counterCurrency = $counterCurrency; $this->baseCurrency = $baseCurrency; $this->conversionRatio = $conversionRatio; } /** * Creates a new Currency Pair based on "EUR/USD 1.2500" form representation. * * @param string $iso String representation of the form "EUR/USD 1.2500" * * @throws InvalidArgumentException Format of $iso is invalid. */ public static function createFromIso(string $iso): CurrencyPair { $currency = '([A-Z]{2,3})'; $ratio = '([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)'; // @see http://www.regular-expressions.info/floatingpoint.html $pattern = '#' . $currency . '/' . $currency . ' ' . $ratio . '#'; $matches = []; if (! preg_match($pattern, $iso, $matches)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot create currency pair from ISO string "%s", format of string is invalid', $iso)); } assert($matches[1] !== ''); assert($matches[2] !== ''); assert(is_numeric($matches[3])); return new self(new Currency($matches[1]), new Currency($matches[2]), $matches[3]); } /** * Returns the counter currency. */ public function getCounterCurrency(): Currency { return $this->counterCurrency; } /** * Returns the base currency. */ public function getBaseCurrency(): Currency { return $this->baseCurrency; } /** * Returns the conversion ratio. * * @psalm-return numeric-string */ public function getConversionRatio(): string { return $this->conversionRatio; } /** * Checks if an other CurrencyPair has the same parameters as this. */ public function equals(CurrencyPair $other): bool { return $this->baseCurrency->equals($other->baseCurrency) && $this->counterCurrency->equals($other->counterCurrency) && $this->conversionRatio === $other->conversionRatio; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @psalm-return array{baseCurrency: Currency, counterCurrency: Currency, ratio: numeric-string} */ public function jsonSerialize(): array { return [ 'baseCurrency' => $this->baseCurrency, 'counterCurrency' => $this->counterCurrency, 'ratio' => $this->conversionRatio, ]; } }