name = [ 'en' => 'Posts Section', 'ar' => 'Posts Section' ]; // you must be define name before run parent construct parent::__construct(); $this->viewStyles = [ [ 'id' => 'one_block_and_more_side', 'name' => __('blog::view.widget_post.one_block_and_more_side'), ], [ 'id' => 'side_image_blocks', 'name' => __('blog::view.widget_post.side_image_blocks'), ], [ 'id' => 'timeline_post_list', 'name' => __('blog::view.widget_post.timeline_post_list'), ], [ 'id' => 'half_width_blocks', 'name' => __('blog::view.widget_post.half_width_blocks'), ], ]; $this->postOrderTypes = [ [ 'id' => 'latest', 'name' => __('blog::view.widget_post.order_post_types.latest'), ], [ 'id' => 'most_commented', 'name' => __('blog::view.widget_post.order_post_types.most_commented'), ], [ 'id' => 'random', 'name' => __('blog::view.widget_post.order_post_types.random'), ], ]; } /** * View form in admin page. * * @param array $oldData * @return View */ public function form($oldData = [], $id = null) { $adminTheme = env('ADMIN_THEME', 'adminLte');return view('blog::'.$adminTheme.'.widgets.post.form')->with([ 'id' => $id, 'oldData' => $oldData, 'viewStyles' => $this->viewStyles, 'postOrderTypes' => $this->postOrderTypes, ]); } /** * View in frontend page (in sidebar). * * @return View */ public function view($id, $data) { $viewStyle = $data['view_style']; $query_posts = PostModel::showInFront()->withCount('comments')->with('creator')->limit($data['posts_count']); if ($data['posts_order'] == 'most_commented') { $query_posts->orderBy('comments_count', 'desc'); } else if ($data['posts_order'] == 'random') { $query_posts->inRandomOrder(); } else if ($data['posts_order'] == 'latest') { $query_posts->orderBy('publish_on', 'desc'); } else { $query_posts->orderBy('publish_on', 'desc'); } $posts = $query_posts->get(); $collection_posts = collect(PostLiteResource::collection($posts))->toArray(); $adminTheme = env('ADMIN_THEME', 'adminLte');return view('blog::'.$adminTheme.'.widgets.post.view-styles.' . $viewStyle)->with([ 'id' => $id, 'data' => $data, 'posts' => $collection_posts, ]); } /** * Maping data * map data for passing to validation and store or update method * @param array $request * @return array */ public function mapData($request, $id = null) { $request['display_rating'] = isset($request['display_rating']) ? 1 : 0; $request['display_category'] = isset($request['display_category']) ? 1 : 0; $request['display_load_posts_button'] = isset($request['display_load_posts_button']) ? 1 : 0; return $request; } /** * Handle creating data * * Run this method when clicked on save when create new widget * here handle and map your data to save in database * examples: * upload image. * * @param collection $widget -> old object data from database * @param array $request -> form data * @return array */ public function store($request) { return $request; } /** * Handle update data * * Run this method when clicked on save * here handle and map your data to save in database * examples: * upload image. * @param collection $widget -> old object data from database * @param array $request -> form data * @return array */ public function update($widget, $request) { return $request; } /** * Validation data (Run automatically) * * Remove it if you need not apply validations * Use it when you need make validation in your data form * @param array $data * @return array|boolean */ public function validation($data, $id = null) { $lang = \LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale(); $validation = Validator::make($data, [ 'section_title' => 'required|array', 'section_title.'.$lang => 'required|string|max:40', 'view_style' => 'required|string|in:' . collect($this->viewStyles)->implode('id', ','), 'posts_order' => 'required|string|in:' . collect($this->postOrderTypes)->implode('id', ','), 'posts_count' => 'required|integer|max:10', 'display_rating' => 'nullable|boolean', 'display_category' => 'nullable|boolean', 'display_load_posts_button' => 'nullable|boolean', ]); // validate data if ($validation->fails()) { return $validation->errors(); } else { return true; } } }