eloquent($query) ->addColumn('employee_name', function ($row) { return $row->agent_name; }) ->addColumn('total_leads', function ($row) { return $row->count_total_leads; }) ->addColumn('converted_lead', function ($row) { return $row->count_converted_leads; }) ->addColumn('total_amount', function ($row) { return currency_format($row->total_value, company()->currency_id); }) ->addColumn('converted_amount', function ($row) { return $row->total_converted_value ? currency_format($row->total_converted_value, company()->currency_id) : 0; }) ->addColumn('total_follow_up', function ($row) { return $row->count_total_follow_up; }) ->addColumn('total_pending_follow_up', function ($row) { return $row->count_total_pending_follow_up; }) ->addIndexColumn() ->setRowId(function ($row) { return 'row-' . $row->id; }) ->rawColumns(['total_leads', 'action', 'converted_lead', 'total_amount', 'converted_amount']); } /** * @param LeadAgent $model * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function query(LeadAgent $model) { $request = $this->request(); $agent = $request->agent; $model = $model ->select( 'leads.id', 'users.name as agent_name', DB::raw("( select count('leadTotal.agent_id') from leads as leadTotal where leadTotal.agent_id = lead_agents.id) as count_total_leads"), DB::raw("( select count('convertedLead.client_id') from leads as convertedLead where convertedLead.agent_id = lead_agents.id and convertedLead.client_id IS NOT NULL) as count_converted_leads"), DB::raw('( select sum(totalAmount.value) from leads as totalAmount where totalAmount.agent_id = lead_agents.id) as total_value'), DB::raw('( select sum(convertedAmount.value) from leads as convertedAmount where convertedAmount.agent_id = lead_agents.id and convertedAmount.client_id IS NOT NULL) as total_converted_value'), DB::raw('( select count("total_followup.lead_id") from lead_follow_up as total_followup INNER JOIN leads as lead_totals ON lead_totals.id=total_followup.lead_id where total_followup.lead_id = lead_totals.id and lead_totals.agent_id = lead_agents.id) as count_total_follow_up'), DB::raw("( select count('total_pending_followup.id') from lead_follow_up as total_pending_followup INNER JOIN leads as lead_status_totals ON lead_status_totals.id=total_pending_followup.lead_id where total_pending_followup.lead_id = lead_status_totals.id and lead_status_totals.agent_id = lead_agents.id and total_pending_followup.status = 'incomplete') as count_total_pending_follow_up"), ) ->leftJoin('leads', 'leads.agent_id', 'lead_agents.id') ->join('users', 'users.id', 'lead_agents.user_id') ->leftjoin('lead_follow_up', 'lead_follow_up.lead_id', 'leads.id'); if ($request->startDate !== null && $request->startDate != 'null' && $request->startDate != '') { $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $request->startDate)->toDateString(); if (!is_null($startDate)) { $model = $model->where(DB::raw('DATE(leads.`created_at`)'), '>=', $startDate); } } if ($request->endDate !== null && $request->endDate != 'null' && $request->endDate != '') { $endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, $request->endDate)->toDateString(); if (!is_null($endDate)) { $model = $model->where(function ($query) use ($endDate) { $query->where(DB::raw('DATE(leads.`created_at`)'), '<=', $endDate); }); } } if (!is_null($agent) && $agent !== 'all') { $model->where('users.id', $agent); } $model->groupBy('users.id'); return $model; } /** * Optional method if you want to use html builder. * * @return \Yajra\DataTables\Html\Builder */ public function html() { $dataTable = $this->setBuilder('lead-report-table', 5) ->parameters([ 'initComplete' => 'function () { window.LaravelDataTables["lead-report-table"].buttons().container() .appendTo( "#table-actions") }', 'fnDrawCallback' => 'function( oSettings ) { // $(".select-picker").selectpicker(); }', ]); if (canDataTableExport()) { $dataTable->buttons(Button::make(['extend' => 'excel', 'text' => '
' . trans('app.exportExcel')])); } return $dataTable; } /** * Get columns. * * @return array */ protected function getColumns() { return [ '#' => ['data' => 'DT_RowIndex', 'orderable' => false, 'searchable' => false, 'visible' => false, 'title' => '#'], __('app.id') => ['data' => 'id', 'name' => 'id', 'visible' => false, 'title' => __('app.id')], __('app.employee') => ['data' => 'employee_name', 'name' => 'employee_name', 'title' => __('app.employee')], __('modules.dashboard.totalLeads') => ['data' => 'total_leads', 'name' => 'total_leads', 'title' => __('modules.dashboard.totalLeads')], __('modules.lead.convertedLead') => ['data' => 'converted_lead', 'name' => 'converted_lead', 'title' => __('modules.lead.convertedLead')], __('app.totalAmount') => ['data' => 'total_amount', 'name' => 'total_amount', 'title' => __('app.totalAmount')], __('modules.lead.convertedAmount') => ['data' => 'converted_amount', 'name' => 'converted_amount', 'title' => __('modules.lead.convertedAmount')], __('app.total').' '.__('app.followUp') => ['data' => 'total_follow_up', 'name' => 'total_follow_up', 'title' => __('app.total').' '.__('app.followUp')], __('app.total').' '.__('app.pending').' '.__('app.followUp') => ['data' => 'total_pending_follow_up', 'name' => 'total_pending_follow_up', 'title' => __('app.total').' '.__('app.pending').' '.__('app.followUp')], ]; } public function pdf() { set_time_limit(0); if ('snappy' == config('datatables-buttons.pdf_generator', 'snappy')) { return $this->snappyPdf(); } $pdf = app('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->loadView('datatables::print', ['data' => $this->getDataForPrint()]); return $pdf->download($this->getFilename() . '.pdf'); } }