filter(function($item, $idx) use ($code) { return strtolower($idx) === strtolower($code) || strtolower($item['name']) === strtolower($code); })->first(); $locale = collect($locale)->get('name', $default); return false === empty($locale) ? $locale : $default; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('check_module')) { /** * Check on module is exists. * @return boolean. */ function check_module($module_name) { $module_name = strtolower($module_name); $modules_file = json_decode(File::get(base_path('modules_statuses.json')), true); $modules = collect($modules_file)->mapWithKeys(function($value, $name) { return [strtolower($name) => $value]; }); return $modules->first(function ($value, $mn) use ($module_name) { return $mn == $module_name && $value === true; }) ? true : false; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_module_settings')) { /** * Get settings. * @return Setting setting table. */ function get_module_settings() { $module_settings = []; return $module_settings; $get_setting = Setting::select('id', 'parent', 'module_name', 'module_slug', 'permission_id') ->with('permission') ->whereNull('parent') ->orderBy('module_slug') ->limit(100) ->get(); $general_settings = $get_setting->first(function ($setting) { return $setting->module_slug == 'general_settings'; }); if ($general_settings) $module_settings[] = $general_settings; foreach ($get_setting as $setting) { if ($setting->module_slug != 'general_settings') { $module_settings[] = $setting; } } return $module_settings; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_general_setting')) { /** * Get column of settings. * @return Setting column setting table. */ function get_general_setting($key, $default = '') { if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('settings')) { $settings = app(\App\Models\GeneralSettings::class); $value = null; $old_setting = config('cms.settings.general'); $get_setting_fields = \App\Models\GeneralSettings::fields(); if ($get_setting_fields) { if (isset($get_setting_fields[$key])) { if ($get_setting_fields[$key]['type'] == 'image') { $uri = \Config::get('DIRECTORY_IMAGE') . '/' . $get_setting_fields[$key]['value']; $path = public_path('storage/'. $uri); $value = is_file($path) && file_exists($path) ? Storage::url($uri) : null; } else { $value = (is_array($get_setting_fields[$key]['value'])) ? (isset($get_setting_fields[$key]['value'][LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale()]) ? $get_setting_fields[$key]['value'][LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale()] : $get_setting_fields[$key]['value']['en'] ) : $get_setting_fields[$key]['value']; } } config()->set('cms.settings.general', collect($get_setting_fields)->toArray()); } return $value ?? $default; }else{ return false; } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('theme_setting')) { /** * Get column of settings. * @return CustomSetting column setting table. */ function theme_setting($key, $default = '') { $key_vars = explode('.', $key); $place = $key_vars[0]; $section = count($key_vars) > 1 ? $key_vars[1] : false; $setting_key = count($key_vars) > 2 ? $key_vars[2] : false; $current_theme = strtolower(Theme::active()); $value = null; $query_settings = CustomSetting::with('widget')->where('place', $place)->where('theme', $current_theme)->orderBy('sort'); if ($section) { $get_settings = $query_settings->where('section', $section)->first(); if ($get_settings) { $value = $get_settings->dataMaped; if ($setting_key) { $value = array_key_exists($setting_key, $value) ? $value[$setting_key] : null; } } } else { $value = $query_settings->get(['data', 'section', 'place', 'sort', 'widget_id'])->toArray(); } return $value ?? $default; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('theme_setting_image')) { /** * Get media url of settings. * @return Media url from media table. */ function theme_setting_image($id,$setting_key = null) { $query_settings = CustomSetting::where('id', $id)->orWhere('section',$id)->first(); if($query_settings){ return $query_settings->getFirstMediaUrl($setting_key) ?? $default; }else{ } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('theme_setting_container_image')) { /** * Get media url of settings. * @return Media url from media table. */ function theme_setting_container_image($id,$setting_key = null) { $query_settings = ThemeSettingContainer::where('id', $id)->first(); if($query_settings){ return $query_settings->getFirstMediaUrl($setting_key) ?? $default; }else{ } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('theme_setting_containers')) { /** * Get column of settings. * @return CustomSetting column setting table. */ function theme_setting_containers($place) { $current_theme = strtolower(Theme::active()); $with = [ 'sections' => function ($q) { $q->orderBy('sort'); }, 'sections.widget' ]; $getContainers = ThemeSettingContainer::with($with)->where('place', $place)->where('theme', $current_theme)->orderBy('sort')->get(); $getContainers = $getContainers->filter(function ($container) { return array_key_exists('display_container', $container->data) ? $container->data['display_container'] : false; }); $getContainers->map(function ($container) { $container->sections->map(function ($section) { $section['widget_view'] = $section->widget ? $section->widget->view : null; return $section; }); $container_width_class = 'full-width'; if (array_key_exists('container_width', $container->data)) { if ($container->data['container_width'] == 