options = $options; $this->representationSerializer = $representationSerializer; } /** * Builds a {@see Frame} object from the given backtrace's raw frame. * * @param string $file The file where the frame originated * @param int $line The line at which the frame originated * @param array
$backtraceFrame The raw frame * * @psalm-param StacktraceFrame $backtraceFrame */ public function buildFromBacktraceFrame(string $file, int $line, array $backtraceFrame): Frame { // The filename can be in any of these formats: // - // - (
) : eval()'d code // - (
) : runtime-created function if (preg_match('/^(.*)\((\d+)\) : (?:eval\(\)\'d code|runtime-created function)$/', $file, $matches)) { $file = $matches[1]; $line = (int) $matches[2]; } $functionName = null; $rawFunctionName = null; $strippedFilePath = $this->stripPrefixFromFilePath($this->options, $file); if (isset($backtraceFrame['class']) && isset($backtraceFrame['function'])) { $functionName = $backtraceFrame['class']; if (str_starts_with($functionName, Frame::ANONYMOUS_CLASS_PREFIX)) { $functionName = Frame::ANONYMOUS_CLASS_PREFIX . $this->stripPrefixFromFilePath($this->options, substr($backtraceFrame['class'], \strlen(Frame::ANONYMOUS_CLASS_PREFIX))); } $rawFunctionName = sprintf('%s::%s', $backtraceFrame['class'], $backtraceFrame['function']); $functionName = sprintf('%s::%s', preg_replace('/(?::\d+\$|0x)[a-fA-F0-9]+$/', '', $functionName), $backtraceFrame['function']); } elseif (isset($backtraceFrame['function'])) { $functionName = $backtraceFrame['function']; } return new Frame( $functionName, $strippedFilePath, $line, $rawFunctionName, Frame::INTERNAL_FRAME_FILENAME !== $file ? $file : null, $this->getFunctionArguments($backtraceFrame), $this->isFrameInApp($file, $functionName) ); } /** * Checks whether a certain frame should be marked as "in app" or not. * * @param string $file The file to check * @param string|null $functionName The name of the function */ private function isFrameInApp(string $file, ?string $functionName): bool { if (Frame::INTERNAL_FRAME_FILENAME === $file) { return false; } if (null !== $functionName && str_starts_with($functionName, 'Sentry\\')) { return false; } $excludedAppPaths = $this->options->getInAppExcludedPaths(); $includedAppPaths = $this->options->getInAppIncludedPaths(); $absoluteFilePath = @realpath($file) ?: $file; $isInApp = true; foreach ($excludedAppPaths as $excludedAppPath) { if (str_starts_with($absoluteFilePath, $excludedAppPath)) { $isInApp = false; break; } } foreach ($includedAppPaths as $includedAppPath) { if (str_starts_with($absoluteFilePath, $includedAppPath)) { $isInApp = true; break; } } return $isInApp; } /** * Gets the arguments of the function called in the given frame. * * @param array
$backtraceFrame The frame data * * @return array
* * @psalm-param StacktraceFrame $backtraceFrame */ private function getFunctionArguments(array $backtraceFrame): array { if (!isset($backtraceFrame['function'], $backtraceFrame['args'])) { return []; } $reflectionFunction = null; try { if (isset($backtraceFrame['class'])) { if (method_exists($backtraceFrame['class'], $backtraceFrame['function'])) { $reflectionFunction = new \ReflectionMethod($backtraceFrame['class'], $backtraceFrame['function']); } elseif (isset($backtraceFrame['type']) && '::' === $backtraceFrame['type']) { $reflectionFunction = new \ReflectionMethod($backtraceFrame['class'], '__callStatic'); } else { $reflectionFunction = new \ReflectionMethod($backtraceFrame['class'], '__call'); } } elseif (!\in_array($backtraceFrame['function'], ['{closure}', '__lambda_func'], true) && \function_exists($backtraceFrame['function'])) { $reflectionFunction = new \ReflectionFunction($backtraceFrame['function']); } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // Reflection failed, we do nothing instead } $argumentValues = []; if (null !== $reflectionFunction) { $argumentValues = $this->getFunctionArgumentValues($reflectionFunction, $backtraceFrame['args']); } else { foreach ($backtraceFrame['args'] as $parameterPosition => $parameterValue) { $argumentValues['param' . $parameterPosition] = $parameterValue; } } foreach ($argumentValues as $argumentName => $argumentValue) { $argumentValues[$argumentName] = $this->representationSerializer->representationSerialize($argumentValue); } return $argumentValues; } /** * Gets an hashmap indexed by argument name containing all the arguments * passed to the function called in the given frame of the stacktrace. * * @param \ReflectionFunctionAbstract $reflectionFunction A reflection object * @param mixed[] $backtraceFrameArgs The arguments of the frame * * @return array
*/ private function getFunctionArgumentValues(\ReflectionFunctionAbstract $reflectionFunction, array $backtraceFrameArgs): array { $argumentValues = []; foreach ($reflectionFunction->getParameters() as $reflectionParameter) { $parameterPosition = $reflectionParameter->getPosition(); if (!isset($backtraceFrameArgs[$parameterPosition])) { continue; } $argumentValues[$reflectionParameter->getName()] = $backtraceFrameArgs[$parameterPosition]; } return $argumentValues; } }