editLeadPermission = user()->permission('edit_lead'); $this->deleteLeadPermission = user()->permission('delete_lead'); $this->viewLeadPermission = user()->permission('view_lead'); $this->addFollowUpPermission = user()->permission('add_lead_follow_up'); $this->changeLeadStatusPermission = user()->permission('change_lead_status'); $this->viewLeadFollowUpPermission = user()->permission('view_lead_follow_up'); $this->status = LeadStatus::get(); $this->myAgentId = LeadAgent::where('user_id', user()->id)->first(); } /** * Build DataTable class. * * @param mixed $query Results from query() method. * @return \Yajra\DataTables\DataTableAbstract */ public function dataTable($query) { $currentDate = Carbon::now(company()->timezone)->translatedFormat('Y-m-d'); $status = $this->status; $datatables = datatables()->eloquent($query); $datatables->addIndexColumn(); $datatables->addColumn('check', function ($row) { return '
'; }); $datatables->addColumn('action', function ($row) { $action = '
'; $action .= '
' . __('app.view') . '
'; if ( $this->editLeadPermission == 'all' || ($this->editLeadPermission == 'added' && user()->id == $row->added_by) || ($this->editLeadPermission == 'owned' && !is_null($row->agent_id) && user()->id == $row->leadAgent->user->id) || ($this->editLeadPermission == 'both' && ((!is_null($row->agent_id) && user()->id == $row->leadAgent->user->id) || user()->id == $row->added_by)) ) { $action .= '
' . trans('app.edit') . '
'; } if ( $this->deleteLeadPermission == 'all' || ($this->deleteLeadPermission == 'added' && user()->id == $row->added_by) || ($this->deleteLeadPermission == 'owned' && !is_null($row->agent_id) && user()->id == $row->leadAgent->user->id) || ($this->deleteLeadPermission == 'both' && ((!is_null($row->agent_id) && user()->id == $row->leadAgent->user->id) || user()->id == $row->added_by)) ) { $action .= '
' . trans('app.delete') . '
'; } if ($row->client_id == null || $row->client_id == '') { $action .= '
' . trans('modules.lead.changeToClient') . '
'; } if (($this->addFollowUpPermission == 'all' || ($this->addFollowUpPermission == 'added' && user()->id == $row->added_by)) && $row->next_follow_up == 'yes') { $action .= '
' . trans('modules.lead.addFollowUp') . '
'; } $action .= '
'; return $action; }); $datatables->addColumn('employee_name', function ($row) { if (!is_null($row->agent_id)) { return $row->leadAgent->user->name; } }); $datatables->addColumn('mobile', function ($row) { if ($row->mobile != '') { return '
' . $row->mobile . '
'; } return '--'; }); $datatables->addColumn('export_mobile', function ($row) { return $row->mobile; }); $datatables->addColumn('export_email', function ($row) { return $row->client_email; }); $datatables->addColumn('lead_value', function ($row) { return currency_format($row->value, $row->currency_id); }); $datatables->addColumn('lead', function ($row) { return $row->client_name; }); $datatables->addColumn('category_name', function ($row) { if (!is_null($row->category_id)) { return $row->category->category_name; } }); $datatables->addColumn('status', function ($row) use ($status) { $action = '--'; if ($this->changeLeadStatusPermission == 'all') { $statusLi = '--'; foreach ($status as $st) { if ($row->status_id == $st->id) { $selected = 'selected'; } else { $selected = ''; } $statusLi .= '
' . $st->type . '
'; } $action = '
' . $statusLi . '
'; } else { foreach ($status as $st) { if ($row->status_id == $st->id) { $action = $st->type; } } } return $action; }); $datatables->addColumn('leadStatus', function ($row) use ($status) { $leadStatus = ''; foreach ($status as $st) { if ($row->status_id == $st->id) { $leadStatus = $st->type; } } return $leadStatus; }); $datatables->editColumn('client_name', function ($row) { if ($row->client_id != null && $row->client_id != '') { $label = '
' . __('app.client') . '
'; } else { $label = ''; } $client_name = ($row->salutation ? $row->salutation->label() . ' ' : '') . $row->client_name; return '
' . $client_name . '
' . $label . '
'; }); $datatables->editColumn('next_follow_up_date', function ($row) use ($currentDate) { if ($this->viewLeadFollowUpPermission != 'none') { // code... if ($row->next_follow_up_date != null && $row->next_follow_up_date != '') { $date = Carbon::parse($row->next_follow_up_date)->translatedFormat($this->company->date_format . ' ' . $this->company->time_format); } else { $date = '--'; } if ($row->next_follow_up_date < $currentDate && $row->next_follow_up_status == 'incomplete' && $date != '--') { return $date . '
' . __('app.pending') . '
