last_updated_by = user()->id; } /* Add/Update google calendar event */ if ($contract && !is_null($contract->end_date)) { $contract->event_id = $this->googleCalendarEvent($contract); } } } public function updating(Contract $contract) { if (!isRunningInConsoleOrSeeding()) { /* Add/Update google calendar event */ if ($contract && $contract->end_date) { $contract->event_id = $this->googleCalendarEvent($contract); } } } public function creating(Contract $contract) { $contract->hash = md5(microtime()); if (user()) { $contract->added_by = user()->id; } if (company()) { $contract->company_id = company()->id; } if (is_numeric($contract->contract_number)) { $contract->contract_number = $contract->formatContractNumber(); } $invoiceSettings = company() ? company()->invoiceSetting : $contract->company->invoiceSetting; $contract->original_contract_number = str($contract->contract_number)->replace($invoiceSettings->contract_prefix . $invoiceSettings->contract_number_separator, ''); } // Notify client when new contract is created public function created(Contract $contract) { event(new NewContractEvent($contract)); } public function deleting(Contract $contract) { $notifyData = ['App\Notifications\NewContract', 'App\Notifications\ContractSigned']; \App\Models\Notification::deleteNotification($notifyData, $contract->id); /* Start of deleting event from google calendar */ $google = new Google(); $googleAccount = company(); if (company()->google_calendar_status == 'active' && $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status == 'verified' && $googleAccount->token) { $google->connectUsing($googleAccount->token); try { if ($contract->event_id) { $google->service('Calendar')->events->delete('primary', $contract->event_id); } } catch (\Google\Service\Exception $error) { if (is_null($error->getErrors())) { // Delete google calendar connection data i.e. token, name, google_id $googleAccount->name = null; $googleAccount->token = null; $googleAccount->google_id = null; $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status = 'non_verified'; $googleAccount->save(); } } } /* End of deleting event from google calendar */ } protected function googleCalendarEvent($event) { $module = GoogleCalendarModule::first(); $googleAccount = company(); if (company()->google_calendar_status == 'active' && $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status == 'verified' && $googleAccount->token && $module->contract_status == 1) { $google = new Google(); $attendiesData = []; $attendees = User::where('id', $event->client_id)->first(); if (!is_null($event->due_date) && !is_null($attendees) && $attendees->google_calendar_status) { $attendiesData[] = ['email' => $attendees->email]; } if ($event->start_date && $event->end_date) { $start_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($event->start_date)->shiftTimezone($googleAccount->timezone); $end_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($event->end_date)->shiftTimezone($googleAccount->timezone); // Create event $google = $google->connectUsing($googleAccount->token); $eventData = new \Google_Service_Calendar_Event(array( 'summary' => $event->subject, 'location' => '', 'description' => '', 'colorId' => 2, 'start' => array( 'dateTime' => $start_date, 'timeZone' => $googleAccount->timezone, ), 'end' => array( 'dateTime' => $end_date, 'timeZone' => $googleAccount->timezone, ), 'attendees' => $attendiesData, 'reminders' => array( 'useDefault' => false, 'overrides' => array( array('method' => 'email', 'minutes' => 24 * 60), array('method' => 'popup', 'minutes' => 10), ), ), )); try { if ($event->event_id) { $results = $google->service('Calendar')->events->patch('primary', $event->event_id, $eventData); } else { $results = $google->service('Calendar')->events->insert('primary', $eventData); } return $results->id; } catch (\Google\Service\Exception $error) { if (is_null($error->getErrors())) { // Delete google calendar connection data i.e. token, name, google_id $googleAccount->name = null; $googleAccount->token = null; $googleAccount->google_id = null; $googleAccount->google_calendar_verification_status = 'non_verified'; $googleAccount->save(); } } } } return $event->event_id; } }