'half_width') { $container_width_class = 'vc_col-sm-6'; } if ($container->data['container_width'] == 'one_third') { $container_width_class = 'vc_col-sm-4'; } if ($container->data['container_width'] == 'two_thirds') { $container_width_class = 'vc_col-sm-8'; } } $container['container_width_class'] = $container_width_class; return $container; }); return $getContainers->values(); } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('aasort')) { /** * Sort a Multi-dimensional Array by order value. * @return Array sorted Ascending. */ function aasort ($array, $key) { $sorter = array(); $ret = array(); reset($array); foreach ($array as $ii => $va) { $sorter[$ii] = $va[$key]; } asort($sorter); foreach ($sorter as $ii => $va) { $ret[$ii] = $array[$ii]; } $array = $ret; return $array; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('breadcrumb')) { /** * set and get breadcrumb in view pages * save and get array breadcrumb in config cms file * * @param array||null $breadcrumb * [ [ 'name' => Name previous page, 'path' => fr_route path ], [ 'name' => name current page ], ] * @param boolean $merge * if true will be merge $breadcrumb array with array in config * @return array * if @param $breadcrumb is null will be get config breadcrumb * if @param $breadcrumb is array will be set config breadcrumb * * @example * breadcrumb([ [ 'name' => 'Home', ], [ 'name' => __('users::view.users'), 'path' => fr_route('users.index') ], [ 'name' => __('view.profile_details') ], ]); */ function breadcrumb($breadcrumb = null, $merge = false) { if (is_null($breadcrumb)) { return config('cms.breadcrumb'); } else { if ($merge === true) { config()->set('cms.breadcrumb', array_merge(config('cms.breadcrumb'), $breadcrumb)); } else { config()->set('cms.breadcrumb', $breadcrumb); } return config('cms.breadcrumb'); } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('breadcrumb_html')) { /** * Get breadcrumb and echo this with format html in blade file * @see resources\views\admin\components\page-title.blade.php * @return string breadcrumb format html. */ function breadcrumb_html() { $breadcrumb = breadcrumb(); if (is_array($breadcrumb) && !empty($breadcrumb)) { $resultHTML = ''; $lastPage = $breadcrumb[count($breadcrumb) - 1]; $adminTheme = env('ADMIN_THEME', 'adminLte'); if($adminTheme == 'admin'){ $resultHTML .= ('
' . $lastPage['name'] . '
'); if (count($breadcrumb) > 1) { $resultHTML .= ('
'); foreach ($breadcrumb as $key => $page) { if (isset($page['path'])) { $path = str::startsWith($page['path'], 'http') ? $page['path'] : aurl($page['path']); $resultHTML .= ( '
' . '
' . $page['name'] . '
' . '
' ); } else { $resultHTML .= ( '
' . $page['name'] . '
' ); } } $resultHTML .= ('
'); } }elseif($adminTheme == 'adminLte'){ $resultHTML .= ('
'); $resultHTML .= ('
' . $lastPage['name'] . '
'); if (count($breadcrumb) > 1) { $resultHTML .= ('
'); foreach ($breadcrumb as $key => $page) { if (isset($page['path'])) { $path = str::startsWith($page['path'], 'http') ? $page['path'] : aurl($page['path']); $resultHTML .= ( '
' . '
' . $page['name'] . '
' . '
' ); } else { $resultHTML .= ( '
' . $page['name'] . '
' ); } } $resultHTML .= ('
'); } $resultHTML .= ('
'); } return $resultHTML; } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('convert_base64_to_file')) { /** * convert base64 to file upload class. * @see App\Helpers\HelperTraits\FileHelper. * @param string $base64 -> file or image. * @return UploadedFile. */ function convert_base64_to_file($base64) { // decode the base64 file $str_cut = ';base64,'; $base64_string = substr($base64, strpos($base64, $str_cut) + strlen($str_cut)); $fileData = base64_decode($base64_string); // save it to temporary dir first. $tmpFilePath = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . Str::uuid()->toString(); file_put_contents($tmpFilePath, $fileData); // this just to help us get file info. $tmpFile = new FileFoundation($tmpFilePath); $file = new UploadedFile( $tmpFile->getPathname(), $tmpFile->getFilename(), $tmpFile->getMimeType(), 0, true // Mark it as test, since the file isn't from real HTTP POST. ); return $file; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('uploader')) { /** * Alternative FileHelperClass. * @return FileHelperClass. */ function uploader($request = null) { $file_helper_class = new App\Helpers\HelperClasses\FileHelperClass($request); return $file_helper_class; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('check_every_array')) { /** * This function searches for each element in the small array if it exists in the large array or not. * @see Modules\Acl\Resources\views\pages\roles\form.blade.php. * @param array $small_array. * @param array $big_array. * @return boolean. * @example * $small_array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; * $big_array = ['b', 'c', 'a', 'e', 'f', 'd']; * check_every_array($small_array, $big_array) // ture * * $small_array = ['a', 'b', 'z', 'd']; * $big_array = ['b', 'c', 'a', 'e', 'f', 'd']; * check_every_array($small_array, $big_array) // false */ function check_every_array($small_array, $big_array) { return collect($small_array)->every(function ($value, $key) use ($big_array) { $big_array = is_array($big_array) ? $big_array : $big_array->toArray(); return in_array($value, $big_array); }); } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_current_lang')) { /** * Get currnet langauge name * @return string */ function