'; } return $date; } }); $datatables->editColumn('created_at', function ($row) { return $row->created_at->translatedFormat($this->company->date_format); }); $datatables->editColumn('agent_name', function ($row) { if (!is_null($row->agent_id)) { return view('components.employee-image', [ 'user' => $row->leadAgent->user ]); } return '--'; }); $datatables->smart(false); $datatables->setRowId(function ($row) { return 'row-' . $row->id; }); $datatables->removeColumn('status_id'); $datatables->removeColumn('client_id'); $datatables->removeColumn('source'); $datatables->removeColumn('next_follow_up'); $datatables->removeColumn('statusName'); $datatables->removeColumn('statusName'); $customFieldColumns = CustomField::customFieldData($datatables, Lead::CUSTOM_FIELD_MODEL); $datatables->rawColumns(array_merge(['status', 'action', 'client_name', 'next_follow_up_date', 'agent_name', 'check', 'mobile'], $customFieldColumns)); return $datatables; } /** * @param Lead $model * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function query(Lead $model) { $lead = $model->with(['leadAgent', 'leadAgent.user', 'category']) ->select( 'leads.id', 'leads.agent_id', 'leads.mobile', 'leads.added_by', 'leads.client_id', 'leads.next_follow_up', 'leads.salutation', 'leads.category_id', 'leads.value', 'client_name', 'client_email', 'company_name', 'lead_status.type as statusName', 'status_id', 'leads.created_at', 'leads.updated_at', 'lead_sources.type as source', 'users.name as agent_name', 'users.image', DB::raw("(select next_follow_up_date from lead_follow_up where lead_id = leads.id and leads.next_follow_up = 'yes' and status = 'incomplete' ORDER BY next_follow_up_date asc limit 1) as next_follow_up_date"), DB::raw("(select lead_follow_status.status from lead_follow_up as lead_follow_status where lead_id = leads.id and leads.next_follow_up = 'yes' and status = 'incomplete' ORDER BY next_follow_up_date asc limit 1) as next_follow_up_status") ) ->leftJoin('lead_status', 'lead_status.id', 'leads.status_id') ->leftJoin('lead_agents', 'lead_agents.id', 'leads.agent_id') ->leftJoin('users', 'users.id', 'lead_agents.user_id') ->leftJoin('lead_sources', 'lead_sources.id', 'leads.source_id'); if ($this->request()->followUp != 'all' && $this->request()->followUp != '') { $lead = $lead->leftJoin('lead_follow_up', 'lead_follow_up.lead_id', 'leads.id'); if ($this->request()->followUp == 'yes') { $lead = $lead->where('leads.next_follow_up', 'yes'); } else { $lead = $lead->where('leads.next_follow_up', 'no'); } } if (!is_null($this->request()->min) || !is_null($this->request()->max)) { $min = $this->request()->min; $max = $this->request()->max; $lead = $lead->whereBetween('value', [$min, $max]); } if ($this->request()->type != 'all' && $this->request()->type != '') { if ($this->request()->type == 'lead') { $lead = $lead->whereNull('client_id'); } else { $lead = $lead->whereNotNull('client_id'); } } if ($this->request()->startDate !== null && $this->request()->startDate != 'null' && $this->request()->startDate != '' && request()->date_filter_on == 'created_at') { $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $this->request()->startDate)->toDateString(); $lead = $lead->having(DB::raw('DATE(leads.`created_at`)'), '>=', $startDate); } if ($this->request()->startDate !== null && $this->request()->startDate != 'null' && $this->request()->startDate != '' && request()->date_filter_on == 'next_follow_up_date') { $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $this->request()->startDate)->toDateString(); $lead = $lead->having(DB::raw('DATE(`next_follow_up_date`)'), '>=', $startDate); } if ($this->request()->endDate !== null && $this->request()->endDate != 'null' && $this->request()->endDate != '' && request()->date_filter_on == 'created_at') { $endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $this->request()->endDate)->toDateString(); $lead = $lead->having(DB::raw('DATE(leads.`created_at`)'), '<=', $endDate); } if ($this->request()->endDate !== null && $this->request()->endDate != 'null' && $this->request()->endDate != '' && request()->date_filter_on == 'next_follow_up_date') { $endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $this->request()->endDate)->toDateString(); $lead = $lead->having(DB::raw('DATE(`next_follow_up_date`)'), '<=', $endDate); } if ($this->request()->startDate !== null && $this->request()->startDate != 'null' && $this->request()->startDate != '' && request()->date_filter_on == 'updated_at') { $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $this->request()->startDate)->toDateString(); $lead = $lead->having(DB::raw('DATE(leads.`updated_at`)'), '>=', $startDate); } if ($this->request()->endDate !== null && $this->request()->endDate != 'null' && $this->request()->endDate != '' && request()->date_filter_on == 'updated_at') { $endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $this->request()->endDate)->toDateString(); $lead = $lead->having(DB::raw('DATE(leads.