'Covered Places', 'covered_countries' => 'Covered Countries', 'all_countries' => 'All Countries', 'add_covered_regions' => 'Add Covered Regions', 'covered_regions' => 'Covered Regions', 'manage' => 'Manage', 'countries' => 'Countries', 'covered_states' => 'Covered Regions', 'all_states' => 'All Regions', 'areas_management' => 'Areas Management', 'add_area' => 'Add Area', 'create_new_area' => 'Create new area', 'edit_area' => 'Edit Area', 'area_list' => 'Areas list', 'selected_areas' => 'selected areas', 'area_name' => 'Area Name', 'areas' => 'Areas', 'area_id' => 'Area ID', 'country' => 'Country', 'from_country' => 'From Country', 'to_country' => 'To Country', 'region' => 'Region', 'region_name' => 'Region Name', 'regions' => 'Regions', 'from_region' => 'From Region', 'to_region' => 'To Region', 'area' => 'Area', 'from_area' => 'From Area', 'to_area' => 'To Area', 'choose_region' => 'Choose Region', 'choose_country' => 'Choose Country', 'choose_area' => 'Choose Area', 'delivery_time' => 'Delivery Time', 'delivery_times' => 'Delivery Times', 'add_delivery_time' => 'Add delivery time', 'create_new_delivery_time' => 'Create new delivery time', 'edit_delivery_time' => 'Edit delivery time', 'delivery_time_list' => 'Delivery times list', 'selected_delivery_times' => 'selected delivery times', 'edit_profile' => 'Edit Profile', 'packages' => 'Packages', 'add_package' => 'Add package', 'create_new_package' => 'Create new package', 'edit_package' => 'Edit package', 'package_list' => 'Packages list', 'selected_packages' => 'selected packages', 'facebook' => 'Facebook', 'website' => 'Website', 'friend' => 'Friend', 'sales_team' => 'Sales Team', 'google' => 'Google', 'shipment_team' => 'Shipment Team', 'shipping_rates' => 'Shipping Rates', 'shipping_settings' => 'Shipping Settings', 'shipping_general_settings' => 'Shipping General Settings', 'pickup_mission_done_with_shipment_fees_received' => 'Pickup mission done with shipment fees received ?', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No', 'no_mission_only_has_been_done' => 'No, mission only has been done.', 'show_register_in_driver_app' => 'Show register in driver app ?', 'enable_shippment_calc_in_website' => 'Enable Shippment Calculator ?', 'default_count_for_dashboard_latest_shipment_widget' => 'Default Count for dashboard Latest shipment widget', 'enable_shipping_date' => 'Enable Shipping date', 'defult_shipping_date' => 'Defult Shipping date', 'same_day' => 'Same Day', 'next_day' => 'Next Day', 'after' => 'After', 'days' => 'Days', 'shipment_prefix' => 'Shipment Prefix', 'shipment_number_of_digits_in_the_tracking' => 'Shipment Number of digits in the tracking', 'mission_prefix' => 'Mission Prefix', 'mission_number_of_digits_in_the_tracking' => 'Mission Number of digits in the tracking', 'default_shipment_type' => 'Default Shipment Type', 'Pickup_For_door_to_door_delivery' => 'Pickup (For door to door delivery)', 'drop_off_For_delivery_package_from_branch_directly' => 'Drop off (For delivery package from branch directly)', 'default_shipment_code_number_type' => 'Default Shipment Code Number Type', 'sequential' => 'Sequential', 'random_recommended_for_security' => 'Random (Recommended, for security)', 'receiving_mission_confirmation_type' => 'Receiving Mission Confirmation Type', 'customer_signature' => 'Customer Signature', 'otp' => 'OTP', 'without_confirmation' => 'Without Confirmation', 'to_active_OTP_confirmation_type_config_SMS_gateways_first' => 'To Active OTP Confirmation Type , Config SMS Gateways First', 'configure_now' => 'Configure Now', 'default_package_type' => 'Default Package Type', 'package_type' => 'Package Type', 'default_branch' => 'Default Branch', 'default_payment_type' => 'Default Payment Type', 'payment_type' => 'Payment Type', 'postpaid' => 'Postpaid', 'POSTPAID' => 'POSTPAID', 'prepaid' => 'Prepaid', 'PREPAID' => 'PREPAID', 'UNPaid' => 'Un Paid', 'save' => 'Save', 'default_payment_method' => 'Default Payment