requireFeatures(\EventConfig::FEATURE_FDS); } $this->handle = new \EventBase($config); $this->nowOffset = getCurrentTime(); $this->now = \random_int(0, $this->nowOffset); $this->nowOffset -= $this->now; if (self::$activeSignals === null) { self::$activeSignals = &$this->signals; } /** * @param $resource * @param $what * @param Watcher $watcher * * @return void */ $this->ioCallback = function ($resource, $what, Watcher $watcher) { \assert(\is_resource($watcher->value)); try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->value, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; /** * @param $resource * @param $what * @param Watcher $watcher * * @return void */ $this->timerCallback = function ($resource, $what, Watcher $watcher) { \assert(\is_int($watcher->value)); if ($watcher->type & Watcher::DELAY) { $this->cancel($watcher->id); } else { $this->events[$watcher->id]->add($watcher->value / self::MILLISEC_PER_SEC); } try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; /** * @param $signum * @param $what * @param Watcher $watcher * * @return void */ $this->signalCallback = function ($signum, $what, Watcher $watcher) { try { $result = ($watcher->callback)($watcher->id, $watcher->value, $watcher->data); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->error($exception); } }; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cancel(string $watcherId) { parent::cancel($watcherId); if (isset($this->events[$watcherId])) { $this->events[$watcherId]->free(); unset($this->events[$watcherId]); } } public static function isSupported(): bool { return \extension_loaded("event"); } /** * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function __destruct() { // Unset here, otherwise $event->del() in the loop may fail with a warning, because __destruct order isn't defined. // Related https://github.com/amphp/amp/issues/159. $events = $this->events; $this->events = []; foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event !== null) { // Events may have been nulled in extension depending on destruct order. $event->free(); } } // Manually free the loop handle to fully release loop resources. // See https://github.com/amphp/amp/issues/177. if ($this->handle !== null) { $this->handle->free(); $this->handle = null; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function run() { $active = self::$activeSignals; \assert($active !== null); foreach ($active as $event) { $event->del(); } self::$activeSignals = &$this->signals; foreach ($this->signals as $event) { /** @psalm-suppress TooFewArguments https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs/pull/763 */ $event->add(); } try { parent::run(); } finally { foreach ($this->signals as $event) { $event->del(); } self::$activeSignals = &$active; foreach ($active as $event) { /** @psalm-suppress TooFewArguments https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs/pull/763 */ $event->add(); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stop() { $this->handle->stop(); parent::stop(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function now(): int { $this->now = getCurrentTime() - $this->nowOffset; return $this->now; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHandle(): \EventBase { return $this->handle; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return void */ protected function dispatch(bool $blocking) { $this->handle->loop($blocking ? \EventBase::LOOP_ONCE : \EventBase::LOOP_ONCE | \EventBase::LOOP_NONBLOCK); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return void */ protected function activate(array $watchers) { $now = $this->now(); foreach ($watchers as $watcher) { if (!isset($this->events[$id = $watcher->id])) { switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::READABLE: \assert(\is_resource($watcher->value)); $this->events[$id] = new \Event( $this->handle, $watcher->value, \Event::READ | \Event::PERSIST, $this->ioCallback, $watcher ); break; case Watcher::WRITABLE: \assert(\is_resource($watcher->value)); $this->events[$id] = new \Event( $this->handle, $watcher->value, \Event::WRITE | \Event::PERSIST, $this->ioCallback, $watcher ); break; case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: \assert(\is_int($watcher->value)); $this->events[$id] = new \Event( $this->handle, -1, \Event::TIMEOUT, $this->timerCallback, $watcher ); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: \assert(\is_int($watcher->value)); $this->events[$id] = new \Event( $this->handle, $watcher->value, \Event::SIGNAL | \Event::PERSIST, $this->signalCallback, $watcher ); break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \Error("Unknown watcher type"); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::DELAY: case Watcher::REPEAT: \assert(\is_int($watcher->value)); $interval = \max(0, $watcher->expiration - $now); $this->events[$id]->add($interval > 0 ? $interval / self::MILLISEC_PER_SEC : 0); break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: $this->signals[$id] = $this->events[$id]; // no break default: /** @psalm-suppress TooFewArguments https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs/pull/763 */ $this->events[$id]->add(); break; } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return void */ protected function deactivate(Watcher $watcher) { if (isset($this->events[$id = $watcher->id])) { $this->events[$id]->del(); if ($watcher->type === Watcher::SIGNAL) { unset($this->signals[$id]); } } } }