`updated_at`)'), '<=', $endDate); } if (($this->request()->agent != 'all' && $this->request()->agent != '') || $this->viewLeadPermission == 'added') { $lead = $lead->where(function ($query) { if ($this->request()->agent != 'all' && $this->request()->agent != '') { $query->where('agent_id', $this->request()->agent); } if ($this->viewLeadPermission == 'added') { $query->orWhere('leads.added_by', user()->id); } }); } if ($this->viewLeadPermission == 'owned' && !is_null($this->myAgentId)) { $lead = $lead->where(function ($query) { $query->where('agent_id', $this->myAgentId->id); }); } if ($this->viewLeadPermission == 'both') { $lead = $lead->where(function ($query) { if (!is_null($this->myAgentId)) { $query->where('agent_id', $this->myAgentId->id); } $query->orWhere('leads.added_by', user()->id); }); } if ($this->request()->category_id != 'all' && $this->request()->category_id != '') { $lead = $lead->where('category_id', $this->request()->category_id); } if ($this->request()->source_id != 'all' && $this->request()->source_id != '') { $lead = $lead->where('source_id', $this->request()->source_id); } if ($this->request()->status_id != 'all' && $this->request()->status_id != '') { $lead = $lead->where('status_id', $this->request()->status_id); } if ($this->request()->searchText != '') { $lead = $lead->where(function ($query) { $query->where('leads.client_name', 'like', '%' . request('searchText') . '%') ->orWhere('leads.client_email', 'like', '%' . request('searchText') . '%') ->orWhere('leads.company_name', 'like', '%' . request('searchText') . '%') ->orwhere('leads.mobile', 'like', '%' . request('searchText') . '%'); }); } return $lead->groupBy('leads.id'); } /** * Optional method if you want to use html builder. * * @return \Yajra\DataTables\Html\Builder */ public function html() { $dataTable = $this->setBuilder('leads-table', 2) ->parameters([ 'initComplete' => 'function () { window.LaravelDataTables["leads-table"].buttons().container() .appendTo("#table-actions") }', 'fnDrawCallback' => 'function( oSettings ) { $("body").tooltip({ selector: \'[data-toggle="tooltip"]\' }); $(".statusChange").selectpicker(); }', ]); if (canDataTableExport()) { $dataTable->buttons(Button::make(['extend' => 'excel', 'text' => '
' . trans('app.exportExcel')])); } return $dataTable; } /** * Get columns. * * @return array */ protected function getColumns() { $data = [ 'check' => [ 'title' => '
', 'exportable' => false, 'orderable' => false, 'searchable' => false ], '#' => ['data' => 'DT_RowIndex', 'orderable' => false, 'searchable' => false, 'visible' => false, 'title' => '#'], __('app.id') => ['data' => 'id', 'name' => 'id', 'title' => __('app.id'), 'visible' => showId()], __('app.name') => ['data' => 'client_name', 'name' => 'client_name', 'exportable' => false, 'title' => __('app.name')], __('app.lead') => ['data' => 'lead', 'name' => 'client_name', 'visible' => false, 'title' => __('app.lead')], __('app.email') . ' ' . __('modules.lead.email') => ['data' => 'export_email', 'name' => 'email', 'title' => __('app.lead') . ' ' . __('modules.lead.email'), 'exportable' => true, 'visible' => false], __('modules.lead.leadCategory') => ['data' => 'category_name', 'name' => 'category_name', 'exportable' => true, 'visible' => false, 'title' => __('modules.lead.leadCategory')], __('modules.lead.email') => ['data' => 'client_email', 'name' => 'client_email', 'title' => __('modules.lead.email')], __('modules.lead.mobile') => ['data' => 'mobile', 'name' => 'mobile', 'title' => __('modules.lead.mobile'), 'exportable' => false], __('app.lead') . ' ' . __('modules.lead.mobile') => ['data' => 'export_mobile', 'name' => 'mobile', 'title' => __('app.lead') . ' ' . __('modules.lead.mobile'), 'exportable' => true, 'visible' => false], __('app.lead') .' '. __('app.value') => ['data' => 'lead_value', 'name' => 'value', 'title' => __('app.lead') .' '. __('app.value'), 'exportable' => false], __('app.createdOn') => ['data' => 'created_at', 'name' => 'created_at', 'title' => __('app.createdOn')], __('modules.lead.nextFollowUp') => ['data' => 'next_follow_up_date', 'name' => 'next_follow_up_date', 'searchable' => false, 'exportable' => ($this->viewLeadFollowUpPermission != 'none'), 'title' => __('modules.lead.nextFollowUp'), 'visible' => ($this->viewLeadFollowUpPermission != 'none')], __('modules.lead.leadAgent') => ['data' => 'agent_name', 'name' => 'users.name', 'exportable' => false, 'title' => __('modules.lead.leadAgent')], __('app.leadAgent') => ['data' => 'employee_name', 'name' => 'users.name', 'visible' => false, 'title' => __('app.leadAgent')], __('app.status') => ['data' => 'status', 'name' => 'status', 'exportable' => false, 'title' => __('app.status')], __('app.menu.leadStatus') => ['data' => 'leadStatus', 'name' => 'leadStatus', 'visible' => false, 'orderable' => false, 'searchable' => false, 'title' => __('app.status')] ]; $action = [ Column::computed('action', __('app.action')) ->exportable(false) ->printable(false) ->orderable(false) ->searchable(false) ->addClass('text-right pr-20') ]; return array_merge($data, CustomFieldGroup::customFieldsDataMerge(new Lead()), $action); } }