Method', 'payment_method' => 'Payment Method', 'please_configure_package_types' => 'Please Configure Package Types', 'default_pickup_mission_cost' => 'Default Pickup Mission Cost', 'default_supply_mission_cost' => 'Default Supply Mission Cost', 'cash' => 'Cash', 'please_configure_your_covered_countries_and_cities' => 'Please Configure Your covered countries and cities', 'configure_costs' => 'Configure Costs', 'configure_selected_countries_costs' => 'Configure Selected Countries Costs', 'configure_selected_regions_costs' => 'Configure Selected Regions Costs', 'custom_costs_for_covered_areas' => 'Custom Costs for Covered Areas', 'from' => 'From', 'to' => 'To', 'mile_cost' => 'Mile Cost', 'shipping_cost' => 'Shipping Cost', 'tax' => 'Tax', 'insurance' => 'Insurance', 'returned_mile_cost' => 'Returned Mile Cost', 'returned_shipmen_cost' => 'Returned Shipment Cost', 'loading_costs' => 'Loading Costs...', 'here' => 'Here', 'shipments' => 'Shipments', 'shipment' => 'Shipment', 'shipping_print' => 'Shipping Print', 'Sender' => 'Sender', 'City_collection' => 'City Collection', 'City_of_origin' => 'City Of Origin', 'Date_of_shipment' => 'Date Of Shipment', 'Shipping_Time' => 'Shipping Time', 'Contact_name' => 'Contact Name' , 'recipient' => 'Recipient', 'delivery_city' => 'Delivery City', 'Destination_city' => 'Destination City', 'Shipping_quantity' => 'Shipping Quantity', 'expected_date_of_arrival' => 'Expected Date Of Arrival', 'contact_address' => 'Contact Address', 'contact_name' => 'Contact Name' , 'shipping_record' => 'Shipping Record', 'add_shipment' => 'Add shipment', 'create_new_shipment' => 'Create new shipment', 'edit_shipment' => 'Edit shipment', 'shipment_list' => 'Shipments list', 'selected_shipments' => 'selected shipments', 'selected_missions' => 'selected missions', 'import_shipments' => 'Import Shipments', 'shipment_apis' => 'Shipment APIs', 'barcode_scanner' => 'Barcode Scanner', 'shipping_calculator' => 'Shipping Calculator', 'all_Shipments' => 'All Shipments', 'pending_shipments' =>'Pending Shipments', 'delivered_shipments' => 'Delivered Shipments', 'saved_shipments' => 'Saved Shipments', 'in_progress_shipments' => 'In Progress Shipments', 'saved' => 'Saved', 'requested' => 'Requested', 'approved' => 'Approved', 'approve' => 'Approve', 'closed' => 'Closed', 'close' => 'Close', 'assigned_approved' => 'Assigned & Approved', 'recived' => 'Recived', 'done' => 'Done', 'transfer' => 'Transfer', 'assigned' => 'Assigned', 'received' => 'Received', 'deliverd' => 'Deliverd', 'supplied' => 'Supplied', 'returned' => 'Returned', 'returned_stock' => 'Returned Stock', 'returned_deliverd' => 'Returned & Deliverd', 'saved_pickup' => 'Saved Pickup', 'saved_dropoff' => 'Saved Dropoff', 'dropoff' => 'Dropoff', 'pickup' => 'Pickup', 'requested_pickup' => 'Requested Pickup', 'please_configure_shipping_rates_in_creation_will_be_zero_without_configuration' => 'Please Configure Shipping rates in creation will be zero without configuration', 'please_configure_your_covered_countries_and_regions' => 'Please Configure Your covered countries and region', 'please_add_areas_before_creating_your_first_shipment' => 'Please Add areas before creating your first shipment', 'please_add_package_types_before_creating_your_first_shipment' => 'Please Add package types before creating your first shipment', 'please_add_branches_types_before_creating_your_first_shipment' => 'Please Add Branches types before creating your first shipment', 'initiate_establishment_of_branch_first_before_proceeding_create_delivery_representative' => 'Initiate the establishment of a branch first before proceeding to create a delivery representative', 'please_add_clients_types_before_creating_your_first_shipment' => 'Please Add Customers types before creating your first shipment', 'please_add_receivers_types_before_creating_your_first_shipment' => 'Please Add Receivers types before creating your first shipment', 'please_add_payments_before_creating_your_first_shipment' => 