toArray(); $sslcommerz_payment = json_decode($paymentSettings['sslcommerz_payment'], true); // if(Session::has('payment_type')){ // if(Session::get('payment_type') == 'cart_payment' || Session::get('payment_type') == 'wallet_payment'){ # IF SANDBOX TRUE, THEN IT WILL CONNECT WITH SSLCOMMERZ SANDBOX (TEST) SYSTEM if($sslcommerz_payment['sslcommerz_sandbox'] == 1){ define("SSLCZ_IS_SANDBOX", true); } else{ define("SSLCZ_IS_SANDBOX", false); } $this->setSSLCommerzMode((SSLCZ_IS_SANDBOX) ? 1 : 0); $this->store_id = $sslcommerz_payment['SSLCZ_STORE_ID']; $this->store_pass = $sslcommerz_payment['SSLCZ_STORE_PASSWD']; // } // elseif (Session::get('payment_type') == 'seller_payment') { // $seller = Seller::findOrFail(Session::get('payment_data')['seller_id']); // $this->setSSLCommerzMode((true) ? 1 : 0); // $this->store_id = $seller->ssl_store_id; // $this->store_pass = $seller->ssl_password; // } // } $this->sslc_submit_url = "https://" . $this->sslc_mode . ".sslcommerz.com/gwprocess/v3/api.php"; $this->sslc_validation_url = "https://" . $this->sslc_mode . ".sslcommerz.com/validator/api/validationserverAPI.php"; } public function initiate($post_data, $get_pay_options = false) { if ($post_data != '' && is_array($post_data)) { $post_data['store_id'] = $this->store_id; $post_data['store_passwd'] = $this->store_pass; $load_sslc = $this->sendRequest($post_data); if ($load_sslc) { if (isset($this->sslc_data['status']) && $this->sslc_data['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { if (!$get_pay_options) { if (isset($this->sslc_data['GatewayPageURL']) && $this->sslc_data['GatewayPageURL'] != '') { //header("Location: " . $this->sslc_data['GatewayPageURL']); echo " "; exit; } else { $this->error = "No redirect URL found!"; return $this->error; } } else { $options = array(); # VISA GATEWAY if (isset($this->sslc_data['gw']['visa']) && $this->sslc_data['gw']['visa'] != "") { $sslcz_visa = explode(",", $this->sslc_data['gw']['visa']); foreach ($sslcz_visa as $gw_value) { if ($gw_value == 'dbbl_visa') { //$options['cards'][0]['name'] = "DBBL VISA"; //$options['cards'][0]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'brac_visa') { //$options['cards'][1]['name'] = "BRAC VISA"; //$options['visa'][1]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'city_visa') { //$options['cards'][2]['name'] = "CITY VISA"; //$options['cards'][2]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'ebl_visa') { //$options['cards'][3]['name'] = "EBL VISA"; //$options['cards'][3]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'visacard') { $options['cards'][4]['name'] = "VISA"; $options['cards'][4]['link'] = "
"; } } } # END OF VISA # MASTER GATEWAY if (isset($this->sslc_data['gw']['master']) && $this->sslc_data['gw']['master'] != "") { $sslcz_visa = explode(",", $this->sslc_data['gw']['master']); foreach ($sslcz_visa as $gw_value) { if ($gw_value == 'dbbl_master') { //$options['cards'][5]['name'] = "DBBL MASTER"; //$options['cards'][5]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'brac_master') { //$options['cards'][6]['name'] = "BRAC MASTER"; //$options['master'][6]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'city_master') { //$options['cards'][7]['name'] = "CITY MASTER"; //$options['cards'][7]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'ebl_master') { //$options['cards'][8]['name'] = "EBL MASTER"; //$options['cards'][8]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'mastercard') { $options['cards'][9]['name'] = "MASTER"; $options['cards'][9]['link'] = "
"; } } } # END OF MASTER # AMEX GATEWAY if (isset($this->sslc_data['gw']['amex']) && $this->sslc_data['gw']['amex'] != "") { $sslcz_visa = explode(",", $this->sslc_data['gw']['amex']); foreach ($sslcz_visa as $gw_value) { if ($gw_value == 'city_amex') { $options['cards'][10]['name'] = "AMEX"; $options['cards'][10]['link'] = "
"; } } } # END OF AMEX # OTHER CARDS GATEWAY if (isset($this->sslc_data['gw']['othercards']) && $this->sslc_data['gw']['othercards'] != "") { $sslcz_visa = explode(",", $this->sslc_data['gw']['othercards']); foreach ($sslcz_visa as $gw_value) { if ($gw_value == 'dbbl_nexus') { $options['others'][0]['name'] = "NEXUS"; $options['others'][0]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'qcash') { $options['others'][1]['name'] = "QCASH"; $options['others'][1]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'fastcash') { $options['others'][2]['name'] = "FASTCASH"; $options['others'][2]['link'] = "
