timeout = $configOptions['timeout']; } if (isset($configOptions['enableRetries'])) { $this->enableRetries = $configOptions['enableRetries']; } if (isset($configOptions['numberOfRetries'])) { $this->numberOfRetries = $configOptions['numberOfRetries']; } if (isset($configOptions['retryInterval'])) { $this->retryInterval = $configOptions['retryInterval']; } if (isset($configOptions['backOffFactor'])) { $this->backOffFactor = $configOptions['backOffFactor']; } if (isset($configOptions['maximumRetryWaitTime'])) { $this->maximumRetryWaitTime = $configOptions['maximumRetryWaitTime']; } if (isset($configOptions['retryOnTimeout'])) { $this->retryOnTimeout = $configOptions['retryOnTimeout']; } if (isset($configOptions['httpStatusCodesToRetry'])) { $this->httpStatusCodesToRetry = $configOptions['httpStatusCodesToRetry']; } if (isset($configOptions['httpMethodsToRetry'])) { $this->httpMethodsToRetry = $configOptions['httpMethodsToRetry']; } if (isset($configOptions['squareVersion'])) { $this->squareVersion = $configOptions['squareVersion']; } if (isset($configOptions['additionalHeaders'])) { $this->additionalHeaders = $configOptions['additionalHeaders']; \Square\ApiHelper::assertHeaders($this->additionalHeaders); } if (isset($configOptions['environment'])) { $this->environment = $configOptions['environment']; } if (isset($configOptions['customUrl'])) { $this->customUrl = $configOptions['customUrl']; } if (isset($configOptions['accessToken'])) { $this->accessToken = $configOptions['accessToken']; } if (isset($configOptions['httpCallback'])) { $this->httpCallback = $configOptions['httpCallback']; } $this->accessTokenManager = new AccessTokenManager($this->accessToken); $this->authManagers['global'] = $this->accessTokenManager; } /** * Get the client configuration as an associative array */ public function getConfiguration(): array { $configMap = []; if (isset($this->timeout)) { $configMap['timeout'] = $this->timeout; } if (isset($this->enableRetries)) { $configMap['enableRetries'] = $this->enableRetries; } if (isset($this->numberOfRetries)) { $configMap['numberOfRetries'] = $this->numberOfRetries; } if (isset($this->retryInterval)) { $configMap['retryInterval'] = $this->retryInterval; } if (isset($this->backOffFactor)) { $configMap['backOffFactor'] = $this->backOffFactor; } if (isset($this->maximumRetryWaitTime)) { $configMap['maximumRetryWaitTime'] = $this->maximumRetryWaitTime; } if (isset($this->retryOnTimeout)) { $configMap['retryOnTimeout'] = $this->retryOnTimeout; } if (isset($this->httpStatusCodesToRetry)) { $configMap['httpStatusCodesToRetry'] = $this->httpStatusCodesToRetry; } if (isset($this->httpMethodsToRetry)) { $configMap['httpMethodsToRetry'] = $this->httpMethodsToRetry; } if (isset($this->squareVersion)) { $configMap['squareVersion'] = $this->squareVersion; } if (isset($this->additionalHeaders)) { $configMap['additionalHeaders'] = $this->additionalHeaders; } if (isset($this->environment)) { $configMap['environment'] = $this->environment; } if (isset($this->customUrl)) { $configMap['customUrl'] = $this->customUrl; } if ($this->getAccessTokenCredentials()->getAccessToken() !== null) { $configMap['accessToken'] = $this->getAccessTokenCredentials()->getAccessToken(); } if (isset($this->httpCallback)) { $configMap['httpCallback'] = $this->httpCallback; } return $configMap; } /** * Clone this client and override given configuration options */ public function withConfiguration(array $configOptions): self { return new self(\array_merge($this->getConfiguration(), $configOptions)); } public function getTimeout(): int { return $this->timeout; } public function shouldEnableRetries(): bool { return $this->enableRetries; } public function getNumberOfRetries(): int { return $this->numberOfRetries; } public function getRetryInterval(): float { return $this->retryInterval; } public function getBackOffFactor(): float { return $this->backOffFactor; } public function getMaximumRetryWaitTime(): int { return $this->maximumRetryWaitTime; } public function shouldRetryOnTimeout(): bool { return $this->retryOnTimeout; } public function getHttpStatusCodesToRetry(): array { return $this->httpStatusCodesToRetry; } public function getHttpMethodsToRetry(): array { return $this->httpMethodsToRetry; } public function getSquareVersion(): string { return $this->squareVersion; } public function getAdditionalHeaders(): array { return $this->additionalHeaders; } public function getEnvironment(): string { return $this->environment; } public function getCustomUrl(): string { return $this->customUrl; } public function getAccessTokenCredentials(): ?AccessTokenCredentials { return $this->accessTokenManager; } /** * Get current SDK version */ public function getSdkVersion(): string { return ''; } /** * Get the base uri for a given server in the current environment * * @param string $server Server name * * @return string Base URI */ public function getBaseUri(string $server = Server::DEFAULT_): string { return ApiHelper::appendUrlWithTemplateParameters( static::ENVIRONMENT_MAP[$this->environment][$server], [ 'custom_url' => $this->customUrl, ], false ); } /** * Returns Mobile Authorization Api */ public function getMobileAuthorizationApi(): Apis\MobileAuthorizationApi { if ($this->mobileAuthorization == null) { $this->mobileAuthorization = new Apis\MobileAuthorizationApi( $this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback ); } return $this->mobileAuthorization; } /** * Returns O Auth Api */ public function getOAuthApi(): Apis\OAuthApi { if ($this->oAuth == null) { $this->oAuth = new Apis\OAuthApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->oAuth; } /** * Returns V1 Transactions Api */ public function getV1TransactionsApi(): Apis\V1TransactionsApi { if ($this->v1Transactions == null) { $this->v1Transactions = new Apis\V1TransactionsApi( $this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback ); } return $this->v1Transactions; } /** * Returns Apple Pay Api */ public function getApplePayApi(): Apis\ApplePayApi { if ($this->applePay == null) { $this->applePay = new Apis\ApplePayApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->applePay; } /** * Returns Bank Accounts Api */ public function getBankAccountsApi(): Apis\BankAccountsApi { if ($this->bankAccounts == null) { $this->bankAccounts = new Apis\BankAccountsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->bankAccounts; } /** * Returns Bookings Api */ public function getBookingsApi(): Apis\BookingsApi { if ($this->bookings == null) { $this->bookings = new Apis\BookingsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->bookings; } /** * Returns Cards Api */ public function getCardsApi(): Apis\CardsApi { if ($this->cards == null) { $this->cards = new Apis\CardsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->cards; } /** * Returns Cash Drawers Api */ public function getCashDrawersApi(): Apis\CashDrawersApi { if ($this->cashDrawers == null) { $this->cashDrawers = new Apis\CashDrawersApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->cashDrawers; } /** * Returns Catalog Api */ public function getCatalogApi(): Apis\CatalogApi { if ($this->catalog == null) { $this->catalog = new Apis\CatalogApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->catalog; } /** * Returns Customers Api */ public function getCustomersApi(): Apis\CustomersApi { if ($this->customers == null) { $this->customers = new Apis\CustomersApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->customers; } /** * Returns Customer Groups Api */ public function getCustomerGroupsApi(): Apis\CustomerGroupsApi { if ($this->customerGroups == null) { $this->customerGroups = new Apis\CustomerGroupsApi( $this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback ); } return $this->customerGroups; } /** * Returns Customer Segments Api */ public function getCustomerSegmentsApi(): Apis\CustomerSegmentsApi { if ($this->customerSegments == null) { $this->customerSegments = new Apis\CustomerSegmentsApi( $this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback ); } return $this->customerSegments; } /** * Returns Devices Api */ public function getDevicesApi(): Apis\DevicesApi { if ($this->devices == null) { $this->devices = new Apis\DevicesApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->devices; } /** * Returns Disputes Api */ public function getDisputesApi(): Apis\DisputesApi { if ($this->disputes == null) { $this->disputes = new Apis\DisputesApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->disputes; } /** * Returns Employees Api */ public function getEmployeesApi(): Apis\EmployeesApi { if ($this->employees == null) { $this->employees = new Apis\EmployeesApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->employees; } /** * Returns Gift Cards Api */ public function getGiftCardsApi(): Apis\GiftCardsApi { if ($this->giftCards == null) { $this->giftCards = new Apis\GiftCardsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->giftCards; } /** * Returns Gift Card Activities Api */ public function getGiftCardActivitiesApi(): Apis\GiftCardActivitiesApi { if ($this->giftCardActivities == null) { $this->giftCardActivities = new Apis\GiftCardActivitiesApi( $this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback ); } return $this->giftCardActivities; } /** * Returns Inventory Api */ public function getInventoryApi(): Apis\InventoryApi { if ($this->inventory == null) { $this->inventory = new Apis\InventoryApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->inventory; } /** * Returns Invoices Api */ public function getInvoicesApi(): Apis\InvoicesApi { if ($this->invoices == null) { $this->invoices = new Apis\InvoicesApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->invoices; } /** * Returns Labor Api */ public function getLaborApi(): Apis\LaborApi { if ($this->labor == null) { $this->labor = new Apis\LaborApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->labor; } /** * Returns Locations Api */ public function getLocationsApi(): Apis\LocationsApi { if ($this->locations == null) { $this->locations = new Apis\LocationsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->locations; } /** * Returns Checkout Api */ public function getCheckoutApi(): Apis\CheckoutApi { if ($this->checkout == null) { $this->checkout = new Apis\CheckoutApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->checkout; } /** * Returns Transactions Api */ public function getTransactionsApi(): Apis\TransactionsApi { if ($this->transactions == null) { $this->transactions = new Apis\TransactionsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->transactions; } /** * Returns Loyalty Api */ public function getLoyaltyApi(): Apis\LoyaltyApi { if ($this->loyalty == null) { $this->loyalty = new Apis\LoyaltyApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->loyalty; } /** * Returns Merchants Api */ public function getMerchantsApi(): Apis\MerchantsApi { if ($this->merchants == null) { $this->merchants = new Apis\MerchantsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->merchants; } /** * Returns Orders Api */ public function getOrdersApi(): Apis\OrdersApi { if ($this->orders == null) { $this->orders = new Apis\OrdersApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->orders; } /** * Returns Payments Api */ public function getPaymentsApi(): Apis\PaymentsApi { if ($this->payments == null) { $this->payments = new Apis\PaymentsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->payments; } /** * Returns Refunds Api */ public function getRefundsApi(): Apis\RefundsApi { if ($this->refunds == null) { $this->refunds = new Apis\RefundsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->refunds; } /** * Returns Sites Api */ public function getSitesApi(): Apis\SitesApi { if ($this->sites == null) { $this->sites = new Apis\SitesApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->sites; } /** * Returns Snippets Api */ public function getSnippetsApi(): Apis\SnippetsApi { if ($this->snippets == null) { $this->snippets = new Apis\SnippetsApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->snippets; } /** * Returns Subscriptions Api */ public function getSubscriptionsApi(): Apis\SubscriptionsApi { if ($this->subscriptions == null) { $this->subscriptions = new Apis\SubscriptionsApi( $this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback ); } return $this->subscriptions; } /** * Returns Team Api */ public function getTeamApi(): Apis\TeamApi { if ($this->team == null) { $this->team = new Apis\TeamApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->team; } /** * Returns Terminal Api */ public function getTerminalApi(): Apis\TerminalApi { if ($this->terminal == null) { $this->terminal = new Apis\TerminalApi($this, $this->authManagers, $this->httpCallback); } return $this->terminal; } /** * A map of all baseurls used in different environments and servers * * @var array */ private const ENVIRONMENT_MAP = [ Environment::PRODUCTION => [ Server::DEFAULT_ => 'https://connect.squareup.com', ], Environment::SANDBOX => [ Server::DEFAULT_ => 'https://connect.squareupsandbox.com', ], Environment::CUSTOM => [ Server::DEFAULT_ => '{custom_url}', ], ]; }