'Please Add Payments before creating your first shipment', 'please_ask_your_administrator_to_configure_shipment_settings_first_before_you_can_create_a_new_shipment' => 'Please ask your administrator to configure shipment settings first, before you can create a new shipment!', 'shipment_info' => 'Shipment Info', 'shipment_type' => 'Shipment Type', 'shipping_date' => 'Shipping Date', 'collection_time' => 'Collection Time', 'client_sender' => 'Customer/Sender', 'choose_client' => 'Choose Customer', 'choose_client_first' => 'Choose Customer First', 'create_new_address' => 'Create New Address', 'client_phone' => 'Customer Phone', 'client_address' => 'Customer Address', 'please_enter_all_reqired_fields' => 'Please Enter All Reqired Fields', 'receiver_name' => 'Receiver Name', 'receiver_phone' => 'Receiver Phone', 'receiver_address' => 'Receiver Address', 'receiver_list' => 'Receiver List', 'create_new_receiver' => 'Create New Receiver', 'edit_Receiver' => 'Edit Receiver', 'receivers' => 'Receivers', 'add_receiver' => 'Add Receiver', 'receiver' => 'Receiver', 'choose_address' => 'Choose Address', 'no_addresses_found' => 'No Addresses Found', 'address' => 'Address', 'order_id' => 'Order ID', 'attachments' => 'Attachments', 'browse' => 'Browse', 'choose_file' => 'Choose File', 'package_info' => 'Package Info', 'description' => 'Description', 'quantity' => 'Quantity', 'weight' => 'Weight', 'dimensions_length_width_height' => 'Dimensions [Length x Width x Height] (cm)', 'Weight_length_width_height_' => 'Weight x Length x Width x Height', 'length' => 'Length', 'width' => 'Width', 'height' => 'Height', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'add' => 'Add', 'amount_to_be_collected' => 'Amount to be Collected', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'due_date' => 'Due Date', 'no_driver' => 'No Driver', 'total_weight' => 'Total Weight', 'calculated' => 'Calculated...', 'location' => 'Location', 'receiver_location' => 'Receiver Location', 'please_select_package_type' => 'Please select package type', 'estimation_cost' => 'Estimation Cost', 'tax_duty' => 'Tax & Duty', 'return_cost' => 'Return Cost', 'return_mile_cost' => 'Return Mile Cost', 'total_cost' => 'TOTAL COST', 'status' => 'Status', 'current_branch' => 'Current branch', 'created_date' => 'Created date', 'previous_branch' => 'Previous Branch', 'max_delivery_days' => 'Max Delivery Days', 'mission' => 'Mission', 'ADDED_WHEN_SHIPMENT_CREATED' => 'ADDED WHEN SHIPMENT CREATED', 'package_items' => 'Package Items', 'qty' => 'Qty', 'type' => 'Type', 'value' => 'Value', 'weigh_length_width_height' => 'Weight x Length x Width x Height', 'PAYMENT_DATE' => 'PAYMENT DATE', 'PAYMENT_STATUS' => 'PAYMENT STATUS', 'PAYMENT_TYPE' => 'PAYMENT TYPE', 'paid' => 'Paid', 'pending' => 'Pending', 'included_tax_insurance' => 'Included tax & insurance', 'pay_now' => 'Pay Now', 'copy_payment_link' => 'Copy Payment Link', 'payment_link' => 'Payment Link', 'print_label' => 'Print Label', 'print_invoice' => 'Print Invoice', 'shipment_return_reasons_log' => 'Shipment Return Reasons Log', 'reason' => 'Reason', 'shipment_status_log' => 'Shipment Status Log', 'changed_from' => 'Changed from', 'change' => 'Change', 'change_status' => 'Change Status', 'payment_link_copied' => 'Payment Link Copied', 'KG' => 'KG', 'CM' => 'CM', 'approve_shipment_action' => 'Approve Shipment Action', 'refuse_shipment_action' => 'Refuse Shipment Action', 'create_pickup_mission' => 'Create Pickup Mission', 'create_return_mission' => 'Create Return Mission', 'create_supply_mission' => 'Create Supply Mission', 'create_transfer_mission' => 'Create Transfer Mission', 'create_delivery_mission' => 'Create Delivery Mission', 'return_shipment_action' => 'Return Shipment Action', 'assign_to_driver' => 'Assign to Driver', 'requested_pickup' => 'Requested Pickup', 'print_barcodes' => 'Print Barcodes', 'transfer_to_branch' => 'Transfer To Branch', 'to_returned_stock' => 