'App Name', 'driver_app_settings' => 'Driver App Settings', 'application_icon' => 'Application Icon', 'app_bundle_id' => 'App Bundle Id', 'application_splash_screen_background' => 'Application splash screen background color (hex code, ex:#FFFFFF)', 'application_splash_screen' => 'Application splash screen (The first page when app open)', 'issuer_id' => 'Issuer ID', 'key_id' => 'Key ID', 'auth_key_file_content' => 'Add the AuthKey file content, this file for the IOS app', 'apple_id' => 'Apple ID', 'notifications_icon' => 'Enable or disable the small notifications icon for android', 'small_notification_icon_color' => 'The color of the small notificatios icon for android (hex code, ex:#FFFFFF)', 'small_notifications_icon' => 'Small Notifications Icon', 'create_application' => 'Create Application', 'cargo_purchase_code' => 'Cargo Purchase Code', 'addon_purchase_code' => 'Driver App Addon Purchase Code', 'google_service_ios' => 'Google Service Ios File', 'google_service_android' => 'Google Service Android File', 'application_in_progress_status' => 'Your application is in progress, estimated time from the sending request 7 days', 'sending_request_date' => 'Your sending request date is', 'application_created_successfully' => 'Your application has been created successfully', 'app_name_shown' => "Your app's name shown on Play Store and App Store", 'upload_application_icon' => 'Upload the application icon and it must be (1024*1024px), PNG and NOT transparent', 'upload_application_splash' => 'Upload the application splash screen and it must be (512*512px), PNG and NOT transparent', 'get_issuer_id' => 'You can get the Issuer ID, KEY ID, Password, of APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS and AuthKey file', 'from_here' => 'From Here', 'there_required' => 'and these are required if you need the IOS version', 'ios_app_store_number' => "An IOS applications's store ID number can be found in the iTunes store URL as the string of numbers directly after id. For Example, in https://apps.apple.com/app/discy/id1535374585
the ID is: 1535374585", 'upload_small_notification_icon' => 'The icon of the small notificatios icon for android and it must be (20*20px), PNG and NOT transparent', 'upload_google_android_file' => 'The google-service.json file, this file for the Android app', 'upload_google_ios_file' => 'The GoogleService-info.plist file, this file for the IOS app', 'uploading' => 'Uploading', 'sending' => 'Sending', 'get_google_service' => 'You can visit the documentation for more information to get those files', ];