config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion(), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); //json encode body $_bodyJson = Request\Body::Json($body); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::POST, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::post($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders(), $_bodyJson); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\CreateTeamMemberResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } /** * Creates multiple `TeamMember` objects. The created `TeamMember` objects are returned on successful * creates. * This process is non-transactional and processes as much of the request as possible. If one of the * creates in * the request cannot be successfully processed, the request is not marked as failed, but the body of * the response * contains explicit error information for the failed create. * * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup. * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#bulk-create-team-members). * * @param \Square\Models\BulkCreateTeamMembersRequest $body An object containing the fields to * POST for the request. * * See the corresponding object definition for field details. * * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call * * @throws ApiException Thrown if API call fails */ public function bulkCreateTeamMembers(\Square\Models\BulkCreateTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse { //prepare query string for API call $_queryBuilder = '/v2/team-members/bulk-create'; //validate and preprocess url $_queryUrl = ApiHelper::cleanUrl($this->config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion(), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); //json encode body $_bodyJson = Request\Body::Json($body); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::POST, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::post($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders(), $_bodyJson); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\BulkCreateTeamMembersResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } /** * Updates multiple `TeamMember` objects. The updated `TeamMember` objects are returned on successful * updates. * This process is non-transactional and processes as much of the request as possible. If one of the * updates in * the request cannot be successfully processed, the request is not marked as failed, but the body of * the response * contains explicit error information for the failed update. * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup. * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#bulk-update-team-members). * * @param \Square\Models\BulkUpdateTeamMembersRequest $body An object containing the fields to * POST for the request. * * See the corresponding object definition for field details. * * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call * * @throws ApiException Thrown if API call fails */ public function bulkUpdateTeamMembers(\Square\Models\BulkUpdateTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse { //prepare query string for API call $_queryBuilder = '/v2/team-members/bulk-update'; //validate and preprocess url $_queryUrl = ApiHelper::cleanUrl($this->config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion(), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); //json encode body $_bodyJson = Request\Body::Json($body); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::POST, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::post($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders(), $_bodyJson); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\BulkUpdateTeamMembersResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } /** * Returns a paginated list of `TeamMember` objects for a business. * The list can be filtered by the following: * - location IDs * - `status` * * @param \Square\Models\SearchTeamMembersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST * for the request. * * See the corresponding object definition for field details. * * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call * * @throws ApiException Thrown if API call fails */ public function searchTeamMembers(\Square\Models\SearchTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse { //prepare query string for API call $_queryBuilder = '/v2/team-members/search'; //validate and preprocess url $_queryUrl = ApiHelper::cleanUrl($this->config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion(), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); //json encode body $_bodyJson = Request\Body::Json($body); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::POST, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::post($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders(), $_bodyJson); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\SearchTeamMembersResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } /** * Retrieves a `TeamMember` object for the given `TeamMember.id`. * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup. * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#retrieve-a-team-member). * * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member to retrieve. * * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call * * @throws ApiException Thrown if API call fails */ public function retrieveTeamMember(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse { //prepare query string for API call $_queryBuilder = '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}'; //process optional query parameters $_queryBuilder = ApiHelper::appendUrlWithTemplateParameters($_queryBuilder, [ 'team_member_id' => $teamMemberId, ]); //validate and preprocess url $_queryUrl = ApiHelper::cleanUrl($this->config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion() ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::GET, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::get($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders()); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\RetrieveTeamMemberResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } /** * Updates a single `TeamMember` object. The `TeamMember` object is returned on successful updates. * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup. * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#update-a-team-member). * * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member to update. * @param \Square\Models\UpdateTeamMemberRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST * for the request. * * See the corresponding object definition for field details. * * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call * * @throws ApiException Thrown if API call fails */ public function updateTeamMember(string $teamMemberId, \Square\Models\UpdateTeamMemberRequest $body): ApiResponse { //prepare query string for API call $_queryBuilder = '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}'; //process optional query parameters $_queryBuilder = ApiHelper::appendUrlWithTemplateParameters($_queryBuilder, [ 'team_member_id' => $teamMemberId, ]); //validate and preprocess url $_queryUrl = ApiHelper::cleanUrl($this->config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion(), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); //json encode body $_bodyJson = Request\Body::Json($body); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::PUT, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::put($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders(), $_bodyJson); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\UpdateTeamMemberResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } /** * Retrieves a `WageSetting` object for a team member specified * by `TeamMember.id`. * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup. * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#retrievewagesetting). * * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member for which to retrieve the wage setting. * * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call * * @throws ApiException Thrown if API call fails */ public function retrieveWageSetting(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse { //prepare query string for API call $_queryBuilder = '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}/wage-setting'; //process optional query parameters $_queryBuilder = ApiHelper::appendUrlWithTemplateParameters($_queryBuilder, [ 'team_member_id' => $teamMemberId, ]); //validate and preprocess url $_queryUrl = ApiHelper::cleanUrl($this->config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion() ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::GET, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::get($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders()); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\RetrieveWageSettingResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } /** * Creates or updates a `WageSetting` object. The object is created if a * `WageSetting` with the specified `team_member_id` does not exist. Otherwise, * it fully replaces the `WageSetting` object for the team member. * The `WageSetting` is returned on a successful update. * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup. * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#create-or-update-a-wage-setting). * * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member for which to update the `WageSetting` * object. * @param \Square\Models\UpdateWageSettingRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST * for the request. * * See the corresponding object definition for field details. * * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call * * @throws ApiException Thrown if API call fails */ public function updateWageSetting(string $teamMemberId, \Square\Models\UpdateWageSettingRequest $body): ApiResponse { //prepare query string for API call $_queryBuilder = '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}/wage-setting'; //process optional query parameters $_queryBuilder = ApiHelper::appendUrlWithTemplateParameters($_queryBuilder, [ 'team_member_id' => $teamMemberId, ]); //validate and preprocess url $_queryUrl = ApiHelper::cleanUrl($this->config->getBaseUri() . $_queryBuilder); //prepare headers $_headers = [ 'user-agent' => BaseApi::USER_AGENT, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Square-Version' => $this->config->getSquareVersion(), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]; $_headers = ApiHelper::mergeHeaders($_headers, $this->config->getAdditionalHeaders()); //json encode body $_bodyJson = Request\Body::Json($body); $_httpRequest = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod::PUT, $_headers, $_queryUrl); // Apply authorization to request $this->getAuthManager('global')->apply($_httpRequest); //call on-before Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnBeforeRequest($_httpRequest); } // and invoke the API call request to fetch the response try { $response = Request::put($_httpRequest->getQueryUrl(), $_httpRequest->getHeaders(), $_bodyJson); } catch (\Unirest\Exception $ex) { throw new ApiException($ex->getMessage(), $_httpRequest); } $_httpResponse = new HttpResponse($response->code, $response->headers, $response->raw_body); $_httpContext = new HttpContext($_httpRequest, $_httpResponse); //call on-after Http callback if ($this->getHttpCallBack() != null) { $this->getHttpCallBack()->callOnAfterRequest($_httpContext); } if (!$this->isValidResponse($_httpResponse)) { return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, null, $_httpContext); } $mapper = $this->getJsonMapper(); $deserializedResponse = $mapper->mapClass($response->body, 'Square\\Models\\UpdateWageSettingResponse'); return ApiResponse::createFromContext($response->body, $deserializedResponse, $_httpContext); } }