'To Returned Stock', 'return' => 'Return', 'modal_message_sure' => 'Are you sure do this for', 'send' => 'Send', 'select_shipments_of_the_same_payment_method' => 'Select shipments of the same payment method', 'please_select_shipments' => 'Please Select Shipments', 'select_shipments_of_the_same_client_to_assign' => 'Select shipments of the same customer to Assign', 'select_shipments_of_the_same_branch_to_transfer' => 'Select shipments of the same branch to Transfer', 'this_shipment_already_in_mission' => 'This Shipment Already In Mission', 'pickup_address' => 'Pickup Address', 'delivery' => 'Delivery', 'supply_address' => 'Supply Address', 'supply' => 'Supply', 'address' => 'Address', 'create_mission' => 'Create Mission', 'missions' => 'Missions', 'all_missions' => 'All Missions', 'pending_missions' => 'Pending Missions', 'pickup_missions' => 'Pickup Missions', 'delivery_missions' => 'Delivery Missions', 'transfer_missions' => 'Transfer Missions', 'supply_missions' => 'Supply Missions', 'approve_assign_mission_action' => 'Approve & Assign Mission Action', 'refuse_mission_action' => 'Refuse Mission Action', 'confirm_mission_done_action' => 'Confirm Mission / Done Action', 'confirm_mission_done' => 'Confirm Mission / Done', 'receive_mission_action' => 'Receive Mission Action', 'approve_assign' => 'Approve & Assign', 'select_branch' => 'Select Branch', 'please_select_branch_first' => 'Please Select Branch First', 'select_driver' => 'Select Driver', 'receive' => 'Receive', 'please_confirm_the_signature' => 'Please Confirm The Signature', 'please_enter_correct_OTP' => 'Please enter correct OTP', 'please_enter_OTP_of-mission' => 'Please enter OTP of mission', 'show' => 'Show', 'draw_customer_signature' => 'Draw Customer Signature', 'confirm_amount_and_done' => 'Confirm amount and Done', 'from_branch' => 'From Branch', 'to_branch' => 'To Branch', 'notification_sms_not_sent_please_check_sms_verification' => 'Notification sms not sent please check sms verification', 'MISSION_DETAILS' => 'MISSION DETAILS', 'CREATED_DATE' => 'CREATED DATE', 'CODE' => 'CODE', 'MISSION_TYPE' => 'MISSION TYPE', 'TRANSFER_TO_BRANCH' => 'TRANSFER TO BRANCH', 'MISSION_ADDRESS' => 'MISSION ADDRESS', 'MISSION_STATUS' => 'MISSION STATUS', 'MISSION_Driver' => 'MISSION DRIVER', 'DUE_DATE' =>'DUE DATE', 'Print_Mission' => 'Print Mission', 'TOTAL_COST' => 'TOTAL COST', 'TOTAL_COD_AMOUNT' => 'TOTAL COD AMOUNT', 'RETURN_AMOUNT' => 'RETURN AMOUNT', 'mission_shipments' =>'Mission Shipments', 'reschedule' => 'Reschedule', 'COD_AMOUNT' => 'COD AMOUNT', 'actions' => 'Actions', 'check' => 'Check', 'remove_from' => 'Remove From', 'no_actions' => 'No Actions', 'return_shipment' => 'Return Shipment', 'remove' => 'Remove', 'confirm_done' => 'Confirm Done', 'transactions' => 'Transactions', 'all_transactions' => 'All Transactions', 'create_new_transaction' => 'Create new transaction', 'transactions_list' => 'Transactions list', 'add_transaction' => 'Add transaction', 'beneficiary' => 'Beneficiary', 'wallet_type' => 'Wallet Type', 'add_to_wallet' => 'Add to wallet', 'deduct_from_wallet' => 'Deduct from wallet', 'please_select_branch_client_captain' => 'Please select branch , customer or driver', 'captain_not_have_this_amount' => 'Driver Not Have This Amount', 'pickup_delivery' => 'Pickup & Delivery', 'created_by' => 'Created By', 'manual' => 'Manual', 'date' => 'Date', 'payments_settings' => 'Payments Settings', 'map_mode' => 'Map Mode', 'map_mode_activation' => 'Map Mode Activation', 'google_recaptcha' => 'Google reCAPTCHA', 'map_setting' => 'Map Setting', 'please_enter_google_map_key' => 'Please Enter Google Map Key', 'please_enter_mapbox_key' => 'Please Enter Mapbox Key', 'please_check_google_map_or_mapbox' => 'Please Check Google Map or Mapbox', 'google_map' => 'Google Map', 'mapbox' => 'Mapbox', 'mapbox_KEY' => 'Mapbox KEY', 'Google_Map_KEY' => 'Google Map KEY', 'please_configure_your_map' => 'Please Configure Your Map', 'google_reCAPTCHA_setting' => 