warehouse.fromTable(table); if (!Warehouse.hasColumns(warehouse)) { each$2(cells$1(table), cell => { const computedWidth = get$a(cell, 'width'); set$1(cell, 'width', computedWidth); remove$7(cell, 'width'); }); } }; const TableResizeHandler = editor => { const selectionRng = value(); const tableResize = value(); const resizeWire = value(); let startW; let startRawW; const lazySizing = table => get$5(editor, table); const lazyResizingBehaviour = () => isPreserveTableColumnResizing(editor) ? preserveTable() : resizeTable(); const getNumColumns = table => getGridSize(table).columns; const afterCornerResize = (table, origin, width) => { const isRightEdgeResize = endsWith(origin, 'e'); if (startRawW === '') { convertToPercentSize(table); } if (width !== startW && startRawW !== '') { set$1(table, 'width', startRawW); const resizing = lazyResizingBehaviour(); const tableSize = lazySizing(table); const col = isPreserveTableColumnResizing(editor) || isRightEdgeResize ? getNumColumns(table) - 1 : 0; adjustWidth(table, width - startW, col, resizing, tableSize); } else if (isPercentage$1(startRawW)) { const percentW = parseFloat(startRawW.replace('%', '')); const targetPercentW = width * percentW / startW; set$1(table, 'width', targetPercentW + '%'); } if (isPixel(startRawW)) { syncPixels(table); } }; const destroy = () => { tableResize.on(sz => { sz.destroy(); }); resizeWire.on(w => { remove(editor, w); }); }; editor.on('init', () => { const rawWire = get(editor, isResizable); resizeWire.set(rawWire); if (hasTableObjectResizing(editor) && hasTableResizeBars(editor)) { const resizing = lazyResizingBehaviour(); const sz = TableResize.create(rawWire, resizing, lazySizing); sz.on(); sz.events.startDrag.bind(_event => { selectionRng.set(editor.selection.getRng()); }); sz.events.beforeResize.bind(event => { const rawTable = event.table.dom; fireObjectResizeStart(editor, rawTable, getPixelWidth(rawTable), getPixelHeight(rawTable), barResizerPrefix + event.type); }); sz.events.afterResize.bind(event => { const table = event.table; const rawTable = table.dom; removeDataStyle(table); selectionRng.on(rng => { editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.focus(); }); fireObjectResized(editor, rawTable, getPixelWidth(rawTable), getPixelHeight(rawTable), barResizerPrefix + event.type); editor.undoManager.add(); }); tableResize.set(sz); } }); editor.on('ObjectResizeStart', e => { const targetElm = e.target; if (isTable(targetElm)) { const table = SugarElement.fromDom(targetElm); each$2(editor.dom.select('.mce-clonedresizable'), clone => { editor.dom.addClass(clone, 'mce-' + getTableColumnResizingBehaviour(editor) + '-columns'); }); if (!isPixelSizing(table) && isTablePixelsForced(editor)) { convertToPixelSize(table); } else if (!isPercentSizing(table) && isTablePercentagesForced(editor)) { convertToPercentSize(table); } if (isNoneSizing(table) && startsWith(e.origin, barResizerPrefix)) { convertToPercentSize(table); } startW = e.width; startRawW = isTableResponsiveForced(editor) ? '' : getRawWidth(editor, targetElm).getOr(''); } }); editor.on('ObjectResized', e => { const targetElm = e.target; if (isTable(targetElm)) { const table = SugarElement.fromDom(targetElm); const origin = e.origin; if (startsWith(origin, 'corner-')) { afterCornerResize(table, origin, e.width); } removeDataStyle(table); fireTableModified(editor, table.dom, styleModified); } }); editor.on('SwitchMode', () => { tableResize.on(resize => { if (editor.mode.isReadOnly()) { resize.hideBars(); } else { resize.showBars(); } }); }); editor.on('dragstart dragend', e => { tableResize.on(resize => { if (e.type === 'dragstart') { resize.hideBars(); resize.off(); } else { resize.on(); resize.showBars(); } }); }); editor.on('remove', () => { destroy(); }); const refresh = table => { tableResize.on(resize => resize.refreshBars(SugarElement.fromDom(table))); }; const hide = () => { tableResize.on(resize => resize.hideBars()); }; const show = () => { tableResize.on(resize => resize.showBars()); }; return { refresh, hide, show }; }; const setupTable = editor => { register(editor); const resizeHandler = TableResizeHandler(editor); const cellSelectionHandler = TableCellSelectionHandler(editor, resizeHandler); const actions = TableActions(editor, resizeHandler, cellSelectionHandler); registerCommands(editor, actions); registerQueryCommands(editor, actions); registerEvents(editor, actions); return { getSelectedCells: cellSelectionHandler.getSelectedCells, clearSelectedCells: cellSelectionHandler.clearSelectedCells }; }; const DomModel = editor => { const table = setupTable(editor); return { table }; }; var Model = () => { global$1.add('dom', DomModel); }; Model(); })();