get_current_lang() { if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('translations') && check_module('localization')) { $lang = \Modules\Localization\Entities\Language::where('code', LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale())->first(); $current = array('name' => $lang->name, 'code' => $lang->code, 'icon' => $lang->getFirstMediaUrl('icon')); return $current; }else{ return false; } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_current_lang_image')) { /** * Get currnet langauge name * @return string */ function get_current_lang_image() { if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('translations') && check_module('localization')) { return \Modules\Localization\Entities\Language::where('code', LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale())->first()->getFirstMediaUrl('icon'); }else{ return false; } } } /***********************************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_langauges')) { /** * Get list of langauge * @return array */ function get_langauges() { if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('translations') && check_module('localization')) { return LaravelLocalization::getSupportedLocales(); }else{ return false; } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_langauges_except_current')) { /** * Get list of langauge name excepted current langauge * @return string */ function get_langauges_except_current() { if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('translations') && check_module('localization')) { $languages = array(); foreach(\Modules\Localization\Entities\Language::where('code', '!=', LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale())->get() as $lang){ $languages[$lang->code] = array('name' => $lang->name, 'code' => $lang->code, 'icon' => $lang->getFirstMediaUrl('icon')); } return $languages; }else{ return false; } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_comment_author')) { /** * Get list of langauge name excepted current langauge * @return object|null */ function get_comment_author() { return isset($_COOKIE['comment_cookies_author']) ? json_decode($_COOKIE['comment_cookies_author']) : null; } } /***********************************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************************/ /* Translation functions **********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('languages')) { /** * Get list of langauge * @return array */ function languages() { return Language::select('id', 'name', 'code', 'dir', 'is_default')->get(); } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_locale')) { /** * Get current langauge * @return string|object */ function get_locale($key = null) { $current = app('locale')->get('current_locale'); if (!$current) return null; if (!is_null($key)) { $current = $current->$key; } return $current; } } // get_locale('code') -> en // get_locale('dir') -> ltr // get_locale('name') -> English /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('default_lang')) { /** * Get default langauge * @return string|object */ function default_lang($key = null) { $default = app('locale')->get('default_lang'); if (!$default) return null; if (!is_null($key)) { $default = $default->$key; } return $default; } } // default_lang('code') -> en /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('config_theme')) { /** * get config current theme active * @return array */ function config_theme($key = null, $default = '') { $theme = Theme::active(); return config("theme_{$theme}.{$key}") ?? $default; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_menu_items')) { /** * get menu items object to show in frontend * @return object */ function get_menu_items($place = '') { $child_count_words = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) { $child_count_words .= '.child'; } $menu = Menus::with("items{$child_count_words}"); if ($place != '') { $menu->where('place', $place); } else { $menu->whereNull('place'); } $menu = $menu->first(); return $menu ? $menu->items : collect([]); } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_menu_header')) { /** * get menu html to show in nav in frontend * @return string */ function get_menu_header() { $items = get_menu_items('header'); return get_list_of_header_menu($items); } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_list_of_header_menu')) { /** * get menu html to show in nav in frontend * @return string */ function get_list_of_header_menu($items , $SubMenuClass = null, $SubMenuArrow = null) { if (check_module('Localization')) { $current_lang = Modules\Localization\Entities\Language::where('code', LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale())->first(); } $menu_items_html = ''; $header_setting = theme_setting('header.header'); if(!$header_setting) $header_setting = array(); $style = (array_key_exists('header_text_color', $header_setting) && $header_setting['header_text_color']) ? "color: ".$header_setting['header_text_color'] : ""; $lang = $current_lang ? $current_lang->code : 'en'; foreach ($items as $item) { $label = json_decode($item->label, true)[ $lang ] ?? ''; $menu_items_html .= '
child->count() ? 'data-toggle="dropdown' : '') . '">' . $label . ($item->child->count() ? $SubMenuArrow : ''). '
'; if ($item->child->count()) { $arrow = "
"; if(isset($current_lang) && $current_lang->dir == 'rtl'){ $arrow = "
"; } $menu_items_html .= '
'; $menu_items_html .= get_list_of_header_menu($item->child , 'submenu', $arrow); $menu_items_html .= '
'; } $menu_items_html .= '