'Google reCAPTCHA Setting', 'site_KEY' => 'Site KEY', 'HTTPS_Activation' => 'HTTPS Activation', 'maintenance_mode' => 'Maintenance Mode', 'maintenance_mode_activation' => 'Maintenance Mode Activation', 'enabled' => 'Enabled', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'business_related' => 'Business Related', 'email_verification' => 'Email Verification', 'smtp_settings' => 'SMTP Settings', 'an_email_has_been_sent' => 'An email has been sent.', 'send_test_email' => 'Send test email', 'Sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'SMTP' => 'SMTP', 'Mailgun' => 'Mailgun', 'MAIL_FROM_NAME' => 'MAIL FROM NAME', 'MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS' => 'MAIL FROM ADDRESS', 'website_mode_activation' => 'Website Mode Activation', 'config_now' => 'Config Now', 'you_need_to_configure_payment_correctly_to_enable_this_feature' => 'You need to configure Payment correctly to enable this feature', 'paypal_payment_activation' => 'Paypal Payment Activation', 'payStack_activation' => 'PayStack Activation', 'sSlCommerz_activation' => 'SSlCommerz Activation', 'instamojo_payment_activation' => 'Instamojo Payment Activation', 'razor_pay_activation' => 'Razor Pay Activation', 'stripe_payment_activation' => 'Stripe Payment Activation', 'voguePay_activation' => 'VoguePay Activation', 'payhere_activation' => 'Payhere Activation', 'ngenius_activation' => 'Ngenius Activation', 'iyzico_activation' => 'Iyzico Activation', 'cash_payment_activation' => 'Cash Payment Activation', 'invoice_payment_activation' => 'Invoice Payment Activation', 'coming_soon' => 'Coming Soon', 'payment_method' => 'Payment Method', 'social_media_login' => 'Social Media Login', 'facebook_login' => 'Facebook login', 'you_need_to_configure_it_correctly_to_enable_this_feature' => 'You need to configure it correctly to enable this feature', 'google_login' => 'Google login', 'twitter_login' => 'Twitter login', 'social_login' => 'Social Login', 'SMS_Gateways' => 'SMS Gateways', 'choose_default_SMS_Gatway' => 'Choose default SMS Gatway', 'set_as_a_default_sms_gateway' => 'Set as a Default sms gateway', 'import_shipments' => 'Import Shipments', 'please_be_sure_shipments_have_right_branch' => 'Please: Be sure shipments have right branch, and make sure all required parameters in CSV', 'shipment_CSV_Import' => 'Shipment CSV Import', 'columns' => 'Columns', 'parse_CSV' => 'Parse CSV', 'CSV_file_to_import' => 'CSV file to import', 'download_CSV' => 'Download CSV', 'make_sure_all_required_parameters_in_CSV' => 'Make Sure All Required Parameters In CSV', 'this_file_you_are_trying_to_import_is_not_the_file_that_you_should_upload' => 'This file you are trying to import is not the file that you should upload', 'invalid_type' => 'Invalid Type', 'invalid_branch' => 'Invalid Branch', 'invalid_client_address' => 'Invalid Address', 'invalid_client' => 'Invalid Customer', 'invalid_country' => 'Invalid Country', 'invalid_state' => 'Invalid Region', 'invalid_area' => 'Invalid Area', 'invalid_payment_method' => 'Invalid Payment Method', 'invalid_payment_type' => 'Invalid Payment Type', 'invalid_package' => 'Invalid Package', 'invalid_delivery_time' => 'Invalid Delivery Time', 'parameters' => 'Parameters', 'details' => 'Details', 'required' => 'Required', 'click_to_get_iD' => 'Click To Get ID', 'noting_found' => 'Noting found', 'optional' => 'Optional', 'default_is_your_phone' => 'Default is your phone', 'your_addresses' => 'Your Addresses', 'example' => 'Example', 'default_is_1' => 'Default is 1', 'default_is_0' => 'Default is 0', 'click_to_get_value' => 'Click To Get Value', 'view_all' => 'View All', 'transacations'=> 'Transacations', 'contains' => 'Contains', 'cod' => 'COD', 'shipment_code' => 'Shipment Code', 'print_invoice' => 'Print Invoice', 'INVOICE' => 'INVOICE', 'DATE' => 'DATE', 'SHIPMENT_CODE' => 'SHIPMENT CODE', 'INVOICE_TO' => 'INVOICE TO', 'package_items' => 'Package Items', 'PAYMENT_TYPE' => 'PAYMENT TYPE', 'PAYMENT_STATUS' => 'PAYMENT STATUS', 'PAYMENT_DATE' => 'PAYMENT DATE', 'TOTAL_COST' => 'TOTAL COST', 'pending' => 'Pending', 'currency_name' => 'Currency name', 'currency_symbol' => 'Currency symbol', 'currency_code' => 'Currency code', 'exchange_rate' => 'Exchange Rate(1 USD = ?)', 'symbol' => 'Symbol', 'systemd_default_currency' => 'System Default Currency', 'manifest' => 'Manifest', 'manifest_missions' => 'Manifest Missions', 'manifest_date' => 'Manifest Date', 'get_ganifest' => 'Get Manifest', 'MANIFEST_MISSIONS' => 'MANIFEST MISSIONS', 'MANIFEST_DATE' => 'MANIFEST DATE', 'DRIVER' => 'DRIVER', 'print_manifest' => 'Print Manifest', 'get_all_shipments' => 'Get All Shipments', 'Endpoint' => 'Endpoint', 'NOTE' => 'NOTE', 'click_to_reGenerate_token' => 'Click To ReGenerate token', 'copy' => 'Copy', 'generating' => 'Generating...', 'copied' => 'copied', 'client_wallet_dashboard' => 'The amount you have on your wallet, Which you can request anytime', 'your_wallet' => 'Your Wallet', 'driver_wallet_dashboard' => 'The amount you have on your wallet, Which you should deliver to customer or company', 'latest_shipments' => 'Latest Shipments', 'drivers_wallet' => 'Drivers Wallet', 'wallet' => 'Wallet', 'drivers_custody' => 'Drivers custody', 'current_manifest' => 'Current Manifest', 'arrived' => 'Arrived', 'active_missions' => 'Active Missions', 'add_payment' => 'Add Payment', 'table' => [ '#' => '#', 'id' => 'ID', 'name' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'role' => 'Role', 'branch' => 'Branch', 'hours' => 'Hours', 'region' => 'Region', 'area' => 'Area', 'avatar' => 'Avatar', 'cost' => 'Cost', 'code' => 'Code', 'type' => 'Type', 'full_name' => 'Full name', 'owner_name' => 'Owner Name', 'owner_phone' => 'Owner Phone', 'password' => 'Password', 'owner_national_id' => 'Owner National ID', 'national_id' => 'National ID', 'choose_branch' => 'Choose Branch', 'choose_driver' => 'Choose Driver', 'follow_up_mobile' => 'Follow Up Mobile', 'follow_up_name' => 'Follow Up Name', 'address' => 'address', 'customer_source' => 'Customer Source', 'owner_type' => 'Owner Type', 'owner_name' => 'Owner Name', ], 'missions_costs' => 'Missions Costs', 'default_missions_costs' => 'Default Missions Costs', 'custom_pickup_cost' => 'Custom Pickup Cost', 'custom_supply_cost' => 'Custom Supply Cost', 'default_costs_for_the_first_kg' => 'Default Costs For The First kg', 'default_shipping_cost' => 'Default Shipping Cost', 'shipping_cost' => 'Shipping Cost', 'default_mile_cost' => 'Default Mile Cost', 'mile_cost' => 'Mile Cost', 'default_returned_mile_cost' => "Default Returned Mile Cost", 'fixed_mile_cost_Kg' => 'Fixed Mile Cost/Kg', 'fixed_returned_mile_cost_Kg' => 'Fixed Returned Mile Cost/Kg', 'default_tax' => 'Default Tax', 'default_insurance' => 'Default Insurance', 'default_returned_shipment_cost' => 'Default Returned Shipment Cost', 'extra_costs_for_kg' => 'Extra Costs For Kg', 'fixed_shipping_cost_Kg' => 'Fixed Shipping Cost/Kg', 'fixed_tax_Kg' => 'Fixed Tax/Kg', 'fixed_insurance_Kg' => 'Fixed Insurance/Kg', 'fixed_returned_shipment_cost_Kg' => 'Fixed Returned Shipment Cost/Kg', 'extra_fees_for_package_types' => 'Extra Fees for Package Types', 'extra_cost' => 'Extra Cost', 'default_shippment_cost_by_miles_or_fees' => 'Default Shippment Cost By Miles Or Fees', 'miles' => 'Miles', 'fees' => 'Fees', 'save_package_types_extra_fees' => 'Save Package Types Extra Fees', 'currencies' => 'Currencies', 'create_new_currency' => 'Create new currency', 'add_Currency' => 'Add currency', 'edit_currency' => 'Edit currency', 'selected_currencies' => 'selected currencies', 'staffs' => 'Staffs', 'staff' => 'Staff', 'all_staffs' => 'All Staffs', 'staff_list' => 'Staff list', 'create_new_staff' => 'Create new staff', 'add_staff' => 'Add staff', 'edit_staff' => 'Edit staff', 'selected_staffs' => 'selected staff', 'branches' => 'Branches', 'all_branches' => 'All Branches', 'branch_list' => 'Branch list', 'create_new_branch' => 'Create new branch', 'add_branch' => 'Add branch', 'edit_branch' => 'Edit branch', 'selected_branches' => 'selected branches', 'more_info' => 'More info', 'clients' => 'Customers', 'all_clients' => 'All Customers', 'client' => 'Customer', 'client_list' => 'Customer list', 'create_new_client' => 'Create new customer', 'add_client' => 'Add customer', 'edit_client' => 'Edit customer', 'selected_clients' => 'selected customers', 'add_new_address' => 'Add New Address', 'drivers' => 'Drivers', 'all_drivers' => 'All Drivers', 'driver' => 'Driver', 'driver_list' => 'Driver list', 'create_new_driver' => 'Create new driver', 'add_driver' => 'Add driver', 'edit_driver' => 'Edit driver', 'selected_drivers' => 'selected drivers', 'shipment_notifications_settings' => 'Shipment Notifications Settings', 'new_registeration' => 'New Registeration', 'system_administrators' => 'System administrators', 'users_roles' => 'Users roles', 'users' => 'Users', 'new_shipments' => 'New Shipments', 'sender' => 'Sender', 'assigned_driver' => 'Assigned Driver', 'update_shipments' => 'Update Shipments', 'new_driver' => 'New Driver', 'new_customer' => 'New Customer', 'new_staff' => 'New Staff', 'new_mission' => 'New Mission', 'mission_action' => 'Mission Action', 'shipment_action' => 'Shipment Action', 'aprroved_shipments' => 'Aprroved Shipments', 'rejected_shipments' => 'Rejected Shipments', 'assigned_shipments' => 'Assigned Shipments', 'driver_received' => 'Driver Received', 'delivered_shipments' => 'Delivered Shipments', 'supplied_shipments' => 'Supplied Shipments', 'request_returned_shipments' => 'Request Returned Shipments', 'returned_to_stock_shipments' => 'Returned to stock Shipments', 'returned_to_sender_shipments' => 'Returned to sender Shipments', 'There_is_a_new_driver_created' => 'There is a new driver created', 'There_is_a_new_shipment_created' => 'There is a new shipment created', 'There_is_a_new_customer_created' => 'There is a new customer created', 'There_is_approve_mission' => 'There is Approve mission', 'There_is_assign_mission' => 'There is Assign & Approve mission', 'There_is_update_shipment' => 'There is update shipment', 'There_is_a_new_mission_created' => 'There is a new mission created', 'There_is_an_updated_mission' => 'There is an updated mission', 'There_is_an_updated_shipment' => 'There is an updated shipment', 'payment_gateway' => 'Payment Gateway', 'thank_you_for_paying_the_shipping_cost' => 'Thank you for paying the shipping cost', 'back_to_dashboard' => 'Back To Dashboard', 'back_to_shipment' => 'Back To Shipment', 'to_receiver' =>'To Receiver', 'barcode_scanner' => 'Barcode Scanner', 'barcode' => 'Barcode', "cant_change_this_shipment" => "Can't Change This Shipment ", 'no_shipment_with_this_barcode' => 'No Shipment With This Barcode ', 'no_shipments_added' => 'No Shipments Added', 'branch' => 'Branch' , 'captain' => 'Captain', 'choose_captain' => 'Choose Captain ', 'value' => 'Value', 'choose_value' => 'Choose Value ', 'PICKUP_TYPE' => 'Pickup', 'DELIVERY_TYPE' => 'Delivery', 'RETURN_TYPE' => 'Return', 'SUPPLY_TYPE' => 'Supply', 'TRANSFER_TYPE' => 'Transfer', 'enter_your_tracking_code' => 'Enter your tracking code', 'example_SH00001' => 'Example: SH00001', 'search' => 'Search', 'widget_tracking' => [ 'section_title' => 'Widget title', 'section_bg' => 'Widget Background Color', 'section_title_color' => 'Widget Title Color', 'button_bg_color' => 'Button Background Color', 'display_Widget_title' => 'Display Widget Title', 'section_button_text_color' => 'Button Text Color', 'view_style' => 'View style', 'style_1' => 'Style 1', 'style_2' => 'Style 2', 'half_width' => 'Half Width', ], 'tracking_note' => 'For inquiries about your shipments, please contact us from', 'error_in_shipment_number' => 'Please check the shipping number you entered', 'tracking_shipment' => 'Tracking Shipment', 'current_status' => 'Current Status', 'created' => 'Created', 'section_title' => 'Widget title', 'widget_bg' => 'Widget Background Color', 'widget_color' => 'Widget Color', 'view_style' => 'View style', 'style_1' => 'Style 1', 'style_2' => 'Style 2', 'display' => 'Display', 'enter_ride_details' => 'Enter Ride Details', 'personal' => 'Personal', 'shipment_details' => 'Shipment Details', 'shipping_price_may_vary_depending_on_weight' => 'Shipping Price May Vary Depending On Weight', 'note_regarding_weight' => 'Note Regarding Weight', 'distance' => 'Distance', 'location' => 'Location', 'ride_details' => 'Ride Details', 'enter_valid_pickup_location' => 'Enter A Valid Pickup Location', 'enter_location' => 'Enter A Location', 'pickup_location' => 'Pickup location', 'dropoff_location' => 'Drop-off Location', 'enter_valid_dropoff_location' => 'Enter A Valid Drop-off Location', 'details' => 'Details', 'enter_valid_country' => 'Enter A Valid Country', 'select_country' => 'Select Country', 'select_country_first' => 'Select Country First', 'select_region_first' => 'Select Region First', 'package_details' => 'Package Details', 'TOTAL_DISTANCE' => 'TOTAL DISTANCE', 'TOTAL_TIME' => 'TOTAL TIME', 'TOTAL_PRICE' => 'TOTAL PRICE', 'SHIPPING_COST' => 'SHIPPING COST', 'TAX_COST' => 'TAX COST', 'INSURANCE_COST' => 'INSURANCE COST', 'TOTAL_COST' => 'TOTAL COST', 'Next_Step' => 'Next Step', 'previous' => 'Previous', 'client_sender_details' => 'Customer/Sender Details', 'do_you_have_account' => 'Do You Have Account ?', 'enter_a_valid_email' => 'Enter A Valid Email', 'the_email_is_already_exist' => 'The Email Is Already Exist', 'enter_a_email' => 'Enter A Email', 'enter_a_password' => 'Enter A Password', 'phone_number' => 'Phone Number', 'receiver_details' => 'Receiver Details', 'address_details' => 'Address Details', 'client_location' => 'Customer Location', 'calculating' => 'Calculating...', 'register' => 'Register', 'login' => 'Login', 'already_have_an_account' => 'Already have an account ?', 'tracking' => 'Tracking', 'shipment_calculator' => 'Shipment Calculator', 'error' => 'Error', 'manage_address' => 'Manage Address', 'create_a_new_account' => 'Create a New Account', 'terms_and_conditions' => 'I agree with the Terms and Conditions', 'reports' => 'Reports', 'shipments_report' => 'Shipments Report', 'missions_report' => 'Missions Report', 'transactions_report' => 'Transactions Report', 'branches_report' => 'Branches Report', 'clients_report' => 'Customers Report', 'drivers_report' => 'Drivers Report', 'ready_for_shipping' => 'Ready for shipping', 'in_Processing' => 'In Processing', 'moving_to_branch' => 'Moving to Branch', 'received_in_branch' => 'Received in Branch', 'out_for_delivery' => 'Out For Delivery', 'delivered' => 'Delivered', 'returned_to_merchant' => 'Returned To Merchant', 'please_enter_country_code' => 'Please Enter Country Code EX: +20', 'payment_failed' => 'Payment Failed', 'Invalid_phone_number' => 'Invalid Phone Number', 'set_default_addresses' => 'Set Default Address', 'send_app'=>'Send App', 'check_number_length' => 'The number of characters must be more than 8', 'support_codecanuon_1' => 'You Can Get Support Through CodeCanyon By ', 'support_codecanuon_2' => 'If You Have Purchased 6 Months Of Support as a Customer You Can Submit Support Ticket Or Simply Upgrade Your Support By Purchasing Another 6 Months, So That You Can Enjoy Instant Answers and Solutions.', 'click_here' => 'Click Here', 'send_email_support_1' => 'If You Have Any Questions, Please Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us Via Email At', 'send_email_support_2' => 'and We Will Be Happy To Assist You. Please Note That We May Have Response Times Of Up To Two Business Days', 'support_codecanuon_attention' => 'If you encounter any problem, you should create a ticket first by writing the full details of the problem you are facing, in addition to taking a screenshot of the error that appears on your screen. Our technical support team will provide you with the necessary assistance as soon as possible.', 'support' => 'Support Team', ];