'Update your profile picture', 'writeshortcode' => 'Project unique short code', 'taskshortcode' => 'Task unique short code', 'name' => 'e.g. John Doe', 'email' => 'e.g. johndoe@example.com', 'mobile' => 'e.g. 1234567890', 'mobileWithPlus' => 'e.g. +19876543', 'password' => 'Must have at least 8 characters', 'designation' => 'e.g. Team Lead', 'department' => 'e.g. Human Resource', 'date' => 'Select Date', 'address' => 'e.g. 132, My Street, Kingston, New York 12401', 'skills' => 'e.g. communication, ReactJS', 'project' => 'Write a project name', 'price' => 'e.g. 10000', 'hours' => 'e.g. 10:00 AM', 'category' => 'Enter a category name', 'task' => 'Enter a task title', 'label' => 'Enter a label title', 'leaveType' => 'E.g. Sick, Casual', 'colorPicker' => 'Select a color', 'ticketType' => 'e.g. Support', 'milestone' => 'Enter milestone title', 'milestoneSummary' => 'Enter milestone summary', 'sampleText' => 'e.g. This is sample text', 'webhook' => 'e.g. samplewebhook123', 'key' => 'e.g. 0f99088a2f31e70daxxxx', 'secret' => 'e.g. cbabcd0948aed7dd9xxxx', 'id' => 'e.g. 1275901', 'cluster' => 'e.g. ap2', 'note' => 'Enter note title', 'consent' => 'Enter consent name', 'consentDescription' => 'Briefly describe the purpose of consent', 'title' => 'e.g. Manager', 'noneSelectedText' => 'Nothing selected', 'noneResultsText' => 'No results matched {0}', 'selectAllText' => 'Select All', 'deselectAllText' => 'Deselect All', 'linkTitle' => 'Link Title', 'url' => 'URL', 'categoryName' => "e.g. Finance", 'invoices' => array( 'invoicePrefix' => 'Enter invoice prefix', 'estimatePrefix' => 'Enter estimate prefix', 'creditNotePrefix' => 'Enter credit note prefix', 'contractNumber' => 'Enter contract number', 'gstNumber' => 'Enter Tax Number', 'invoiceTerms' => 'Enter invoice terms', 'description' => 'Enter Description (optional)', 'note' => 'e.g. Thank you for your business', 'terms' => 'Include your return and cancellation policy', 'invoiceNumberSeparator' => 'Invoice Number Separator', 'estimateNumberSeparator' => 'Estimate Number Separator', 'credit_noteNumberSeparator' => 'Credit Note Number Separator', 'contractNumberSeparator' => 'Contract Number Separator', 'contractPrefix' => 'Contract Prefix' ), 'currency' => array( 'currencyName' => 'e.g. Dollar', 'currencySymbol' => 'e.g. $', 'currencyCode' => 'e.g. USD', 'thousandSeparator' => 'e.g. ,', 'decimalSeparator' => 'e.g. .', ), 'ticket' => array( 'replyTicket' => 'Enter template heading', 'templateText' => 'Enter template text here', ), 'columnName' => 'e.g. Pending', 'message' => 'Write your message here', 'payments' => array( 'remark' => 'Enter a summary of the payment.', 'transactionId' => 'Enter transaction ID of the payment', 'paymentGateway' => 'e.g. PayPal, Stripe, Bank Transfer, Cash etc.' ), 'expense' => array( 'item' => 'e.g. Wireless Keyboard', 'vendor' => 'e.g. Acme Corporation' ), 'status' => 'e.g. In Progress', 'timelog' => array( 'memo' => 'e.g. Working on new logo' ), 'noticeTitle' => 'e.g. New year celebrations at office.', 'search' => 'Enter keyword to search', 'attendance' => array( 'workFrom' => 'e.g. Office, Home, etc.' ), 'dateRange' => 'Start Date To End Date', 'emailDomain' => 'e.g. gmail.com', 