'; } return $menu_items_html; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_setting')) { function get_setting($key, $default = null) { $setting = BusinessSetting::where('type', $key)->first(); return $setting == null ? $default : $setting->value; } } if (!function_exists('get_settings')) { function get_settings($key, $default = null) { $setting = \app\Models\Settings::where('name',$key)->first(); if($setting){ return $setting->payload ?? $default; } return $default; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('flatten')) { function flatten($array) { $result = array(); foreach($array as $key=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) { $result = $result + flatten($value, $key . '.'); } else { $result[$key] = $value; } } return $result; } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_admins')) { /** * get all admins (role = 1) as array [id => name] * @return array */ function get_admins() { if(env('INSTALLATION') == true){ if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('users') && check_module('users')) { $items = \App\Models\User::where('role', 1)->get(['id','name'])->toArray(); $array = array(); foreach($items as $item){ $array[] = array($item['id'] => $item['name']); } return flatten($array); }else{ return array(); } }else{ return array(); } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_staff')) { /** * get all users (role = 0) as array [id => name] * @return array */ function get_staff() { if(env('INSTALLATION') == true){ if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('users') && check_module('users')) { $items = \App\Models\User::where('role', 0)->get(['id','name'])->toArray(); $array = array(); foreach($items as $item){ $array[] = array($item['id'] => $item['name']); } return flatten($array); }else{ return array(); } }else{ return array(); } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_branches')) { /** * get all users (is_archived = 0) as array [user_id => name] * @return array */ function get_branches() { if(env('INSTALLATION') == true){ if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('branches') && check_module('cargo')) { $items = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Branch::where('is_archived', 0)->get(['user_id','name'])->toArray(); $array = array(); foreach($items as $item){ $array[] = array($item['user_id'] => $item['name']); } return flatten($array); }else{ return array(); } }else{ return array(); } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_roles')) { /** * get all rolesas array [id => name] * @return array */ function get_roles() { if(env('INSTALLATION') == true){ if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('roles') && check_module('acl')) { $items = \Spatie\Permission\Models\Role::get(['id','name'])->toArray(); $array = array(); foreach($items as $item){ $array[] = array($item['id'] => $item['name']); } return flatten($array); }else{ return array(); } }else{ return array(); } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (! function_exists('currency_symbol')) { function currency_symbol() { $code = Currency::where('default',1)->first(); if(!$code){ $code = Currency::where('id','!=',null)->first()->code; }else{ $code = Currency::where('default',1)->first()->code; } if(request()->session()->get('currency_code')){ $currency = Currency::where('code', request()->session()->get('currency_code', $code))->first(); } else{ $currency = Currency::where('code', $code)->first(); } return $currency->symbol; } } //formats currency if (! function_exists('format_price')) { function format_price($price) { if (BusinessSetting::where('type', 'decimal_separator')->first()->value == 1) { $fomated_price = number_format($price, BusinessSetting::where('type', 'no_of_decimals')->first()->value); } else { $fomated_price = number_format($price, BusinessSetting::where('type', 'no_of_decimals')->first()->value , ',' , ' '); } if(BusinessSetting::where('type', 'symbol_format')->first()->value == 1){ return currency_symbol().$fomated_price; } return $fomated_price.currency_symbol(); } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_languages')) { /** * get all admins (role = 1) as array [id => name] * @return array */ function get_languages() { if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('languages') && check_module('Localization')) { $languages = array(); foreach (Modules\Localization\Entities\Language::all() as $key => $language){ $languages[$language->code] = ['name' => $language->name, 'script' => $language->script, 'native' => $language->native, 'regional' => $language->regional]; } return $languages; }else{ return array(); } } } /***********************************************************************************/ if (!function_exists('get_notification_users')) { /** * get all admins (role = 1) as array [id => name] * @return array */ function get_notification_users($name, $model = null) { if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('settings')) { $settings = app(\Modules\Cargo\Entities\CargoNotificationsSettings::class); $users = array(); if(isset(json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_system_administrators'])) { $users[] = json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_system_administrators']; } if(isset(json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_users_roles'])) { $users[] = json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_users_roles']; } if(isset(json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_users'])) { $users[] = json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_users']; } if(isset(json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_branches'])) { $users[] = json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_branches']; } $users = array_merge(...