# Algoriza Framework Algoriza Framework Description. ## Installation ### Clone Repository ```bash git clone https://github.com/ourcoteam/fr.git ``` ### Move to the newly created directory ```bash cd fr ``` ### Create a new .env ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` `Now edit your .env file and set your env parameters (Specially the database username/pass, database name)` ## Install the dependencies backend ### Install packages ```bash composer install ``` - If found "contain a compatible set of packages" problems use the following command ```bash composer install --ignore-platform-reqs ``` ----- ## Install app with one command ```bash php artisan app:install ``` ## Run Application ### Run server ```bash php artisan serve ``` ### Run Mix to build assets ```bash npm install ``` #### Development mode ```bash npm run dev ``` #### Watch Development mode ```bash npm run watch ``` ### Open admin cms: [http://localhost:8000/admin](http://localhost:8000/admin) ----- ## Manage permissions `See Modules\Acl\Database\Seeders\SeedAllPermissionsTableSeeder.php` ### Add new permissions - Go to `Modules/{moudle_name}/Config/config.php` - Add new array with name ***permissions*** - Add new group in ***permissions*** array - Example: ```php return [ 'permissions' => [ 'posts' => [ // group name 'view-posts', // permission name 'read-posts', // permission name ] ] ]; ``` ### After added your permissions run this command to seed permissions in database ```bash php artisan permissions:sync ``` ----- ## Manage Languages Description: - Add Multi Languages - Manage Translation words using database ### Add new language - Go to `Modules/Localization/Config/config.php` - Add new language inside array with key name ***languages*** - Example: ```php return [ 'languages' => [ 'en' => [ 'name' => 'English', // 'dir' => 'ltr', // default ltr 'is_default' => true // default false ], 'ar' => [ 'name' => 'اللغة العربية', 'dir' => 'rtl', // default ltr, // 'is_default' => false // default false ], ] ]; ``` > Note: > - You must add at least one language, and give it `is_default => true`. ### After added your languages `run the following command` to seed languages in database ```bash php artisan languages:seed ``` #### To more manage localization `See Modules\Localization\README.md` ------ ## Manage General Setting `See Modules\Setting\README.md` ----- ## How to add new module We using Laravel modules [https://nwidart.com/laravel-modules/v6/introduction](https://nwidart.com/laravel-modules/v6/introduction) ```php php artisan module:make {module_name} ``` ----- ## Manage Theme Setting `See Modules\Setting\Theme_Setting_README.md` ----- ## Manage themes for frontend ### Make new theme ```bash php artisan make:theme ```
`This command will ask you to enter theme name, CSS framework, js framework, and optional auth scaffolding.` ### Useful Theme methods ```php use Qirolab\Theme\Theme; // Set active theme Theme::set('theme-name'); // Get current active theme Theme::active(); // Get current parent theme Theme::parent(); // Clear theme. So, no theme will be active Theme::clear(); // Get theme path Theme::path($path = 'views'); // output: // /app-root-path/themes/active-theme/views Theme::path($path = 'views', $themeName = 'admin'); // output: // /app-root-path/themes/admin/views Theme::getViewPaths(); // Output: // [ // '/app-root-path/themes/admin/views', // '/app-root-path/resources/views' // ] ``` ### Middleware to set a theme Register `ThemeMiddleware` in `app\Http\Kernel.php`: ```php protected $routeMiddleware = [ // ... 'theme' => \Qirolab\Theme\Middleware\ThemeMiddleware::class, ]; ``` Examples for middleware usage: ```php // Example 1: set theme for a route Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index') ->middleware('theme:dashboard-theme'); // Example 2: set theme for a route-group Route::group(['middleware'=>'theme:admin-theme'], function() { // "admin-theme" will be applied to all routes defined here }); // Example 3: set child and parent theme Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index') ->middleware('theme:child-theme,parent-theme'); ``` ### Asset compilation To compile the theme assets, you need to run this command: ```bash npm run dev --theme=theme-name # or npm run watch --theme=theme-name # or npm run production --theme=theme-name ``` We using this package: [Laravel themer](https://github.com/qirolab/laravel-themer) to more info. ### Manage Theme config To add config in your theme and use it from by laravel function -> `config()`: - Add new folder with name `config` in root theme - And add `config.php` file in this folder - Example: `themes/{theme_name}/config/config.php` - Now you able to use this by laravel config function - Type prefix "theme_" before theme name - Using Example: ```php config('theme_{theme_name}.key'); ``` ### Manage Theme localization To add words translations in your theme and use it from by laravel function -> `__()`, `trans()` or `@lang()`: - Add new folder with name `lang` in root theme - And add folder your language in this folder [en, ar] - Example: `themes/{theme_name}/lang/en` - And add your file in the folder `en` - Now you able to use this by laravel trans function - Type prefix "theme_" before theme name - Using Example: - Add file with name view.php - themes/{theme_name}/lang/en/view.php ```php // view.php file return [ 'name' => 'Name' ]; __('theme_{theme_name}::view.name'); ``` ### Manage aside menu with your module localization To add menu items from your module, you will have to use the hooks functionality - Type this code in: `Modules\{your_module}\Providers\{your_module}ServiceProvider` @boot function ```php $aside_menu = view('{your_module}::components.aside_menu'); $aside_menu['order'] = 8; //The item order on the menu app('hook')->set('aside_menu', $aside_menu, 'array'); ``` - In the `aside_menu` view add your code to include it like the following ```php @can('view-{your_module}')
{{ __('widget::view.{your_module}') }}
@endcan ``` ------- ## How to use global hook? Global hook support to type: object, array. type object is default Type array Example: This example to add component from blog module to menu module: Type this code in: Modules\Blog\Providers\BlogServiceProvider @boot ```php $select_category_menu_components = view('blog::components.select_category_to_menu'); $select_post_menu_components = view('blog::components.select_post_to_menu'); app('hook')->set('menu_addables', $select_category_menu_components, 'array'); app('hook')->set('menu_addables', $select_post_menu_components, 'array'); ``` Use hook in menu module -> in blade file, or controller: ```php // in blade file @if (app('hook')->get('menu_addables')) @foreach(app('hook')->get('menu_addables') as $componentView) {!! $componentView !!} @endforeach @endif ``` ----- Type object Example: Add this code in provider ```php $select_branch_component = // view(), html, text, json,... or any data app('hook')->set('select_branch', $select_branch_component); ``` Use hook to any module in views, controller or any place in code ```php echo app('hook')->get('select_branch'); ``` ----- ## Manage Widgets `See Modules\Widget\README.md` ## Manage Sidebars `See Modules\Widget\Sidebar.md` -----