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' + key + '
' + decimalupto2(value).toFixed(2) + "
"; taxTotal = taxTotal + decimalupto2(value); } }); if (isNaN(subtotal)) { subtotal = 0; } $(".sub-total").html(decimalupto2(subtotal).toFixed(2)); $(".sub-total-field").val(decimalupto2(subtotal)); if (discountValue != "") { if (discountType == "percent") { discount = (parseFloat(subtotal) / 100) * parseFloat(discountValue); } else { discount = parseFloat(discountValue); } } if (tax != "") { $("#invoice-taxes").html(tax); } else { $("#invoice-taxes").html( '
' ); } if (adjustmentAmount && adjustmentAmount != 0 && adjustmentAmount != '') { subtotal = subtotal + parseFloat(adjustmentAmount); } $("#discount_amount").html(decimalupto2(discount).toFixed(2)); var totalAfterDiscount = decimalupto2(subtotal - discount); totalAfterDiscount = totalAfterDiscount < 0 ? 0 : totalAfterDiscount; var total = decimalupto2(totalAfterDiscount + taxTotal); $(".total").html(total.toFixed(2)); $(".total-field").val(total.toFixed(2)); } function deSelectAll() { $("#select-all-table").prop("checked", false); } $("table th:first-child").removeAttr("title"); //Prevent sidebar dropdown close $(document).on("click", ".main-sidebar .dropdown-menu", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); //submit form on press enter $(document).on("keypress", "input.form-control", function(e) { var inModalLg = $(MODAL_LG).hasClass("show"); var inModalXl = $(MODAL_XL).hasClass("show"); if (e.key === "Enter") { if (inModalLg || inModalXl) { $(this) .closest(".modal-content") .find(".btn-primary") .trigger("click"); } else { $(this).closest("form").find(".btn-primary").trigger("click"); } return false; //<---- Add this line } }); $("body").on("click", "#right-modal-content .btn-cancel", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); closeTaskDetail(); }); //hide tooltip after click on element $(document).on('mousedown', "[aria-describedby]", function() { $("[aria-describedby]").tooltip('hide'); }); // Snippet to reload the page on browser back and forward button click $(document).ready(function () { sessionStorage.setItem("RIGHT_MODAL", "closed"); if (window.history && window.history.pushState) { $(window).on("popstate", function () { if (sessionStorage.getItem("RIGHT_MODAL") != "opened") { window.location.reload(); } }); } }); $('#mobile_menu_collapse').on('click', '.dropdown-item', function() { $("#dropdownMenuLink").dropdown("toggle"); });