*/ final class Severity implements \Stringable { /** * This constant represents the "debug" severity level. * * @internal */ public const DEBUG = 'debug'; /** * This constant represents the "info" severity level. * * @internal */ public const INFO = 'info'; /** * This constant represents the "warning" severity level. * * @internal */ public const WARNING = 'warning'; /** * This constant represents the "error" severity level. * * @internal */ public const ERROR = 'error'; /** * This constant represents the "fatal" severity level. * * @internal */ public const FATAL = 'fatal'; /** * This constant contains the list of allowed enum values. * * @internal */ public const ALLOWED_SEVERITIES = [ self::DEBUG, self::INFO, self::WARNING, self::ERROR, self::FATAL, ]; /** * @var string The value of this enum instance */ private $value; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $value The value this instance represents */ public function __construct(string $value = self::INFO) { if (!\in_array($value, self::ALLOWED_SEVERITIES, true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" is not a valid enum value.', $value)); } $this->value = $value; } /** * Translate a PHP Error constant into a Sentry log level group. * * @param int $severity PHP E_* error constant * * @return Severity */ public static function fromError(int $severity): self { switch ($severity) { case \E_DEPRECATED: case \E_USER_DEPRECATED: case \E_WARNING: case \E_USER_WARNING: return self::warning(); case \E_ERROR: case \E_PARSE: case \E_CORE_ERROR: case \E_CORE_WARNING: case \E_COMPILE_ERROR: case \E_COMPILE_WARNING: return self::fatal(); case \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: case \E_USER_ERROR: return self::error(); case \E_NOTICE: case \E_USER_NOTICE: case \E_STRICT: return self::info(); default: return self::error(); } } /** * Creates a new instance of this enum for the "debug" value. */ public static function debug(): self { return new self(self::DEBUG); } /** * Creates a new instance of this enum for the "info" value. */ public static function info(): self { return new self(self::INFO); } /** * Creates a new instance of this enum for the "warning" value. */ public static function warning(): self { return new self(self::WARNING); } /** * Creates a new instance of this enum for the "error" value. */ public static function error(): self { return new self(self::ERROR); } /** * Creates a new instance of this enum for the "fatal" value. */ public static function fatal(): self { return new self(self::FATAL); } /** * Returns whether two object instances of this class are equal. * * @param self $other The object to compare */ public function isEqualTo(self $other): bool { return $this->value === (string) $other; } /** * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.magic.php#object.tostring */ public function __toString(): string { return $this->value; } }