$users); if($model){ if(isset(json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_sender']) && isset($model->client) ) { $users[] = $model->client->user_id; }; if(isset(json_decode($settings->{$name}, true)[$name.'_assigned']) && isset($model->captain) ) { $users[] = $model->captain->user_id; }; } $users = array_unique($users); return $users; }else{ return array(); } } } if (!function_exists('get_notification_gateways')) { /** * get all admins (role = 1) as array [id => name] * @return array */ function get_notification_gateways() { $gateways = array(); if (env('INSTALLATION') == 'true' && \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema::hasTable('settings')) { $settings = app(App\Models\NotificationsSettings::class); if($settings->email){ $gateways[] = 'mail'; } if($settings->sms){ $gateways[] = 'sms'; } if($settings->fcm){ $gateways[] = 'fcm'; } if($settings->whatsapp){ $gateways[] = 'whatsapp'; } } $gateways[] = 'database'; return $gateways; } } if (!function_exists('send_notification')) { /** * get all admins (role = 1) as array [id => name] * @return array */ function send_notification($user,$gateways,$type, $title = null, $content = null, $url = null, $model= null) { $available_gateways = $gateways; if($user){ $phone = ''; $user_role = $user->role; if(isset($user_role)) { if($user_role == 3){ // User Branch $phone = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Branch::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('responsible_mobile')->first(); $country_code = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Branch::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('country_code')->first(); }elseif($user_role == 4){ // User Client $phone = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Client::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('responsible_mobile')->first(); $country_code = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Client::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('country_code')->first(); }elseif($user_role == 0){ // User Staff $phone = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Staff::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('responsible_mobile')->first(); $country_code = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Staff::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('country_code')->first(); }elseif($user_role == 5){ // User Driver $phone = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Driver::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('responsible_mobile')->first(); $country_code = Modules\Cargo\Entities\Driver::where('user_id',$user->id)->pluck('country_code')->first(); } } if(isset($phone) && $phone == null){ if (($key = array_search('sms', $available_gateways)) !== false) { unset($available_gateways[$key]); } } if(isset($user->email) && $user->email == null){ if (($key = array_search('email', $available_gateways)) !== false) { unset($available_gateways[$key]); } } if(isset($phone) && $phone == null){ if (($key = array_search('whatsapp', $available_gateways)) !== false) { unset($available_gateways[$key]); } } $data = array( 'sender' => $user->id, 'to' => $user->device_token ?? " ", 'phone' => $phone ?? " ", 'country_code' => $country_code ?? " ", 'message' => array( 'subject' => ($title ?? " ").(' | #'.$model->code ?? " "), 'content' => $content ?? " ", 'url' => $url ?? " ", 'id' => $model->id ?? " ", 'code' => $model->code ?? " ", 'type' => $type ?? " ", ), 'icon' => 'fas fa-bell', 'type' => $type ?? " ", ); $user->notify(new \App\Notifications\GlobalNotification($data, $available_gateways)); } } } if (!function_exists('update_env_value')) { /** * set in .env file * @return array */ function update_env_value(string $key, $value) { $path = app()->environmentFilePath(); $oldValue = env($key); if ($oldValue === $value) { return; } $fileContent = file_get_contents($path); if (!str_contains($fileContent, $key . '=')) { $fileContent .= sprintf("%s=%s\n", $key, $value); } elseif ($oldValue) { $fileContent = str_replace( sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $oldValue), sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $value), $fileContent ); } else { $fileContent = str_replace( sprintf('%s=', $key), sprintf('%s=%s',$key, $value), $fileContent ); } file_put_contents($path, $fileContent); } } //highlights the selected navigation on admin panel if (! function_exists('areActiveRoutes')) { function areActiveRoutes(Array $routes, $output = "active") { foreach ($routes as $route) { if (Route::currentRouteName() == $route) return $output; } } } if (! function_exists('get_string_between')) { function get_string_between($string, $start, $end){ $string = ' ' . $string; $ini = strpos($string, $start); if ($ini == 0) return ''; $ini += strlen($start); $len = strpos($string, $end, $ini) - $ini; return substr($string, $ini, $len); } } if (! function_exists('base_country_code')) { function base_country_code(){ $base_country_code = App\Models\Settings::where('name', 'base_country_code')->first()->payload; $number = str_replace('"', '', $base_country_code); return '+' . $number; } }