data[$name] = $value; } /** * @param mixed $name * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { return $this->data[$name]; } /** * @param mixed $name * @return bool */ public function __isset($name) { return isset($this->data[$name]); } public function __construct() { $this->middleware(function ($request, $next) { $this->checkMigrateStatus(); // To keep the session we need to move it to middleware $this->gdpr = gdpr_setting(); $this->global = global_setting(); // WORKSUITESAAS $this->company = companyOrGlobalSetting(); $this->socialAuthSettings = social_auth_setting(); $this->companyName = company() ? $this->company->company_name : $this->global->global_app_name; $this->appName = company() ? $this->company->app_name : $this->global->global_app_name; $this->locale = company() ? $this->company->locale : $this->global->locale; $this->taskBoardColumnLength = $this->company ? $this->company->taskboard_length : 10; config(['app.name' => $this->companyName]); config(['app.url' => url('/')]); App::setLocale($this->locale); Carbon::setLocale($this->locale); setlocale(LC_TIME, $this->locale . '_' . mb_strtoupper($this->locale)); if (config('app.env') !== 'development') { config(['app.debug' => $this->global->app_debug]); } if (user()) { config(['froiden_envato.allow_users_id' => true]); } return $next($request); }); } public function checkMigrateStatus() { return check_migrate_status(); } }