$offset The offset where the reading starts. * @param positive-int|null $length Maximum length of data read. * The default is to read until end of file is reached. * * @throws Exception\NotFoundException If $file does not exist. * @throws Exception\NotFileException If $file points to a non-file node on the filesystem. * @throws Exception\NotReadableException If $file exists, and is non-readable. * @throws Exception\RuntimeException In case of an error. */ function read(string $file, int $offset = 0, ?int $length = null): string { try { $handle = namespace\open_read_only($file); $lock = $handle->lock(namespace\LockType::SHARED); $handle->seek($offset); $content = $handle->readAll($length); $lock->release(); $handle->close(); return $content; } catch (IO\Exception\ExceptionInterface $previous) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new Exception\RuntimeException(Str\format( 'Failed to read file "%s".', $file, ), 0, $previous); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } }