stack[] = new Layer($client, $scope ?? new Scope()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getClient(): ?ClientInterface { return $this->getStackTop()->getClient(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLastEventId(): ?EventId { return $this->lastEventId; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function pushScope(): Scope { $clonedScope = clone $this->getScope(); $this->stack[] = new Layer($this->getClient(), $clonedScope); return $clonedScope; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function popScope(): bool { if (1 === \count($this->stack)) { return false; } return null !== array_pop($this->stack); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function withScope(callable $callback) { $scope = $this->pushScope(); try { return $callback($scope); } finally { $this->popScope(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function configureScope(callable $callback): void { $callback($this->getScope()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function bindClient(ClientInterface $client): void { $layer = $this->getStackTop(); $layer->setClient($client); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function captureMessage(string $message, ?Severity $level = null, ?EventHint $hint = null): ?EventId { $client = $this->getClient(); if (null !== $client) { return $this->lastEventId = $client->captureMessage($message, $level, $this->getScope(), $hint); } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function captureException(\Throwable $exception, ?EventHint $hint = null): ?EventId { $client = $this->getClient(); if (null !== $client) { return $this->lastEventId = $client->captureException($exception, $this->getScope(), $hint); } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function captureEvent(Event $event, ?EventHint $hint = null): ?EventId { $client = $this->getClient(); if (null !== $client) { return $this->lastEventId = $client->captureEvent($event, $hint, $this->getScope()); } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function captureLastError(?EventHint $hint = null): ?EventId { $client = $this->getClient(); if (null !== $client) { return $this->lastEventId = $client->captureLastError($this->getScope(), $hint); } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @param int|float|null $duration */ public function captureCheckIn(string $slug, CheckInStatus $status, $duration = null, ?MonitorConfig $monitorConfig = null, ?string $checkInId = null): ?string { $client = $this->getClient(); if (null === $client) { return null; } $options = $client->getOptions(); $event = Event::createCheckIn(); $checkIn = new CheckIn( $slug, $status, $checkInId, $options->getRelease(), $options->getEnvironment(), $duration, $monitorConfig ); $event->setCheckIn($checkIn); $this->captureEvent($event); return $checkIn->getId(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb $breadcrumb): bool { $client = $this->getClient(); if (null === $client) { return false; } $options = $client->getOptions(); $beforeBreadcrumbCallback = $options->getBeforeBreadcrumbCallback(); $maxBreadcrumbs = $options->getMaxBreadcrumbs(); if ($maxBreadcrumbs <= 0) { return false; } $breadcrumb = $beforeBreadcrumbCallback($breadcrumb); if (null !== $breadcrumb) { $this->getScope()->addBreadcrumb($breadcrumb, $maxBreadcrumbs); } return null !== $breadcrumb; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIntegration(string $className): ?IntegrationInterface { $client = $this->getClient(); if (null !== $client) { return $client->getIntegration($className); } return null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @param array
$customSamplingContext Additional context that will be passed to the {@see SamplingContext} */ public function startTransaction(TransactionContext $context, array $customSamplingContext = []): Transaction { $transaction = new Transaction($context, $this); $client = $this->getClient(); $options = null !== $client ? $client->getOptions() : null; if (null === $options || !$options->isTracingEnabled()) { $transaction->setSampled(false); return $transaction; } $samplingContext = SamplingContext::getDefault($context); $samplingContext->setAdditionalContext($customSamplingContext); $tracesSampler = $options->getTracesSampler(); if (null === $transaction->getSampled()) { if (null !== $tracesSampler) { $sampleRate = $tracesSampler($samplingContext); } else { $sampleRate = $this->getSampleRate( $samplingContext->getParentSampled(), $options->getTracesSampleRate() ?? 0 ); } if (!$this->isValidSampleRate($sampleRate)) { $transaction->setSampled(false); return $transaction; } $transaction->getMetadata()->setSamplingRate($sampleRate); if (0.0 === $sampleRate) { $transaction->setSampled(false); return $transaction; } $transaction->setSampled($this->sample($sampleRate)); } if (!$transaction->getSampled()) { return $transaction; } $transaction->initSpanRecorder(); $profilesSampleRate = $options->getProfilesSampleRate(); if ($this->sample($profilesSampleRate)) { $transaction->initProfiler(); $profiler = $transaction->getProfiler(); if (null !== $profiler) { $profiler->start(); } } return $transaction; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTransaction(): ?Transaction { return $this->getScope()->getTransaction(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setSpan(?Span $span): HubInterface { $this->getScope()->setSpan($span); return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSpan(): ?Span { return $this->getScope()->getSpan(); } /** * Gets the scope bound to the top of the stack. */ private function getScope(): Scope { return $this->getStackTop()->getScope(); } /** * Gets the topmost client/layer pair in the stack. */ private function getStackTop(): Layer { return $this->stack[\count($this->stack) - 1]; } private function getSampleRate(?bool $hasParentBeenSampled, float $fallbackSampleRate): float { if (true === $hasParentBeenSampled) { return 1; } if (false === $hasParentBeenSampled) { return 0; } return $fallbackSampleRate; } /** * @param mixed $sampleRate */ private function sample($sampleRate): bool { if (0.0 === $sampleRate) { return false; } if (1.0 === $sampleRate) { return true; } return mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax() - 1) / mt_getrandmax() < $sampleRate; } /** * @param mixed $sampleRate */ private function isValidSampleRate($sampleRate): bool { if (!\is_float($sampleRate) && !\is_int($sampleRate)) { return false; } if ($sampleRate < 0 || $sampleRate > 1) { return false; } return true; } }