last_updated_by = user()->id; /* Add/Update google calendar event */ if (!request()->has('repeat') || request()->repeat == 'no' && !is_null($task->due_date)) { $task->event_id = $this->googleCalendarEvent($task); } } } public function saved(Task $task) { /* Add/Update google calendar event */ if (!request()->has('repeat') || request()->repeat == 'no' && !is_null($task->due_date)) { $this->googleCalendarEvent($task); } } public function creating(Task $task) { $task->hash = md5(microtime()); if (!isRunningInConsoleOrSeeding()) { if (user()) { $task->created_by = user()->id; $task->added_by = user()->id; } if (request()->has('board_column_id')) { $task->board_column_id = request()->board_column_id; } else if (isset(company()->default_task_status)) { $task->board_column_id = company()->default_task_status; } else { $taskBoard = TaskboardColumn::where('slug', 'incomplete')->first(); $task->board_column_id = $taskBoard->id; } } if (company()) { $task->company_id = company()->id; } } public function created(Task $task) { if (!isRunningInConsoleOrSeeding()) { $mentionIds = []; $mentionDescriptionMembers = null; $unmentionIds = null; $unmentionDescriptionMember = null; if (request()->mention_user_ids != null || request()->mention_user_ids != '' || request()->has('mention_user_ids')) { $task->mentionUser()->sync(request()->mention_user_ids); $mentionIds = explode(',', request()->mention_user_ids); $mentionDescriptionMembers = User::whereIn('id', $mentionIds)->get(); } if (request()->user_id != null || request()->user_id != '' || request()->has('user_id')) { $unmentionIds = array_diff(request()->user_id, $mentionIds); $unmentionDescriptionMember = User::whereIn('id', $unmentionIds)->get(); } if (request()->has('project_id') && request()->project_id != 'all' && request()->project_id != '') { if ((request()->mention_user_id) != null || request()->mention_user_id != '' || $mentionIds != null && $mentionIds != '') { event(new TaskEvent($task, $mentionDescriptionMembers, 'TaskMention')); if (request()->user_id != null || request()->user_id != '' || request()->has('user_id')) { if ($unmentionIds != null && $unmentionIds != '') { event(new TaskEvent($task, $unmentionDescriptionMember, 'NewTask')); } } } else { if ($task->project->client_id != null && $task->project->allow_client_notification == 'enable' && $task->project->client->status != 'deactive') { event(new TaskEvent($task, $task->project->client, 'NewClientTask')); } } } else { if ((request()->mention_user_id) != null || request()->mention_user_id != '') { event(new TaskEvent($task, $mentionDescriptionMembers, 'TaskMention')); } if (request()->user_id != null || request()->user_id != '' || (isset(request()->user_id))) { if ($unmentionIds != null && $unmentionIds != '') { event(new TaskEvent($task, $unmentionDescriptionMember, 'NewTask')); } } } $log = new AccountBaseController(); if (\user()) { $log->logTaskActivity($task->id, user()->id, 'createActivity', $task->board_column_id); } if ($task->project_id) { // Calculate project progress if enabled $log->logProjectActivity($task->project_id, 'messages.newTaskAddedToTheProject'); $this->calculateProjectProgress($task->project_id); } // Log search $log->logSearchEntry($task->id, $task->heading, 'tasks.edit', 'task'); // Sync task users if (!empty(request()->user_id) && request()->template_id == '') { $task->users()->sync(request()->user_id); } } } public function updating(Task $task) { $mentionedUser = MentionUser::where('task_id', $task->id)->pluck('user_id'); $requestMentionIds = explode(',', request()->mention_user_ids); $newMention = []; $task->mentionUser()->sync(request()->mention_user_ids); if ($requestMentionIds != null) { foreach ($requestMentionIds as $value) { if (($mentionedUser) != null) { if (!in_array($value, json_decode($mentionedUser))) { $newMention[] = $value; } } else { $newMention[] = $value; } } $newMentionMembers = User::whereIn('id', $newMention)->get(); if (!empty($newMention)) { event(new TaskEvent($task, $newMentionMembers, 'TaskMention')); } } } // phpcs:ignore public function updated(Task $task) { $movingTaskId = request()->has('movingTaskId'); // If task moved in taskboard if (!isRunningInConsoleOrSeeding()) { if ($task->isDirty('board_column_id')) { if ($task->boardColumn->slug == 'completed') { // send task complete notification $admins = User::allAdmins($task->company->id); event(new TaskEvent($task, $admins, 'TaskCompleted')); if ($task->addedByUser) { $addedByUserRole = $task->addedByUser->roles->pluck('name')->toArray(); if (!is_null($task->added_by) && !in_array('client', $addedByUserRole) && !in_array($task->added_by, $admins->pluck('id')->toArray())) { event(new TaskEvent($task, $task->addedByUser, 'TaskCompleted')); } } $taskUser = $task->users->whereNotIn('id', $admins->pluck('id'))->whereNotIn('id', [$task->added_by]); event(new TaskEvent($task, $taskUser, 'TaskCompleted')); $timeLogs = ProjectTimeLog::with('user')->whereNull('end_time') ->where('task_id', $task->id) ->get(); if ($timeLogs) { foreach ($timeLogs as $timeLog) { $timeLog->end_time = now(); $timeLog->edited_by_user = user()->id; $timeLog->save(); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $timeLog->total_hours = ($timeLog->end_time->diff($timeLog->start_time)->format('%d') * 24) + ($timeLog->end_time->diff($timeLog->start_time)->format('%H')); if ($timeLog->total_hours == 0) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $timeLog->total_hours = round(($timeLog->end_time->diff($timeLog->start_time)->format('%i') / 60), 2); } /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $timeLog->total_minutes = ($timeLog->total_hours * 60) + ($timeLog->end_time->diff($timeLog->start_time)->format('%i')); $timeLog->save(); if (!is_null($timeLog->activeBreak)) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $activeBreak = $timeLog->activeBreak; $activeBreak->end_time = $timeLog->end_time; $activeBreak->save(); } } } if ((request()->project_id && request()->project_id != 'all') || (!is_null($task->project_id))) { $project = $task->project; if ($project->client_id != null && $project->allow_client_notification == 'enable' && $project->client->status != 'deactive') { event(new TaskEvent($task, $project->client, 'TaskCompletedClient')); } } } } if (request('user_id')) { if (($movingTaskId != '' && $task->id == $movingTaskId) || $movingTaskId == '') { // Send notification to user event(new TaskEvent($task, $task->users, 'TaskUpdated')); } } } /* Add/Update google calendar event */ if (!request()->has('repeat') || request()->repeat == 'no' && !is_null($task->due_date)) { $task->event_id = $this->googleCalendarEvent($task); } if (pusher_settings()->status == 1 && pusher_settings()->taskboard == 1) { Config::set('queue.default', 'sync'); // Set intentionally for instant delivery of messages Config::set('broadcasting.default', 'pusher'); // Set intentionally for instant delivery of messages } // Call for Pusher event(new EventsTaskUpdated()); if (\user()) { if (($movingTaskId != '' && $task->id == $movingTaskId) || $movingTaskId == '') { $log = new AccountBaseController(); $log->logTaskActivity($task->id, user()->id, 'statusActivity', $task->board_column_id); } } if ($task->project_id) { if (($movingTaskId != '' && $task->id == $movingTaskId) || $movingTaskId == '') { // Calculate project progress if enabled $this->calculateProjectProgress($task->project_id); } } } public function deleting(Task $task) { $universalSearches = UniversalSearch::where('searchable_id', $task->id)->where('module_type', 'task')->get(); if ($universalSearches) { foreach ($universalSearches as $universalSearch) { UniversalSearch::destroy($universalSearch->id); } } $notifyData = [ 'App\Notifications\NewTask', 'App\Notifications\TaskUpdated', 'App\Notifications\TaskComment', 'App\Notifications\TaskCommentClient', 'App\Notifications\TaskCompleted', 'App\Notifications\NewClientTask', 'App\Notifications\TaskCompletedClient', 'App\Notifications\TaskNote', 'App\Notifications\TaskNoteClient', 'App\Notifications\TaskReminder', 'App\Notifications\TaskUpdatedClient', 'App\Notifications\SubTaskCreated', 'App\Notifications\SubTaskCompleted' ]; Notification::whereIn('type', $notifyData) ->whereNull('read_at') ->where( function ($q) use ($task) { $q->where('data', 'like', '{"id":' . $task->id . ',%'); $q->orWhere('data', 'like', '%,"task_id":' . $task->id . ',%'); } )->delete(); /* Start of deleting event from google calendar */ $google = new Google(); $googleAccount = company(); if (company()->google_calendar_status == 'active' && $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status == 'verified' && $googleAccount->token) { $google->connectUsing($googleAccount->token); try { if ($task->event_id) { $google->service('Calendar')->events->delete('primary', $task->event_id); } } catch (\Google\Service\Exception $error) { if (is_null($error->getErrors())) { // Delete google calendar connection data i.e. token, name, google_id $googleAccount->name = null; $googleAccount->token = null; $googleAccount->google_id = null; $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status = 'non_verified'; $googleAccount->save(); } } } /* End of deleting event from google calendar */ } /** * @param Task $task */ public function deleted(Task $task) { if (!is_null($task->project_id)) { // Calculate project progress if enabled $this->calculateProjectProgress($task->project_id); } } protected function googleCalendarEvent($event) { $module = GoogleCalendarModule::first(); $googleAccount = company(); if (!company()) { return $event->event_id; } if (company()->google_calendar_status == 'active' && $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status == 'verified' && $googleAccount->token && $module->task_status == 1) { $google = new Google(); $attendiesData = []; $attendees = TaskUser::with(['user'])->whereHas( 'user', function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active')->where('google_calendar_status', true); } )->where('task_id', $event->id)->get(); foreach ($attendees as $attend) { if (!is_null($attend->user) && !is_null($attend->user->email)) { $attendiesData[] = ['email' => $attend->user->email]; } } if ($event->start_date && $event->due_date) { $start_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($event->start_date)->shiftTimezone($googleAccount->timezone); $due_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($event->due_date)->shiftTimezone($googleAccount->timezone); // Create event $google = $google->connectUsing($googleAccount->token); $eventData = new \Google_Service_Calendar_Event( array( 'summary' => $event->heading, 'location' => $googleAccount->address, 'description' => $event->description, 'colorId' => 7, 'start' => array( 'dateTime' => $start_date, 'timeZone' => $googleAccount->timezone, ), 'end' => array( 'dateTime' => $due_date, 'timeZone' => $googleAccount->timezone, ), 'attendees' => $attendiesData, 'reminders' => array( 'useDefault' => false, 'overrides' => array( array('method' => 'email', 'minutes' => 24 * 60), array('method' => 'popup', 'minutes' => 10), ), ), ) ); try { if ($event->event_id) { $results = $google->service('Calendar')->events->patch('primary', $event->event_id, $eventData); } else { $results = $google->service('Calendar')->events->insert('primary', $eventData); } return $results->id; } catch (\Google\Service\Exception $error) { if (is_null($error->getErrors())) { // Delete google calendar connection data i.e. token, name, google_id $googleAccount->name = null; $googleAccount->token = null; $googleAccount->google_id = null; $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status = 'non_verified'; $googleAccount->save(); } } } } return $event->event_id; } // Google calendar for multiple events protected function googleCalendarEventMulti($eventIds) { $googleAccount = company(); if (company()->google_calendar_status == 'active' && $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status == 'verified' && $googleAccount->token) { $google = new Google(); $events = Task::whereIn('id', $eventIds)->get(); $event = $events->first(); $frq = ['day' => 'DAILY', 'week' => 'WEEKLY', 'month', 'MONTHLY', 'year' => 'YEARLY']; $frequency = $frq[$event->repeat_type]; $eventData = new \Google_Service_Calendar_Event(); $eventData->setSummary($event->heading); $eventData->setLocation(''); $start = new \Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime(); $start->setDateTime($event->start_date->toAtomString()); $start->setTimeZone($googleAccount->timezone); $eventData->setStart($start); $end = new \Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime(); $end->setDateTime($event->due_date->toAtomString()); $end->setTimeZone($googleAccount->timezone); $eventData->setEnd($end); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $eventData->setRecurrence(array('RRULE:FREQ=' . $frequency . ';INTERVAL=' . $event->repeat_every . ';COUNT=' . $event->repeat_cycles . ';')); $attendees = TaskUser::with(['user'])->whereHas( 'user', function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'active')->where('google_calendar_status', true); } )->where('task_id', $event->id)->get(); $attendiesData = []; foreach ($attendees as $attend) { if (!is_null($attend->user) && !is_null($attend->user->email)) { $attendee1 = new \Google_Service_Calendar_EventAttendee(); $attendee1->setEmail($attend->user->email); $attendiesData[] = $attendee1; } } /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $eventData->attendees = $attendiesData; // Create event $google->connectUsing($googleAccount->token); try { if ($event->event_id) { $results = $google->service('Calendar')->events->patch('primary', $event->event_id, $eventData); } else { $results = $google->service('Calendar')->events->insert('primary', $eventData); } foreach ($events as $event) { $event->event_id = $results->id; $event->save(); } return; } catch (\Google\Service\Exception $error) { if (is_null($error->getErrors())) { // Delete google calendar connection data i.e. token, name, google_id $googleAccount->name = null; $googleAccount->token = null; $googleAccount->google_id = null; $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status = 'non_verified'; $googleAccount->save(); } } foreach ($events as $event) { $event->event_id = $event->event_id; $event->save(); } return; } } }