merchant = config('payfast.merchant'); $this->passphrase = config('payfast.passphrase'); $this->setBuyer(null, null, null); $this->setItem(null, null); } public function getPassphrase() { return $this->passphrase; } public function getMerchant() { return $this->merchant; } public function setMerchant(array $merchant) { $this->merchant = $merchant; } public function setBuyer($first, $last, $email) { $this->buyer = [ 'name_first' => $first, 'name_last' => $last, 'email_address' => $email ]; } public function setPassphrase(string $passphrase = null) { $this->passphrase = $passphrase; } public function setMerchantReference($reference) { $this->merchantReference = $reference; } public function setItem($item, $description) { $this->item = [ 'item_name' => $item, 'item_description' => $description, ]; } public function setAmount($amount) { $money = $this->newMoney($amount); $this->amount = $money->convertedAmount(); } public function paymentForm($submitButton = true) { $this->button = $submitButton; $this->vars = $this->paymentVars(); $this->vars['signature'] = $this->getSignature(); return $this->buildForm(); } public function paymentVars() { $paymentVars = array_merge($this->merchant, $this->buyer, [ 'm_payment_id' => $this->merchantReference, 'amount' => $this->amount, 'item_name' => $this->item['item_name'], 'item_description' => $this->item['item_description'], 'custom_int1' => $this->custom_int1, 'custom_int2' => $this->custom_int2, 'custom_int3' => $this->custom_int3, 'custom_int4' => $this->custom_int4, 'custom_int5' => $this->custom_int5, 'custom_str1' => $this->custom_str1, 'custom_str2' => $this->custom_str2, 'custom_str3' => $this->custom_str3, 'custom_str4' => $this->custom_str4, 'custom_str5' => $this->custom_str5, 'email_confirmation' => (int)$this->email_confirmation, 'confirmation_address' => $this->confirmation_address, 'payment_method' => $this->payment_method ]); if (is_numeric($this->subscriptionType)) { $paymentVars['subscription_type'] = $this->subscriptionType; $paymentVars['frequency'] = $this->frequency; $paymentVars['cycles'] = $this->cycles; } return $paymentVars; } public function buildQueryString($includeEmpty = false) { foreach($this->vars as $key => $val ) { if( $key == 'signature' ){ continue; } if ($includeEmpty || $val === 0 || !empty($val)) { $this->output .= $key .'='. urlencode( trim( $val ) ) .'&'; } } $this->output = substr( $this->output, 0, -1 ); return $this->output; } public function buildForm() { $this->getHost(); $htmlForm = '
'; foreach($this->vars as $name => $value) { // empty fields should not be sent across it breaks certain payment methods if (!empty($value) || $value === 0) { $htmlForm .= '
'; } } if($this->button) { if (config('payfast.button-view', false)) { $htmlForm .= view(config('payfast.button-view')); } else { $htmlForm .= '
'; } } return $htmlForm.'
'; } public function verify($request, $amount) { $this->setHeader(); $this->response_vars = $request->all(); $this->setAmount($amount); foreach($this->response_vars as $key => $val) { $this->vars[$key] = stripslashes($val); } $this->vars['signature'] = $this->getSignature(true); $this->validSignature($request->get('signature')); $this->validateHost($request); $this->validateAmount($request->get('amount_gross')); $this->validateCurl(); $this->status = $request->get('payment_status'); return $this; } public function status() { return $this->status; } public function setHeader() { header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); flush(); } public function validSignature($signature) { if($this->vars['signature'] === $signature) { return true; }else { throw new Exception('Invalid Signature'); } } public function validateHost($request) { // alow local testing if (env('APP_ENV') !== 'production') { return true; } $hosts = $this->getHosts(); if( !in_array( $request->server('REMOTE_ADDR'), $hosts ) ) { throw new Exception('Not a valid Host'); } return true; } public function getHosts() { $hosts = []; foreach(config('payfast.hosts') as $host) { $ips = gethostbynamel($host); if(count($ips) > 0) { foreach($ips as $ip) { $hosts[] = $ip; } } } return array_unique($hosts); } public function validateAmount($grossAmount) { if($this->amount === $this->newMoney($grossAmount)->convertedAmount()) { return true; }else { throw new Exception('The gross amount does not match the order amount'); } } public function validateCurl() { $params = $this->buildQueryString(true); // Variable initialization $url = 'https://'. $this->getHost() .'/eng/query/validate'; // Create default cURL object $ch = curl_init(); // Set cURL options - Use curl_setopt for greater PHP compatibility // Base settings curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1 ); // Standard settings curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params ); // Execute CURL $response = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); $lines = explode( "\r\n", $response ); $verifyResult = trim( $lines[0] ); if( strcasecmp( $verifyResult, 'VALID' ) == 0 ) { return true; } else { throw new Exception('The Data is not valid'); } } public function newMoney($amount) { return(is_string($amount) || is_float($amount)) ? (new Money)->fromString((string)$amount) : new Money($amount); } public function getHost() { return $this->host = config('payfast.testing') ? 'sandbox.payfast.co.za' : 'www.payfast.co.za'; } public function getSubmitButton() { if(is_string($this->button)) { return $this->button; } if($this->button == true) { return 'Pay Now'; } return false; } public function responseVars() { return $this->response_vars; } public function setCancelUrl($url) { $this->merchant['cancel_url'] = $url; } public function setReturnUrl($url) { $this->merchant['return_url'] = $url; } public function setNotifyUrl($url) { $this->merchant['notify_url'] = $url; } public function setCustomStr1($string = '') { $this->custom_str1 = $string; } public function setCustomStr2($string = '') { $this->custom_str2 = $string; } public function setCustomStr3($string = '') { $this->custom_str3 = $string; } public function setCustomStr4($string = '') { $this->custom_str4 = $string; } public function setCustomStr5($string = '') { $this->custom_str5 = $string; } public function setCustomInt1($int) { $this->custom_int1 = $int; } public function setCustomInt2($int) { $this->custom_int2 = $int; } public function setCustomInt3($int) { $this->custom_int3 = $int; } public function setCustomInt4($int) { $this->custom_int4 = $int; } public function setCustomInt5($int) { $this->custom_int5 = $int; } public function setEmailConfirmation(bool $send = true) { $this->email_confirmation = $send; } public function setConfirmationAddress(string $email) { $this->confirmation_address = $email; } public function setPaymentMethod($method) { $this->payment_method = $method; } private function getSignature($includeEmpty = false) { $params = $this->buildQueryString($includeEmpty); if($this->getPassphrase() != null) { $params .= '&passphrase='.$this->getPassphrase(); } return md5($params); } public function setSubscriptionType(int $type = 1) { $this->subscriptionType = $type; if (empty($this->frequency)) { $this->setFrequency(); } if (empty($this->cycles)) { $this->setCycles(); } } public function setFrequency(int $frequency = 3) { $this->frequency = $frequency; } public function setCycles(int $cycles = 0) { $this->cycles = $cycles; } }