use this to check on file when upload if ext not exists in this array will be uplaod file not image. * * @var array */ private $image_extinsions = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif']; /** * The upload file instance. * * @var Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile */ private $uploaded_file = null; /** * The default image width . * * @var int */ private $file_helper_default_width_image = 1024; /** * The default image height . * * @var int */ private $file_helper_default_height_image = 768; /** * The width image when saving. * * @var int */ public $file_helper_width_image = null; /** * The hieght image when saving. * * @var int */ public $file_helper_height_image = null; /** * The quality image when saving. * * @var int */ public $file_helper_quality_image = 80; /** * The aspect ratio when saving. * * @var boolean */ public $file_helper_aspect_ratio = true; /** * Convert base64 to file * @param UploadedFile $file -> file or base64 * @return Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile */ public function convertBase64ToFile($file) { if (!is_null($this->uploaded_file) && $this->uploaded_file instanceof UploadedFile) { return $this->uploaded_file; } if ($file instanceof UploadedFile) { return $file; } else if (gettype($file) == 'string') { return convert_base64_to_file($file); } } /** * Generate file random name * @param UploadedFile $file * @param string $thumb Optional -> to add thumb in file name * @return string */ public function fileGenerateName($file, $thumb = '') { $file = $this->convertBase64ToFile($file); $extension = $file->extension(); $name = pathinfo(Str::slug(strip_tags($file->getClientOriginalName())), PATHINFO_FILENAME); $date = date('Y-m-d_H-i-s'); $str_random = rand(100000, 999999); // 6 numbers $file_name = "{$date}_{$name}_{$str_random}"; $file_name_original = "{$file_name}.{$extension}"; $file_name_thumb = "{$thumb}_{$file_name}.{$extension}"; $result = [ 'original_name' => $file_name_original, 'thumb_name' => $file_name_thumb ]; return ($thumb != '' ? $result : $file_name_original); } /** * Check if allowed file extensions * @param UploadedFile-base64 $file * @param array $extensions Optional * @return boolean */ public function fileIsAllowedExtensions($file, $extensions = null) { $file = $this->convertBase64ToFile($file); $extensions = $extensions ?? $this->allowed_extinsions; if(!in_array($file->extension(), $extensions)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Upload file or image. * @param UploadedFile||string->base64 $file * @param string $path * @param string $folder * @return string file path after saved. */ public function fileUpload($file, $path, $folder = null) { $file = $this->convertBase64ToFile($file); $path = $this->getFilePath($path, $folder); $ext = $file->extension(); if(in_array($ext, $this->image_extinsions)) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); $makeImage = Image::make($file); if ($width > $this->file_helper_default_width_image && $this->file_helper_width_image == null) { $makeImage->resize($this->file_helper_default_width_image, $this->file_helper_height_image, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } else { if ($this->file_helper_width_image != null) { if (($this->file_helper_height_image != null && $width >= $height) || $this->file_helper_height_image == null) { $this->file_helper_height_image = $this->file_helper_aspect_ratio ? null : $this->file_helper_height_image; $makeImage->resize($this->file_helper_width_image, $this->file_helper_height_image, function ($constraint) { if ($this->file_helper_aspect_ratio) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); } }); } } } if (($height > $this->file_helper_default_height_image && $width < $this->file_helper_default_width_image) && $this->file_helper_height_image == null) { $makeImage->resize($this->file_helper_width_image, $this->file_helper_default_height_image, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } else { if ($this->file_helper_height_image != null) { if (($this->file_helper_width_image != null && $height >= $width) || $this->file_helper_width_image == null) { $this->file_helper_width_image = $this->file_helper_aspect_ratio ? null : $this->file_helper_width_image; $makeImage->resize($this->file_helper_width_image, $this->file_helper_height_image, function ($constraint) { if ($this->file_helper_aspect_ratio) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); } }); } } } $fileStream = $makeImage->stream($ext, $this->file_helper_quality_image)->__toString(); Storage::put($path, $fileStream); } else { Storage::put($path, fopen($file, 'r+')); } $this->fileResetProperties(); return $path; } /** * Convert file name to storage url file. * @param string $file_name * @param string $folder * @return string storage url file */ public function getFileURL($file_name, $folder = null) { if ($folder) { $folder = Str::finish($folder, '/'); $file_name = Str::start($file_name, '/'); $file_name = substr($file_name, 1); $file_name = $folder . $file_name; } return Storage::url($file_name); } /** * Convert file name to file path. * @param string $file_name * @param string $folder * @return string file path */ public function getFilePath($file_name, $folder = null) { if ($folder) { $folder = Str::finish($folder, '/'); $file_name = Str::start($file_name, '/'); $file_name = substr($file_name, 1); $file_name = $folder . $file_name; } return $file_name; } /** * Delete file. * @param string $path * @param stirng $folder * @return boolean */ public function deleteFile($path, $folder = null) { $path = $this->getFilePath($path, $folder); return Storage::delete($path); } /** * Reset class properties. * @return void */ public function fileResetProperties() { $this->file_helper_width_image = null; $this->file_helper_height_image = null; $this->file_helper_quality_image = 70; $this->file_helper_aspect_ratio = false; } /** * Change image width. * * @param int $width * @return FileHelper */ public function width(int $width) { $this->file_helper_width_image = $width; return $this; } /** * Change image height. * * @param int $height * @return FileHelper */ public function height(int $height) { $this->file_helper_height_image = $height; return $this; } /** * Change quality. * * @param int $quality * @return FileHelper */ public function quality(int $quality) { $this->file_helper_quality_image = $quality; return $this; } /** * Change aspect ratio. * * @param bool $aspect_ratio * @return FileHelper */ public function aspectRatio(bool $aspect_ratio) { $this->file_helper_aspect_ratio = $aspect_ratio; return $this; } }