"; } } } # END OF OTHER CARDS # INTERNET BANKING GATEWAY if (isset($this->sslc_data['gw']['internetbanking']) && $this->sslc_data['gw']['internetbanking'] != "") { $sslcz_visa = explode(",", $this->sslc_data['gw']['internetbanking']); foreach ($sslcz_visa as $gw_value) { if ($gw_value == 'city') { $options['internet'][0]['name'] = "CITYTOUCH"; $options['internet'][0]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'bankasia') { $options['internet'][1]['name'] = "BANK ASIA"; $options['internet'][1]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'ibbl') { $options['internet'][2]['name'] = "IBBL"; $options['internet'][2]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'mtbl') { $options['internet'][3]['name'] = "MTBL"; $options['internet'][3]['link'] = "
"; } } } # END OF INTERNET BANKING # MOBILE BANKING GATEWAY if (isset($this->sslc_data['gw']['mobilebanking']) && $this->sslc_data['gw']['mobilebanking'] != "") { $sslcz_visa = explode(",", $this->sslc_data['gw']['mobilebanking']); foreach ($sslcz_visa as $gw_value) { if ($gw_value == 'dbblmobilebanking') { $options['mobile'][0]['name'] = "DBBL MOBILE BANKING"; $options['mobile'][0]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'bkash') { $options['mobile'][1]['name'] = "Bkash"; $options['mobile'][1]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'abbank') { $options['mobile'][2]['name'] = "AB Direct"; $options['mobile'][2]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'ibbl') { $options['mobile'][3]['name'] = "IBBL"; $options['mobile'][3]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'mycash') { $options['mobile'][4]['name'] = "MYCASH"; $options['mobile'][4]['link'] = "
"; } if ($gw_value == 'ific') { $options['mobile'][5]['name'] = "IFIC"; $options['mobile'][5]['link'] = "
"; } } } # END OF MOBILE BANKING return $options; } } else { $this->error = "Invalid Credential!"; return $this->error; } } else { $this->error = "Connectivity Issue. Please contact your sslcommerz manager"; return $this->error; } } else { $msg = "Please provide a valid information list about transaction with transaction id, amount, success url, fail url, cancel url, store id and pass at least"; $this->error = $msg; return false; } } public function orderValidate($trx_id = '', $amount = 0, $currency = "BDT", $post_data) { if ($post_data == '' && $trx_id == '' && !is_array($post_data)) { $this->error = "Please provide valid transaction ID and post request data"; return $this->error; } $validation = $this->validate($trx_id, $amount, $currency, $post_data); if ($validation) { return true; } else { return false; } } # SEND CURL REQUEST protected function sendRequest($data) { $handle = curl_init(); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $this->sslc_submit_url); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); if (SSLCZ_IS_LOCAL_HOST) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); // Its default value is now 2 curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); } $content = curl_exec($handle); $code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($code == 200 && !(curl_errno($handle))) { curl_close($handle); $sslcommerzResponse = $content; # PARSE THE JSON RESPONSE $this->sslc_data = json_decode($sslcommerzResponse, true); return $this; } else { curl_close($handle); $msg = "FAILED TO CONNECT WITH SSLCOMMERZ API"; $this->error = $msg; return false; } } # SET SSLCOMMERZ PAYMENT MODE - LIVE OR TEST protected function setSSLCommerzMode($test) { if ($test) { $this->sslc_mode = "sandbox"; } else { $this->sslc_mode = "securepay"; } } # VALIDATE SSLCOMMERZ TRANSACTION protected function validate($merchant_trans_id, $merchant_trans_amount, $merchant_trans_currency, $post_data) { # MERCHANT SYSTEM INFO if ($merchant_trans_id != "" && $merchant_trans_amount != 0) { # CALL THE FUNCTION TO CHECK THE RESUKT $post_data['store_id'] = $this->store_id; $post_data['store_pass'] = $this->store_pass; if ($this->SSLCOMMERZ_hash_varify($this->store_pass, $post_data)) { $val_id = urlencode($post_data['val_id']); $store_id = urlencode($this->store_id); $store_passwd = urlencode($this->store_pass); $requested_url = ($this->sslc_validation_url . "?val_id=" . $val_id . "&store_id=" . $store_id . "&store_passwd=" . $store_passwd . "&v=1&format=json"); $handle = curl_init(); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $requested_url); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); if (SSLCZ_IS_LOCAL_HOST) { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } else { curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);// Its default value is now 2 curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); } $result = curl_exec($handle); $code = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($code == 200 && !(curl_errno($handle))) { # TO CONVERT AS ARRAY # $result = json_decode($result, true); # $status = $result['status']; # TO CONVERT AS OBJECT $result = json_decode($result); $this->sslc_data = $result; # TRANSACTION INFO $status = $result->status; $tran_date = $result->tran_date; $tran_id = $result->tran_id; $val_id = $result->val_id; $amount = $result->amount; $store_amount = $result->store_amount; $bank_tran_id = $result->bank_tran_id; $card_type = $result->card_type; $currency_type = $result->currency_type; $currency_amount = $result->currency_amount; # ISSUER INFO $card_no = $result->card_no; $card_issuer = $result->card_issuer; $card_brand = $result->card_brand; $card_issuer_country = $result->card_issuer_country; $card_issuer_country_code = $result->card_issuer_country_code; # API AUTHENTICATION $APIConnect = $result->APIConnect; $validated_on = $result->validated_on; $gw_version = $result->gw_version; # GIVE SERVICE if ($status == "VALID" || $status == "VALIDATED") { if ($merchant_trans_currency == "BDT") { if (trim($merchant_trans_id) == trim($tran_id) && (abs($merchant_trans_amount - $amount) < 1) && trim($merchant_trans_currency) == trim('BDT')) { return true; } else { # DATA TEMPERED $this->error = "Data has been tempered"; return false; } } else { //echo "trim($merchant_trans_id) == trim($tran_id) && ( abs($merchant_trans_amount-$currency_amount) < 1 ) && trim($merchant_trans_currency)==trim($currency_type)"; if (trim($merchant_trans_id) == trim($tran_id) && (abs($merchant_trans_amount - $currency_amount) < 1) && trim($merchant_trans_currency) == trim($currency_type)) { return true; } else { # DATA TEMPERED $this->error = "Data has been tempered"; return false; } } } else { # FAILED TRANSACTION $this->error = "Failed Transaction"; return false; } } else { # Failed to connect with SSLCOMMERZ $this->error = "Faile to connect with SSLCOMMERZ"; return false; } } else { # Hash validation failed $this->error = "Hash validation failed"; return false; } } else { # INVALID DATA $this->error = "Invalid data"; return false; } } # FUNCTION TO CHECK HASH VALUE protected function SSLCOMMERZ_hash_varify($store_passwd = "", $post_data) { if (isset($post_data) && isset($post_data['verify_sign']) && isset($post_data['verify_key'])) { # NEW ARRAY DECLARED TO TAKE VALUE OF ALL POST $pre_define_key = explode(',', $post_data['verify_key']); $new_data = array(); if (!empty($pre_define_key)) { foreach ($pre_define_key as $value) { if (isset($post_data[$value])) { $new_data[$value] = ($post_data[$value]); } } } # ADD MD5 OF STORE PASSWORD $new_data['store_passwd'] = md5($store_passwd); # SORT THE KEY AS BEFORE ksort($new_data); $hash_string = ""; foreach ($new_data as $key => $value) { $hash_string .= $key . '=' . ($value) . '&'; } $hash_string = rtrim($hash_string, '&'); if (md5($hash_string) == $post_data['verify_sign']) { return true; } else { $this->error = "Verification signature not matched"; return false; } } else { $this->error = 'Required data mission. ex: verify_key, verify_sign'; return false; } } # FUNCTION TO GET IMAGES FROM WEB protected function _get_image($gw = "", $source = array()) { $logo = ""; if (!empty($source) && isset($source['desc'])) { foreach ($source['desc'] as $key => $volume) { if (isset($volume['gw']) && $volume['gw'] == $gw) { if (isset($volume['logo'])) { $logo = str_replace("/gw/", "/gw1/", $volume['logo']); break; } } } return $logo; } else { return ""; } } public function getResultData() { return $this->sslc_data; } }