'slackWebhook' => 'e.g. https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'gdpr' => array( 'additionDescription' => 'Enter Additional Description', ), 'productName' => 'e.g. Web Hosting, Laptop, Notebook, Mobile App etc.', 'leave' => array( 'reason' => 'e.g. Feeling not well', ), 'company' => 'e.g. Acme Corporation', 'storageSetting' => array( 'awsKey' => 'e.g. AKIAXXXXX67FNYNM2P', 'awsBucket' => 'e.g. test-bucket', ), 'hsnSac' => 'e.g. 995431', 'hourEstimate' => 'e.g. 500', 'paymentGateway' => array( 'sandboxPaypalClientId' => 'e.g. AW-Ydt5KHz2FwhAikHsObpRrpB55qE8MyvUkHbQsFb_6_2Unv3WNBSmBxEqA8N74JzOaFTPBUI-MG4sB', 'livePaypalClientId' => 'e.g. AW-Ydt5KHz2FwhAikHsObpRrpB55qE8MyvUkHbQsFb_6_2Unv3WNBSmBxEqA8N74JzOaFTPBUI-MG4sB', 'testStripePublishableKey' => 'e.g. sk_test_XXXXXXXXXXxBXnjBe1d6G5reXbGAc8a1qumQN0doumYbhb2tChV6qTCuFfvQyxEDInYho7jhQoR4MqNBWcafRYPCb00r2jkEBKe', 'liveStripePublishableKey' => 'e.g. sk_live_51GbndSLM4xBXnjBe1d6G5reXbGAc8a1qumQN0doumYbhb2tChV6qTCuFfvQyxEDInYho7jhQoR4MqNBWcafRYPCbXXXXXXXXX', 'testRazorpayKey' => 'e.g. rzp_test_znKZOLXXT3XXEX', 'liveRazorpayKey' => 'e.g. rzp_live_znKZOLn4TXXXXX', 'paystackKey' => 'e.g. pk_live_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'flutterwaveKey' => 'e.g. FLWPUBK-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-X', ), 'bankaccount' => array( 'accountName' => 'e.g. John Doe', 'bankName' => 'e.g. Federal Bank', 'accountNumber' => 'e.g. 123456789', 'balance' => 'e.g. 25$', ), 'renterPassword' => 'Please enter your password', 'city' => 'e.g. New York, Jaipur, Dubai', 'location' => 'Enter a location', 'website' => 'e.g. https://www.example.com', 'relationship' => 'e.g. father', 'shiftName' => 'e.g. Night Shift', 'shiftShortCode' => 'e.g. NS', 'appreciation' => array( 'title' => 'e.g. Employee of the month' ), 'select2Min' => 'Please enter 2 or more characters', 'searchForProjects' => 'Search for projects', 'min' => 'Min', 'max' => 'Max', 'consent_description' => 'consent description', 'recaptchaV2' => 'e.g. 6LeL_s8ZAAAAAMVC2clQdxxxXXXxxxxxXXX', 'recaptchaSecret' => 'e.g. XXXXXXxxxxxXXXXXXxxxxx', 'recaptchaV3' => 'e.g. 6LeL_s8ZAAAAAMVC2clQdxxxXXXxxxxxXXX', 'fileSetting' => 'e.g. application/x-zip-compressed', 'searchForCompany' => 'Search For A Compnay', 'tickets' => array( 'ticketChannel' => 'e.g. Facebook, Phone, etc.', 'ticketGroup' => 'e.g. Sales, Support, etc.', ), 'offlinePayment' => array( 'method' => 'e.g. Cash, Cheque, etc.', 'description' => 'e.g. via USD dollar', ), 'state' => 'e.g. California, Rajasthan, Dubai', 'postalCode' => 'e.g. 90250', 'gstNumber' => 'e.g. 18AABCU960XXXXX', 'latitude' => 'e.g. 38.895', 'longitude' => 'e.g. -77.0364', 'client' => array( 'skype' => 'e.g. skypeUsername', 'linkedin' => 'e.g. https://www.linkedin.com/XXXXXXXXXX/', 'twitter' => 'e.g. @johndoe', 'facebook' => 'e.g. https://www.facebook.com/XXXXXXXXXX/', ), 'googleMapKey' => 'e.g. AIzaSyDSl2bG7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'categoryName' => 'e.g. Potential Client', 'role' => array( 'roleName' => 'e.g. HR', ), 'purchaseCode' => 'e.g. 147778a2-dfa2-424e-a29f-xxxxxxxxx', 'language' => array( 'languageName' => 'e.g. English', 'languageCode' => 'e.g. en', ), );