'These credentials do not match our records.', 'companyAccountDisabled' => 'Your company account is disabled.', 'failedLoginDisabled' => 'Login has been disabled by your administrator', 'failedBlocked' => 'Your account is disabled!. Please contact your administrator to enable it.', 'failedCompanyUnapproved' => 'Your company is not approved yet!. Please wait for the company approval.', 'throttle' => 'Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.', 'recaptchaFailed' => 'Recaptcha not validated.', 'sociaLoginFail' => 'Your account does not exist. Please sign up', 'signInGoogle' => 'Sign in with Google', 'signInFacebook' => 'Sign in with Facebook', 'signInLinkedin' => 'Sign in with LinkedIn', 'signInTwitter' => 'Sign in with Twitter', 'useEmail' => 'or, use email address', 'email' => 'Email Address', 'next' => 'Next', ];