handle = $handle; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function readFixedSize(int $size, ?float $timeout = null): string { $timer = new Internal\OptionalIncrementalTimeout( $timeout, function (): void { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new Exception\TimeoutException(Str\format( "Reached timeout before reading requested amount of data", $this->buffer === '' ? 'any' : 'all', )); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd }, ); while (($length = strlen($this->buffer)) < $size && !$this->eof) { /** @var positive-int $to_read */ $to_read = $size - $length; $this->fillBuffer($to_read, $timer->getRemaining()); } if ($this->eof) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Reached end of file before requested size.'); } $buffer_size = strlen($this->buffer); if ($size === $buffer_size) { $ret = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ''; return $ret; } $ret = substr($this->buffer, 0, $size); $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, $size); return $ret; } /** * @param null|positive-int $desired_bytes * * @throws Exception\AlreadyClosedException If the handle has been already closed. * @throws Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurred during the operation. * @throws Exception\TimeoutException If $timeout is reached before being able to read from the handle. */ private function fillBuffer(?int $desired_bytes, ?float $timeout): void { $chunk = $this->handle->read($desired_bytes, $timeout); if ($chunk === '') { $this->eof = true; } $this->buffer .= $chunk; } /** * Read a single byte from the handle. * * @throws Exception\AlreadyClosedException If the handle has been already closed. * @throws Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurred during the operation, or reached end of file. * @throws Exception\TimeoutException If $timeout is reached before being able to read from the handle. */ public function readByte(?float $timeout = null): string { if ($this->buffer === '' && !$this->eof) { $this->fillBuffer(null, $timeout); } if ($this->buffer === '') { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Reached EOF without any more data.'); } $ret = $this->buffer[0]; if ($ret === $this->buffer) { $this->buffer = ''; $this->eof = true; return $ret; } $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, 1); return $ret; } /** * @returns string the read data on success, * or null if the end of file is reached before finding the current line terminator. * * @throws Exception\AlreadyClosedException If the handle has been already closed. * @throws Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurred during the operation. * @throws Exception\TimeoutException If $timeout is reached before being able to read from the handle. */ public function readLine(?float $timeout = null): ?string { $timer = new Internal\OptionalIncrementalTimeout( $timeout, static function (): void { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new Exception\TimeoutException( "Reached timeout before encountering reaching the current line terminator.", ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd }, ); $line = $this->readUntil(PHP_EOL, $timer->getRemaining()); if (null !== $line) { return $line; } /** @psalm-suppress MissingThrowsDocblock - $size is positive */ $content = $this->read(null, $timer->getRemaining()); return '' === $content ? null : $content; } /** * Read until the specified suffix is seen. * * The trailing suffix is read (so won't be returned by other calls), but is not * included in the return value. * * This call returns null if the suffix is not seen, even if there is other * data. * * @throws Exception\AlreadyClosedException If the handle has been already closed. * @throws Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurred during the operation. * @throws Exception\TimeoutException If $timeout is reached before being able to read from the handle. */ public function readUntil(string $suffix, ?float $timeout = null): ?string { $buf = $this->buffer; $idx = strpos($buf, $suffix); $suffix_len = strlen($suffix); if ($idx !== false) { $this->buffer = substr($buf, $idx + $suffix_len); return substr($buf, 0, $idx); } $timer = new Internal\OptionalIncrementalTimeout( $timeout, static function () use ($suffix): void { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new Exception\TimeoutException(Str\format( "Reached timeout before encountering the suffix (\"%s\").", $suffix, )); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd }, ); do { // + 1 as it would have been matched in the previous iteration if it // fully fit in the chunk $offset = strlen($buf) - $suffix_len + 1; $offset = $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0; $chunk = $this->handle->read(null, $timer->getRemaining()); if ($chunk === '') { $this->buffer = $buf; return null; } $buf .= $chunk; $idx = strpos($buf, $suffix, $offset); } while ($idx === false); $this->buffer = substr($buf, $idx + $suffix_len); return substr($buf, 0, $idx); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function read(?int $max_bytes = null, ?float $timeout = null): string { if ($this->eof) { return ''; } if ($this->buffer === '') { $this->fillBuffer(null, $timeout); } // We either have a buffer, or reached EOF; either way, behavior matches // read, so just delegate return $this->tryRead($max_bytes); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function tryRead(?int $max_bytes = null): string { if ($this->eof) { return ''; } if ($this->buffer === '') { $this->buffer = $this->getHandle()->tryRead(); if ($this->buffer === '') { return ''; } } $buffer = $this->buffer; if ($max_bytes === null || $max_bytes >= strlen($buffer)) { $this->buffer = ''; return $buffer; } $this->buffer = substr($buffer, $max_bytes); return substr($buffer, 0, $max_bytes); } public function getHandle(): ReadHandleInterface { return $this->handle; } /** * @throws Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurred during the operation. * @throws Exception\AlreadyClosedException If the handle has been already closed. * * @return bool true if EOL has been reached, false otherwise. */ public function isEndOfFile(): bool { if ($this->eof) { return true; } if ($this->buffer !== '') { return false; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart try { $this->buffer = $this->handle->read(); if ($this->buffer === '') { $this->eof = true; return true; } } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface) { // ignore; it'll be thrown again when attempting a real read. } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return false; } }